Steve Cobs - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

massive doodle dump from an Inanimate Insanity whiteboard on Ao3. Spoilers are under the cut, otherwise your all safe!! :3

My signature is “Bird”.

Massive Doodle Dump From An Inanimate Insanity Whiteboard On Ao3. Spoilers Are Under The Cut, Otherwise
Massive Doodle Dump From An Inanimate Insanity Whiteboard On Ao3. Spoilers Are Under The Cut, Otherwise
Massive Doodle Dump From An Inanimate Insanity Whiteboard On Ao3. Spoilers Are Under The Cut, Otherwise
Massive Doodle Dump From An Inanimate Insanity Whiteboard On Ao3. Spoilers Are Under The Cut, Otherwise
Massive Doodle Dump From An Inanimate Insanity Whiteboard On Ao3. Spoilers Are Under The Cut, Otherwise
Massive Doodle Dump From An Inanimate Insanity Whiteboard On Ao3. Spoilers Are Under The Cut, Otherwise
Massive Doodle Dump From An Inanimate Insanity Whiteboard On Ao3. Spoilers Are Under The Cut, Otherwise
Massive Doodle Dump From An Inanimate Insanity Whiteboard On Ao3. Spoilers Are Under The Cut, Otherwise
Massive Doodle Dump From An Inanimate Insanity Whiteboard On Ao3. Spoilers Are Under The Cut, Otherwise
Massive Doodle Dump From An Inanimate Insanity Whiteboard On Ao3. Spoilers Are Under The Cut, Otherwise
Massive Doodle Dump From An Inanimate Insanity Whiteboard On Ao3. Spoilers Are Under The Cut, Otherwise
Massive Doodle Dump From An Inanimate Insanity Whiteboard On Ao3. Spoilers Are Under The Cut, Otherwise
Massive Doodle Dump From An Inanimate Insanity Whiteboard On Ao3. Spoilers Are Under The Cut, Otherwise
Massive Doodle Dump From An Inanimate Insanity Whiteboard On Ao3. Spoilers Are Under The Cut, Otherwise
Massive Doodle Dump From An Inanimate Insanity Whiteboard On Ao3. Spoilers Are Under The Cut, Otherwise
Massive Doodle Dump From An Inanimate Insanity Whiteboard On Ao3. Spoilers Are Under The Cut, Otherwise
Massive Doodle Dump From An Inanimate Insanity Whiteboard On Ao3. Spoilers Are Under The Cut, Otherwise
Massive Doodle Dump From An Inanimate Insanity Whiteboard On Ao3. Spoilers Are Under The Cut, Otherwise
Massive Doodle Dump From An Inanimate Insanity Whiteboard On Ao3. Spoilers Are Under The Cut, Otherwise
Massive Doodle Dump From An Inanimate Insanity Whiteboard On Ao3. Spoilers Are Under The Cut, Otherwise
Massive Doodle Dump From An Inanimate Insanity Whiteboard On Ao3. Spoilers Are Under The Cut, Otherwise
Massive Doodle Dump From An Inanimate Insanity Whiteboard On Ao3. Spoilers Are Under The Cut, Otherwise
Massive Doodle Dump From An Inanimate Insanity Whiteboard On Ao3. Spoilers Are Under The Cut, Otherwise

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6 months ago

// ii 16 spoilers

Like father like son

// Ii 16 Spoilers

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6 months ago




They all 'died' surrounded by somewhat loved ones. People knew they 'died'.

But toilet?


He was alone. Nobody knows he's 'dead'.



( @kutiekirby )

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8 months ago

Who tf calling me?

Hhh yeah take this inside joke with a friend I did. I'm still crying that I put so much time and effort into this

Who Tf Calling Me?

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6 months ago

Rambles TW:[ii 16]

Mephone is just a kid. Now before I get people going in my comments trying to say "oh Applin! You're infantilizing him!". No I'm not. Please hear me out.

Let's be honest,Mephone as a character has lost his childhood from the very beginning since he was made. Cobs neglected him, emotionally and physically manipulated him.

What I am trying to say is yes Mephone is an adult. However even adults can still be childish. That's HIS coping mechanism. The SHOW is HIS coping mechanism. He's trying to somehow fill the holes and gaps caused by Cobs instead with this coping mechanism.

Cobs though, is using the fact and the knowledge that he knows Mephone is "childish" at heart. He is weaponising Mephone's OWN COPING MECHANISM against him.In order to GET Mephone to come BACK to Meeple.

Do I believe Mephone "created" everyone? No I don't. I believe that yes Mephone created perhaps the settings and the atmosphere/props ect. But he did NOT create the contestants. I will tell you this with a fact. Just because we saw suitcase and knife glitch physically, that can still be metaphorical. A metaphor for how Knife and suitcase are now doubting themselves, they are considering Cob's words in a way. They are doubting how much they know about MEPHONE. How much Mephone hasn't told them everything completely yet.

