Poly!bts - Tumblr Posts
Hello to everyone who is interested in the story of 'The Seal of the Dragon' (TSOFTD), I am working on chapter four, trying to make this chapter the best one, especially after the amount of positive feedback I have received.
I wanted to post a few more chapters today, but I haven't even been able to finish chapter 4, however, if I finish the chapter tonight before I inevitably fall asleep (the heat has been keeping me up till 5:30 am in the UK) early, the chapter will be posted. BUT I am hoping that I will be able to post the next chapter, maybe even the next two, tomorrow.
I hope you bear with me and that you enjoy the chapter once it's been released.
Stay safe, stay hydrated and wear a seatbelt.
The Seal of the Dragon
Chapter Four: Enter if you dare
warnings: mentions of weight, AFAB character, mentions of female body parts, references to the weight of M/C, loosely based on my own research of the ancient Korean royalty system, bullying, loneliness, anxiety, money problems, mentions of how other people view characters body
message me if you feel I need more warnings
The anxiety that filled you, as you felt the palanquin get closer to the Palace, was unlike any anxiety that you had ever felt in your life. All of your feelings hit you at once, and you were unable to decipher which feelings were good and which feelings were bad. A small laugh was heard outside the moving carriage, making you poke your head out to see what was happening.
"Put your head back in woman, I can feel your eyes in the back of my head" Chan laughs, your eyes widen in shock, wondering how he felt your eyes looking at him, as you had barely looked at him. You were beginning to wonder why you and your family had put this effort in, you all knew that it wouldn't go far. You couldn't help but let out yet another deep breath, hoping that this breath would suddenly magic away all the anxiety that your body held. The lively voices of the men you had grown up with continue outside, each of them laughing occasionally, which would make a small smile appear on your face. Especially when Changbin laughed, the noise never failed to make you smile no matter how you felt.
You poke your head out again, trying to be subtle as you didn't want another scolding from your friend. "Y/N, what are you doing?" changbin questions. You close your eyes, grimacing at the fact that you were caught again. Chan laughs loudly. "I was just trying to look for Yeji's palanquin," you said, smiling slightly at changbin. He smiles at you, seeing the anxiety in your eyes before responding "She's in the one ahead of the one in front of us". a sigh of relief leaves your lips, knowing that your best friend was near.
A few more hours passed before you finally arrived at the Palace. You pull the small lilac fabric back slightly, eyes peering at your surroundings. A gasp leaves your lips, the sight before you leaving you feeling enchanted. The walls were high, and the gate to enter the Palace was made from bright red wood with a decorated top coloured with greens, blues, reds and even golds. There were cherry blossom trees lining the grey walls, the smell of them wafting gently through the air towards your nose. Guards were spaced out across the wall, but more guards were crowded by the gate, watching all of the participants enter the gates.
The guards wore hanboks in glorious red colour, with a belt in almost the same royal blue that you had seen the supreme Commissioner wearing a week before. It takes you a few moments to remember what the tall man's name was, it finally clicking when you think about that afternoon. Kim Seokjin was his name, it was quite fitting you thought. He was very handsome, so handsome that his aura felt ethereal to everyone who saw him. You wondered if you would see the man whose broad shoulders could clearly be seen under his hanbok.
Just moments later, you felt the dark box you were sitting in, come to a stop. Anxiety that you had briefly forgotten about when admiring the guards as they stood by the gate. A soft knock is heard on the wood next to you, making you jump in your spot. "We're here," Chan said, his voice low and almost authoritative, reminding you that you could only go onwards and couldn't run home like you wanted to. "Take a deep breath and come out eolin-i" Changbin adds. And that is what you do. Taking your skirt in your hands as elegantly as you can, you make to take your first step within the Palace grounds. A beautiful smell suddenly hits you once your full body was out of the uncomfortable box, almost reminding you of home. It was a scent that made you feel warm inside, it was the familiar scene of samgyetang, almost smelling just like how your mother at home made it. The smell makes a small appear from the corner of your lips. You catch eyes with Changbin, who knows what you're thinking as your mother frequently made it for the Bang clan with all the help they gave her and your family, and he smiles back at you.
'Maybe things will be okay' you think to yourself. Soon after a loud voice filled the open square. "Ladies, welcome" the voice began "Please move onto the squares that have been prepared on the floor and allow for your palanquin carriers to move it to your spot. The first test begins soon". You look around, seeing where everyone else was going, but during this you finally found Yeji, you subtly wave before taking your first step towards one of the biggest moments in your life. You take your place on a square almost directly in the middle of the square. You hear some people talking around you, and hoping it was Yeji or some of the nicer girls from town talking amongst each other, you try to listen into the conversation.
"Why is she even here, it's not like she'll even make it past the first test. The size of her would repel our Beloved King" one voice says. You feel your heart fall, your anxiety heightens and what once was a smile, turns into a frown. "Indeed, the poor Queen Dowager has to lay her eyes upon the elephant" another continues, making tears well up on your water line. Looking up to the sky, you try to blink away the tears, trying to ignore the two women behind you tearing down your self-confidence quicker than it took to light one of the Palace lanterns. "She's not even dressed to the right standard, how does she even think that she can even present herself in front of the Queen dowager. When I become Queen, I will put her in the dungeons, for committing such a crime to the Dowager" their hate continues, followed by a giggle of the other. Shock fills your system, making you wonder if she could actually do something like that.
Looking around, you noticed that every single other woman around you, Yeji included, was dressed to the best that their money could afford. Worry piles onto your already high pile of emotions that you were feeling. Would you even be allowed to enter the view of the Queen Dowager in your current outfit? But before you could stew on your thoughts even more than you already were, Chan and Changbin arrive next to you with your palanquin next to you, blocking you from the view of people on either side of you. The feeling of the men standing next to you made your anxiety ease slightly, but the feelings still piled high within your heart. You turn to look at the men and open your mouth to say something when another voice cuts you off.
"Welcome Ladies and manservants" the voice begins, this sentence making you turn to the boys and smirk at them slightly, letting them know that you would never let them forget what they had just been called. The giggle that was about to exit your throat, reminded you to look towards the front. And you were not disappointed when you did. Seeing the man that you had been thinking about earlier when you had begun your entrance into the Palace. "Today begins the beginning of the selection process for our King to find his future Queen. That lady being amongst the very people in front of me." He starts "To help me welcome you into the Palace, the Head Directorate Min Yoongi has joined me," he says and turns, his hand pointing towards the shorter man slightly behind him. Min Yoongi looked almost as ethereal as the Seokjin, He had long blonde hair, half tied up in a high ponytail, a black band wrapped around the top of his head. A long pink scar covered his right eye from above his eyebrow to just below his eye. The man was just as attractive as the broad-shouldered man and you knew that a part of him knew that he was attractive. Yoongi takes a step forward, places a small smile upon his lips, and bows slightly before taking a step back, putting him back into his previous position. Smiling, Seokjin continues "Now to begin the process" a pause fills the air "We will begin with the person on the left" he takes his hand and points to the woman to his left, smiling gently at her "You will begin, and the King would like you to announce your name, both family and your given name, your age and your family crest. Please begin".
The woman he had pointed to during his speech, takes a small step forward, bowing deeply to the Supreme Commissioner and Head Directorate, an elegant smile on her lips before announcing her name "Kim Si-Hyeon, 19, Wild Boar" she states, before bowing again and returning to her previous spot. This continues until it reaches you. You repeat the same process that all the women before you had done.
Take a deep breath.
Take a step forward.
Brightest smile.
"Seo Y/N, 22, tiger"
Bow again.
Step back.
Breathe again.
Once you had finished, you hear small giggles and scoffs from the hate-filled women behind you. You pay no mind to them and continue to listen to the women around you announce themselves. Your breath gets caught in your throat when it gets round to the women who had been spitting hatred at you, "Kim Seol-Hyun, 22, Rabbit", soon followed by "Kwon Eun-Bi, 22, Deer". The voices clashing straight into the memory of when you had attended the school in town to learn how to read and write. The voices that had moments ago filled your heart with hurt, were the same ones who had tried to bring you down when you were barely tall enough to reach the middle shelf in the town library. You feel your whole body freeze, before remembering that they can see you, and try to relax your body.
A few minutes later, all the women in the courtyard had announced their names, their age and their seal. Your anxiety peaked once again, as you remembered that the first test was about to begin. Seokjin stepped forward again, a formal smile graces his face, as he begins to say what the first test would be.
"Well, it is wonderful to meet you all. The first test is the Chogantaek. You will have to remove all your ceremonial robes, leaving you in your underdress', you must also remove ALL makeup and hair accessories. The only accessories allowed are Daenggi's and small headbands. Please also remove your shoes and beoseoh, then return to the spot that you are standing in. The Queen Dowager will arrive in a few moments and will be with her ladies, making her decision row by row. Once she has completed every row, she will confer for one hour with her ladies before announcing her selection. 15 of you will be going through. That is one from every row. On the rare occasion that the Queen Dowager makes a decision to have more than one from each row, we will process with them, however, know this rarely happens" Seokjin takes a step back, then nods his head towards a group of guards. The guards take their staffs, stomping them on the ground, yelling out and announcing the arrival of Queen Dowager.
The Queen Dowager enters, wearing the ceremonial red Wonsam. Her ladies in waiting also wearing their ceremonial clothing, the Dowager, however, stood out brightly among the rest. The sight of the woman took your breath away, your body subconsciously standing taller. The ladies surrounding the Dowager separated, moving to form a line behind the woman as she joined the Supreme Commissioner on the podium. Everyone bowed deeply before her.
"Good luck" was all she said, before moving off of the podium with her ladies. Moving to return to where she had previously stood. "Now ladies," Seokjin spoke, "Now is the time to enter your palanquins, remove your outer robes, accessories and jewellery and return to your spot". A moment is held in the air before the first women moved to their boxes, the rest following suit once the first had moved.
You move into your palanquin, leaving your hair braided with the daenggi tied in your hair. You undo the goreum, that held the two sides of your jeogori together, letting it slip off of your shoulders. You then take off your chima, before folding it and placing it on the seat that you had spent the last few hours sitting upon. A short anxious breath escapes from your lips before you leave your palanquin once again. You make eye contact with the boys standing near you, both of them throwing a thumbs up your way, making you feel slightly at ease.
More and more women entered back into the courtyard, standing where they once were. It only took a minute or two before everyone had returned. Another stomp is heard, along with the yells, before the Queen Dowager is standing in front of you all again. "As I stated earlier, we will be going row by row, starting with the first row." Seokjin states, before moving down the stairs at the front of the podium that you had not seen before, he turns, holding his hand up for the Dowager. She takes his large-looking hand, moving gracefully down the steps. The ladies who had come back out with her, moved in a row behind her, as the group moved to the woman who introduced herself first. The group began talking amongst themselves as they passed through each trio. Once they reached the end of each line, they would turn to each other, talking almost silently among each other, before turning back to Seokjin, mentioning something, he would write it down, and they would continue to the next row.
Your heart pounded inside your chest as she eventually reached your row. She began to the right of you, moving what felt both slow yet fast, closer and closer to you. She soon reached you. You bowed deeply to the woman in front of you, bowing as low as your body would possibly let you. "You may rise," she says, you bow your head, before returning to your standing position. "What is your name?" she asks you, staring into your eyes, making you feel nervous as you answer "Seo Y/N, Your Royal Highness" you respond. "Your age? And seal?" she questions "22, Your Royal Highness, and my seal is the tiger, My Queen" you finish. She lets out a small laugh, a sweet smile gracing her pink lips.
