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Chemical Reaction
The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.
“Ahhh!” Michelle cried out, slamming her phone onto the table she and her friends were having lunch at.
At first, neither of them took a glance, just happily munching on their meals until Michelle cleared her throat and said, “Umm, UTV is having a concern next month! In our state!”
Finally, the response it deserves, Michelle thought as her friends joined in the shrieks.
“I’ve been waiting years for them to tour this dump,” Michelle’s friend, Cindy, said. “Can you believe it?”
“I’m practically dying,” their other friend, a girl who preferred to go by Nebula, said in a monotone voice. “But like, in a good way. Never thought UTV would ever have a comeback tour and stop by here in the armpit of the nation.” Nebula took the phone and eagerly began to read through the website details.
Cindy set her boba tea down and let out another quick shriek. “I was just watching their last tour the other night. It must be fate that this is happening.” She took Michelle’s hand, oblivious to Michelle’s blush, and cheered. “Luckily we got UTV’s number one fan as a bestie, huh, Nebby?”
Nebula cringed at the nickname but didn’t respond. Her attention too focused on the phone as her grimace grew. “Uh, Nebby? Everything ok?” Michelle asked.
“No, it isn’t. This concert’s being held on the other side of the goddamn state and neither of us have a car.” Nebula slammed the phone on the table and crossed her arms. “The universe just loves giving me hope just to dash them at the last second.” Looking up at the sky, she said, “Wouldn’t it be easier to just kill me already?”
Michelle gasped and took the phone back. Nebula was right. It’d take hours on the highway to reach the concert site and on top of that they’d probably need to stay a night at a nearby hotel to save up on having to do two back and forth trips. None of their parents would trust the three with cars or staying a hotel by themselves. By now, the fantasy of UTV playing in front of her was slowly growing further and further away—just out of reach. “This… can’t be happening.”
Cindy scowled and slammed her hands on the table, not caring at the glares she kept receiving. “Fucking—goddamn—motherfucking! Ahh!” At first it seemed as though she would exploded, but settled for merely lying down on the table, sighing. “What’s the point of being 18 when you can’t even drink or have a car or anything?”
“Such is the plight of the young woman,” said Nebula. “We have rights but we don’t have rights.”
“Then let’s take our rights back.” Michelle stood up from her chair, glaring defiantly at whatever god or demon decided to fuck with her chances to taste UTV’s sweat live on concert while they played. “You guys forget about my special little brew?”
Nebula and Cindy stared at her blankly before gasping. They both grinned, sharing an excited glint in their eyes. “Girl, you never fail to disappoint me,” said Cindy, shining like the sun.
“And Michelle gives us another ray of hope,” Nebula said like a prayer. “Hard to believe a saint walks among us.”
“Full moon’s in a few weeks. So we got plenty of time to get the potion ready.”
“But, who you gonna take over this time?” Cindy asked. “Our folks’d get suspicious about one of them suddenly be willing to chaperon us for a UTV concert. If it was the fucking Beetles, maybe...”
“Oh, I won’t be taking over any of our parents,” said Michelle, smirking as she visualized her target. “Just watch, girls. I’ll get us a car and a little chaperon for us.”
Michelle’s older brother, Frankie, was on the verge of graduating college. Pursuing a degree in Business and minoring in Econ, he was a gifted entrepreneur and already had a small business with some buddies from the same program. Not only that, but he had seriously bulked up in the years spent in his university’s newly built gym.

And all of that was the reason why Michelle had never hated Frank as much as she did now. Every time he went to the town’s gym with his fuckboy friends, he posted it online for the world to see. And, unfortunately, Michelle had the misfortune to witness friends and family gush over her brother through their brown-nosing social media posts.
However, Michelle had the opportunity to nab that all for herself. This was the first year Frank was gonna stay with his family for the summer, and Michelle wasn’t going to let that opportunity slide. The concert was a simple excuse to take advantage of that and help her friends out at the same time. A win-win for all except her bro.
On the night of a full moon, Michelle brewed the potion to use next time Frankie came back from the gym. UTV’s concert was coming up soon, but she had already reserved the tickets and hotel room by snatching up Frankie’s credit card while he wasn’t looking. “To make up for all the birthdays he missed,” she told herself.