I mean a notable thing is also on Mephone' wiki it describes his mentality "Out of sight, out of mind". Cobs USES THAT during ii 16 purposely. There are words there thrown in such as "regression" ect.

Cobs is yet again destroying Mephone's coping mechanism here when he was ON THE WAY to RECOVERY. Because how can Cobs make more profit, if Mephone4 isn't crumbled down to a state where he is impulsive.Making it easier to manipulate him.

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6 months ago

The fact that I predicted this ironically is funny as fuck.

Who tf calling me?

Hhh yeah take this inside joke with a friend I did. I'm still crying that I put so much time and effort into this

Who Tf Calling Me?

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5 months ago

I had math lessons and since i was so bored i thought of this and now i need answers

I Had Math Lessons And Since I Was So Bored I Thought Of This And Now I Need Answers

Please say the joke is funny-

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5 months ago

@peck2neck hey check out your favorite guy

Liked Commented And Subscribed

Liked commented and subscribed

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1 year ago


edit: i got it


Shout Out to my bestie rogueolight for loudly talking about matpat mpreg in class and showing me steve cobs x matpat mpreg image. i hated it

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5 months ago

HOOLLY SHIT EVERYONE LOOK AT THIS BAANGGEERRRRRRRRR. Usual plantgardenmania peaker, get them my hounds

Which One Of You Was Made To WIN..?

Which one of you was made to WIN..?

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5 months ago

So. I have some things to say about this scene, and in particular this piece of dialogue between the finalist duo and cobs.

So. I Have Some Things To Say About This Scene, And In Particular This Piece Of Dialogue Between The
So. I Have Some Things To Say About This Scene, And In Particular This Piece Of Dialogue Between The
So. I Have Some Things To Say About This Scene, And In Particular This Piece Of Dialogue Between The
So. I Have Some Things To Say About This Scene, And In Particular This Piece Of Dialogue Between The
So. I Have Some Things To Say About This Scene, And In Particular This Piece Of Dialogue Between The

I've been thinking about how inherently unsettling the way cobs says this is - "you both are safe", "there has to be a winner". cobs basically views the show as if he was the one who made it, and treats the contestants like characters. he has shown through 'killing' the contestants that he does not see them as real people, and acts like he’s the show’s... producer or director, toying with/manipulating MePhone and seeing himself as pulling the strings behind the curtain. Brian Koch said during one of his livestreams that he even has favorite 'characters' (Knife and Cheesy), which just dehumanizes them more.

So the fact that Cobs is talking about how he basically has plans for the season finale, to give it a ‘proper ending’ - plans for Knife and Suitcase, when he doesn't even view them as real and simply as just an extension of MePhone's immature nature, cannot mean anything good. He's keeping them both 'safe' only to finish the show, which who KNOWS how he intends to end it!! Maybe he hangs the finalists and the other contestants' safety over MePhone's head, blackmailing him into coming back to Meeple Headquarters. Maybe he pits the finalists against each other in some messed up way, maybe even violent! Maybe he manipulates the duo into being infuriated at mephone, and he leverages that anger against him. Would he even let them go back to the hotel?? They're stuck in Meeple Headquarters basically, stuck with HIM.

Cobs is essentially showing that he is in control now, that he intends to end the show HIS way. He even explicitly SAID that the only reason they aren’t in danger (from MePhoneX) was because there 'has to be a winner'. And for me that just gives off extremely Unsettling Vibes.

Idk if this makes any sense - basically, the knifecase duo are probably in trouble, and I am ANXIOUS to see what cobs is cooking up for them.

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1 year ago
Steven Save Mestevensave Me Steven

steven save me steven save me steven

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1 year ago
Guys Did You Hear That Steve Jobs Died Of Ligma. The First Thing That Popped Into My Head When I Finished

guys did you hear that steve jobs died of ligma. the first thing that popped into my head when I finished drawing this was dr. octavius brine from penguins of madagascar. that and austin powers for some reason.

this is why we cant have nice things.

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6 months ago

steve cobs jumpscare

Steve Cobs Jumpscare

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5 months ago

And the third!

(Listen you've had two warnings already how are you missing these-)

And The Third!

The MeCloud folk! We start off with a good'un - one of my bingo squares checked off! Knife throwing punches at Cobs, ya love to see it!

And The Third!


Yeah I maybe screamed at this, I forgot for half a second that Suitcase tends to hallucinate, and I genuinely thought Knife had just murdered her (more than likely he just gave her a hug or was trying to shake her out of her hallucinations but. Shit dude.)

The whole scene following this was INSANE too - Suitcase's fears that she'll no longer be "useful" to Mephone after the show? Her unwillingness to die?? A PERFECT parallel to the later scenes.

And The Third!