"Why do you want to become Queen?" The older woman continues her questions. You take a moment to respond, making the Queen Dowager raise her eyebrow slightly. "I want to make my family proud of me, to make a difference when and where I can" you answer finally. Your answer makes the woman smile. "A beautiful answer" she responds. Turning, nodding to her women, and continuing on to the woman next to you.
Around 15 minutes later, all rows had been gone through, and now was the moment of truth. You would find out if you made it through to the next stage of the first test.
"When I call your name, please step forward" Seokjin starts, then looking down at his list, he beings
"Row one; Kim Si-Hyeon, Row two; Ahn So-Hee, Row three; Bae Suzy, Row four; Cho Mi-Yeon, Row five; Nam Da-Won Row six; Jung Eun-Bi, Row seven; Go Woo-ri" He counts, announcing each girl "Row eight" hearing your row makes your heart stop and your body freeze. "Hwang Yeji" a short pause follows "and Seo Y/n". If your heart hadn't stopped before when hearing your row, it definitely would have, hearing your name falling from the plump pink lips of the Supreme Commissioner.
You. Had. Passed.
"Row Nine; Kim Seol-Hyun AND Kwon Eun-Bi, Row ten; Han Sun-Hwa, Row Eleven; Lee Ji-Eun, Row twelve; Jang Won-Young, Row thirteen; Kang Mi-Na, Row Fourteen; Kim Si-Jeong, Row fifteen; Lee Hye-Ri" He finishes his list of names before returning his vision to the crowd. "Thank you to those who did not pass, your marriage ban has lifted, and we humbly ask for you to return to your cities, towns or villages. Those who did pass, please gather at the front, we will have men escort your palanquins and manservants to your accommodations and they will meet you there, as they will be assigned by the Queen Dowager once you have completed the next test". You wait a moment, turning to Chan and Changbin behind you muttering a quiet "see you later" to them, before placing your hands together and moving towards the front. On your way, however, the women who you had identified as your childhood bullies, decide to bash their shoulders into yours, making you nearly fall to the ground, a small hand catches you, making you turn around. You see Yeji glaring at the women in front of you. Clasping onto her hand, you straighten yourself up, trying to ignore the pink flush that has risen to your cheeks in embarrassment.
"Wonder how fatty got through," the taller bully says to the shorter one, the other quickly responding "must have bribed her, there's no other way someone of her size would have gotten through to this second part"
"The same could be said about you, don't you think," Yeji says, speaking again before they could open their mouths "you must have had a pretty big bribe to get through, there's no way the Queen Dowager would allow someone as spiteful and rude as you through her walls otherwise". A short silence is held between the four of you before Yeji grips your hand and pulls you to the front.
"Congratulations on passing the first half" Min Yoongi begins speaking surprising you all. "The second half of the test begins in a few moments. We ask that you enter through that door, single file, to enter the smaller courtyard where the test is set up for you. Each of you will take a spot in front of a tray. Once you reach your tray, you will see a stick. Use this to right your father's name, before taking your stick, placing it next to it, and standing behind it with your tray. More instructions will follow". Smiling towards Yeji, you both let go of each other's hands, you stand just behind her as you walk to the door that the blonde-haired man had pointed to during his explanation. Close to the door, you saw the pot lid that you knew you would need to stand on. The sight of it, makes your stomach turn, anxiety spike and your fingers clasp at each other in anxiety. The first girl goes, and steps on it, it doesn't move, and she carries on. The process continues until it reaches you. You stand in front of it, place the middle of your foot on the handle, place as little weight on it as you can, and then place your other foot on the front side of the pan. To your surprise, the lid does not move. This makes you let out a small breath, with a quiet laugh of surprise. You carry on towards the smaller square that had been mentioned. Here you see another man standing on the podium, alongside the dowager and her women.
Taking a spot next to Yeji at the end of the row, you crouch down as elegantly as you could, trying to remember all the lessons your mother taught you on how to be as ladylike as possible doing things that most times aren't considered ladylike. Briefly looking up, you notice that most of the other girls are hesitant to crouch down as you were, especially Seol-Hyun and Eun-bi. The sight of this makes you smile slightly to yourself, picking up the stick that was on the tray. You're about to write your father's name, when you realised your tray was in the way, so you move it, before writing your father's name in hangeul. Then you take the tray that you had placed to the side, standing up and waiting for the next instructions.
Whilst the others finish writing their father's names on the ground, another young man who you don't recognise walks around with a piece of hanji in his hand and a long black writing brush in his hand, writing something down about the writings that had been finished.
"We will begin the next part of the test. I have had another person go around and write who completed their task first, and this test will be going in order of who finished it first. Once the name has been called out, that person will come to the podium with their tray, they will have a pot of tea, and six very special tea cups placed on their tray. You will need to take the filled tray to the Queen Dowager and her ladies and serve them tea. You are being judged on your basic etiquette. Once this is completed, you will return to your spot." the unknown man speaks. "Once everyone has completed this test. You will be assigned to the accommodations, that our gracious Queen Dowager has selected for each of you. Good Luck, let's begin. Seo Y/n"
As your heart pounds in your chest, you take your tray in both hands, keeping it as straight as possible, moving towards the podium. Once you reach the podium you wait at the steps, "you may enter the podium" the man who had given you instructions tells you. You knew more than anything that right now, you would need to rely on your manners and etiquette more than your style, hoping that these would shine through to the Queen Dowager. Taking one step at a time until you reached the top, you tried to remind yourself to breathe in and out. It takes mere seconds for you to reach the man at the top of the podium. You bow, again as low as you can, to the man in front of you He nods his head briefly back at you, before nodding to the men to the side, themselves holding teapots and teacups. They begin to come over to you, placing the teapot and teacups on your tray. You bow slightly towards them, careful not to tip the tray over. Once all the items were on the tray, you took a careful first step towards the Queen Dowager and her ladies in waiting. It took only a few steps before you reached their table. You tried to place the tray down on the table in the centre as you could before kneeling in front of the table. Bowing once more to the Queen Dowager, and then bowing slightly higher to the Queen's ladies, you took the teapot off of the tray, holding it with both hands, careful not to let any spill. You place it down, before moving to take the teacups. First the Queen Dowager, then the ladies next to her, slowly going out more and more until you reached the ladies on the end. Retaking the teapot, you pick it up before returning to the Queen Dowager "Would you like some tea, Your Royal Highness?" You ask. She nods her head slightly at you, letting you pour her tea. You make sure not to pour too much tea, but enough to fill the teacup to a reasonable standard, trying to remember all the lessons your mother had taught you growing up. You turn to the lady next to her, asking her the same question, repeating the process until each lady had a tea. After the final lady had received her teacup of tea, you return the teapot to the tray, bowing once more before you stand up. "Please enjoy your tea Your Royal Highness and her gracious ladies" you state. You take a step to the right before turning and moving back towards where the unknown man was standing.
Once you do, the man nods to the menservants to come back over, and they do, taking the teapot from you. "Please return to your spot," the man says, you nod and bow towards the man, descending the stairs and returning to your spot.
It took what felt like an age before everyone had finished, some spilling their tea on the floor in nervousness, one girl even breaking a teacup before she could even reach the Queen Dowager. However, worst of all was one of the ladies, whose name you found out to Jung Eun-bi, from the sixth row, spilt her tea and broke a teacup between the Queen Dowager and the lady next to her. It finally came to the time when it would be announced who would pass through to the next round. The square fell silent once again when the still un-named man spoke again.
"I feel that it is time for introductions into who myself and the other man are. My name is Jung Hoseok, the young man who was walking around earlier is Jeon Jungkook. Our jobs, respectively, are The Chief Councillor and High Councillor. The Queen Dowager and her ladies have come to the decision on the ladies she would like to pass through onto the next stage, which is called Jaegantaek, and those who passed will receive further instructions as to what it is. However, now is time to talk about the ladies who passed.". The other man who you could now identify as Jeon Jungkook, came forward "Those who did pass, please make a formerly line at the front. Those of you who have not passed, please return to your manservants and return to your homes. Your marriage ban has been lifted and we thank you for your cooperation within the process."
" Kim Si-Jeong" one.
"Bae Suzy" two.
"Cho Mi-Yeon" three.
"Hwang Yeji" four.
"Kim Seol-Hyun" five.
"Han Sun-Hwa" six
"Kwon Eun-Bi" seven.
Shit. That's seven. There was barely ever more than that. It was such an unheard-of occasion for it to actually be more than seven. And your name wasn't part of that seven. Do you feel relieved or happy? Yeji sends a small smile your way before moving into the line. Your bullies send you a smirk and walk smugly over to the line.
"And on a very rare occasion, we have an eighth candidate" Jung Hoseok lets the information fill the air, everyone taking a breath.
"Seo Y/n"
Posting Schedule
So, you guys, when do you think I should post?
A) Once a week?
B) Every other day?
C)Once every four days?
What words mean
This will be updated as the chapters progress!!
'Omo!' - Often used in Korea instead of 'OMG'
'Annyeonghaseyo' - Polite hello in Korean
'Imnida'- "I am" in Korean
'Pabo' - Idiot/fool
'Hanji'- Ancient Korean word for paper, usually handmade
'Agi'- baby
'Nae Sarang/Salang' - My love
'Cheonsa' - angel
Eomma- mum/mom
Appa - dad
Auspicious - conducive to success; favourable.
Hangeul - Korean written language
Chima- The skirt part of a woman's hanbok
Jeogri- The jacket part of a women's hanbok
Goreum- The ribbon that ties the two sides of the jacket together
Palanquin - a covered litter for one passenger, consisting of a large box carried on two horizontal poles by four or six bearers.
Samgyetang - Samgye-tang or ginseng chicken soup, meaning ginseng - chicken - soup in Korean, consists primarily of a whole young chicken filled with garlic, rice, jujube, and ginseng. Samgye-tang is a Korean traditional soup for body health. Samgye-tang is a representative summer health food.
'Eolin-I' - little one
Wonsam- The ceremonial robe worn by the Queen dowager, royal concubines and members of the royal court. The colour and shape of the robe differed depending on the position of the wearer.
Daenggi's - ribbon for hair
Beoseon - a type of paired socks worn with the hanbok
The Lullaby - Hey doggie, don’t bark, Our baby sleeps so well, Hey chickie, don’t bark, You’ll wake our child’s sweet sleep, Hush hush our baby, Our baby sleeps so well, A baby more beautiful than the moon, A baby more beautiful than the stars, Hush hush our baby, Our baby sleeps so well
친애하는/ chin-aehaneun - this means dear, but in a loving, kind or affectionate way.
Noona- affectionate term used for men when addressing woman older than them. Sometimes used in couples.
Yeonji- a Korean name for rouge, which was used to colour the lips and cheeks. It could be made from safflower
Chingu- Korean word for friend
Signet ring- A signet ring is set apart from other rings based on an engraved or raised symbol, series of words or letters, or image on the top half of the ring
Gat- The gat, a traditional Korean hat made by carefully threading horsehair and strips of bamboo, was first produced during the Joseon Dynasty
Norigae- pendants that hang on the goreum of a jeogori or her chima
Cheopji- a traditional hairpin
Gomusin - traditional Korean shoes made out of rubber
Eomeoni- formal and respectful way of saying mum/mom/mother
Gamsahabnida - a formal way of saying thank you
Luncheon- formal lunch or formal way of saying lunch
Angojiki- Angojiki is both a hinged and slideable door.
