Writing, creativity, plenty of issues. Likes Tony Stark a lot. Commonly nicknamed either Eir or Lys. You can find my fics on Ao3 as well.
396 posts
Hey I Was Just Going Through Your 2018 Bingo Fills, And J Was Wondering- And I Truly Mean This Out Of
hey i was just going through your 2018 bingo fills, and j was wondering- and i truly mean this out of curiosity not compatively- your writing doesn't tend to always reflect well on Steve. Not that that's a bad thing, everyone has preferences obviously, but I was just wondering if there was a specific reason for that?? Like one specific reason why you don't like Steve's character or if he's just a convenient "bad guy"??
First of all, I just opened my inbox and saw your list of reviews and oh wow thank you that was amazing to find!

Second, Steve… He’s tricky for me, to be honest. I like the idea of him, the way he was intended to be - good, and just, and willing to fight what’s wrong. And in some stories, that’s what I focus on.
But a lot of the time, I look at the decisions the MCU had him make, the bad decisions, and the way he’s still framed as being what he was intended to be. He faces few, if any, true consequences for his actions. And after all of those decisions, he’s still there, righteous and stubborn and determined to think the best hands are his own, and that just about makes me scream.
Some of the time, he’s a convenient obstacle, because it’s very easy to imagine that righteousness going wrong the way I feel it did in canon. And some of the time, it’s that frustration with him that shines through.
I like what Steve was supposed to be, but I think Marvel did him wrong. And sometimes I use that characterization rather than the one they’d intended, because I want to work through that frustration or because I need someone to be the obstacle. And as much as I don’t like him, even in those cases, he’s a convenient obstacle exactly because he means well. He adds some conflict into a story, but in most of the stories where he is, he’s called out on it and tries to do better instead.
I hope this answered your question :) And thank you, so much, for reading and reviewing and being interested. You honestly made my day!
keepingitlow-key liked this · 5 years ago
ad1thi liked this · 5 years ago
More Posts from Eirlyssa

Day 7 - DUM-E!
One of my favs - prompt from the discord fam
Whumptober day 6 - Dragged Away
My sixth fill for @whumptober2019 - another soft one. I think I might be doing Whumptober wrong? xD Also available on Ao3.
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No matter what Rhodey, or Pepper, or JARVIS, or Bucky, or the other Avengers, or the entirety of Stark Industries, or even Past Tony thought, sleep-deprived Tony was brilliant.
Okay, so things exploded sometimes, and some of his ideas had little practical application, but that was part of being an inventor.
So he thought it was rather unfair that Past Tony had betrayed him as he did.
Which was why he was currently sneaking off to the common room he shared with the others to try to obtain some of his life's elixir. He'd tried to get DUM-E to bring him some, but JARVIS had told him there were protocols for when he was as sleep-deprived as he was, and they included no access to coffee.
"Well, belay that order," he'd told his AI - he didn't have time to worry about where to get his coffee when he was on the verge of a brilliant breakthrough.
"This protocol cannot be cancelled unless you have slept a minimum of six hours within the past twenty-four hours," JARVIS had told him, sounding awfully smug. "A safeguard you agreed to, being aware of how you could get when abstaining from sleep for too long."
He'd show JARVIS and Past Tony both. If he wanted coffee, he'd get coffee. Sleep was for the sane, after all.
Sticking close to the walls, he warily listened for the presence of anyone else. Stealth was of the essence, especially if JARVIS decided to get the others in on his nefarious plans. And considering Tony had been the one to create him, he knew exactly how evil the AI could be.
A faint look at the windows told him it wasn't the time he thought it was - whatever that time had been. Late evening, perhaps? He'd been expecting it to be dark, at least, and he wasn't sure he liked how bright the sun was.
Perhaps he should invent something to deal with that?
The kitchen appeared to be empty at first glance, whatever time it was. And there, on the countertop, was Tony's ultimate goal - the Coffee Machine.
He couldn't help but let out an excited "yes" when he saw there was some coffee still left in it, even.
With his target in his sights, he forgot to pay attention to his surroundings, which ended up being his downfall. Because right as he reached the counter, arms already extended reverently towards the coffee he'd been craving, a strong arm wrapped itself around his waist.
"Noooooo," he whined woefully, hoping his loving boyfriend might take pity on him.
Hoping in vain.
"C'mon, doll, time to get some sleep," Bucky told him, sounding unfairly amused.
"But, but... coffee," he tried one more time. "I have a universe to improve, Bucky! Science to create, inventions to innovate!"
"And you can do all of that after you've had a nap."
He couldn't help his whine as Bucky gently pulled him away, farther and farther from his life essence. "You can't do this to meeeeee," he complained. "I have a right to make my own choicesssss."
"This was your choice, doll. You told me to stop you once you hadn't slept for so long that you started considering inventing weird or dangerous things."
"A tree with flamethrowers as branches was a brilliant idea," Tony muttered petulantly - since that was the point where JARVIS had started objecting, he guessed they simply hadn't been able to appreciate the brilliance of it. They'd be able to defend themselves!
By now, they'd gotten to their bedroom, though Tony made sure to pout fiercely in Bucky's direction to make it clear he did not agree with this course of action.
"You can't make me sleep," he insisted, although he had to admit the bed was pretty soft.
"Can't make you, no, but you did tell me how much a massage relaxed you. Maybe even enough to get you to nod off for a bit."
Bucky still sounded far too amused, and Tony scowled. "Past Tony is such a traitor." He probably would fall asleep if Bucky actually gave him a massage, since it was one of his definite weak spots. Especially when given by someone he trusted, like his boyfriend.
A chuckle was his only reply before gentle hands started rubbing his back, and oh, he hadn't realized how much that muscle had been bothering him. Or that one. Or...
Maybe he could forgive Bucky and Past Tony, just a bit. Because while it wasn't coffee, this was... Well, he wouldn't say better, but...
There was something special about the affection he could feel in the way Bucky touched him, something that made him feel warm to his core. Warm, and somehow very very heavy...
And with that thought, he finally drifted off to sleep.
Just look at how cute they are!!! :D

