Sugar Baby Reader - Tumblr Posts

Men suck! So why not drain their bank accounts for wasting your time?! It would be foolish not to. Even more foolish to push the buttons of a very powerful man in the underground world of Tokyo.
But hey wait! He messaged you first! He wanted you to be his sugar baby so badly it makes him look stupid!
Although Bakugou Katsuki is anything but stupid.

It was supposed to be an easy mark. He followed all of the rules of the unspoken game between sugar baby and sugar daddy. He reached out to you first. He set the time and place for the first date and he asked about your pricing.
To which you told him was a steep two thousand consultation.
Immediately there was a notification with your fee plus a little extra for the expedited meeting in your bank account before he messaged you again.
Wear somethin nice.
His profile was vague as most marks were. Choosing to keep their identity a secret, embarrassed to have to buy a woman's time with their endless cash flow for one reason or another.
Some because of their looks, some their abhorrent attitude, some because they were too busy drowning in their work and some because they just couldn't be bothered for much of anything real only to fall in love after the third date thinking they could buy your heart like they did everything else.
Because at the end of the day all of these marks had something in common. Something to exploit.
They were all terribly lonely.
And despite how forward this mark is, like others have been before him, he was no exception to this rule.
You roll your eyes as you doll up for tonight's meeting. You always wore something nice and appropriate for the setting yet undeniably sexy. Something that made every eye rove over you with the heated gaze of envy. Something that made you everything those men wanted you to be.
A trophy, a status symbol, a yes I'm fucking that.
Scrolling his profile or lack thereof, a little bit more in an attempt to be his perfect baby girl. Knowing that to have a good long lasting con to afford you the luxuries you sat in now, you had to shed your true skin and stuff yourself into something two sizes too small.
Because all men expected that of all women. Of anything of their desire. One must cut away the truest, deepest parts of themselves in order to hold a man's attention span for longer than five minutes. The second you start to look anything relatively human and anything more than a walking sex kitten or cock sleeve is the second they lose interest.
A man often times doesn't want to actually fill the loneliness, not with anything long term, they just want to relieve the ache in their cock.
At least that's all you've ever known and so who was anyone to judge you to exploit them how they exploited others.
Smiling at your reflection as you apply dark eyeliner to your lid, dragging it across your lash line as you go for a more noire mysterious look since you cannot find out much about your potential benefactor. Not that that worried you, you'd worn many skins before.
A recently divorcee, a 'single mom', but most benefactors liked a heavy power imbalance. They lived for the broke college girl act. Showing up in threadbare dresses that were still cute in an old shit box car you'd borrow from a friend and some classical piece of literature those fucks could recognize but knew they'd never read.
Mostly you figured they enjoyed that broke college girl act because they felt they were "helping you build a solid future" all while neglecting their own real daughters at home that they constantly compared you to. Showed you pictures of, similar in age to you and you'd have to stamp down the disgust at these men who probably didn't even know their real baby girl's favorite color.
Absolving themselves of guilt you supposed.
However this new benefactor was something to be excited about, mostly because of the unknown that he seemed to shroud himself in. No interests filled in, no movies or hobbies or songs that he likes.
Not even a profile picture or his name. Just GZ for now and when you checked the banking information on your wire in, it didn't give you any real leads. Received from a business or estate account that google results had no address or number for.
Only his age, 32. Three years your senior.
Which wasn't too bad of a gap well to you anyway, he saw your age as 25 because anything older than that, even one fucking year, men's interest dropped by sixty percent.
Another message comes through the little app.
GZ: Give me your number.
Aggressively forward as you giggle to yourself reading the message, let the read receipts show your interest when you lock your phone and don't reply. Taking the time to apply a nice dark shade of lipstick that made your mouth absolutely sinful as you wore a skin much too close to the real you. Going to your closet for your dress, knowing he was taking you to a very expensive, very highly rated restaurant, most likely to both flaunt and prove he has money.
Zipping up the velvet body con dress with a halter top, the hem stopped just above the knee and you knew it would ride up when you sat down or walked in your black heels with the pearl strap. Pulling on bicep length lace gloves and putting on an onyx ring on your middle finger before adding your pearl necklace to make a suggestion of what he could do to you at the very steep price of seven thousand dollars.
Some men even paid it and even asked to do it in the parking causing them to pay an expedited fee of four thousand. It meant nothing to you and every bit of power they thought they held over you to them.
Opening a drawer to your vanity all with unused pairs of underwear. Choosing a black lacey pair where the ass would be half exposed by lace and strings digging around for the to go tide pen so you could lightly bleach the crotch to make it seem as if they'd been worn all damn day "just for him"
Fuckin gag me.
Your phone pings again, another notification from the SDSB app.
GZ: I don't like waiting, Sweetheart, give me your number.
This time you reply but only after looking over your outfit in the mirror, debating if he'd be into stockings and ripping them before you realize it might make you look a little too conservative for his tastes.
Bbgrl: tell me what GZ stands for and I'll give you those special digits
GZ: I don't barter
Bbgrl: Everything comes at a cost. You know this otherwise you wouldn't be messaging me.
You watch the bouncing bubbles pop up before his quick reply.
GZ: Ground Zero
GZ: Now give me your fuckin number Princess.
Bbgrl: maybe in person, Mr Zero.
Not giving away your actual number was your number one rule and because the last sugar daddy you cut off went full tilt you had to disconnect your other phone and just hadn't had a chance to get a burner yet.
Picking up a small clutch purse you shove inside your lipstick for the night, your phone, the doctored pair of underwear and you don't even bother to bring any sort of wallet.
Walking to a public place a block or so from your luxury condo before you flag down a cab giving them the address as the man smiles down at your cleavage. Enjoying the view in the rearview and it's a wonder he doesn't crash and kill you both. Leaning down to meet his gaze with a disarming smile, wearing a skin to protect both you and him from harm as you force a giggle.
"Eyes on the road silly." When really you wanted to take the knife strapped to your ribs and slit his throat for thinking he even deserved to stare at you like that.
You wore this dress for attention yes but there is a fine line between appreciation of a body and straight up eye fucking you.
And just because you wore this dress didn't give him the right to stare. Counting down from ten as you have pretty visions of gouging his eyes out only for him to pull up right to the restaurant, acting as if he was going to get out and help you.
"No need." You smile politely, "And the fare?"
You look at the triple zeros and his eyes flash to it in embarrassment, so busy eating you alive with his eyes he forgot to start it.
"On the house for a pretty lady."
Forcing a smile as you give him a thanks, leaving the cab as quickly as you can before you walk inside, twenty minutes late for the date.
Tardiness was a big part of the game, whether it agitated them or made them anxious, it would certainly place a little more power on your initial interaction. Gaging their reaction to your power play always determines how you'll respond. Clueless, lost, down right stupid.
The hostess gives you a warm smile as she welcomes you into the restaurant asking of your party size. You're quick to tell her you're here for GZ.