Chest band- essentially an ancient Korean bra. based off of this
Gongju (공주) -Translates to princess (according to Google)
Chapter Five- Royal Residences Part One
warnings: mentions of weight, AFAB character, mentions of female body parts, references to the weight of M/C, loosely based on my own research of the ancient Korean royalty system, bullying, loneliness, anxiety, money problems, mentions of how other people view characters body
message me if you feel I need more warnings
3.4k words
You made your way to the front, the sound of your name, leaving nearly everyone shocked but your best friend, who had the biggest grin on her beautiful face. No one had expected you to get through, not even yourself. A blush blankets your face as you make your way to the line at the front. A moment passes as everyone waits for the ladies who did not get through to leave the smaller courtyard.
"Congratulations ladies" you hear Hoseok speak, breaking the silence, whilst looking over each and every one of you. You don't know if you were just imagining it, but the tall and handsome man had sent an almost imperceptible smile your way, making your eyes go wide. "Now, myself and Jungkook will tell you your residences, and we will also assign you 2 maids and a manservant for you to use at your convenience"
"Let's start with the furthest away from this little courtyard shall we?" Jungkook questioned, though the question was rhetorical.
"Bae Suzy, You are in the Sapphire Apartment. Along with the manservants, you brought along with you, you are also being assigned Shin Won-ho as your manservant and Kim Tae-Yeon and Chou Tzu-yu as your maids. Please proceed to your apartment"
"Next we have the Chariote Apartment, the person who will be staying there is Han Sun-Hwa. You are being assigned Lee Jong-Hyun, Jeon So-Yeon and Kwon Yu-Ri. Please proceed."
The process carried on.
"Ruby Apartment is for Hwang Yeji, You are assigned Kang Dong-Ho, Ahn Sol-Bin and An Yu-Jin. Please proceed.
"Opal Apartment. Kim Seol-Hyun. Woo Ji-Ho, Son Chae-Young, Cho Seung-Hee"
"Carnelian Apartment. Kwon Eun-Bi. Yoo Ki-Hyun, Lee Hae-in and Lee Young-Yoo"
"Amber Apartment. Choi Mi-Young. Doh Kyung-Soo, Bae Woo-He, Baek A-Yeon"
"Azurite Apartment. Kim Si-Jeong. Lee Byung-Hun, Go Woo-Ri and Park Hye-Won"
At this point, everyone had left apart from you. "Miss Seo, as you were an unexpected candidate, your apartment is still getting ready and the maids needed a few more moments, so we were trying to prolong this for as long as possible. You have been assigned Moon Jong-Up, Ahn Hye-Jin who goes by Maria or Hwa-Sa and Jun Hyo-Seong. I hope that they treat you well. To prolong this even longer as we have not received the signal that they are ready, we are going to give you a tour, are you okay with that?" The pair asked.
"Perfectly." You responded. "It would be my honour" You carried on with a smile. "Please, Lead the way". The two young men smiled at you, before moving down the stairs towards you. Suddenly, you felt incredibly nervous, these incredibly attractive young men were looking directly at you, with no signs of distate anywhere on their faces or bodies. The men took a space on either side on your, Hoseok moving his arms to point the way out of the courtyard. "Do you have a flower that you appreciate the most?" Jungkook asked "Good question Kookie" Hoseok said, the nickname making your eyes widen again, almost not expecting the men to be so close that they were using nicknames. "We might have your favourite here in one of the gardens"
"Cherry blossoms, Chief State Councillor and High Councillor. My most appreciated flower of all is Cherry Blossom." The two men share a look between each other. "That is our Gracious King's favourite, so much that he has a garden dedicated to it, coincidentally, the garden is right next to your apartment" A small gasp left your lips, the excitement evident not just on your face but on your whole body as you turned to both of them, your hands clasping together joyfully. "Really!?! Can we go there?" You asked hopefully. Both men smiled at your excited state before telling you that you could, and led the way, right to the entrance of the garden. There was a small bridge to cross before you would actually be in the park, and you ran quickly across it, accidentally forgetting about the two men behind you. You span round quickly, a giant smile on your face, trying to look everywhere at everything.
"I take it that you like the garden," a voice behind you, which you quickly identified as Hoseok, spoke. "Almost more than anything in the world," You said without thinking. Both men let out a laugh, which made you look at them with a questioning gaze. "You have almost the same reaction as the Good King". This very sentence made you stop in your spot, your face dropping, looking almost horrified to be compared to the King. "Omo, I am not worthy of being compared to our gracious King" You spoke, anxiously wringing your hands together. "My apologies Lady Seo, we didn't mean to make you anxious," Jungkook said. You noticed a young woman run up to the two men and yourself. She spoke quietly to the men, before bowing and turning away. The two men turned to you, smiling slightly "Your apartment is ready Lady Seo, let us lead you there" Hoseok said. Nodding, you spoke gently "Please do lead the way". You bow gently, allowing the men to turn around and lead the way out of the garden that you had fallen in love with, and almost didn't want to leave.
It took barely two minutes before you arrived in front of the apartment. "This is the Emerald apartment. Next to you, there is the Queen Dowager's Garden, you are not allowed to enter that space without her explicit permission" Jungkook stated sternly. "And on your other side is Lady Hwang" Hoseok finished. This made you smile, your apartments here, being closer to each other than the houses in your town were. "Lady Hwang Yeji is my best friend," You spoke gently, a small but warm smile on your face at the mention of your best friend. "We have known each other since we were born, my eomma likes to say that I have two sets of parents, both our parents raised both of us..." you paused, your smile turning into a frown "well my eomma and Yeji's parents, my appa..." you spoke again, your frown becoming bigger. "You don't need to tell us, Lady Seo" Hoseok said calmly, laying a gentle hand on your shoulder. You look up, and into the handsome man's eyes, your eyes slightly blurry with tears, making something flash in Hoseok's eyes. "I feel like I almost need to" you spoke "My appa, he used to be a good man, until he fell from grace, he lost a lot of his respect, and therefore money, and the money he did keep, he used to drink. He would blame me for his drinking, he would tell me it was my fault, that he wished it was I who died and not my sister. Before I left, he attacked me for the first time, he dragged me by my hair to the floor and yelled at me. My eomma, she's a wonderful woman, she grabbed him by the ear and dragged him out of the house once she realised he was in my room and harming me. Appa had a bruise on his ear still, when I left for the procession. My bruises still remain intact too, but when I remember what my eomma did, the fire in her eyes, I feel proud to be her descendant" You finally finished your story.
You could see anger clearly on both men's faces. "I know I need not worry about my eomma whilst I'm here, she is as fierce as the summer in the sky in the summer sky." The warm smile lay on your lips, remembering your eomma. "She sounds like a wonderful woman" Jungkook spoke, a smile that could be perceived as genuine if there were someone looking on from the outside in.
"Anyway's my Chief Councillor and High Councillor, I must leave your warm presence and settle myself into my apartments. I hope to see you soon Your Honours. May the sun warm your cheeks, and the food fills your bellies" You speak eloquently, bowing low before the two handsome men, before turning and leaving their presence to enter your apartments.
The apartment that you entered was spacious and homely. In the room stood your friends Chan and Changbin with large grins on their faces, along with your assigned manservant and maids.
"My Lady, Your room is this way, would you like me to help you redress" Hyo-Seong spoke, her hand pointing to an area separate from the room you all stood in. The room was separated from the room you were in by a wall of sliding doors. The entire apartment was decorated in green and brown, the sliding doors were made of oak, and the cloth was painted with the seal of the kingdom in the colours your apartment was named after. It was a beautiful sight to behold, and you knew that if you had any spare time, you would ask your maids to retrieve any painting items they could get a hold of so that you could show this image to your eomma when you got home again. You knew that she would take great delight in your painting, and knowing how an apartment within the royal castle looked and would love the painting even more so, knowing it came from her daughter.
"That would be lovely Miss Jun" you spoke to the woman. She nodded her head as a slight bow, walking to the room you now identified as your bedroom. In the room, there was a large box placed near the window, on top of it was a new hanbok ready for you to wear. "Would you like a bath Lady Seo?" Hyo-Seong asked. You shook your head, a feeling of exhaustion coming over you in a quick wave. "Do you think it would be possible to sleep for a short period Miss Jun?" You asked hopefully. "Unfortunately not, My Lady, there is much to do. As you have reached the second stage, you must prepare for a meeting with Queen Dowager. You will soon also be accepting gifts from the royal family, of which I am unsure, but you must prepare to receive them. We must also start preparing you for your interview, and the luncheon that is happening tomorrow. There is also a Royal Banquet that we must prepare you for. I assume you have attended a banquet before, but a royal banquet is much more different to the ones of the high class" The maid in front of you explained your schedule for the coming potential one to two weeks that you would be residing in a royal apartment.
"Very well, then we must begin," You say a small polite smile on your face. "What's first?" you ask. "First My Lady, we must dress you," she says, returning your attention back to the box that had caught your attention when you first walked into the room. You didn't recognise the hanbok, remembering all the ones that you owned. "I apologise, but this is not my hanbok," you tell your maid "No My Lady, the Queen Dowager sent this. It's the first gift from the royal family." Excitement fills your body, knowing that this was something that the Queen Dowager herself had someone make and be sent. "But only 6-7 were predicted, and I'm not the average size", you questioned slightly, the anxiety that you had felt earlier in the day returning in full force. "The Queen Dowager had this one sent specifically, it was a hanbok she had in her storage, she wore it when she was pregnant with the King. She sent a letter along with it" you were told before being handed the letter
Dear Lady Seo,
The Royal Family apologises for not having anything prepared for you. I did not have a gift prepared for you, however, your crest is a crest that has a long line, and the crest on your hanbok is a phoenix. This was my family crest before I married King Sejong, the King's late father. It was a hanbok I wore when I was pregnant with the King. I hope that it does you well, as it is now yours. Please meet me in my gardens at 3.
Her Royal Highness, The Queen Dowager Kim Eun-Ji
"What time is it?" You ask loudly, waiting for anyone in the household to respond. "2:30" you hear someone yell, unsure of who it was due to the closed doors between you. You feel your face pale. Turning to your maid you speak again "We must hurry, please call Miss Ahn in, time is not on our side". The maid nods, before running the door and calling in the other woman.
Within 20 minutes, your hair had been brushed and moved into a restyled updo, behind held back with a purple dwikkoji, your under clothes being changed for cleaner ones, and then the gifted hanbok was placed onto your body. It fit almost like a glove like it was made for you. The jeogori was a gorgeous dark purple colour, decorated with golden detailing featuring a phoenix, the goreum was also in an off-gold colour. The chima was a black colour with the same golden detail. Your beoseons were black as well as your shoes which were decorated in the same gold detailing. With a few minutes to spare, your maids applied some basic makeup consisting of plant ash to apply a dark brown colour to your eyebrows, safflower was used to apply a light rouge to your lips and cheeks and cherry blossom petals took right from the very cherry blossom garden you had just been in (it was a perfume that was on the dressing table when you got here, you had just assumed it was a gift everyone received) mixed with water was used to make a delicious spelling perfume.