Day 2 of Buckytober: Jack-O-Lantern!
I totally didn't draw pumpkins an' come up with cute puns an' shit an' forget that the prompt wasn't, in fact, "Pumpkins," but rather jack-o-lanterns; then hadta add that pumpkin face last minute? Nope, not I. Rip to whomstever the fuck that was, but I'm better. 🤔🙃
I'm gonna need about 10000 more words of the unconscious fill. Like.. what the hell happens when Bucky wakes up?
Thank you so much for your message! I’m really glad to hear that you liked it ^_^
As for what happens, well… Bucky is Not Amused. Tony needed him, and he couldn’t be there for him like he’d promised because they’d made him unable to? Yeah, he gets rather pissed off. And maybe Natasha isn’t the only one off to decimate them (because Clint has hot chocolate, and Pepper and Rhodey have companionship, and Bucky really doesn’t need all that long to wreak utter destruction upon those that have angered him).
Edit: might add on more later, not sure yet though. Though clearly Bucky’s reaction is something that would be a good addition ^_^
Whumptober day 9 - Shackled
My ninth fill for @whumptober2019, keeping with the AUs and going supernatural for it. Also available on Ao3.
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The illegal trade of supernatural creatures had been becoming more popular lately. Tony had been aware of it, of course, and had tried his best to help prevent it as much as possible.
And now here he was, chained up along with an entire room full of cages filled with other creatures.
He hated himself.
All of them were here because of him, suffering, because of him. And while Tony felt like he deserved to be here because of that, none of them did.
It had sounded so reasonable when Obie had suggested it. A way for creatures to look normal, to be able to walk the streets with everyone else without receiving any weird looks from humans. To be free.
While Tony had gotten very good at his humanoid transformation, he would admit that there was no way to pretend to be completely ‘normal’, and it did sound good. So he’d looked into it, and had eventually been able to invent a metal that made supernatural creatures human, for all intents and purposes. They lost anything that made them inherently supernatural - including strength and gifts.
He’d thought it brilliant. Finally, there was a way for all of them to blend in without trouble. It didn’t matter what the metal was shaped like - rings, necklaces, bracelets… There had even been a few belly rings and earrings.
This… was not what he’d had in mind when making it.
But it was his fault, there was no doubt about it. The shackles on his wrists, as well as those of every other person in the room, made that more than clear.
There was no way of telling what kinds of creatures they all were - with the shackles, they all looked like regular humans, and had the same amount of strength. And Tony was the one responsible for it.
As tempting as it was, though, he wouldn’t bow his head, wouldn’t give in to despair and self-hatred. Instead, he’d get them all out of here, and then he would undo all of it even if it cost him his life. He’d get Obie, he’d undo his inventions, he’d make things right.
For now, though, he needed to free them all.
There wasn’t a lot to work with, and he didn’t have any of his usual draconic abilities. For years, he’d wondered if Howard had been right, and all of his so-called genius was just part of his supernatural heritage. Now, that heritage forcibly locked away behind his own invention, he knew for certain that he hadn’t been - it was all part of Tony himself.
“What are you doing?” the person in the cell next to him asked as he started to fiddle with his cuffs and the few things he’d managed to gather up over his time as a captive.
“Getting out,” he muttered, focusing mostly on what he was doing.
It appeared that their conversation had drawn the attention of others as well, because Tony was becoming increasingly aware of the eyes aimed at him. “Don’t you think we’ve tried?” another asked, doubtful.
Most of them had been here far longer than Tony had been, he was aware. Three weeks might have seemed like a long time, but they hadn’t yet brought in anyone else. He knew, from overhearing them, that they were gearing up for a big auction sometime soon. It had probably been the reason Obie had wanted to get rid of him now, so he’d be as far away as possible as soon as possible.
Too bad Obie had underestimated him severely.
The cuffs hissed as he poured the compound on them, heating up to a temperature that was painful on Tony’s currently human skin. As soon as they were off, though, no burn would remain, and so he could suffer through it.
“Did you just…?” he heard a murmur from one of the others.
He gritted his teeth, paying them no attention. Only a little more and he’d be out, and there would be no way for them to capture him ever again. The only reason Obie had managed this time was the fact that Tony himself had put on the necklace first, locking away the draconic powers that would allow him to resist any metal being placed on him without his consent. He would not be making that mistake again.
With a final, agonizing burn, the cuffs fell off.
Tony grinned, baring his fangs. He was only barely humanoid anymore, covered in red and gold scales and with his tail and wings both out.
They would suffer.
“Wait, please don’t leave us here!” he could hear some of the others calling out as he easily broke through his cell - he might have been weak as a human, but the bars were no match for draconic strength.
Although he knew they wouldn’t believe it, he tried to assure them all with an “I’ll be right back, don’t worry”. That was alright, though. They didn’t need to believe him. They would see. And once he was done with the people that had trapped all of them, he would be back and able to take the time to set them all free, without being interrupted.
He would make this right.