Frankie returned a few hours after Michelle’s plan was in motion. “Hey Michelle!” he said, roughly ruffling Michelle’s hair as he arrived from the gym. She knew it was unintentional, but he was always rough with his affection. “How you doing?”
Michelle shrugged. “Going about it day by day. College’s looking more and more unaffordable by the second.”
Frankie grinned and laughed. “Hey, don’t worry! Worst comes to worst, I’ll help mom and dad pay for your tuition. I really want my li’l sis to enjoy college like I did.”
Michelle beamed at him, glad to see he didn’t suspect anything. “You must be parched after spending so long in the gym.” Taking out a sports drink container full of her potion, he tossed it to her eager brother. “Here. My treat.”
“Hey, thanks!” Without even checking what was inside, Frankie threw his head back and chugged most of the contents. Gullible as always, Michelle thought, only barely managing to suppress her smirk. “This shit taste fan-fucking-tastic, Michelle. Buy me some more if you get the chance.” Frankie ruffled her hair some more before making his way over to his room.
“Ten-mississippi, nine-mississippi,” Michelle counted down after a few minutes passed. Once she got down to zero, she walked over to her brother’s room and pressed her ear against the door. A thud and a low moan soon followed. Perfect. She threw the door open and found her brother lying on the ground and struggling to reach the door. “Hey there, bro,” Michelle said, grinning madly at her prey.
“Mi-Mi...” Frankie tried to speak, not having the energy to do so. “Heeeeelp…”
“Don’t worry, Frankie,” she said, walking around him and staring down at his naked, muscular back that would soon be hers. “That pain’ll end soon. And then I’ll feel so much better.” All his brother could even say was a moan of agony. “Don’t worry your dumb head over it. Just lie back and enjoy.”
He couldn’t even say anything in return as Michelle kneeled down and pressed her hand against his back. After a bit of force, Michelle’s hand fully sunk into him, as though his body was liquid. Frank let out a pitiful moan as his sister penetrated him, but she paid him no mind. In fact, Michelle enjoyed it. “I’ll be gentle,” she giggled.
Frankie let out another moan as Michelle placed both of her hands and feet inside of him, phasing through his skin with little resistance. “Wh-Whyyyy?” he managed to utter, squinting and blinking in the unbearable uncomfort that the possession process caused. His breathing was reduced to quick gulps of air and groans of agony bordering on pleasure from bondage.
“Because it’s my turn to have all those privileges!” Michelle shouted as she pressed more of herself into her bother. “It’s my goddamn turn to be the golden child. It’s my fucking birthright you piece of shit!” Frankie grimaced as his sister slowly sank further into the depths of depravity.
Hearts and souls mixed into one; a cocktail of ecstasy and terror as Michelle fully phased into her own brother. Frankie turned over, his back to the floor as limbs coiled and his core rose and fell with endless convulsions. “Lemme goooo…!” Frankie tried to say again.
Michelle ignored his screams. Instead, she focused her resolve while she navigated his core and soul. Arm in arm, leg in leg—Michelle oriented her now intangible, phantasmic form to drive into her brother’s much larger body. Physical sensations were slow but eventually came to her. The pleasurably soreness of the gym alongside the strain of resisting possession gently washing over Michelle. She flexed her fingers as her brother moaned in panic.
“I-I can’t feel my hands...” he said as Michelle began to flex and feel the strong, firm muscle just beneath his skin. “Michelle, I can’t feel myself. Please…”
“Ssshhhh, relax, Frankie,” Michelle whispered as the her brother’s limbs warmed under her control. “Oooh!” she said, wincing with pleasure as the lovely soreness that comes from a nice and productive day at the gym nearly overwhelmed her. In that brief window, Frankie made a desperate dash towards the door only to fall flat on his face. Despite his will, he sat criss-crossed and started clapping, as if to mock his escape attempt.
“What’s wrong, bro?” said Michelle, matching her brother’s inflection as she spoke, “Just think of this as a sorta work out. Look at how much you’re sweating.” Feeling frisky, Michelle put her shirt over her nose and took a deep whiff to her brother’s disgust.
“Ohhhh, oh god, you smell like such a boy,” she cackled, so uncharacteristic in the normally chill Frankie. Michelle leaned back and lied down on the floor, moving and shaking her hips, toes curled and thighs rubbing against each other as an erection grew. Frankie continued moaning, but Michelle could feel his resistance weaken as the friction grew.