With exactly 10 minutes left before the Queen Dowager wanted to see you, you left your apartment, your manservant Moon Jong-Up directing you, almost acting as your guard as well as your guide. When you arrived outside the Queen Dowagers garden, which only took moments as you quickly found out was right next to your apartment, Mr Moon stepped aside to let you enter first, before following you slightly behind, allowing you to look like you had found the garden yourself.
It doesn't take long to notice the Queen Dowager, it shocked you slightly when you saw that she was wearing the same colours just the other way around. The lady in front of you turns towards you, hearing your footsteps. She waits at the top of the stairs of the Pavilion she was standing in. Once you reach the bottom of the stairs, you bow as low as possible to the elegant woman before you. "You're early Lady Seo" the woman speaks. "My apologies Your Majesty, I was excited to meet you once again." You speak, not allowing your nerves to take over your anxiety.
“Don’t be, it is a good thing for a woman to have, to have time management perfected, especially for a woman. Especially for a woman who may be the future mother of the kingdom, the future queen.” She says, her very words making you blush.
“You speak of me too highly My Queen,” you say. “I am eternally grateful for your gracious gift. The fabric is the softest thing I have ever had touch my skin. If there is anything I can do to show my thankfulness, please allow me to do it. Would you like some tea, Your Royal Highness?” you ask, noticing the teapot and teacups whilst you were looking around in nervousness.
“You need not worry Lady Seo, this is no longer a test, you do not need to pour my tea for me,” she says, her voice full of authority, before nodding slightly to a man that you almost hadn’t seen when you entered the pavilion. “You intrigue me, Lady Seo, you are so unlike the other candidates, both in looks and mentality. Most of your candidates, when I had asked them why they were doing this, responded with generic answers” she speaks “For his Royal Highness the King’s happiness, to get to know you Your Highness” she carries on, her voice changing to mimic the people she was speaking about, at the sound of her change in voice you let out a giggle, covering your mouth. “But your answer, it was different, you wanted to make your family proud. This was something I wanted when I was a candidate to marry the King's late father” she finishes, the words turning the mood serious once more. A lady, small and almost meek approached the table, taking the teapot and pouring tea into both the cups on the table, before retreating to her spot against the wall of the garden. “You have a beautiful garden My Queen,” you tell her trying to achieve the once jovial mood the pavilion had a matter of minutes ago. “I spent a few brief minutes in the cherry blossom garden, and I truly believe that it was the happiest moment of my life,” you tell her, allowing the smile to fill your face as your mind retrieves the memory you were talking of.
“The King’s favourite spot is also in the cherry blossom garden, he begged his father to plant the trees when he was still King, persuading him by telling him that he would propose to his future queen in that very garden,” the Queen Dowager tells you, allowing you a little into the past of the King, who you were yet to set eyes upon.
Before thinking, you blurt out “Were you scared when you made the application to become the late King Se-Jeong’s wife?” A few moments pass, and just as you go to open your mouth to apologise, the dowager stops you. “I was, in fact, I was terrified, to tell you the truth, I never wanted it, but I needed to do it for the pride of my family. I was lucky that I fell in love with the King eventually, and we had a good, long and happy life,” she answers with a small smile on her face, reminiscing on the memories of her past. “I actually have a few questions for you myself if you don't mind”
“It would be my honour to answer your questions My Queen” you respond, nervousness filling your body even more.
“The king is very… uh… close with his closest men. Would that be a problem with you?” she starts. “Of course not, if our Great King is happy, then I myself shall be happy,” you respond, hoping your answer satisfies her. She nods, with a small hum of approval.
“And concubines? What are your opinions on the concubines?” she continues her questioning.
You pause, this was something you had thought about. “Well My Queen, I have a feeling that if I was ever to become Queen, the other two candidates that would have gotten through, would be my school bullies-” the queen cuts you off after hearing of your bullies “Your bullies are in the palace?” She questions with an eyebrow raised.
“Yes Your Highness, Kim Seol-Hyun and Kwon Eun-Bi, their apartments are Carnelian and Opal if I remember correctly”, the Queen Dowager nods again. “So what would you do if you became Queen and them the concubines?” She asks, her interest even more peaked.
“Part of me would want to through them into the dungeons like they had threatened they would do with me earlier today. Another part of me would want all of the king's concubines gone but the biggest part of me wants the King to be happy, and if the concubines make My Great King happy, then I shall live with the concubines.” The Queen Dowager looks almost shocked. “The Kings happiness, at the end of the day, will always be my source of happiness, whether I get through to the final round, or I don’t. The King, from what I have heard in rumours spread across cities and towns, near and far, is that when the King is happy, the land thrives, and the people are well. My family are part of his people, and as well as making them proud, I desperately want them to be happy… even my father.” you tell her.
“Your father?"
Another BIG question for you all!
Should i include my puppy as a character in the story. Still as a puppy, but just involve her in it. Let me know what you think!
So my aim when writing TSOTD was for it to be as historical as possible, with creative leaneancy (sp?) for the plot. I'm taking some time, for this chapter, to make sure it's historically accurate as history is something I deeply love, and it is something I think should be appreciated.
I am working on the next chapter, but life is hectic as well, so I hope you all enjoy the next chapter
The Seal Of The Dragon Masterlist
Chapter One - Trials and Tribulations Chapter Two - Taking the Plunge Chapter Three - The Application Chapter Four - Enter If You Dare Chapter Five - Royal Residences Pt 1 Royal Residences Pt 2 Royal Residences pt 3 Chapter Six - The Royal Announcement Chapter Seven- The Move Chapter Eight- Cherry Blossom Courtyard
Extras: What Words Mean Seokjin's Gift Yoongi's Gift Hobi's Gift Jimin's Gift Taehyung's Gift Jungkooks Gift Namjoon's Gift Taglist
Chapter Five- Royal Residences Part 2
warnings: mentions of weight, AFAB character, mentions of female body parts, references to the weight of M/C, loosely based on my own research of the ancient Korean royalty system, bullying, loneliness, anxiety, money problems, mentions of how other people view characters body
message me if you feel I need more warnings
3,098 Words
There will be small blurbs following this for the next few days, letting you know what the gifts they receive from each of the boys, each boy getting their own blurb.
"Your father?"
“Indeed, my Queen” you started, taking a slow breath, trying to work up the courage to discuss your father with the intrigued woman in front of you. “My father used to be a good man. A kind man even. But then we lost a lot of money in one go, and he turned to drink. He would waste away the money we did have every night, and when he would come home…” you felt your eyes begin to water, but you couldn’t allow yourself to cry in front of the Queen Dowager. “The night before I left to begin this process, my father attacked me for the first time” you tried carrying on. The look on the woman’s face turned from intrigue to horror within seconds, flashes of anger passing through her eyes, which she tried to hide away from you with quick blinks.
“He attacked you?” The Dowager responded, trying to keep her voice stable, not wanting to make you more upset than you already clearly were.
“I had come home with the application and had told him that all eligible ladies had to apply. He did not want me to. He knew the money he used on drinking would have to go towards the preparations, and he wasn’t happy with that. I feel I may have aggravated him slightly however, he had told me that I wasn’t permitted to apply for this process, and I told him that he had no say in it, that the king himself requested it, and the repercussions that we would face if we didn't. And he quickly fell silent in anger. My mother on the other hand quickly began preparations, trying to raise my confidence in myself. We were meant to have dinner that night with a family we were friends with, my best friend, she's even here, as part of the process." you began your story
"She's here?" the Queen Dowager probed
"Hwang Yeji, my Queen" you responded. The Queen Dowager nodded in recognition. Her silence queuing you to speak once again
"so my mother had sent me to my room to begin sorting out my hair and readjusting my clothes for dinner. And that is what I had started doing when I heard a knock on the door. I stupidly assumed it was just my mother, as she's the only one usually to knock on my door. My father usually only spoke to me in distaste, blaming me for his drinking, that it was all my fault, and that he was using this money for my future. I still don't know what he meant by that" you carried on, letting out a dry laugh. The Queen Dowager showed a tight smile.
"It was never your fault. I hope you know that" she told you.
"You sound like my eomma," you told the older woman, looking at her and giving her a small smile, the dowager responding with a similar smile. A small silence passed again, letting you carry on your story.
"Anyways, he had stormed in, his voice was this weird level where it wasn't yelling but it wasn't speaking at a normal decibel. I remember every word he told me that night. Every. Single. One." the tears welling in your eyes again. "how dare you tell me that I have no choice in this matter, I am the parent, not you, DO NOT treat me as a child"
Remember to take a breath a voice inside you reminded you. So you took a deep breath, continuing your story "He grabbed what was left of the braids that were still in, and yanked on them slightly, and then he yanked it even further and threw me to the floor by my hair" your voice wavered as you began to cry. but you carried on "He began yelling "I am the man of this house" he had yelled in my face" you wipe a tear that had made its way to your chin "and then he continued "I make the rules, not a fat little girl who won't even make it past the first stage" and then his voice returned to normal before he grabbed my hair and told me the thing that hurt the most" more tears fell down your face, you couldn't even look at the Dowager. "He grabbed my hair for the final time and got so close to my face I could smell the beer that he had drunk earlier in the day and said "I wish you were never born, you should have died, not your sister. You're a disgrace" and then he shoved my head into the ground again"
"But, no matter what he has done, he is still my father. I still love him, despite his aggression towards me. At the end of the day, I have always wanted him to tell me that he was proud of me, though I know that will never happen. I just hope that by getting this far, by doing this much, maybe just maybe, he will be proud of me, even if he doesn't say so" you finished. You heard the Dowager taking a deep breath and sniffing slightly, trying to subtly wipe away the tears that had fallen during your story. She turned towards you more and took your hands in her own. A knowing smile on her lips. "I went through a similar thing to yourself before I became the Queen," she told you "my father was a heavy drinker, and although we didn't lose our money, he just didn't treat me the way he treated my siblings. He would always tell me when others couldn't hear that I was a disappointment and that anything that went wrong for our family was my fault" her story began. You could almost picture the woman in front of you, younger and looking the same way you had just weeks before.
"He never physically abused me, the dressers I had would have seen it and reported it to my mother, who would have been beyond furious with my father. My mother never knew about what he told me on a daily basis either. At least that's what I tell myself, it's the only way I can heal" her story carried on, "But when Namjoon could speak, he would always run up to me and call me the 'Bestest eomma in the world' and it was always he kind words that made me so happy and allowed me to slowly heal. Healing is a slow process that only you and time can heal. You are worth more than what your father told you and I hold hope for you and what you can do in the future. I almost see me in you" her words spilt out of her mouth, her hands still holding yours tightly in her own. “Would you like to join a luncheon between my ladies and me tomorrow afternoon?” the Queen Dowager suddenly blurted out.
“Me?” You responded quickly, shock evident on your face at the Dowager’s question. “Are you questioning me?” the Dowager retorted “Of course not!” You quickly responded “I just cannot believe that you want me to attend an event as prestigious as a luncheon between the Dowager and her ladies. It is an event well spoken of throughout the kingdom” you explained.
