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7 months ago
Amadeo Goldfield
Amadeo Goldfield
Amadeo Goldfield

Amadeo Goldfield

Son of Elon Goldfield (filthy rich real estate developer and investor). A gorgeous young man of high origin trying to cut ties with his influential, oppressive family by setting up his own business. Awfully cheap Victorian house on the hill seems like a good start.

Amadeo Goldfield

Dr. Mark Stonefall

Professor of Psychology, war veteran and member of the Parapsychological Association, investigates the paranormal with his loyal army pal and assistant, Jason. Author of several works on telepathy and extrasensory perception.

Amadeo Goldfield

Gloria Heartaway

Mark's ex-girlfriend and therapy couch for a short time after the war. They graduated together from one faculty, yet Gloria is skeptical and finds parapsychology all fake, has strong belief in scientific methods and medicine. Mostly deals with trivia problems of high society wives.

Amadeo Goldfield

Jason Analu

Former soldier and war veteran, Mark's flatmate and assistant. His family came from a lineage of (Sulani) healers and shamans, making him curious about his friend's research.

Amadeo Goldfield

Elliot O'Brian

Wonder boy, a young man who beat the telepathy test giving 90% correct answers. While the world admires his abilities, his own family wishes him dead. Simply because you can't hide anything from Elliot. A cook from some small pizzeria who dreams about opening his own restaurant.

Amadeo Goldfield

Pani Freya Burana

Hereditary witch, Tarot expert and medium who speaks with the dead through automatic writing. She lives in her own world of occult and believes she was born to give the living a well-deserved magic kick (for a small, almost insignificant fee of a few thousand). Author of ten books on how to open a Goddess within you and one on how to buy all your Goddess wants but can't afford.

Amadeo Goldfield

Mr and Mrs Rogers

Servants in Hillhouse, strange pious, somber siblings who look after the mansion as their parents did before them, and their grandparents before that… They know that the house is haunted and the only way to avoid being cursed is to leave before dark, stay loyal and do their bids solemnly.

Amadeo Goldfield

Hecate Moreno

15-years old Russell's half-sister, left by their father to Russell's care. Her mother died in a car crash when she was five. After Mr Moreno married a prosperous journalist and TV hostess and had three more kids with her, he lost any interest in his older kids as a painful reminder of his stressful past. Hecate is a grim, angry teen with a heart filled with dark thoughts and an irresistible appeal to horror movies. The only person she truly cares for is her brother. Secretly, she dreams about Russell turning into a vampire and eating up all their happy, successful family. She'd buy popcorn to watch that.

Amadeo Goldfield

Russell Moreno

The plumber.

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