"Or maybe under the name Ground Zero if the initials are too vague." You smile and watch the hostess blanche a moment before she fixes her face.
"Right this way." Expect she doesn't lead you all the way over there, stops just before the darker corner of the restaurant making a gesture with her hands and you chalk it up to nerves. That maybe he owned the whole fucking restaurant.
Watching his large palm swirl a bourbon straight, watch his other heavily ringed hand card through his ash blonde locks.
"Mr Zero?" You ask with a cat like smile, coming to stand beside the table. He glares up at you either oblivious or acting it as you wait for him to pull out your chair.
"Yer fuckin late Princess." He doesn't wait you out though can tell from a glance you'll stand there with your sexy ass heels rooted to the hardwoods of the restaurant before you'd ever sit down. He doesn't give in, this just happened to give him a chance to show his stature. He slams his drink down, clattering the water glasses and your wine glass filled with a pinkish color. Most likely something sweet. For a moment it makes you wonder if he read your profile considering most men didn't bother and showed it often on their first dates that they hadn't when they ordered you red wine. Which you had as your top dislike.
When he rises he's much much bigger than you. Tall enough you have to crane your head up to look at him, broad shoulders and now that he's fully facing you you can see his scarred face. A deep fissure of discolored skin from just over his eyebrow cutting through his eye flaring over his cheek before tapering off at his throat before it meets another deep scar that's hidden under his shirt.
He didn't even bother with a dress jacket, only a dress shirt, black, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows exposing his tattoos and even more scars, his black vest if swirling velvet on the front only emphasizes his broad chest and tapered waist.
He stands there a moment watching you take him in and he cannot lie he is surprised. Most women cowarded at his size especially when they see his scar and his half clouded bromine eye but you just smile. Maybe even a bit of excitement flashed in your eyes but you stand unmoving still that fuckin cat smirk on your dark stained lips.
"My chair, Mr Zero." You remind him and he snarls, leaning in close to your face tipping your chin up to him. It's here you realize how large his hands are, especially when the other settles at your ribcage a moment. You just hope he doesn't feel the knife nestled there and take it as a threat to himself.
"I told you I didn't like waiting." He growls, "So what makes you think Imma continue this date?"
"You're still here aren't you? Besides," You half guide him by moving your face gently from his grip, stepping towards your chair and he follows, "You wouldn't want to cancel a date with such a pretty girl would you?"
"A pretty woman." He corrects with a growl, pulling back your chair and shoving it in roughly when you sit, leaning behind you to whisper in your diamond clad ear, "Yer no girl that's for sure."
As if to say a predator recognizes a predator but you feign ignorance.
"Year?" You ask, smelling your wine before taking a sip. It's fruity, peach you realize with hints of citrus and angel food cake.
"Didn't ask." He bites waiting for you to ask where the menus were, he makes eye contact with the waiter to signal to start their meals. Oblivious, you take another sip of this amazingly delicious wine.
"Bit of a dessert wine isn't it?" You comment, usually men would blunder by now realizing they aren't as prestigious or well versed as they pretended to be but this man proves to be different once again.
"Peach pairs well with spicy and smokey." Glaring right back at you before a mean smile curls his lips, "Unless ya lied twice on your profile."
You set the wine glass down thanking the waiter when they leave fresh bread. Zero is faster than you grabbing for the crusty pre dinner treat as he butters the rich white center before placing the slice on your plate before starting his own.
"Hmm, I haven't lied on my profile." You refuse to touch his offering for now.
"Sweetheart, you may look twenty five but I know that you're closer to thirty than what you want to admit." There's that cruel smile of his again.
"It's quite rude to make a woman seem older than what she is. Touchy subject ya know?" Going back to sipping your wine as you've decided you may need a buzz to endure this date, "Or maybe you don't have a lot of experience with women. Is that why I'm here?"
Smirking over the vein protruding from his throat but the satisfaction only lasts so long, thoughts rounding back to wondering how the fuck he knew your real age and so quickly.
Suddenly you feel his fingers wrapping around the back of you knee as he pulls you forward leaning over the table.
"Haaah? Ya think I don't have experience with women? Oh sweetheart I could have you begging to take my cock in this bathroom in under ten minutes. But I need you for somethin else." He lets his bruising grip go when he sees a flash of the real you, sees your pretty lip snarl in disgust before you fix your face so quickly it would have him wondering if he ever saw that snarl or not.
He thinks he likes this version more than what his right hand picked out from your profile.
Your profile was vague but your photo album was filled with a lot of photos that men could easily project on or imagine themselves with you. Looking demure, easy going, a submissive.
Really Bakugou can tell you're a fucking brat at best and far from demure.
"Is that true Mr Zero? Sex on the first date is quite expensive." You smile cutely, make it a giggle all while the steak knife whispers to you that it belonged shoved through his hand on the table.
"I bet it is sweetheart." He spits back.
"So…our contract?" You're ready to rush this along thinking that maybe this benefactor isn't going to work out and that you'll have to save your underwear for another time.
He leans back, finally looking a little more relaxed as you bring up business as if contracts and dealings were part of his expertise. Taking a sip of his bourbon as he looks you over in that fine velvet dress he imagines on the floor of his expensive bedroom.
"Dunno can ya behave long enough to talk about it?" Deadly smirk on his lips now, one that makes your stomach clench.
"I always behave, Mr. Zero." A purr, one that changes the tone of the entire dinner, at least for now.
A light scoff but he's smiling, genuinely and he looks so handsome like that. His eyes catch something you don't see before the waiter comes over with two starter salads.
You look down at the fresh bed of greens matching his and try not to grimace that he's most likely ordered dinner for you. Hating when benefactors took it upon themselves as they never paid enough attention to order even remotely right.
"Let's see how dinner goes first yea, princess? Gotta make sure I like it before I buy it." A clear taunt and stab at you to which you give a tight smile. Him placing himself above you but you were determined at the very least to secure the after dinner deposit fee from him that was clearly stated on your profile.
Any dinner lasting longer than two hours or is set after eight thirty pm is considered to be equal to two consultation fees.
He already violated the time since he messaged you at exactly six pm tonight and you were always sure to take your time getting ready.
But you had to finish the fucking date first.
"Okay." Agreeing without issue as you bite your tongue. Finishing your salad and your wine, asking him to order you another glass. Batting your eyelashes and for a second you see his face flash with something other than his gruff nature. Standing with the brief explanation of "freshening up."
Annoyed as you enter the ladies room, looking at your reflection as if to share a what the fuck glance with a friend before rooting around in your bag. Touching up your lipstick, spraying yourself with a bit of your perfume that made all the men insane for you before turning your attention to your hair.
Making sure it was still in perfect placement as you angle your pretty face this way and that. Clutch open on the vanity, the dummy pair of underwear threatening to fall out. Checking your account to see if the rest of this date was worth it when you see your stipulation fee is sitting in your account despite the date only being an hour long thus far.