“P-Please, go ahead,” Frankie said, his quivering lips flipping to a lewd smile. “F-Fuck, use me like a doll, Michelle.” Michelle grinned. All of her victims, for the most part, were ‘stained.’ Bits of Michelle’s soul always managed to worm their way towards her victims. The preacher in her old Church group, the phys ed. teacher, and even a local officer were all perfectly fine with becoming tools for Michelle. Now, her brother would be the same way. “Just use me like a goddamn costume. Take me over. Fuck my brains out ‘til I can’t even remember my name. JUST—NNGGGH—JUST FUCKING USE ME!”
Frankie shot load after load of cum, staining his gym shorts even more than his trip to the gym had. “Ohhh,” Michelle sighed, stretching her new core and flexing her stolen limbs.
Each muscle stretched with a satisfying pop! Not just that, but the new weight and the height that Michelle was now endowed with gave her a brand new appreciation for her own home. All of a sudden, Michelle needed to duck to go through the doorframes as she strode through her house. “Mmm, real nice. Damn straight,” she laughed with her brother’s low baritone. “Damn, bro! Lookit these fucking tits,” Michelle said as she bounced her pecs. “I could give such a good titjob with these things. You really were letting your assets go to waste.”
With a quick slap on her new ass, Michelle took her phone and began texting her parents and friends. In just a few convincing words, UTV’s concert was within reach.

“HO-LEY-SHIT,” shrieked Cindy as they drove to the hotel. “Michelle, I dunno how you do it, but you’re a goddamn miracle-worker.”
Michelle spares a quick glance at her brother’s handsome face before focusing back on the highway. “Well, y’know me,” she said, enjoying the low rumbling in her chest. “I’ve got the magic touch,” she said with a snap of her fingers.
“And the magic muscles,” said Cindy, running her hand down Frankie’s thick thighs. “God, your brother got so lucky with these genes. Like, everyone’s gonna be drooling over your bro’s big-ass body!”
“If they’re not busy drooling over UTV,” Nebula said, spread over the backside, arms folded in front of her chest like she was resting in a coffin. “Speaking of drooling, Cindy, turn it back a notch. Michelle’s still driving and I’d rather not end up in a coffin yet. Not ‘til I have the money to buy an expensive one.” Cindy immediately pulled her hand back to Michelle’s chagrin.
“Yikes, my bad!” said Cindy, tittering. Had it just been a joke, Michelle thought before turning to focus on traffic again. “Guess I got carried away. Sorry Mi-mi.”
“No, no, it’s no problem,” she said, shrugging awkwardly in this body that wasn’t used to it. Frankie melted away and Michelle felt back to that awkward girl that used magic to artificially give herself that confidence again. The rest of the ride was mainly Nebula and Cindy chatting back and forth with Michelle occasionally chiming in—just as it always was. Even in her brother’s body, in the body of a priest, an officer, and even a teacher, Michelle was Michelle. And thus, she was not confident, powerful, and she was certainly not Cindy’s lover.
An endless series of “I’m not,” thought Michelle, glaring at the road ahead.
It wasn’t long before they arrived at the hotel and left their stuff. “Only two beds,” Nebula noted. “We can share, Cindy. Frankie’s body’s kinda huge. It’d be like a soup spoon with a kitchen spoon.”
“Why do you have to mention spooning?” Michelle muttered, staring down at the ground.
Cindy said, “Sure, sounds good! I wouldn’t mind not getting crushed, tbh,” as if she didn’t hear Michelle.
“Well, let’s get going,” said Nebula. “UTV time!”
“AAAAHHHHH!” Though slow at first, Michelle joined in her friends’ shrieking, causing an imbalanced but still welcomed baritone to join in the excitement.
The concert, as expected, was great. UTV’s fusion of pop and metal combined with their looks filled the concert hall to its limit. People of all kinds from co-eds with bright futures to homely, middle-aged moms came from all over the state to listen to the comeback tour.
The one who stood out the most and kept getting conspicuous yet lustful looks was Michelle. She moved her borrowed body to the rhythm, breaking into a sweat. For the moment, caught up in the harmony, she forgot about Frankie and Michelle and only enjoyed the music. The eyes she caught remained unnoticed, even Cindy’s.
