Lawful Good. Geek. Multifandom. Movies, TV shows and Games. I've written some fanfiction, feedback is appreciated!
785 posts
No Place For Promises

no place for promises
chapter 31: a vengeful heart
Warnings: / (heed tags for further information)
You can read it on AO3
“What are we looking for again?” Jordan asks, one hand around his third coffee, the other propping up his head. They’re sitting in his dad’s hospital room for a good two hours already. They didn’t start their research immediately. Instead, his dad wanted to know absolutely everything that had happened in Eichen House. When Stiles tells him that he wants to set Peter free, it took his dad a long time to answer. Obviously, he was not happy with the idea. Neither was Jordan. However, in the end, they both accepted his decision - after Stiles told him about all the encounters he had with Peter, including the time he offered him the bite and accepted his decision not to take it.
It’s hard to tell what went through his father’s head the moment he learned about it, but it seemed to be the critical detail that swayed his dad’s decision.
Stiles raises his phone and looks at Theo’s text message again. “A human chimera. Everything’s possible from microchimerism due to pregnancy, to a transplant, and Vanishing Twin Syndrome.” Stiles frowns, biting down on the inside of his cheek for a second, hating the thought that anybody could be a victim, even a pregnant woman, because that means the list just got a lot longer. “Mostly, they choose high-risk victims.” Probably to leave less of a trail to follow, even though Hayden doesn’t quite fit the bill. She is the sister of a police deputy. Then again, Valerie was angry, but not noticeably surprised about Hayden vanishing for a few days. Maybe it didn’t happen the first time. Maybe he misjudged her, and she used to run away from home. “They usually take teenagers or young adults because they have a better risk of survival. But they might take an adult if they think they’re worth their time.” With a sigh, Stiles drops his phone in his lap, wishing Theo could be here right now. Maybe he would notice things they are overlooking. But he doesn’t want to push Theo onto Jordan and his dad, and it’s probably better if they spend time apart, especially considering they’ll be together for the rest of the weekend.
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Thank you so much @msmischief101 and @mercheswan ! Sending love to you guys too!
Tagging @bluephoenixrises @auriette @sunel0 @fandomslash @athenadark , thank you for being you!
Because of the recent fuckery happening, I would like to start a thread where we just tag our favourite people! I’ll start!
tagged by @evanesdust thank you 🥺💞 dncjjdjd
i’m tagging @samslave @dylanholyhellobrien @parker-potter @bitch-banshee @samstaylor @moongoddesskiana @fan-child @roseisreallytired @roscoeknows @shelinski-91 @sterekficrecs @the-cookie-of-doom @hormmm @writingsbychlo @ssmirk @tete-futue @judsonryder @alexa-alcantara @stiles-o-dylan24 @lettersofwrittencollective @scilesbutt @xceafh @fanfictionfridge @clotpolesonly @jetpacklag @msmischief101 @ronance-dingus @wolfmadefromash @daisyxbuckley
i know there is more than likely people that i missed so i’m sorry but you’re still in my heart 💞

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