Figuring you'll make this date worth it now, mostly curiosity getting the best of you over what is going to make this contact so fucking special he's more than willing to pay everything upfront.
To deal with your more cheeky side you used to scare off weaker men.
Clawed fingers curling around the soft pair of underwear, rubbing them between your hands vigorously to make them warm to the touch. To have him thinking that this sexy lingerie style underwear was nestled right to your cunt.
Balling them up as you make your way out of the bathroom while the waitresses gossip over the fact that some violent ringleader was dining there tonight and that he was "dangerously hot." Hushing when they see you pass the refreshment nook before you make your way back to the table.
Thankfully his left hand with all his rings is resting on its side on the table giving you more than enough space to press the warm fabric into his palm and curling his fist around it before sitting back across from him. Giving a flirtatious smile to the large blonde who turns his hand to see what you placed into his palm. Smirking and shaking his head as he looks down at the fabric.
Unfurling it with his large hand and seeing the pair of underwear with a little spot on the crotch that makes him chuckle.
You look over your meal that's been set out, can tell he was polite enough to wait for you as the aroma of spicy smoked meat sits before you. Breathing deeply and hating to admit that you'd actually like this dish. Picking up your fork as you let him become dumbfounded over the thought that you were bare under your dress when that was far from the truth.
Bakugou leans over the very expensive meal on the small table. Grabbing at your jaw a bit tightly so he can turn your face to husk in your ear.
"Now gimme the ones you're actually wearing, Princess." He growls, pulling back to hold out his hand expectantly.
Feigning innocence you look up at him and bat your eyelashes since that worked earlier, even letting your eyes get a little glassy.
"Wh-what are you talking about Mr. Zero?" Voice soft and going softer still when you add, "Those are my underwear. I wore them just for you."
He laughs loudly in your face and his grip tightens, mouth back at your ear with a deadly tone. A mix of playful flirtation and restrained anger.
"Now Princess, 'fore I get mad."
It sends a chill down your spine and a jolt to your cunt. Breaking your facade entirely when you let sharp nails bite into his thick wrist as you yank away your face. Looking around trying to come up with an excuse that this was too much of a public place before he adds.
"We're secluded enough." Letting his fingers wave impatiently with his palm up. Your eyes widen as you see how serious he is. Unable to hide the snarl on your lips or the flash of deep seeded anger in your eyes as you obey a benefactor's command instead of tricking them into thinking they had control.
Shimmying up your little bodycon dress, hooking sharp clawed thumbs into the band of the underwear to bring it down past your thick thighs that part for just a moment exposing your pretty mound to Bakugou by accident. It makes saliva coat his tongue and his cock twitch in his expensive pants.
Quickly fixing the hem of your dress that still tries to ride up thanks to your hips and thighs, balling up the black underwear and slapping it into Bakugou's waiting palm harshly. The corner of his lip curls up as he realizes it's a thong, much better than the dummy pair you gave him moments ago.
"You're such a fuckin pervert." You cross your arms over your chest, pushing up your tits giving the ash blonde a snarling pout. Wholly forgetting about your dinner now as you look away from him, can't believe he's won this round.
"Yea? Who's fault is that? Yer the one who gave me a clean pair of underwear to make me love sick for ya so I'd cough up all my cash." He makes no move to pocket the thin pair of underwear you've just given him, making your eyes dart to look for the approaching waiter, "This work on most men Sweetheart?"
"Tsk, yes." You scoff, "Then they send me whatever I fuckin want."
Pushing away a bit, thinking of leaving from how condescending his tone is. Inspecting the first pair you've given him now that he has the actual pair you'd been wearing, looking closely at the crotch.
"Did ya use a bleach pen on these 'fore ya came in?" He laughs when he watches your face blanch, most men couldn't tell. Just thought it was real and went with it, asked for more.
The waiter starts to come back to the table with another glass of Bakugou's bourbon and your wine, trying not to crack. Shoving down the panic and letting your nails bite into your palm letting crescent moons form in your soft skin. To try not to shove his hands into his lap to save you the embarrassment because the last thing you want him to know is that he's actually getting under your skin. He looks over his shoulder to follow your gaze, feral smile on his mouth.
"Besides, who's the real pervert here, Me for enjoying a pretty woman's time," He rolls the dark fabric around in his hand, still warm from your cunt and when he gets to the crotch it's damp, sticky, "Or you, for getting off to playing some dumb ass men outta thousands."
"I'm not-"
"Not what? Wet?" He laughs, letting his thumb slide through the slick of your underwear, uncaring that the waiter is here now. Setting down the drinks and forgoing asking how the meal was quickly slipping away in hopes of not bothering Ground Zero.
"Sweetheart I bet I could run my fingers through that sticky cunt and everyone in this restaurant would hear it." Bringing his thumb up to his mouth licking at it as one would to get sauce off their fingers, his eyes flutter and suddenly your cheeks burn.
"You're insufferable." You hiss, crossing your legs now, still unable to look at him.
"Ya know, I hate liars." He tosses your fake pair of underwear, pocketing the thong you wore with one hand while the other swirls his drink, "Ya've lied three times now."
"I have not."
"Ya have. Yer age, yer whole personality, yer underwear." He lists them on his fingers and funny enough you chose to die on only one of those hills.
"I am twenty five." You hiss, grabbing at your wine and downing it in three swallows.
"But yer not." He chuckles, eyes flicker to your face, you don't have foundation on, going for a mostly natural look, and Bakugou has good eyes where most men didn't, "Ya've got crows feet sweetheart. Seems like ya've smiled a lot in your life."
Reflexivity you go to hide the corner of your eyes, they crease heavily when you really smile. Everyone who knew you, actually knew you, always made the comment of "you smile with your eyes."
"Ah come on they're barely noticeable and nothin to be ashamed about." He chuckles, pulling at your wrists so he could see your face again, "Gimme a smile."
"Fuck off." You hiss waving him away dismissively trying to regain control, "The contract Mr Zero."
He sighs, annoyed as he leans back, "We haven't finished dinner."
"I'd like to skip to dessert." A snarling hiss as you push away what was probably the best meal you could've ever had.
"Oh would you?" Deadly smirk, "I could skip to dessert iffin ya want. In my car or the bathroom, your pick Princess."
"Again you're fucking insufferable." You make motion to stand, to leave, only for his strong hand to catch your wrist and pull you into his lap making this somehow worse.
"What's wrong? Embarrassed now?" He tilts your chin to him and you squeeze your eyes shut in defiance he chuckles lowly, "Tell me yer real age and I'll stop teasing, for now."
You open your eyes to glare at him for a long, long time. No judgment in those bromine eyes as he patiently waits for your answer. You sigh, scratching roughly at his undercut with your long nails whether it was a strategic move or your fingers having a mind of their own, you weren't sure. The only thing you were sure of was that this man was trouble.
Big trouble.
Yet you answer honestly anyway.
