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Can you write a Steve Harrington pre-season 4 fluff request where his girlfriend is Dustin's older sister after years of friendship and mutual pining and basically, she is taking care of him and the medicine makes him loopy enough for him to forget that they're already a couple, so he re-confesses and she teases him when he's better?
Here it is, sorry it’s late!
Loopy Confessions - Steve Harrington

Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader
Requested: Yes
Warnings: swearing, loopy steve, re-confessing one's feelings, FLUFF
Word Count: 859
Summary: While helping Steve clean up after getting drugged and beat up by Russians under the Starcourt Mall, he re-confesses his love for you unaware that you're already dating.

Knowing Steve, he was a bit dumb when it comes to love that's why he's always had dates and not girlfriends. That was odd to him but to you it wasn't because you knew how much of a dork he was and for that, women weren't as interested as you were. You had fallen head over heels for your friend, unaware that he likes you back but thought the same thing you thought.
Having a crush on each other was hard because you both wanted to confess but had the idea that if you or Steve confessed to each other one would simply decide that they don't want to date him/her, so you kept it a secret around him but Nancy and Robin knew something was up between you and Steve.
Finally, you thought it was a good idea to confess and little did you know, Steve liked you back. You started dating fairly quickly, and that made you happy. Things took a turn when Steve, Robin, you, Erica and Dustin broke into underground Russian head quarters beneath Starcourt Mall. It annoyed you to go with them but you went anyway because you wanted to protect you little brother, not notching Steve trying to protect you.
The three of you managed to get out alive but Steve and Robin risked their lives to protect you and the kids as you dragged Steve towards a bench in the mall, you ran and grabbed some medical supplies from the back in the first aid kit, prying it open and grabbing something, anything that can help Steve and his open sores.
"Steve, hey," You say as Steve looks at you, staring into your eyes. "I'm gonna give you some meds to ease the pain, OK? Then I'm gonna clean you up."
He nods, trying to process everything you just said as he gets distracted by your leg, noticing a large cut on it. He tries to get you to look at it, but you are more focused on Steve's injuries more than your own. you grab your hoodie and rip some fabric off it and grabbing a bottle of liquid medicine and reading the label to see if its safe for face wounds. Since it is, you drip some onto the cloth before dabbing Steve's wounds as he pulls away from you and winces at it.
"Ow, that hurts," He complains.
"I'm sorry, babe. I'm trying to be as gentle as I can be, but it is kinda hard to clean a wound when you're moving away."
He nods, moving closer to you as he tries to kiss you. You now pull away, eying Steve as he becomes sad as you grab some meds, pouring two out from the bottle. You hand him the two pills as he swallows them, waiting for the effects to hit. Once when the medicine kicks in, Steve becomes a little giggly as he plays with your hair as you focus cleaning his wounds.
"You're so pretty, I wish you were my girlfriend. That would be great if you were."
You chuckle at him while setting the cloth down and grabbing some bandages and covering Steve's open wounds. You finish up, tossing the bloody cloth and other stuff away before coming back and grabbing something for your leg sore, wrapping it up then packing up the first aid kit and setting it to the side, looking towards Steve as he grabs your hand.
"I love you, Y/N Y/L/N. I've always been in love with you and tired of thinking of you and around you but not physically. Will you be my girlfriend/boyfriend, Y/N?"
You giggle at your boyfriend, stopping almost immediately when he furrows his brows and complains that you're giggling. "Yes, Steve Harrington. I'll be your girlfriend." Bursting out laughing at him before stopping.
For the next few minutes, Steve is still drugged a bit before finally coming back together and acting like his normal self. You both rise to your feet, bringing him into a hug and telling him how scared you were when you saw how badly his open sores were. He holds you close before pulling away as you smile, beginning to tease him.
"I love you, Y/N Y/L/N. I've always been in love with you," You tease, imitating him.
"Okay, okay. You can stop."
"Thinking of you and around you but not physically," You continue teasing him more as he becomes slightly irritated.
"Okay, Okay. I hear you. You can stop now."
You begin making smooching sounds, holding your hands to your heart and smiling cutesy at him as he rolls his eyes. You slowly take it down and giggling causing him to pick up you, holding you close as you shout for him to stop. He playfully puts you on your feet as your bandage falls off, causing him to see it as he decides to help you.
You decline his offer as you grab your bandage, wrapping it around your leg and focusing on Steve. He brings your lips to his, staying there for a few seconds before pulling away from you.