“My dear I was only jesting. I can understand your shock” she laughed “Meet my guards, any one of the four, and don’t worry, I’ll have someone write their names down for you, in front of my apartment tomorrow, they will bring you to the luncheon. Wear something purple, chin-aehaneun, I truly believe that it is to be your colour” she said. “Now, let us finish our tea before dinner is to be served” she grinned, the happy twinkle back in her eyes. She guides your hands back to your teacup and lets go of them once they reached where she wanted. You smiled back, lifting your teacup to your lips, letting the sweet liquid ease down your throat. This had to be the best tea that you had ever had the pleasure of drinking. You look around you, finally taking in the beauty that surrounded you, allowing a content sigh to leave your lips.
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Anxiety ran through you again the next day when you were ready and leaving your apartment to find the Queen Dowager’s guard. Once again, it took only a few minutes to arrive at the Dowager’s apartment. This time, you walked past her personal garden and to the front of her apartment. And when you did, you saw two people, one man and one woman, both beautiful.
Before you could reach the beautiful people ahead of you, you heard a voice that immediately changed your mood.
“Don’t you think it’s a bit desperate to be hanging around the Dowager’s apartment?” Kwon Eun-Bi snarled.
“As if she would want to even be in your presence” Kim Seol-Hyun continued.
What none of you realised, however, was that the two guards you had previously been approaching, had been listening in to the conversation. And that they would definitely be relaying this to their boss, the Dowager.
“As fun as this conversation is, I’m afraid I have someplace to be. If you’ll excuse me” You respond, keeping your voice calm and composed despite the anxiety heightening inside your mind and body.
“Oh please, be our guest” they responded sarcastically. Pretending to be letting you go from their conversation. You begin to move away from them, truly thinking that they were letting you go. But before you could even take two steps forward, one of the ‘lovely’ ladies had stuck their foot out, tripping you over. Seeing you on the floor, they giggled and walked off.
Seeing that the two ladies had finally walked off, the two other people there, ran towards you on the ground.
“Lady Seo! Are you okay?” A female voice said, making you look up from your place on the floor. Entranced by her beauty, you forget to respond. The woman in front of you becoming more worried about your lack of response. “Lady Seo?” She asked again shaking you out of your trance, reminding you to nod your head. Both of the people standing, let out a huff of laughter at your response to them. The woman, whose name you didn’t know, offered you her hand, and you took it, letting it help you to stand.
“Thank you, Lady…” you spoke, hoping that she would tell you who she was, that she would take your hint. She smiled, bowing deeply to you before speaking “I am no lady, Lady Seo, my name is Kim Hyun-ah, and this is my husband Kim Hyo-Jong, but everyone calls him Dawn.” hearing his name, Dawn bows deeply with a smile on his face.
Dawn finally speaks “We're here to bring you to the Queen Dowager’s luncheon. Would you be okay with me using this handkerchief to dust you off Lady Seo?” the man asks, waiting for your consent before doing anything. You nod slightly, a blush covering your face. The man pulls a handkerchief from his pocket and uses it to wipe off the sand and dust that had covered your chima due to your ‘fall’. It took a few moments before he had wiped it all from your clothing. Well, he had wiped most of it, not daring to go near your chest area. He passes the handkerchief to you “There is some on your chest my lady” he says. “Thank you,” you say, taking it from his hands with both of yours, trying to show your respect, not knowing their age. Using it, you wiped off the last of it, that had been laying on your chest.
“Beautiful Lady Seo” Kim Hyun-ah speaks, a large smile covering her angelic-looking face. “Let us go,” she said, taking Dawn's hand, before briefly turning to you “And please call me Hyuna” turning back, she begins walking towards a building you had not yet been into.
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The luncheon, once you had arrived, had gone very well. You had even been invited to another one the day after. This process happens for the next four days, each time, you enjoy yourself more and more, allowing yourself to open up about the subjects that mattered the most to you, to the ladies who found themselves resonating with you. On the fifth day, the Queen Dowager decided to skip the luncheon that day, and as much as you enjoyed the luncheons, you desperately wanted to revisit the cherry blossom garden that you had entered on your first day in the palace.
So this is how you spent your day, happily pondering around the cherry blossom garden. You wore a pale pink jeogori, with a slightly darker goreum. Your chima was the same colour as your goreum, and you had a cherry blossom tree embroidered onto the back of the jeogori, your beoseon’s were white, as were your gomusin’s, though they did have the delicate detail of cherry blossoms engraved across the fabric. You even had a pale pink parasol with painted cherry blossom petals painted across it. This outfit made you feel confident and happy and you couldn’t wait to spend the day in it, walking around the most beautiful place you had ever seen.
What you didn’t know, was that one of the kings closest men was sitting on a palladiom, painting the scenery before him, before he noticed you wandering around. And before the man had known it, he had painted you, so engrossed in you and your beauty that he didn’t notice that one of his boyfriends had wandered up behind him.
“I hope you’ve gotten her consent to paint her nae sarang, it’s a bit creepy otherwise” the older man joked.
“Taehyung! OMO! You made me jump!” the young man said, grateful that his paintbrush hadn’t been on the paper when he had jumped.
“Sorry Kookie. Your painting is exquisite. You have captured a beauty, I know the other boys will appreciate the… scenery” Taehyung snickered making Jungkook blush. “Anyways, aegi, I have things to do” he grins, his smile boxy. “Maybe you can paint me in with ‘things’” he says before winking and walking off before the younger man could realise what he was on about.
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Whilst staring across the small lake infront of you, you registered steps heading towards you. Not wanting to be a bother to anyone and risk being kicked out of the beautiful area, you put your head down, staring at the water just ahead of you.
“You must be one of the King’s candidates. I haven’t seen you yet. What’s your name?” the unknown man said, making you finally look up. ‘What was it with everyone in this palace being so ATTRACTIVE’ you thought to yourself. The man infront of you had deep brown hair, swept across his forehead, allowing you to see his milk chocolate brown eyes that sparkled in the sun. His jaw was as sharp as the swords that the guards around the kingdom carried. And finally, you noticed his large boxy smile, waiting happily for you to respond.
“Indeed I am sir, Lady Seo, pleasure to meet you” you spoke, your voice surprisingly clear, and after your brief introduction, you bow deeply to the man.
“A beautiful name for a beautiful lady, how is most comfortable for me to address you?” he asks, shocking you into silence once again. The first silence was due to his attractiveness, the second due to his words.
“Y/N, if that pleases you my Lord” you respond, a gentle smile on your lips.
“And how old are you… y/n” his questions continue.
“24 sir”
“Ah. So that makes you my…” his sentence begins, a smirk working its way onto his face “noona”
His words make you cough out a breath, blush taking over every part of your face that it could.
“If that is what my lord would prefer to call me, i can only oblige to his request” you almost stutter out, making the man throw his head back in laughter.
“Would you like to go for a walk noona?” he asks, making the blush that had been receding, return.
“I can’t think of a better way to spend an afternoon my Lord” you respond, your words almost sounding like flirtation.
“Please, call me Tae” he responds, offering up his arm to the shorter woman.
- * - * - * - * - * - *
The two thoroughly enjoyed their walk, bonding over various topics, jokes flowing between them, laughter filling the air. They had quickly become friends.
Before either of them knew it, nightfall had arrived and it was time for dinner in the hall once again.
“May I accompany you to the dining hall noona?” Tae asks, turning slightly to you, waiting for your answer.
“The dining hall? Of course you can. I have been looking forward to dinner for the last few hours.” you laughed, your tummy rumbling as a response to your words, making Tae laugh.
“Then let’s go!” he speaks, before running with your arm still in his towards the dining hall.
- * - * - * - * - * - * - * - *
After every luncheon that you attended over the next three days, Taehyung met you after, taking you on tours of the palace, showing you places you couldn’t wait to see more of in detail. Your days quickly becoming filled with laughter and happiness, making you never want to go back to your home again.
The Queen Dowager had noticed your quick friendship between the two of you, and had smiled, knowing that if you were chosen, you would fit right in.
- * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - *
Today was the day when the ladies would begin receiving gifts. The ladies were gathered in the small courtyard that they had been in during the first stage. Large screens between each set of cushions. On the small stage, sat two seats, one more elegant than the other.
Standing in front of your cushions, you waited for whoever was to occupy the seats to sit in them. And while you were stuck in your thoughts, a man who you had not seen since the first stage entered, sitting in the less elegant seat on the right hand side of the stage. You bow deeply to him, before standing upright again. Seconds later the Queen Dowager was announced, and she also entered the stage, sitting on the more regal looking chair. Again you bow deeply, waiting for the confirmation that you could rest on the cushions behind you. She nods, and you let out a smile, plopping down onto the cushions.
Seokjin's Gift
487 words
His heart suddenly warms when he sees the reaction to a simple pot of moisturiser.
Then he feels confused about his reaction
And then he’s smirking, cause he’s the one who made you smile so big
He will definitely tell the boys later on about your reaction to the boys
Defo boasts about it
And he will continue to boast about it for 24 hours until it's yoongi’s turn to give his gifts.
He suddenly for some reason feels attached to you
Will definitely watch your reaction over the next few days as you receive gifts from the other boys
Is definitely the type to get excited if he notices that your smile is a fraction of a bit smaller to one of the other boys presents than it was to his.
That is until jungkook and then namjoon’s, and he knows he’s well and truly lost.
His heart for sure beats faster when he sees you smile
On the final day he realises he has a crush on you, and you are the one he wants to get through to the final stage, he wants you.
Seokjin stands once again. “Today, we are gathered here for you to receive your first gift. The first gift is mine. I hope that you love your first gift as much as you love me” the man says with a wink, walking down the stairs towards a guard who had a cart with eight boxes placed on it. He started with Bae Suzy, gifting her Yeonji, repeating the process for the next few ladies, Si-Jeong, Mi-Yeon and Sun-Hwa receiving their gift with large smiles of appreciation. Yeji is next and she receives camellia oil for her gorgeous black hair. You knew that the smile on her face would be even bigger than her usual smile. The next two to receive their gifts were Seol-Hyun and Eun-Bi, who received plant ash for their eyebrows. Their high pitched giggles of fake happiness make your ears hurt. And finally, Seokjin appears in front of you. “I hear you’ve become friends with my Taehyung '' the man smirks, personally handing you your gift, waiting for you to open it. And when you do, and peak inside, you see a medium size pot of moisturiser with small golden flecks within it. The smile that covers your face, making your mouth hurt. You bow deeply, thanking the man repeatedly. You almost felt unworthy of the gift that you had just received. The gift being the most luxurious thing you had ever received and would be the most luxurious thing that would ever grace your skin.
You knew that this was something that you would use every day, and never let another person use. This was something that was yours and only yours. You couldn't help but let the feelings of joy, happiness and warmth fill your chest at the gift you had received.
Yoongi's Gift
795 Words
Very subtly proud of his gift
He had his gifts prepared before he even met the girls who got through
But he had 3 gifts prepared for his top 3.
Once he had met you, he knew you were going to get the best out of the three
But he had a lot of trouble choosing the other two to give the better gifts too.
He only decided on seol-hyun and eun-bi because the eunuchs ‘liked’ them
But after hearing stories from the other boys who had spent time you, he knew that if he was to win your favour, he would also have to gift your friend something nice, and as he only had 7 gifts prepared, and there was 8 of you, he had a new gift prepared, for yeji
When he gives you his gift, he has the same reaction as jin
His heart goes BOOM, fireworks exploding everywhere
Not that he’d tell anyone, he had a reputation to uphold
The very next day, it was Min Yoongi’s turn to hand out his gifts to the ladies, each one staying in the same spot that they had chosen the day before. Again, everyone waited for the Dowager and the man to arrive before they sat down. And once they had, everyone finally sat down.