Once the concert wrapped up, Michelle sat by some nearby bleachers, stretching her sore muscles. “Damn, didn’t think dancing was like a full-body workout.” She looked around, trying to find her friends. Somehow, Nebula and Cindy wandered off without her realizing. “Nebby! Cindy!” she called out, forcing herself to stand up tall as she searched for them.
“Uhhh...” A chill went down Michelle’s neck as she heard a low yet familiar moan come from behind. She turned around and saw a half-conscious Nebula being supported by a grimacing Cindy.
“Mi-mi! Heeeelp!” Cindy said. Michelle ran over and almost threw Nebula to the roof with her new-found strength. “Oh, my bad...”
“Uhh, I’m sooo sleepy,” said Nebula with a long, drawn-out yawn. “Take me to the hotel room.”
“What happened?”
“Drank too much,” said Cindy, sighing. “She’s a sleepy drunk. Always was.”
“It was real goooood,” mewled Nebula.
“You’re gonna have to carry her,” said Cindy. “Dunno if you noticed, but uh...” she gave a weak flex, showing off her twiggy arms. Michelle doubted Cindy carried anything heavier than her purse.
“No prob,” said Michelle. Not for the first time, she was glad that her brother had such a large back. Carrying Nebula was like carrying a school backpack.
Nebula let out a small yawn and hugged Michelle close. “You’re like a giant pillow,” she muttered, nuzzling close to Michelle’s neck.
Cindy looked on with a blank expression.
“W-Well,” said Michelle, her face hot, “Let’s get going.”
The walk to the hotel was a silent agony. Cindy just looked to the side, dodging questions with one-word responses. And Michelle wasn’t the greatest conversationalist, so all she could offer was, “So how ‘bout that concert?” and, “Y’know I think Zac looked pretty sweet tonight,” before falling into silence as well.
When the three of them finally arrived at the hotel, Michelle took special care to tuck Nebula in. “Well, looks like we’ll be sleeping together,” Cindy muttered. Michelle reddened but agreed. “What, not even gonna say anything?” said Cindy, raising her voice. “You think I’m that gross?”
“N-No…!” said Michelle, eyes glued to the floor.
“Well, I’m gonna go take a shower. See ya in a sec,” Cindy said. Carelessly and without shame, she threw off her shirt and bra to the side before strutting to the bathroom. Did she want Michelle to get an eyeful or…?
Michelle sighed and sat down on the empty bed. She stared up at the ceiling, her head a complete mess. What was Cindy trying to do? Seduce her? Or was she just messing with her?
I’m not gonna stand for this, Michelle found herself thinking, surprising herself. If she wants a dicking who am I to say no? Only the polite thing to do. Without realizing it, Michelle had been rubbing the hard on in her brother’s shorts. A few moans left her borrowed lips as she envisioned Cindy’s naked body, breasts swaying back and forth. Then, she flicked her brother’s nipples and shuddered as electric tingles wracked her body. “Ohh, hurry up, Cindy.” Michelle hadn’t understood what a sex drive really was until she dove into the body of her older brother.
Just before Michelle ripped the shorts off and just started whacking it right then and there, the bathroom’s door opened. Cindy stepped out wearing nothing but a towel. “Wow, I thought I took the hot shower,” she said, cocking an eyebrow at Michelle. “You’re looking redder than a tomato.”
Michelle swallowed and allowed her body to go with the flow. She stood up from the bed and smoothly sauntered towards Cindy. Her towering height only helped give her the edge as she leaned against the wall and said, “Sup, girl. Feelin’ lucky tonight?”
Cindy looked down at Frankie’s erection. A naughty glint appeared in her eyes and she said, “I thought you’d never ask.” She leaned in and kissed Michelle without warning.
For a moment, Michelle was ready to call it quits and retreat, but the raging stallion that churned inside of her brother’s loins pushed her forward. “Yeah...” she moaned into Cindy’s mouth. The hormones and excitement of a first kiss and a jock’s raging sex drive fused into a man that hungered. She lifted Cindy up and carried her over to the bed, their lips never splitting. “Don’t worry. I won’t hurt you,” she said, surprised at her gentle yet passionate words. Her brother—and now her—was a real gentleman. “I’ll be gentle...” she whispered.
Cindy whimpered. “I’ve wanted this for so long.”