"Twenty nine." It's soft, genuinely this time as if you might be a little embarrassed about it when you know you shouldn't. He smiles up at you, letting his thumb linger at one of the corners of your eyes before he lets his fingers trace your face down to your jaw.
"See, won't so bad to admit it was it?" Genuine gentle tone, his hand on your hip squeezing at the fat there.
Your heart races and that foreboding feeling creeps up your throat as you're slowly realizing that you are no longer the one who was hunting.
No, no, now you were being hunted.
Nails bite harshly into his nape as you stand, snarl to your lips and all he can do is chuckle at your flippant attitude.
"M leaving." Holding out your manicured hand, "Give me my underwear back."
"No, I paid for it." He growls really spurring on your temper now.
"All you men are the same. Pigs who want to keep their dicks wet." A scoff as you snarl your pretty lips.
"And I can say all women are the same. Bitches who want to keep their pockets full." He retorts forcing your sharp claws to grab onto the cheeks of what you don't realize is the most powerful man in the entire country.
Even making sure your nails bite into the skin of his cheeks, "I don't need your fucking money."
"Then why're ya here sweetheart?" He smirks up at you, grabbing onto your wrist tightly.
"Fuck you. You don't know me." Shoving his face and escaping his tight grip before you begin to stomp from the restaurant with your head held high.
"You'll be crawling back to me, princess." He calls out with a chuckle.
"I won't!" You send a snarling growl back, unable to get through the too quiet dining room to the exit of the five star place.
Hissing through your teeth with an echoing groan as the night air hits you doing little to cool your temper while you hail a cab.
Pulling up the sugar baby app on your phone going to his profile to block him but before you can a message pops up.
GZ: See ya in two months sweetheart.
You'd never blocked a mark faster in your entire life.
But the thing you don't know about him yet is that Bakugou Katsuki always kept his promises.

A/N: yay! You've gotten to the end! Thank you so much for reading! Now I have plans to make this a series however I'm not very good at long term things if I'm being honest. Lmfao but please! If you liked or loved this reblog it! I'd love to hear in my inbox or in the body of the reblog or even in your tags of your reblog what you thought of this!
Killing Me Softly: I

Sugardaddy!BTS x reader
They were beloved. The very ground they walked on worshiped. It had been that way since before you were born and it would remain that way even after your choice. Decisions decisions, it would decide your future. But why choose one when you could choose them all? If you chose none, well… that wasn’t a decision you could make.
AN: This is for the person who requested an ot7 sugar daddy story where bts are yandere. Sorry, it took so long, but this ended up being a three-part story. Hope everyone enjoys it!
Word Count: 7,115
Dear Ms. [Y/l/n]
We regret to inform you that your application has been denied. Unfortunately, you do not have the qualities or qualifications necessary to work as a crew member under McDonalds’ incorporated Inc. We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors. Have a nice day.
Now, you weren’t conceited enough to think that it was impossible for your job application to be denied. You understood when you graduated university that finding employment would be difficult, but you also weren’t dense enough not to notice a pattern. This had been your tenth application and the same thing would always happen: you’d apply, they interview you, be ecstatic to hire you, and in under forty-eight hours you would receive a polite email where they would tell inform you that you didn’t have the ‘qualifications’ or ‘didn’t fit their image.’ You had done an internship at a top-notch telecommunications company, graduated in three years, and were in the top one percentile. How were you not qualified to flip burgers at McDonald’s?! A deep sigh left your body as you pressed your forehead against the kitchen table, trying to calm yourself down. “Bad news again?” Sihyeon said exiting the bathroom, her hair perfectly styled into soft waves and a tight purple cocktail dress adorning her figure. “It just doesn’t make any sense. Why would I keep getting rejected? Is there something I’m not seeing?” You were exasperated and couldn’t help the tears that came to your eyes.
You wanted independence and to maintain yourself. Here you go…Sure you knew being an adult wasn’t easy and despite how naïve they called you, the struggle was always part of the journey. Despite this, it felt like there was something you were missing as if someone was playing a cruel joke on you. “You could always call them,” Sihyeon remarked as she put on her heels. “No. Absolutely not. I haven’t stooped that low.” Your roommate sighed and walked over to where you were sitting, leaning over the chair and giving you a back hug. “You don’t have to start again, but maybe just ask them for advice. Or at least talk to Hoseok. He always knows what to do.” Sihyeon was just trying to help, had she known everything she would have never suggested you go back. She might have even prohibited it. Her not knowing was for her own safety though and for it not to affect her relationship with her ‘clients’ as she called them. “Maybe, I don’t know. Hurry up you don’t want to be late.” There was fear in your eyes and Sihyeon noticed but being the friend, she is she merely kissed your cheek and promised to text you when she arrived and left. It didn’t matter, Sihyeon wouldn’t come home tonight but it was a matter of precaution. Being a sugar baby was a dangerous profession at times and you, unfortunately, found that out far too late.
Keep reading

Men suck! So why not drain their bank accounts for wasting your time?! It would be foolish not to. Even more foolish to push the buttons of a very powerful man in the underground world of Tokyo.
But hey wait! He messaged you first! He wanted you to be his sugar baby so badly it makes him look stupid!
Although Bakugou Katsuki is anything but stupid.

It was supposed to be an easy mark. He followed all of the rules of the unspoken game between sugar baby and sugar daddy. He reached out to you first. He set the time and place for the first date and he asked about your pricing.
To which you told him was a steep two thousand consultation.
Immediately there was a notification with your fee plus a little extra for the expedited meeting in your bank account before he messaged you again.
Wear somethin nice.
His profile was vague as most marks were. Choosing to keep their identity a secret, embarrassed to have to buy a woman's time with their endless cash flow for one reason or another.
Some because of their looks, some their abhorrent attitude, some because they were too busy drowning in their work and some because they just couldn't be bothered for much of anything real only to fall in love after the third date thinking they could buy your heart like they did everything else.
Because at the end of the day all of these marks had something in common. Something to exploit.
They were all terribly lonely.
And despite how forward this mark is, like others have been before him, he was no exception to this rule.
You roll your eyes as you doll up for tonight's meeting. You always wore something nice and appropriate for the setting yet undeniably sexy. Something that made every eye rove over you with the heated gaze of envy. Something that made you everything those men wanted you to be.
A trophy, a status symbol, a yes I'm fucking that.
Scrolling his profile or lack thereof, a little bit more in an attempt to be his perfect baby girl. Knowing that to have a good long lasting con to afford you the luxuries you sat in now, you had to shed your true skin and stuff yourself into something two sizes too small.
Because all men expected that of all women. Of anything of their desire. One must cut away the truest, deepest parts of themselves in order to hold a man's attention span for longer than five minutes. The second you start to look anything relatively human and anything more than a walking sex kitten or cock sleeve is the second they lose interest.
A man often times doesn't want to actually fill the loneliness, not with anything long term, they just want to relieve the ache in their cock.
