Steve & Max Sibling Relationship - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Max woke up to most of her family and friends surrounding her, doctors instructing her about what was wrong with her, what the next steps were, and what would never heal. She woke up to a fixed world, a dead Vecna, and a strange peace. She also woke up to a letter. 

Her mother had given it to her solemnly, saying that it was sent to their trailer two months before Max woke up. That she hadn’t read it, and kept it in good condition until Max could read it. But Max couldn’t really read it, not yet. Her vision was blurry, and her fingers couldn’t hold anything. 

Her mom asked if she wanted to hear it read aloud to her, but Max disagreed. She would wait until she could read it herself. 

Weeks later, as well as a lot of doctor’s appointments, she finally could. A part of her wished that she had read it sooner, but there was no turning back. The words, written in pen and in disjointed handwriting, meant more to her than anything, and she couldn’t help but read it over and over again. 

Dear Max, 

Hey. It’s Steve. 

If you’re reading this I guess that you’re awake. Well, welcome back, Mayfield. I wish I could give you a big hug and tell you that I’m proud of you, but I’m obviously not there. I'm proud of you, though. I’m proud of you for surviving, for making it through, for staying strong. Not many people could survive what you did. You’re one of the strong ones, that I’m sure of. 

You’re probably wondering why I’m not telling you this in person. As I’m writing this out in my horrible handwriting, I wonder the same thing. But, I guess that some things just can’t be fixed. 

I just…I couldn’t stay, after everything that happened. I disappointed everyone. I ruined everything, and I couldn’t even save Eddie. I didn’t deserve to be in Hawkins, at home. Everything I saw, everyone that trusted me, everything reminded me of how much I had failed. How much I failed Eddie, Dustin, Nancy, El, Lucas, you. So, I left. I’m sorry that I didn’t say goodbye, I really wish that I did. It’s now one of my newest regrets, but I hope that you can forgive me.

I also felt trapped, I guess. You know when you feel trapped, like an animal in a cage? Like, you can’t see anything, you can’t feel anything but the cage you’re in? That’s how I felt. So I ran. Classic Steve Harrington, huh? 

Anyways, I didn’t mean to make this depressing. I tend to do that, I guess. But, hey, guess what? I’m in the army now. I can’t go into the details of it, but I got enlisted and now I’m in training. It’s pretty demanding, a lot different than what I’m used to at home, but it’s a nice change. It’s sort of familiar, in a way. The preparation parts of it. But, instead of swinging a bat or making spears, it’s learning how to take orders, how to be disciplined, how to save lives, how to think on your feet. (though, granted, I think I have a lot of experience with that already). A lot of it is head knowledge, which I'm not so good at, but it’ll be useful when I’m sent somewhere to fight in a battle or war. 

Wait. Forget I said that, I don’t want to tell you that. You deserve peace, a normal life, you probably don’t want to read about what I’m doing, or what I might be doing in my future. I’ll stop talking. Writing. Shoot, I’m rambling, aren't I? I thought that was more Robin’s thing, but I guess I do it a bit, too. Even in a letter. 

All of that aside, I hope that you’re doing well, Max. I know that the road ahead is probably scary for you right now, but I know that you’ll get through it. You have a fire in you, Max, a fire that won’t be stopped by anything. And, you have a great support system. Don’t be afraid to lean on others for support. It’s something that I never learned, and I hope that you can learn from my faults. 

I hope that, one day, our paths will cross again. I hope that one day I’ll be ready to come home. I don’t know if that day will come, but I need to believe that it will. I feel like it’s one of the few things that’s keeping me going right now, you know? 

Good luck with everything, Max. Stay strong for me, okay?



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