Michelle swallowed. The spell had warned what sex with another person while possessing would lead to. The union of two souls into one while one soul was hijacking another would lead to an inseparable fusion. Not just Michelle, but reality as a whole would be changed forever.
“The meeting of two personalities…” That Carl Jung quote was still fresh on her mind, ever since the day she had read it on that spellbook. However, despite the fear and hesitation that Michelle should have felt in that instance never materialized.
“Both are changed forever,” Michelle said to herself, smirking as she realized that she would finally discard the shy girl always dragged herself down. Always afraid to try something new or embrace opportunities.
Michelle peeled the towel from towel from Cindy’s body, reveling in the little show she was making for herself. First the thighs, then the hips, and finally the cute stomach and her breasts. “Like what you see?” teased Cindy. “Well? Don’t leave me hanging, Mi-mi. Lemme see your bro’s goods.”
“You mean my goods?” said Michelle as she lifted her shift over her borrowed shoulders. “C’mon, just say Frankie, sweetie.” She leaned in and kissed Cindy once more, rubbing her thighs with one hand while removing her shorts with another.
Giggling, Cindy said, “Sure, Frankie,” before gasping as she caught sight of the large, erect cock just hanging in the air. “H-Hey, make sure you take it easy, ok?” For what must’ve been the first time in her life, Michelle witnessed a sheepish Cindy. “Never had anything that big in my life.”
“I told ya. I’ll be careful.”
“…Okay, I trust you.”
Michelle began with a few fingers. Cindy’s moans pushed her to continue. Once she was wet and comfortable, Michelle finally began to thrust inside of Cindy, getting a few moans out of the girl.
“Damn, you’re tight,” muttered Michelle.
“It’s not that, stupid,” said Cindy, “you’re way too big.”
“Sorry, sorry—“
“Just shut up and fuck me!”
Grinning, Michelle just said, “Whatever you say, ma’am,” as Cindy rolled her eyes. She worked into an even but still powerful rhythm. Her brother’s hips moved like a natural, only picking up speed when Cindy, through clenched teeth, demanded more. Meanwhile, Michelle took the liberty to explore every inch of Cindy she had looked but never touched out of lust and envy. Now, it was just pure pleasure and a desire to elicit more moans out of her partner. Confidence in her brother’s muscle memory fueled Michelle further.
“F-Fuck, Mi—Frankie, keep going—AH—keep going. Harder!” Cindy moaned and leaned back against the bed as Michelle increased her thrust.
The bed creaked and shook. From the other bed, just a few feet away, Nebula stirred before going back to sleep, unaware of Michelle’s actions. But she didn’t care. All she could focus on was ramming herself even deeper inside of Cindy and even deeper inside of Frankie’s soul. The boundaries between “I” and “he” thinned as the climax built up in Frankie’s loins.
“Say my name,” said Michelle.
“Again...” said Michelle, thrusting particular deep inside of Cindy. Cindy’s eyes nearly rolled to the back of her head as she stuttered out, “Fr-Frankie!”
“A-AH FUCK,” said Michelle. She could feel her ball churning and her core stiffen. “One more time. Say my goddamn name! With feeling.”
Cindy clenched her teeth, her legs trembling as Michelle slammed into her particularly hard—nearly lifting the bed from the floor. “Your name is Frankie!” she shouted as she climaxed.
“FUCK YEAH IT IS!” Frankie roared to the heavens as he came.
The following morning went by as a blur, but Frankie didn’t mind. The book warned about some level of jetlag once reality shifted. It wasn’t everyday that a wizard completely changed the world in his favor.
“C’mon, Frank,” said Nebula in her usual deadpan voice. “UTV’s gonna play again today. Heard that they were gonna dedicate this day to one of their music coaches or something.”
“Slow down, Nebby,” Frankie chuckled. Cindy was clinging to his arm, humming to herself as she leisurely strolled to the concert grounds. It was as if a miracle had landed on her lap and she was determined to indulge in every second of it. Frankie sighed but didn’t mind. “Got a clingy girl over here.”
Nebula grimaced. “Can’t believe I agreed to be the third wheel in this tour.” She turned to stare longinly at a poster of UTV. “Think I can snag one of them if I try hard enough?”
“Nebby, a woman can achieve she desires,” said Frankie, licking his lips as he caught his own reflection from a nearby window. “When two folks meet, who knows what’ll happen?”