At least that's all you've ever known and so who was anyone to judge you to exploit them how they exploited others.
Smiling at your reflection as you apply dark eyeliner to your lid, dragging it across your lash line as you go for a more noire mysterious look since you cannot find out much about your potential benefactor. Not that that worried you, you'd worn many skins before.
A recently divorcee, a 'single mom', but most benefactors liked a heavy power imbalance. They lived for the broke college girl act. Showing up in threadbare dresses that were still cute in an old shit box car you'd borrow from a friend and some classical piece of literature those fucks could recognize but knew they'd never read.
Mostly you figured they enjoyed that broke college girl act because they felt they were "helping you build a solid future" all while neglecting their own real daughters at home that they constantly compared you to. Showed you pictures of, similar in age to you and you'd have to stamp down the disgust at these men who probably didn't even know their real baby girl's favorite color.
Absolving themselves of guilt you supposed.
However this new benefactor was something to be excited about, mostly because of the unknown that he seemed to shroud himself in. No interests filled in, no movies or hobbies or songs that he likes.
Not even a profile picture or his name. Just GZ for now and when you checked the banking information on your wire in, it didn't give you any real leads. Received from a business or estate account that google results had no address or number for.
Only his age, 32. Three years your senior.
Which wasn't too bad of a gap well to you anyway, he saw your age as 25 because anything older than that, even one fucking year, men's interest dropped by sixty percent.
Another message comes through the little app.
GZ: Give me your number.
Aggressively forward as you giggle to yourself reading the message, let the read receipts show your interest when you lock your phone and don't reply. Taking the time to apply a nice dark shade of lipstick that made your mouth absolutely sinful as you wore a skin much too close to the real you. Going to your closet for your dress, knowing he was taking you to a very expensive, very highly rated restaurant, most likely to both flaunt and prove he has money.
Zipping up the velvet body con dress with a halter top, the hem stopped just above the knee and you knew it would ride up when you sat down or walked in your black heels with the pearl strap. Pulling on bicep length lace gloves and putting on an onyx ring on your middle finger before adding your pearl necklace to make a suggestion of what he could do to you at the very steep price of seven thousand dollars.
Some men even paid it and even asked to do it in the parking causing them to pay an expedited fee of four thousand. It meant nothing to you and every bit of power they thought they held over you to them.
Opening a drawer to your vanity all with unused pairs of underwear. Choosing a black lacey pair where the ass would be half exposed by lace and strings digging around for the to go tide pen so you could lightly bleach the crotch to make it seem as if they'd been worn all damn day "just for him"
Fuckin gag me.
Your phone pings again, another notification from the SDSB app.
GZ: I don't like waiting, Sweetheart, give me your number.
This time you reply but only after looking over your outfit in the mirror, debating if he'd be into stockings and ripping them before you realize it might make you look a little too conservative for his tastes.
Bbgrl: tell me what GZ stands for and I'll give you those special digits
GZ: I don't barter
Bbgrl: Everything comes at a cost. You know this otherwise you wouldn't be messaging me.
You watch the bouncing bubbles pop up before his quick reply.
GZ: Ground Zero
GZ: Now give me your fuckin number Princess.
Bbgrl: maybe in person, Mr Zero.
Not giving away your actual number was your number one rule and because the last sugar daddy you cut off went full tilt you had to disconnect your other phone and just hadn't had a chance to get a burner yet.
Picking up a small clutch purse you shove inside your lipstick for the night, your phone, the doctored pair of underwear and you don't even bother to bring any sort of wallet.
Walking to a public place a block or so from your luxury condo before you flag down a cab giving them the address as the man smiles down at your cleavage. Enjoying the view in the rearview and it's a wonder he doesn't crash and kill you both. Leaning down to meet his gaze with a disarming smile, wearing a skin to protect both you and him from harm as you force a giggle.
"Eyes on the road silly." When really you wanted to take the knife strapped to your ribs and slit his throat for thinking he even deserved to stare at you like that.
You wore this dress for attention yes but there is a fine line between appreciation of a body and straight up eye fucking you.
And just because you wore this dress didn't give him the right to stare. Counting down from ten as you have pretty visions of gouging his eyes out only for him to pull up right to the restaurant, acting as if he was going to get out and help you.
"No need." You smile politely, "And the fare?"
You look at the triple zeros and his eyes flash to it in embarrassment, so busy eating you alive with his eyes he forgot to start it.
"On the house for a pretty lady."
Forcing a smile as you give him a thanks, leaving the cab as quickly as you can before you walk inside, twenty minutes late for the date.
Tardiness was a big part of the game, whether it agitated them or made them anxious, it would certainly place a little more power on your initial interaction. Gaging their reaction to your power play always determines how you'll respond. Clueless, lost, down right stupid.
The hostess gives you a warm smile as she welcomes you into the restaurant asking of your party size. You're quick to tell her you're here for GZ.
"Or maybe under the name Ground Zero if the initials are too vague." You smile and watch the hostess blanche a moment before she fixes her face.
"Right this way." Expect she doesn't lead you all the way over there, stops just before the darker corner of the restaurant making a gesture with her hands and you chalk it up to nerves. That maybe he owned the whole fucking restaurant.
Watching his large palm swirl a bourbon straight, watch his other heavily ringed hand card through his ash blonde locks.
"Mr Zero?" You ask with a cat like smile, coming to stand beside the table. He glares up at you either oblivious or acting it as you wait for him to pull out your chair.
"Yer fuckin late Princess." He doesn't wait you out though can tell from a glance you'll stand there with your sexy ass heels rooted to the hardwoods of the restaurant before you'd ever sit down. He doesn't give in, this just happened to give him a chance to show his stature. He slams his drink down, clattering the water glasses and your wine glass filled with a pinkish color. Most likely something sweet. For a moment it makes you wonder if he read your profile considering most men didn't bother and showed it often on their first dates that they hadn't when they ordered you red wine. Which you had as your top dislike.
When he rises he's much much bigger than you. Tall enough you have to crane your head up to look at him, broad shoulders and now that he's fully facing you you can see his scarred face. A deep fissure of discolored skin from just over his eyebrow cutting through his eye flaring over his cheek before tapering off at his throat before it meets another deep scar that's hidden under his shirt.
He didn't even bother with a dress jacket, only a dress shirt, black, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows exposing his tattoos and even more scars, his black vest if swirling velvet on the front only emphasizes his broad chest and tapered waist.
He stands there a moment watching you take him in and he cannot lie he is surprised. Most women cowarded at his size especially when they see his scar and his half clouded bromine eye but you just smile. Maybe even a bit of excitement flashed in your eyes but you stand unmoving still that fuckin cat smirk on your dark stained lips.
"My chair, Mr Zero." You remind him and he snarls, leaning in close to your face tipping your chin up to him. It's here you realize how large his hands are, especially when the other settles at your ribcage a moment. You just hope he doesn't feel the knife nestled there and take it as a threat to himself.