“As you all know, I am Min Yoongi, and I am sure that you know why you are all here. Today you receive my gift.” he says, a barely there smile on his pale face. His outfit is much the same as the time before. He wore a black hanbok with golden detailing of a dragon on the edges, his hair in his usual ponytail, and the mesh band covering his forehead. He looked enthralling. You couldn’t stop looking at him.Once he finishes his introductions, he makes his way down the stairs in much the same way that Jin had, although quicker. Again, they started on the furthest edge, Suzy receiving her gift of a hand held fan in black, decorated with the same golden dragon detail on his hanbok. The ladies next to her (Si-Jeong, Mi-Yeon and Sun-Hwa), all receive the same gift. Then it was Yeji, who received a dainty golden ring with the royal name engraved within the band. Seol-Hyun and Eun-bi were next, receiving a dainty gold necklace with a small golden dragon hanging off of the end of it. The looks on their faces when they received it, made it obvious that they thought they were the ‘chosen ones’. Finally it was your turn for your gift. Yoongi stood in front of you, perched comfortably on the pillows before him.
“Lady Seo, I sincerely hope you find your gift as beautiful as yourself” he told you, handing you his gift himself. You opened the box excitedly to find the most beautiful pair of golden earrings you had ever seen. You looked up with a giant smile on your face, when something shiny caught your eyes. You noticed that Yoongi himself was wearing earrings, and when you inspected further, you noticed that they were almost identical to the ones you were just gifted. In your happiness and excitement, you nearly forgot to thank the man, so you quickly smile at the man, bowing as low as you can, and thanking him deeply and graciously for your present. He nods, and returns to his spot on the stage, taking his seat once again to watch the ladies inspect their presents further.
Looking down at your gift, you decide what better time to wear them than the present, you were already wearing Seokjin’s moisturiser, why not wear Yoongi’s earrings. Carefully, you take out the small earrings that you had been wearing and replace them with the large yet delicate earrings that were in the box. Once on, you desperately wanted to look in the mirror, but you didn’t have anything near you that you could use. So you sat there happily, waiting to be given the instruction to go about your day again.
Whilst waiting, someone you recognised as one of the Queen Dowagers guards approached you with a small piece of Hanji.
“Lady Seo,
The earrings become you chin-aehaneun. I believe the Head Directorate agrees with me. The smile on his face is one rarely seen. Please join me for a luncheon with my ladies again today. The man who gave you this letter will be waiting for you outside the courtyard should you accept my request to join me.
And please, call me Eomma.
Kim Eun-Ji, Queen Dowager of the Kim Empire”
You read the letter quickly, and told and nodded at the man, signalling that you would join the dowager at her luncheon once more. Today felt like a good day.
Jungkooks Gift
Words: 1571
He is definitely the proudest of his gift
He had decided on his gift when Tae had told him about your childhood and something that you deeply missed from it
And he knew his gift would absolutely win you over
Because how couldn't it?
Unless you were allergic…
And so he definitely overthought his gift
And on the day he was so nervous, he even blushed more than usual when the boys teased him
Refilled with excitement from the day before, wearing the gifts you had received, the only gift not being on your person, being Hoseoks as you didn’t to risk breaking it, the gift already means so much to you. The hanbok fit you perfectly as did the accessories that went with it. The whole outfit making you feel like a princess and you knew that even if you didn’t get through to the next round that these gifts would be treasured forever. You had asked Ahn Hye-Jin, who you had quickly become friends with and now called the woman by her nickname Hwasa, to style your hair to include the cheopji you had received. The hairpin accentuated the details of the hanbok and went stunningly with the golden earrings and the ring that she had received the days before. The confidence that you felt when wearing this outfit was unmistakable.
Walking into the courtyard, you make quick eye contact with Yeji, who sees your outfit and drops her jaw in shock. She had never seen you so confident within yourself before, and she had certainly never seen this hanbok or accessories before. You smile at your best friend and go to sit in your seat before the evil twins decided to make a comment about your clothing for the day.
“What gives you the right to wear the royal seal on both your clothing and jewellery, who do you think you are?” the taller one started. Your confidence however was unwavering, and you simply smiled. And just as you were about to respond, you felt another presence near you, and that presence spoke.
“What gives her the right, is the right that she’s the kingdom’s favourite. Something you could never achieve” the unknown voice speaks. Your face morphs from a smile to the same look that Yeji had given you. Trying to regain your composure, you turn to the voice, and any composure you had regained, you lost immediately. There, standing right next to you, with a smirk on his face, was one of the men you had been introduced to on the first day, alongside Hoseok, you had been introduced to Jungkook. He had a face you couldn’t forget. Your breath left you as quickly as your composure had. “Now, if you two… ladies… have finished making your unfavourable remarks, please return to your seats, the ceremony begins in a few moments. Lady Seo, please allow me to walk you to your seat” the tall man spoke, offering you his arm.
Not having the confidence to do anything else in front of the man whose beauty was as ethereal as the men before him, you nod and slip your hand through the space he had made, and rest your hand on his bicep. With your other hand, you grasped part of your chima, not wanting it to ever get dirty, and also wanted to make sure you didn’t make a fool out of yourself and fall face first.
Once you have sat down on the cushions for the penultimate time, Jungkook speaks again “I hope you like your gift” his voice becoming more nervous as the sentence continues “I had many conversations with many different people to try and find you the perfect gift” he tells you, bowing low to you before smiling a toothy grin and practically running to the stage. His sentence had you sat there in confusion and shock. How many people could he have possibly talked to? Nevertheless, you are brought out of your thoughts by the same voice.
“Welcome everyone, to this gift ceremony. I sincerely hope you appreciate your gifts, and I desperately hope that I can get to know you all better” he tells the crowd, and you could swear that he looked at you when he said that, making your heart beat deeply in your chest, feeling it in your ears. “Ah!” he yells suddenly making everyone jump, including you. “I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Jeon Jungkook, I am a high councillor for the Kim Empire, pleased to make all of your acquaintances” he finally finishes and tops it all off with a small bow to the crowd.
Unlike the other boys who had walked down the stairs, or taken every other step, Jungkook just jumped off of the stage and almost bounced like a bunny towards the guard who was smiling at the man. The whole sight made a large smile fall onto your face. The happiness and easiness of the situation make your heart warm. Once Jungkook reached the guard he took the first four boxes off of the trolley. The process started once again, the first four girls receiving their gift with large genuine smiles, each receiving a stamp with their first and last names on it, making their gift personal to them. Then it was Yeji’s turn, who Jungkook handed the gift to with a smile almost as large as the one he had given you. Yeji received a rolled-up scroll, but when she opened it, she let out a small happy gasp. Inside the scroll was a detailed painting of a butterfly in purples, pinks and golds, the painting was truly a masterpiece. Then it was the ladies who he had previously supported you against’s turn, each received a very small painting of their family seal. Both receive their gifts with a frown, but do not say anything, and bow to the man. But when they look at the trolley that had been following behind Jungkook as he went down the line, and found it empty, they couldn’t help but let out a small snicker, thinking that you had been forgotten despite what Jungkook had said to them earlier.
And within seconds, Jungkook stood before her, noticing her worried glances at the empty trolley. “There is nothing for you to worry about Lady Seo, your gift is being brought by one of your dear friends, Bang Chan if I remember rightly,” he said before letting out a short but loud whistle that lasted all of around five seconds. And with that whistle, another person entered the courtyard, that person being the man that Jungkook had just mentioned. But chan was holding something that you couldn’t quite work out until he was closer. In his arms, he was holding a small puppy, that couldn’t have been any bigger than the size of your forearm. Your hands fly to your mouth in happiness, not knowing whether to stand up and retrieve the gift or not. “My gift to you Lady Seo, is the gift of a puppy, I spoke with Taehyung and he told me about a memory you had shared with him about a puppy you had as a child whose breed you didn’t know of but described it. So I had some people scour the kingdom from edge to edge to see if they could find a dog of that description, and that's when they brought back this puppy. The puppy had been neglected and left on the streets when she was found, and when she was brought back here, we found out her breed due to some studies that the library had. This happy little pup is a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, she must have been imported from England and then abandoned. But judging by the description you gave Taehyung, this is similar to the dog you had as a child. I hope you love her as much as I-” he cut himself off from his ramble. He then takes the puppy from Chan’s arms and hands her to you. Sitting down on the ground before you, inviting chan to do the same.
Once he is sat down, he gives a signal to his guards that they must have previously talked about as the guard moves to the spot where Jungkook had stood earlier when addressing them all, and telling them that they could return to their apartments. Most of the ladies do. The first four, linking arms once again, smiling and laughing as they go about their plans for the day once more. Yeji excitedly runs up to you, but noticing the puppy, she tries not to spook it and sits down gently next to you. And finally, the two spiteful women walk past, making sure to glare at the group sitting on the ground fawning over the puppy in your lap. You don’t let their glares affect you, and you happily stroke your new addition, smiling. Suddenly, your hair shoots up like a lightbulb just turned on above your head.
“Can I name her?” You ask Jungkook, hopeful that she hasn’t been named already.
“Of course, she is yours after all” he giggles back.
“Luna” you state.
“Huh?” Everyone asks almost at the same time confused about your statement.
“Her name” you smile. “Her name is Luna” you repeat, bringing the puppy up to your face and placing a small kiss on the puppy's head.
Things are good.
@zae007live @skyys-universe @yoongiigolden @thedarkwinterrose @namjinieesope @uniquelyabnormallyoriginal @poesreddeath @iamhereforbts
Namjoon's Gift
1912 Word Count
Namjoon was the most nervous about his gift, he feels like it has to be the best, as he is the king.
He handmade his gift, so the gift has even more meaning to him
He knows the person that the eunuchs want him to give the gift to, but he also knows who the boys want him to give the gift to
And who is he to deny his boys what they want, he loves them, and what they want they get.
So that’s partially what his thought process is when deciding who to make his future queen.
He also had to compete against Jungkook’s gift, and he knows that JK’s gift will be a hard gift to beat.
Today is the final day, the day where you find out who goes back home, and who goes on to the final three. Today you decide to wear a pale lilac chima, with a pale pink jeogri, the goreum being the same lilac as the chima, and the gomusin matching the jeogri. You had the cheopji that Jimin had gifted you placed delicately between the braids of your hair that Hwasa had taken her time braiding this morning.
Everybody in the palace was nervous. It was the final day and you were silently hoping that you’d get through to the next stage. You had quickly become friends with the boys, speaking and spending time with at least one of them each day. Even Yeji was sure you were going through to the next round, but you both knew that it was likely that Seol-Hyun and Eun-bi would also be going through, you just hoped that they wouldn’t.
Your outfit made you feel so confident, and as you walked towards the courtyard with the breeze in your hair, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of contentment along with the nerves. You kept telling yourself that if you went home today, it wouldn’t be a bad thing, you’d get to see your family again, and you even had your new puppy. But there was also a sense of sadness in your heart, that if you went home you wouldn’t get to talk to the boys every day like you had been all week, you wouldn’t have your luncheons with the Queen Dowager and her ladies, your days would feel meaningless compared to what they have been.
