Stranger Things Five - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

gm byler nation!

just dropping in with a reminder for if you're ever having byler doubt!

just think about this for a second:

the duffer brothers would have had no reason to acknowledge/confirm or even establish will's love for mike (and therefore byler, by extension) if not to have a confession/confrontation included in the next season of the show.

if they had pretended the romantic tension between mike and will hadn't existed in the first place then yes, it would be queerbating, but they might have been able to slip away with it (legally, maybe not emotionally) whilst still maintaining a shred of plausible deniability.

but now seeing as they have acknowledged will's sexuality and the object of his affections (😏) and managed to boost byler to be equally, if not more popular than the "true" canon ship, they now are obligated to acknowledge it in the show, especially as they talk about season 5 focusing on will coming into himself more.

now if we put two and two together, we will remember milkvan's . umm. ?issues, and the amount of season 5 bts we've got of each pair respectively up to this point, with mike and will seeming to almost always be together, as well as their promises of being a "team" this season, and realise that if a confrontation has/is going to happen, wouldn't the bts we're getting look a little bit. idk. different??

i, for one, highly doubt that the duffer brothers would have will confess and then be turned down by mike (because come on.

a) what type of representation is that even &

b) why would they even include that? it would just be useless and take away from the mainplot of the story &

c) not acknowledging byler at this point would be blatant queer-bating. as was touched on before.

d) mike is also in love with will, they just can't come out and say it as not to spoil the ?surprise? and spark any controversy before the release of the new season.)

and seriously.

the history that would be made with such an iconic romantic subplot?? hello??????. they can't let all of their plotting and parallels and hints and hard work go to waste. they wouldnt.

therefore, the confrontation must have gone.. *shocked, stunned gasping* .. well???? for byler????



byler doubt? don't know her 💗🌈

byler endgame!!

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