"I told you I didn't like waiting." He growls, "So what makes you think Imma continue this date?"
"You're still here aren't you? Besides," You half guide him by moving your face gently from his grip, stepping towards your chair and he follows, "You wouldn't want to cancel a date with such a pretty girl would you?"
"A pretty woman." He corrects with a growl, pulling back your chair and shoving it in roughly when you sit, leaning behind you to whisper in your diamond clad ear, "Yer no girl that's for sure."
As if to say a predator recognizes a predator but you feign ignorance.
"Year?" You ask, smelling your wine before taking a sip. It's fruity, peach you realize with hints of citrus and angel food cake.
"Didn't ask." He bites waiting for you to ask where the menus were, he makes eye contact with the waiter to signal to start their meals. Oblivious, you take another sip of this amazingly delicious wine.
"Bit of a dessert wine isn't it?" You comment, usually men would blunder by now realizing they aren't as prestigious or well versed as they pretended to be but this man proves to be different once again.
"Peach pairs well with spicy and smokey." Glaring right back at you before a mean smile curls his lips, "Unless ya lied twice on your profile."
You set the wine glass down thanking the waiter when they leave fresh bread. Zero is faster than you grabbing for the crusty pre dinner treat as he butters the rich white center before placing the slice on your plate before starting his own.
"Hmm, I haven't lied on my profile." You refuse to touch his offering for now.
"Sweetheart, you may look twenty five but I know that you're closer to thirty than what you want to admit." There's that cruel smile of his again.
"It's quite rude to make a woman seem older than what she is. Touchy subject ya know?" Going back to sipping your wine as you've decided you may need a buzz to endure this date, "Or maybe you don't have a lot of experience with women. Is that why I'm here?"
Smirking over the vein protruding from his throat but the satisfaction only lasts so long, thoughts rounding back to wondering how the fuck he knew your real age and so quickly.
Suddenly you feel his fingers wrapping around the back of you knee as he pulls you forward leaning over the table.
"Haaah? Ya think I don't have experience with women? Oh sweetheart I could have you begging to take my cock in this bathroom in under ten minutes. But I need you for somethin else." He lets his bruising grip go when he sees a flash of the real you, sees your pretty lip snarl in disgust before you fix your face so quickly it would have him wondering if he ever saw that snarl or not.
He thinks he likes this version more than what his right hand picked out from your profile.
Your profile was vague but your photo album was filled with a lot of photos that men could easily project on or imagine themselves with you. Looking demure, easy going, a submissive.
Really Bakugou can tell you're a fucking brat at best and far from demure.
"Is that true Mr Zero? Sex on the first date is quite expensive." You smile cutely, make it a giggle all while the steak knife whispers to you that it belonged shoved through his hand on the table.
"I bet it is sweetheart." He spits back.
"So…our contract?" You're ready to rush this along thinking that maybe this benefactor isn't going to work out and that you'll have to save your underwear for another time.
He leans back, finally looking a little more relaxed as you bring up business as if contracts and dealings were part of his expertise. Taking a sip of his bourbon as he looks you over in that fine velvet dress he imagines on the floor of his expensive bedroom.
"Dunno can ya behave long enough to talk about it?" Deadly smirk on his lips now, one that makes your stomach clench.
"I always behave, Mr. Zero." A purr, one that changes the tone of the entire dinner, at least for now.
A light scoff but he's smiling, genuinely and he looks so handsome like that. His eyes catch something you don't see before the waiter comes over with two starter salads.
You look down at the fresh bed of greens matching his and try not to grimace that he's most likely ordered dinner for you. Hating when benefactors took it upon themselves as they never paid enough attention to order even remotely right.
"Let's see how dinner goes first yea, princess? Gotta make sure I like it before I buy it." A clear taunt and stab at you to which you give a tight smile. Him placing himself above you but you were determined at the very least to secure the after dinner deposit fee from him that was clearly stated on your profile.
Any dinner lasting longer than two hours or is set after eight thirty pm is considered to be equal to two consultation fees.
He already violated the time since he messaged you at exactly six pm tonight and you were always sure to take your time getting ready.
But you had to finish the fucking date first.
"Okay." Agreeing without issue as you bite your tongue. Finishing your salad and your wine, asking him to order you another glass. Batting your eyelashes and for a second you see his face flash with something other than his gruff nature. Standing with the brief explanation of "freshening up."
Annoyed as you enter the ladies room, looking at your reflection as if to share a what the fuck glance with a friend before rooting around in your bag. Touching up your lipstick, spraying yourself with a bit of your perfume that made all the men insane for you before turning your attention to your hair.
Making sure it was still in perfect placement as you angle your pretty face this way and that. Clutch open on the vanity, the dummy pair of underwear threatening to fall out. Checking your account to see if the rest of this date was worth it when you see your stipulation fee is sitting in your account despite the date only being an hour long thus far.
Figuring you'll make this date worth it now, mostly curiosity getting the best of you over what is going to make this contact so fucking special he's more than willing to pay everything upfront.
To deal with your more cheeky side you used to scare off weaker men.
Clawed fingers curling around the soft pair of underwear, rubbing them between your hands vigorously to make them warm to the touch. To have him thinking that this sexy lingerie style underwear was nestled right to your cunt.
Balling them up as you make your way out of the bathroom while the waitresses gossip over the fact that some violent ringleader was dining there tonight and that he was "dangerously hot." Hushing when they see you pass the refreshment nook before you make your way back to the table.
Thankfully his left hand with all his rings is resting on its side on the table giving you more than enough space to press the warm fabric into his palm and curling his fist around it before sitting back across from him. Giving a flirtatious smile to the large blonde who turns his hand to see what you placed into his palm. Smirking and shaking his head as he looks down at the fabric.
Unfurling it with his large hand and seeing the pair of underwear with a little spot on the crotch that makes him chuckle.
You look over your meal that's been set out, can tell he was polite enough to wait for you as the aroma of spicy smoked meat sits before you. Breathing deeply and hating to admit that you'd actually like this dish. Picking up your fork as you let him become dumbfounded over the thought that you were bare under your dress when that was far from the truth.
Bakugou leans over the very expensive meal on the small table. Grabbing at your jaw a bit tightly so he can turn your face to husk in your ear.
"Now gimme the ones you're actually wearing, Princess." He growls, pulling back to hold out his hand expectantly.
Feigning innocence you look up at him and bat your eyelashes since that worked earlier, even letting your eyes get a little glassy.
"Wh-what are you talking about Mr. Zero?" Voice soft and going softer still when you add, "Those are my underwear. I wore them just for you."
He laughs loudly in your face and his grip tightens, mouth back at your ear with a deadly tone. A mix of playful flirtation and restrained anger.
"Now Princess, 'fore I get mad."
It sends a chill down your spine and a jolt to your cunt. Breaking your facade entirely when you let sharp nails bite into his thick wrist as you yank away your face. Looking around trying to come up with an excuse that this was too much of a public place before he adds.