Lost in your thoughts, you arrived at the courtyard entrance quicker than expected, and it took a call from your best friend Yeji to bring you back into the world. Hearing her yell, you look up at her, and see her wearing an outfit similar to your own, just with the colours the other way. This wasn’t something that you had planned, but it brought a giant smile to your lips anyway. She was wearing the jewellery gifts that she had received, much like yourself and you couldn’t help but let out a loud laugh at how similar the two of you were.
“Are you ready for the last gift-giving ceremony?” Yeji asks, linking her arm with yours once you reached her. “Ready as I could ever be” you respond, smiling at her happy face. The two of you keep your arms latched as you walk to your spots for the final time. You walk Yeji to her spot and then walk past the two spiteful women in their spots on the way back. You hear them snicker, but you are feeling too good about yourself today to let them get to you.
Just moments after you sat down, the guards arrived, announcing the king's arrival. This was the first time any of you were going to be seeing the King, and you couldn’t help but feel both nervous and excited.
“Please stand for the entrance of His Royal Highness, King Kim Namjoon” the guards yelled in sync, followed by everyone listening to the command and standing. A tall man walked into the courtyard, surrounded by men in black and red uniforms. This uniform was different to any of the other uniforms that you had seen the guards wearing, the only place you had seen guards with a similar uniform was in the queen dowager’s quarters. The man himself was the most attractive man you had ever seen. He had slightly long black hair that framed his face perfectly, slightly larger brown eyes and a jawline that could cut a piece of ramen right in half. He had large shoulders and a broad chest, and his lips… His lips were plump like the pillows provided in your rooms. This man was attractive beyond any belief. And you’re pulled from your adoration but your mother’s voice in your head telling you to bow.
As gracefully as you can, you place yourself on your knees. Pushing your hands in front of you and putting yourself in the most respectful bow you possibly can. Little do you know that this doesn’t go unnoticed by the king himself, and he tries to smile as subtly as he can. The realisation hits him as to why his boys adore you so much. He looks across at all the other girls and see’s them on their knees, heads bowed, noticing that not even the eunuch’s favourites were bowing as respectfully as you. This brings an evident smirk to his face, which he doesn’t bother to hide.
“Welcome to the final gift-giving ceremony” the man speaks. And before you can stop it you find yourself thinking that even his voice is attractive, but you don’t let yourself stay in that thought for too long, and you pull your attention back to the king and his words. “Thank you all for being patient with us whilst we held the interviews. After everyone has received the gifts, I will be back to announce those of you who will be going home. I sincerely hope that you have all enjoyed your time here and please accept my deepest gratitude for your attendance.” He bows his head slightly towards the crowd.
He waits for his guards to take the stairs down first, before following them and walking over to the first lady, gifting her a box, telling her that the box was filled with his favourite cakes and sweets handmade by his cooks”. He repeats this with the next three ladies. Then it’s Yeji’s turn, and he hands her a long thin box, inside of it is a butterfly necklace, and he smiles slightly at the thought of when the boys had come in talking about you and winning you over by befriending your best friend. Even his mother had talked about you and your friendship with Yeji, so he knew that this gift to her had to mean something.
The next two ladies were the ones he dreaded the most Seol-Hyun and Eun-Bi. They may have been the eunuch's favourites but nobody else in the palace liked them. His mother had been told by her ladies that they had heard them bullying you, even the boys had heard them bullying you. He had even heard his maids talking about them, one of them even crying after being yelled at by them. He didn’t want them in the palace any longer but he knew he had to keep his eunuchs happy in some way. And it wasn’t that the eunuchs didn’t like you, they enjoyed your presence in the palace, and the happiness it seemed to bring the palace, it was that the other ladies were of a higher class than you, and they knew that had better training.
Walking slightly slower than he should of, he walked to their tents. Gifting them each a small hairpin with their respective family animals made out of gold. He saw their smirks as they received their gifts, and he couldn’t help but feel a sinking feeling in his stomach and a frown place itself on his lips. But that feeling changed to nerves when he knew that your tent was next.
Arriving at your tent, he sees you bowing as low to the ground as possible once again. The frown changed to a smile in an instant. And he used his right hand to beckon to his guards to bring your gift in. The guards jumped to attention and left the courtyard, coming back moments later with a large bookcase made from rosewood. He stood to the side so that the guards could place it in front of you, and watched your reaction.
You were confused when the king came to your tent without the guard following behind him with the trolley filled with gifts. Your anxiety filled you until you saw the King beckon his guards to do something with his right hand. And your thoughts left you again, as you thought once again at how attractive that simple movement was. Your heart filled with excitement and joy when you saw what they brought in and placed in front of you. A smile filled your face almost immediately. You adored your books, and to finally have something beautiful to put them on made your heart soar.
“I built it myself,” the king says almost nervously “I wanted my future wife to have something that I made from hand. I am known as clumsy, so it’s also partially to show that not everything I touch, I break” he jokes.
A laugh leaves your lips as a tear leaves your eye. “Goodness, do you not like it? I can get the guards to take it back if you don’t like it” he rambles, and you quickly rise to your feet so you stand before the man.
“NO!” you accidentally yell, your face falling once you realise your mistake. “My sincerest apologies, I did not mean to offend His Highness by raising my voice. I love this gift, I have a mountain of books at home that are piling up like my very own mountain” you speak, trying to make the king laugh, and succeeding. The man smiles and goes to walk back to the stage, but before he can leave the tent, you call out to him “Wait!”. The man turns around, shock gracing his handsome features slightly. “Did you say future wife?” you almost whisper.
Namjoon smirks and turns around once again, walking back to the stage.
“Now that the gifts have been handed out, it’s time to announce who will be proceeding to the next stage. If I announce your name, you are to leave in three days, but you are to return for the royal wedding in two months. You will receive formal invites.” The king announces before receiving a piece of hanji from one of his guards.
“ Bae Suzy”
“ Kim Si-Jeong”
“ Cho Mi-Yeon”
“Han Sun-Hwa”
“That will be all for going home. However, I know that five people are meant to go home. Hwang Yeji, you will be staying here to accompany Seo Y/N” He speaks “Finally, Seo Y/N, Kim Seol Hyun and Kwon Eun-Bi. The three of you are through to the final stage. However, I have already decided on my future bride. But I will not announce that until the banquet in two days. The seven of you are all invited and your attendance is compulsory. I look forward to seeing you there.” The king announces, before bowing his head slightly once more and leaving the courtyard.
But he makes sure to connect with your eyes before leaving, sending you a knowing smile.
series taglist @skyys-universe @yoongiigolden @zae007live @thedarkwinterrose @namjinieesope @uniquelyabnormallyoriginal @poesreddeath @insert-a-creative-url-right-here @hey-syia @scentisterror @el-insomnio-no-es-divertido
permanent taglist @ewok7attack @marc-ella
Hey guys,
I am so sorry for not posting, when I thought my health was getting better, it wasn't so it took me a bit longer to get back on my feet. The next chapter shouldn't be too much longer and will be much longer than the blurbs. Anyways, I hope that you enjoy this! If you would like to be added to either taglist, please let me know
Another update should be up by the end of the week. I was in hospital yesterday ( they thought it was appendicitis, but now they're currently thinking that it's due to my medication, so they've added more medication...). There has also been lots of birthdays this week, but I promise there will be an extra long chapter coming out by the end of the week to make up for it!

I'm so sorry.
I have been trying so hard over the last few days to write a chapter for you, but I'm either having writers block or something comes up. I desperately want to get a chapter out for you all as you deserve it, but I'm struggling at the moment
Chapter 5 - Part 3- Royal Residences
Warnings: female identifying character, brief mentions of nudity, bullying, a heck load of fluff and clothing envy (at least for me)
Word Count: 3.8k
It was knowing that the banquet was in two days that filled you with nerves and excitement. Knowing that you were in the final three, filled you with dread and joy. On one hand, you had come to make friends with plenty of the people in the palace and not being able to see them again as easily as you had been, made your heart hurt. But on the other hand, if you weren’t chosen, you would become a concubine and would never be able to find the love that you deserved as you would be branded the king’s woman. Another thing that you knew, if you were to become a concubine, was that the women who had caused you so much annoyance and hurt in your life, would be the queen, and they would get rid of you, right to the lowest position, and you would be stuck at the bottom of the pile for the rest of your life. This scared you more than you thought it did, and as the thoughts came to your head, so did the realisation of where you were. So, you tried to distract yourself, thinking about all of the good times that you had, especially that day. You had finally met the king!
The thought of the king brought a gentle smile to your face, a blush blanketing your already rosy cheeks. You couldn’t help but look at the bookshelf that had been placed in your apartment before you even got home. Some of your other gifts lay around it, such as your hanbok and accessories, and even some of the gifts that the Queen Dowager had gifted you during your days together.
*a few days before *
Today, you were meeting with the Queen Dowager and her ladies again for a meeting. These events had quickly become something that you deeply enjoyed and looked forward to. You received a note from her this morning, letting you know that she wanted to have a separate meeting with you after the meeting, and letting you know that she wanted to have the luncheon with just you. To which you of course obliged, sending a quick letter back, alerting the Queen Dowager that you were excited and would meet her later.
The meeting ended quicker than you had expected and before you knew it, you were back in the cherry blossom garden, in the palladium that overlooked the small lake that sat in the middle, sat across from the Queen Dowager. You had decided today that there was no better day than to wear the hanbok that she had gifted to you, allowing the both of you to reminisce on the memories of the past two weeks. You had spent plenty of time together whether it be luncheons or part of the process. You could even say that you were closer with the Queen Dowager than you were with your family members.
“I have another gift for you, chin-aehaneun. I hope that you love it as much as I loved it. It was the wedding outfit I wore when I married Namjoon’s father.” The older woman speaks, beckoning a number of servants towards the two of you, each holding a box and placing it at your feet. Before thinking about your actions, you leapt up and moved towards the woman, throwing your arms around her.
“eomeoni gamsahabnida, I can’t thank you enough for this, but surely it should go to the future queen?” you spoke, still hugging the woman as she hugged you back. However, at the end of the sentence she pulled back and looked at you before speaking “ttal, you have passed the interviews, and I know that you are a favourite of all of the boys, I have a feeling that you will be wearing that hanbok, should you choose to, within a few months” you couldn’t help but let the tears fill up in your eyes, never having felt as loved and welcomed as you had been the last two weeks.
Memories of the past two weeks began to come to you one by one, each bringing a smile to your face. Remembering meeting each of the boys, from the youngest to the oldest. It didn’t matter what situation you had met them in, every time you met them, happiness overpowered wherever you were. You remembered walking through the gardens with your best friend Yeji, and wandering the library with the cat-like Yoongi. Nearly every moment that you had spent in the royal grounds was a happy one, and to think of leaving it, leaving those people, made you feel sick to your stomach.
A knock at the door to your chambers brought you out of your memories. You quickly shook your head and stood, racing to your front door, wondering who could possibly be at your door. It wasn’t like it was late or anything, you just weren’t expecting anyone till later on, when you were expecting your best friend Yeji to arrive to sleep over. Opening up the door, you saw one of the servants that followed Kim Namjoon around, tending to his requests. He stood there in a monochrome white outfit, each piece of white clothing being a different white to the rest. In his hands, he held a large black box with gold dragon details engraved and painted onto the sides. The man was red in the face and it was a stark contrast to his outfit, the colour only returning to his face once he had placed the box down just inside the door to your chamber. “This is a gift from the King and his closest companions, they request that you wear it to the banquet in 2 days time” he tells you before bowing and retreating. You call out to Chan and Changbin hoping that one of them would be in your chamber, resting in their rooms, and to your luck, both men were in. All it took was a smile and a point to the box for them to understand what you were asking of them.
