Steve Critical - Tumblr Posts
hey i was just going through your 2018 bingo fills, and j was wondering- and i truly mean this out of curiosity not compatively- your writing doesn't tend to always reflect well on Steve. Not that that's a bad thing, everyone has preferences obviously, but I was just wondering if there was a specific reason for that?? Like one specific reason why you don't like Steve's character or if he's just a convenient "bad guy"??
First of all, I just opened my inbox and saw your list of reviews and oh wow thank you that was amazing to find!

Second, Steve… He’s tricky for me, to be honest. I like the idea of him, the way he was intended to be - good, and just, and willing to fight what’s wrong. And in some stories, that’s what I focus on.
But a lot of the time, I look at the decisions the MCU had him make, the bad decisions, and the way he’s still framed as being what he was intended to be. He faces few, if any, true consequences for his actions. And after all of those decisions, he’s still there, righteous and stubborn and determined to think the best hands are his own, and that just about makes me scream.
Some of the time, he’s a convenient obstacle, because it’s very easy to imagine that righteousness going wrong the way I feel it did in canon. And some of the time, it’s that frustration with him that shines through.
I like what Steve was supposed to be, but I think Marvel did him wrong. And sometimes I use that characterization rather than the one they’d intended, because I want to work through that frustration or because I need someone to be the obstacle. And as much as I don’t like him, even in those cases, he’s a convenient obstacle exactly because he means well. He adds some conflict into a story, but in most of the stories where he is, he’s called out on it and tries to do better instead.
I hope this answered your question :) And thank you, so much, for reading and reviewing and being interested. You honestly made my day!