"We're secluded enough." Letting his fingers wave impatiently with his palm up. Your eyes widen as you see how serious he is. Unable to hide the snarl on your lips or the flash of deep seeded anger in your eyes as you obey a benefactor's command instead of tricking them into thinking they had control.
Shimmying up your little bodycon dress, hooking sharp clawed thumbs into the band of the underwear to bring it down past your thick thighs that part for just a moment exposing your pretty mound to Bakugou by accident. It makes saliva coat his tongue and his cock twitch in his expensive pants.
Quickly fixing the hem of your dress that still tries to ride up thanks to your hips and thighs, balling up the black underwear and slapping it into Bakugou's waiting palm harshly. The corner of his lip curls up as he realizes it's a thong, much better than the dummy pair you gave him moments ago.
"You're such a fuckin pervert." You cross your arms over your chest, pushing up your tits giving the ash blonde a snarling pout. Wholly forgetting about your dinner now as you look away from him, can't believe he's won this round.
"Yea? Who's fault is that? Yer the one who gave me a clean pair of underwear to make me love sick for ya so I'd cough up all my cash." He makes no move to pocket the thin pair of underwear you've just given him, making your eyes dart to look for the approaching waiter, "This work on most men Sweetheart?"
"Tsk, yes." You scoff, "Then they send me whatever I fuckin want."
Pushing away a bit, thinking of leaving from how condescending his tone is. Inspecting the first pair you've given him now that he has the actual pair you'd been wearing, looking closely at the crotch.
"Did ya use a bleach pen on these 'fore ya came in?" He laughs when he watches your face blanch, most men couldn't tell. Just thought it was real and went with it, asked for more.
The waiter starts to come back to the table with another glass of Bakugou's bourbon and your wine, trying not to crack. Shoving down the panic and letting your nails bite into your palm letting crescent moons form in your soft skin. To try not to shove his hands into his lap to save you the embarrassment because the last thing you want him to know is that he's actually getting under your skin. He looks over his shoulder to follow your gaze, feral smile on his mouth.
"Besides, who's the real pervert here, Me for enjoying a pretty woman's time," He rolls the dark fabric around in his hand, still warm from your cunt and when he gets to the crotch it's damp, sticky, "Or you, for getting off to playing some dumb ass men outta thousands."
"I'm not-"
"Not what? Wet?" He laughs, letting his thumb slide through the slick of your underwear, uncaring that the waiter is here now. Setting down the drinks and forgoing asking how the meal was quickly slipping away in hopes of not bothering Ground Zero.
"Sweetheart I bet I could run my fingers through that sticky cunt and everyone in this restaurant would hear it." Bringing his thumb up to his mouth licking at it as one would to get sauce off their fingers, his eyes flutter and suddenly your cheeks burn.
"You're insufferable." You hiss, crossing your legs now, still unable to look at him.
"Ya know, I hate liars." He tosses your fake pair of underwear, pocketing the thong you wore with one hand while the other swirls his drink, "Ya've lied three times now."
"I have not."
"Ya have. Yer age, yer whole personality, yer underwear." He lists them on his fingers and funny enough you chose to die on only one of those hills.
"I am twenty five." You hiss, grabbing at your wine and downing it in three swallows.
"But yer not." He chuckles, eyes flicker to your face, you don't have foundation on, going for a mostly natural look, and Bakugou has good eyes where most men didn't, "Ya've got crows feet sweetheart. Seems like ya've smiled a lot in your life."
Reflexivity you go to hide the corner of your eyes, they crease heavily when you really smile. Everyone who knew you, actually knew you, always made the comment of "you smile with your eyes."
"Ah come on they're barely noticeable and nothin to be ashamed about." He chuckles, pulling at your wrists so he could see your face again, "Gimme a smile."
"Fuck off." You hiss waving him away dismissively trying to regain control, "The contract Mr Zero."
He sighs, annoyed as he leans back, "We haven't finished dinner."
"I'd like to skip to dessert." A snarling hiss as you push away what was probably the best meal you could've ever had.
"Oh would you?" Deadly smirk, "I could skip to dessert iffin ya want. In my car or the bathroom, your pick Princess."
"Again you're fucking insufferable." You make motion to stand, to leave, only for his strong hand to catch your wrist and pull you into his lap making this somehow worse.
"What's wrong? Embarrassed now?" He tilts your chin to him and you squeeze your eyes shut in defiance he chuckles lowly, "Tell me yer real age and I'll stop teasing, for now."
You open your eyes to glare at him for a long, long time. No judgment in those bromine eyes as he patiently waits for your answer. You sigh, scratching roughly at his undercut with your long nails whether it was a strategic move or your fingers having a mind of their own, you weren't sure. The only thing you were sure of was that this man was trouble.
Big trouble.
Yet you answer honestly anyway.
"Twenty nine." It's soft, genuinely this time as if you might be a little embarrassed about it when you know you shouldn't. He smiles up at you, letting his thumb linger at one of the corners of your eyes before he lets his fingers trace your face down to your jaw.
"See, won't so bad to admit it was it?" Genuine gentle tone, his hand on your hip squeezing at the fat there.
Your heart races and that foreboding feeling creeps up your throat as you're slowly realizing that you are no longer the one who was hunting.
No, no, now you were being hunted.
Nails bite harshly into his nape as you stand, snarl to your lips and all he can do is chuckle at your flippant attitude.
"M leaving." Holding out your manicured hand, "Give me my underwear back."
"No, I paid for it." He growls really spurring on your temper now.
"All you men are the same. Pigs who want to keep their dicks wet." A scoff as you snarl your pretty lips.
"And I can say all women are the same. Bitches who want to keep their pockets full." He retorts forcing your sharp claws to grab onto the cheeks of what you don't realize is the most powerful man in the entire country.
Even making sure your nails bite into the skin of his cheeks, "I don't need your fucking money."
"Then why're ya here sweetheart?" He smirks up at you, grabbing onto your wrist tightly.
"Fuck you. You don't know me." Shoving his face and escaping his tight grip before you begin to stomp from the restaurant with your head held high.
"You'll be crawling back to me, princess." He calls out with a chuckle.
"I won't!" You send a snarling growl back, unable to get through the too quiet dining room to the exit of the five star place.
Hissing through your teeth with an echoing groan as the night air hits you doing little to cool your temper while you hail a cab.
Pulling up the sugar baby app on your phone going to his profile to block him but before you can a message pops up.
GZ: See ya in two months sweetheart.
You'd never blocked a mark faster in your entire life.
But the thing you don't know about him yet is that Bakugou Katsuki always kept his promises.

A/N: yay! You've gotten to the end! Thank you so much for reading! Now I have plans to make this a series however I'm not very good at long term things if I'm being honest. Lmfao but please! If you liked or loved this reblog it! I'd love to hear in my inbox or in the body of the reblog or even in your tags of your reblog what you thought of this!