I also really appreciate that Knife seems to be the "weaker" one in this situation! Suitcase has come to terms with the fact that she's not real; she's willing to do anything to stop Cobs at this point, even if it means sacrificing herself! She WANTS to save her fellow contestants, and sees value in them! Knife on the other hand? He can't seem to grasp it yet. He's in denial, yet also seems to have just.. given up. He doesn't care what happens anymore; just wants to "win" and get this all over with. That's all he was built to do, right?

The parallels here are just scrumptious, I LOVE THESE TWO SO MUCH 😭😭

And The Third!
And The Third!
And The Third!
And The Third!

Moving onto the plot twist! I had a feeling the fight would've gone this way, and honestly? I loved every second of it. Them calling out eachothers' insecurities, dealing (literal, in some case) low blows? And then spinning it around on Cobs, showing how naïve he actually is? Shows just how little he knows about their friendship. They are a PERFECT duo, through and through.

And The Third!
And The Third!

NOT TO MENTION?? Knife yet again being there to support Suitcase; them both coming to terms with the fact that this is it, they're both going to die. Deleted out of existence without a trace. They're more than willing if it means stopping Cobs, which is just. This scene is SO powerful, and a PERFECT note for the show to go out on.

In the end, they didn't win the show, but they both definitely won the fight.

And The Third!

...Even if it means they're no longer here.

(Final post on some loose ends + death scenes next! Thanks for sticking around to listen to my rambles! 💙)

So I've been compiling images (and composing myself), I think I'm ready to give my two cents. This'll be broken up into parts because only 10 images per post, so look forward to uh.. a lot! :,)


So I've Been Compiling Images (and Composing Myself), I Think I'm Ready To Give My Two Cents. This'll

We're starting with the Purgatory Mansion crew! And ohhh holy FUCK do I have a lot to say about them. First of all just. Fuck. God. Fan rambling during Test Tube's death, trying to keep himself composed?? And his denial of her death, just.. broke me. Painty having to be the one to snap him back into reality and TELL him that she's dead?? AUGHHHH 😭😭


So I've Been Compiling Images (and Composing Myself), I Think I'm Ready To Give My Two Cents. This'll
So I've Been Compiling Images (and Composing Myself), I Think I'm Ready To Give My Two Cents. This'll
So I've Been Compiling Images (and Composing Myself), I Think I'm Ready To Give My Two Cents. This'll
So I've Been Compiling Images (and Composing Myself), I Think I'm Ready To Give My Two Cents. This'll


So I've Been Compiling Images (and Composing Myself), I Think I'm Ready To Give My Two Cents. This'll

Okay I just. I genuinely this this was THE most gut-wrenching scene of II. Period. FUCKING PROPS TO JAZZY MOTHERFUCKING OLIVER CAN I LIKE. MARRY HER?? (/PLATONIC)

Okay so if y'all know me I'm pretty sure you know by now Paintbrush is my favourite OSC character. EVER. Their entire arc, their story, it just. It means so, so much to me. They're the entire reason I discovered I was nonbinary in the first place. They helped me find ways of dealing with anger in a healthy way. This fuckin' paintbrush has done more for me than I think.. ANY other fictional character in the history of ever?? This scene?? I genuinely nearly threw up from how hard I was sobbing.

Also can I just say how glad I am that Jazzy is voicing Paintbrush?? Like I don't think I've mentioned this enough but her vocal skills in this scene were PHENOMINAL and she SERIOUSLY did Painty justice. Good lord when they started crying I screamed out loud. Just. Lightbulb sacrificing herself for them, the whole "you need to be the leader now" thing?? Painty sitting there whilst all their friends die around them and they just have to sit there?? They can do nothing about it?? FUCK.

So I've Been Compiling Images (and Composing Myself), I Think I'm Ready To Give My Two Cents. This'll
So I've Been Compiling Images (and Composing Myself), I Think I'm Ready To Give My Two Cents. This'll
So I've Been Compiling Images (and Composing Myself), I Think I'm Ready To Give My Two Cents. This'll

Them trying so hard to fight for her?? To SAVE her?? I just. I can't.

So I've Been Compiling Images (and Composing Myself), I Think I'm Ready To Give My Two Cents. This'll

Not to mention just. This. Fuck. I'm a hardcore lightbrush shipper through and through so to me this is the equivalent of a child just trying to support their parent through the death of the other parent, but. Even if you see them platonically this hits DEEP. Their best friend, their rock, the silly to their serious, just died in front of them. The only things remaining being her lifeless corpse and a crab that she once gifted to them in memory of their friendship. Plus the symbolism of their flame dying out when Lightbulb dies?? BECAUSE THEY HAVE NOTHING LEFT TO FIGHT FOR?? ADAM ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME.

Yeah can you tell I love these guys?? (I'd post the image of Painty BEGGING Bow to tell them how to get back from death, but 10 images per post limit fucked me over :P)

(Hotel folk next!)

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