We’ll Help You, Baby

(Drawing is not mine. All credit goes to the original artist.)
Chapter 1
Prompt: WandaNat own a notorious club in downtown New York, which has its fair share of specialty nights for BDSM and things of the like. Reader is out of high school, having taken a gap year, and now looking to find a way to put themselves through college to become a therapist, their dream, but without any support system behind them, they have to find a way to do so on their own. So, they find an opening at a random club in the city they got acceptance letters from, and started working for the two elusive owners they only know as Romanov and Maximoff. How will these two worlds collide? Will the two powerful women help their new found sugar baby achieve the image that they crave?
WandaNat x Reader
Reader Pronouns - They/He (Reader also experiences gender dysphoria and wears a binder)
Content Warnings - 18+ MINORS DNI! This story will have sexual scenes in future chapters, along with different MH issues described, such as panic attacks, past SH, ADHD, anxiety, depression, gender dysphoria and body dysmorphia. If any of these topics may trigger you, read at your own risk, or don’t read at all. I would rather my lovely readers be safe than force themselves to read through this! However, I will place warnings within the chapters before any detailed parts I feel might be triggering, so feel free to skip those parts if you’d like to read. Legal Age-gap (R is 19, W is 26 and N is 31)
I sighed as I made my way through the bustling streets of downtown New York, on the hunt for one of the most popular clubs within the city, even the whole state itself. I had gotten offered an interview, and I was buzzing with anxiety and excitement at the same time. I just kept telling myself that all I needed to do was get a steady income so I could get through my classes without taking out too many student loans. My eyes finally landed on the unlit neon sign with the name ‘Scarlet&Widow’, and I released a puff of air, trying to ease my pounding in my chest as my heart raced.
“Here goes nothing..:” I murmured, taking one final deep breath before opening the door, the club currently closed to the public as it was only around 3pm.
As I step inside, my eyes squint, trying to adjust to the darkness inside compared to the sun just beating down on my through the clouds, taking a moment before I ventured further inside. While stepping closer to the bar, my nose is assaulted by the smell of perfume and alcohol, scrunching but I ignored it, my hands clenching into fists in the pocket of my hoodie. Making my way to the man standing behind the bar, cleaning different glasses, I cleared my throat softly, making the man lift his gaze. His blue eyes met my own, and I took a moment to take in his appearance.
The man had short blond hair and was rather buff, his shirt even tight on him, but he didn’t seem to mind. The man nodded to me, speaking, “Y/n I’m assuming?” When I nodded in the affirmative, he waved me to follow him, and he lead me upstairs to what looked like an office, gesturing for me to sit. As I do so, he grabs some papers, clearing his throat, “So, this will be quick. Romanov and Maximoff are both out taking care of other things, so I’ll be conducting a brief interview. Got it?”
“Y-Yes Sir.” I stammered nervously, only relaxing a bit as he shot me a charming smile. I hated how soft and high-pitched my voice became any time I was anxious, which was nearly constant.
“Alright, my name is Steve Rogers, but you can just call me Steve.” He spoke, before continuing, “Mainly, I just need to know you can handle yourself if you’re placed anywhere. Whether that’s behind the bar or tending to tables. Some of the patrons can get a bit grabby with workers, but if they do, all you’d have to do is come and tell me or our security guard, usually Bucky, and we’ll take care of them. Are you comfortable with that?” When I nodded again, he gave me a smile, “So, when could you start?”
“Wh-Whenever!” I replied a bit eagerly, surprised my age didn’t seem to cause any issues. But, evidently, Steve didn’t care, as it was right on my resume in front of him.
The man chuckled at my eagerness, before standing, holding his hand out to me, and as I followed his lead, taking his hand, he shook it firmly, “Welcome aboard, Y/n. If you can, we’d love if you’d start tonight. We’ve been a bit short staffed recently. You’d be behind the bar serving for the night, and I’ll be there to guide you.”
I grinned, my heart still racing as I nodded quickly once more, “Of course! Thank you! Any specific uniform?” I asked, getting a shake of his head in return, before I turned to leave, only to pause, “What time shall I get here?”
“Well, we open at 9, so get here by 8:30, that way I can show you the ropes before people arrive.” He explained, and I quickly turned, shouting back a thanks to him as I rushed to get home and get ready for my first night.
It was somehow already 1am, and my feet were starting to ache. The club was busy, busier than anywhere I’ve ever seen before, and I haven’t had a chance to even slow down. However, I wasn’t about to complain, as I knew this job would be worth the pay in the end, and maybe I’ll be able to get better shoes.
Steve was currently on break, and would be getting off to relieve me for my own in another ten minutes, leaving me alone at the bar, but, thankfully, it had all slowed down. As the door opened once again, I glanced up, and my breath hitched as my eyes immediately locked onto another pair that seemed to be a beautiful mix of green and blue, only to immediately after find intriguing verdant orb, both pairs staring at me. Once I finally broke the trance the two pairs of eyes put me in, my eyes glanced over both women, one with fiery red hair and the other a brunette, and I shivered a bit as they approached the bar.
I put on my best grin as I made my way over to them, “Hey there, what can I get ya?” I asked, my voice a cheery, customer service tone while my head tilted a bit, my eyes squinting some as I waited.
Suddenly, a smooth, raspy voice filled my ears, “I’ll be getting a straight vodka.” She replied, making me shiver a bit, but I grinned and nodded, my gaze turning to the brunette as I waited.
“I’ll just get a Russian caravan tea with jam, my sweets.” The other woman purred, a smirk on her lips at the squeak that left me, but I nodded quickly.
“Coming right up.” I grinned, moving and getting the drinks made for the two women quickly. Carefully placing the drinks in front of them, and noticing both of them watching me intently, the redhead head having her eyes squinted just a bit.
After placing the drinks before the two women, I moved to help another patron, as well as start on the order of drinks a waitress brought to me. Once those were both finished, I heard my name being called, and turned, seeing the two women from before. Making my way back over, I stood before the two, hands behind my back, “Yes? How may I help you two?” I asked softly.
“I just wanted to tell you, you made my drink perfectly!” The brunette praised, cooing as a blush crept up on my cheeks, barely noticeable within the dim lighting within the club.
“O-Oh, thank y-you.” I stuttered out shyly, giving her a small grin. Just then, however, Steve emerged, patting my back and telling me to go on my break. I smiled at him, nodding in thanks before heading to the break room in the back.
I wasn’t alone for long, however, suddenly feeling a presence behind me, and I tensed, hesitating to turn around to see who it was, but when I did, my eyes met a familiar face, and my heart races in my chest, “W-What are you doing here?” I asked the woman, who only chuckles with a smirk.
“I came to see you.”
Word Count: 1481 (Chapters will be longer as the story progresses, I promise!)
A/N: I wonder who that could be 🤭 I decided that, having read all of the WandaNat stories I could find, it was time to write my own! So, here y’all go! I hope you enjoy!