Once the box was in your room, you eagerly opened the lid, not expecting what was inside the box. It had to be the most beautiful piece of clothing that you had ever seen, even more beautiful than the previous hanbok that you had been gifted. At the top of the box there was a crimson red jeogori, the goreum being an almost shiny golden material with dragons embroidered into the ribbon. The jeogori itself had threads of gold stitched into it, so that when the light shined onto it the right way, it was an even more stunning sight to behold. Pulling out the jeogori out of the box, you place it carefully to the side on a spare cushion and move onto the chima, which was equally as stunning. The majority of the chima was the same gorgeous red, with gold stitched into the fabric. However, at the very bottom of the chima, there was a gold band that went all the way around and went down until the hem. On this strip of gold, there were the same dragons embroidered as part of the goreum. Tears began to well up your eyes, as you pulled the chima out of the box and noticed that there were even more items inside the box. This was the most beautiful thing you had ever received and yet the things coming out of the box seemed to be getting more and more beautiful.
Next out of the box was a smaller box, pulling the lid off of that, there was a pair of red gomusin, with dragons painted onto the toe area of the shoes in black and gold. Tucked neatly beside them was a pair of red beoseons, a small dragon embroidered in a golden thread on the inside of each sock. Peeking into the box once again, you noticed 3 more boxes. You decided to go for the next biggest box. Repeating the same move of opening the lid and peering in. Inside this box was a jewellery set, which included earrings, rings, necklace and even a set of cheopji. The pair of cheopji each had a dragon made of gold with red gems placed where the eyes should be. The necklace was a dainty chain with a dragon head pendant hanging from it. The earrings matched the hair pins, two dragon heads, although smaller, with red gems where the eyes should be. And as you placed the ring on your pointer finger you realised that it looked like the dragon was wrapping itself around your finger, and a small giggle left your mouth. You placed all of the items into the box and moved onto the next box.
The third box that you picked up was again, smaller than the last. Inside this one, held a small bracelet. This box however held a note inside. The note read:
“Eolin-I, I can’t wait to welcome you into our family, wear this hanbok with pride, you deserve it. Eomma”
The note made the tears that were gathering in your eyes, finally fall. Even the Queen Dowager had added something into the box of beautiful gifts. Your heart felt full with happiness.
Inside the last and final box there was a norigae and another note. This note read “Chin-aehaneun, we hope that you adore our gift as much as we adore you. We all look forward to you wearing it. Sincerely, King Kim Namjoon and boys”.
Moving the note to the side, you stared at the exquisite piece of fabrics before you, that had been crafted to form a norigae. The main ornament was a gorgeous red jasper crystal shaped into a dragon head. But there were two smaller ornaments hanging underneath it, made of a crystal like stone, engraved into butterfly shapes. This made you smile, reminding you of the conversations you had with the boys about your best friend, and her nickname. The knot that both attached to the goreum and held the ornaments was the same red and gold fabric that the hanbok was made out of. The knots that held the ornaments were rather small, but they only made to make the beauty of the ornaments stand out. And finally, the tassels that hang underneath the butterfly ornaments, were the same gold and red fabrics that were used. Everything in the box was stunning, and you couldn’t believe that you were lucky enough to be able to wear something as stunning as what was before you.
Your heart filled with joy as your eyes fell with tears that once again fell with happiness, as you held the hanbok close to you.
— * — * — *— * — * — *— * — * — * fast forward — * — * — *— * — * — *— * — * — *
Today was the day of the banquet. You had barely slept during the night, being filled with both nervousness and excitement. The last few days, you had been spending time with Yeji, the Queen Dowager, and secretly with the King himself, hidden away in the shelves of the library. The banquet was to begin in the early evening, and the three remaining ladies were to arrive after the King and his men. Each one would be announced one by one, and once all the ladies were in the room, the ladies would be told to come forward in turn. And finally, music would begin playing and the King would step forward and that is how the kingdom would announce who would be the new Queen. The process had been drilled into you by the Queen Dowager, who would also drop hints that it would be you. She wouldn’t let you make a single mistake, as she already saw you as her daughter, and she adored you, and despised the other two contenders.
Within 10 minutes of being awake, one of your ladies had knocked on your door to the bedroom. With your consent, she opens the door, bows deeply towards you, and announces that she has prepared a bath for you. You smile at the woman, getting out of your pool of comfort and follow her towards the bathroom.
The bathroom was much more different to the one you had at home. The bathroom at home was almost cold, with dark colours, and stone details. But the bathroom in this chamber was full of light and colours. The bath was built into the ground and had an outer barrier of stones around it other than where the steps into the bath were. Inside the bath, the water was almost white, and you guessed that they had probably added some milk to make the water even better for your skin. Once you got to the edge of the bath, Hwasa turned around allowing you some privacy to unrobe and get into the bath. Once you were in the bath, you noticed that there were rose petals floating around the water. You kept your hair up at Hwasa’s request, and found a ledge in the bath to sit on, and let your body sink into the water until it reached your shoulders. You let out a gentle sigh, notifying Hwasa that she could turn back around. Once she did, she made her way to the door, bowing once more before leaving.
You sat in the bath for around 30 minutes, allowing the water to cool and calm your nerves. The realisation that your calming bath was over, was Hwasa re-entering the room along with Hyo-Seong. One handed you a robe, and the other placed a towel at the edge of the bath so that you could dry your feet once you stepped out of the bath and reduce the risk of slipping over. You pulled the robe shut around you and followed them out of the room and into the main room, where your hanbok was placed onto a wooden figure, the accessories being placed on the dressing table, and the shoes being placed next to the clothing. Makeup and other styling accessories were also placed on the dressing table, such as combs and gels to keep your hair together. You were placed into some underwear and then the robe was wrapped back around you, before you were placed into the chair. Hwasa began to comb your hair, trying not to hurt you when detangling any knots you had in your hair, whilst Hyo-Seong sat next to you, using a dye similar to the colour of your hanbok to dye your nails to match them. Once Hwasa had finished detangling and Hyo-Seong had finished one hand, they moved onto another job. Hwasa moved on to braiding your hair with multiple different braids of different types. And Hyo-Seong moved to your other hand, continuing her job. Hyo-Seong finished her job first, and moved to stand up, helping Hwasa with your hair. Once your hair was braided, with multiple intricate braids across your head, the cheopji were placed on either side of your head, piercing through one of the braids in your hair that was formed in the shape of a bun. Both ladies take a step back and admire their work with large grins on their faces, making brief eye contact with you in the mirror that was placed above the dressing table.
Next the ladies moved onto the makeup. They used a plant ash that was used with a delicate brush to create eyeliner, defining your eyes. A slightly inky like powder that looked clumpy yet watery, was used along with a spikey looking brush, was combed along your eyelashes, elongating them, and defining them with the dark black colour. Next they used a fluffy brush along with a yeonji powder, and brushed it lightly across your cheeks, allowing them to look naturally healthy and rosey. Then they added a small amount of water and picked up another brush, swiping it across your lips, darkening them to become almost the same colour as your hanbok.
Once all the makeup was completed, they began placing the majority of your jewellery. Placing in the earrings and doing the necklace up at the back of your neck. Then they turned you around, placing the socks onto your previously cold feet. Once the socks were on they pulled you up from the seat and moved you towards the wooden figure. They took the chima off of the figure and placed it on the ground before you stepped into it. Once you had stepped into it, they pulled it up to your bust. It took you a few moments to realise that it was a dress-like chima, and you needed to put your arms through the straps. There was a slight ribbon detail at the back of the dress that allowed them to tighten the chima to fit you perfectly. Then the jeogori was placed onto your body, the sleeves reaching your wrists, and the length covering the top part of your chima. Hyo-Seong then tied up the goreum, before placing the norigae onto the ribbon of the goreum. Hwasa follows this action by placing the remaining jewellery onto your body. Finally, the shoes were placed in front of you, as both ladies took a hold of your hands allowing you to hold onto them as you balanced on one foot to put the other into the shoe.
By this time, it was almost time to make your way to where the banquet was being held. The walk to this building would be a short 5 minute walk. So you took the moment of peace that you had to rest and admire your outfit, everything from your clothing to your jewellery to your nails to your makeup. Before you knew it, it was time for you to leave. You opened up the door to your chambers and made your way out of it, Yeji waiting for you outside of the door, dressed in a beautiful peach colour, with butterfly shaped accessories.
“OMO!” Yeji practically screams at you.”You look like the future queen eolin-i. You look so yeppeoyo! Everyone is going to have their eyes on you all night! Gajah!”
You can't help but smile and blush at your best friend's words, as you link arms with her. The walk to the room felt like it passed in a few brief seconds with the constant chatting between you and your best friend, rather than the five minutes it took to get there. Once you arrived you noticed Eun-bi and Seol-Hyun also waiting outside of the entrance, dressed in purples and pinks. Yeji squeezed your arm before bowing ever so slightly towards the women and entering the hall. A guard dressed in all black began towards your group announcing that the king and his men were on the way and that it was tradition that the women would hide until they had entered so that they couldn't see them. With a nod, you all moved to hide behind a wall away from any peeking eyes. Once the three of you had hidden out of sight, Eun-Bi turned to you with a sneer on her face “Why on earth would you wear the royal wedding colour, and with dragon details, who do you think you are? Don’t you think you’re a bit full of yourself for someone who looks the way that you do?” Seol-Hyun laughed at the comment before adding “It’s almost like you're asking for everyone to laugh at you”. Before you had the chance to respond, the same guard who had asked you to hide appeared again, alerting you that you could now enter the room, and the order that you would be going into the room. To Seol-Hyun’s joy, she was first, followed by Eun-Bi and then you. Seol-Hyun moved towards the large doors, and waited for them to be opened. You couldn’t see what was in the room, but you could hear the claps and music as the first lady was welcomed into the room. The doors were kept open as Eun-Bi moved toward the door, and entered. The noise of music and clapping continued.
With a breath, you took a step towards the door, it was your time to enter the room. You kept your head high and level, and stepped into the room. You walked as elegantly as you could towards the front of the room where the other ladies were waiting. On your way to the front, you made eye contact with Yeji, sending her a small grin before moving your eyesight towards the front, before accidentally making eye contact with the Queen Dowager, who gave you a loving smile and a wink that you would have missed if you blinked. Before you knew it, you were at the front of the room, standing next to Eun-Bi, in front of the king.
The King looked even more handsome than he did in his last ceremonial robes that he wore when handing out his gifts just two days ago. Namjoon stood up and smiled at the crowd, the crowd growing silent within moments, eagerly waiting for his announcement.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for attending the announcement banquet. Today I will be announcing my future bride, your future queen, in front of you all. I hope you all love her as much as I have begun to. Now for the announcement”. He took a few steps forward until he stood in front of the three of you. He first stood in front of Seol-Hyun. The crowd remained silent. Namjoon spoke again “Thank you for being a part of this process but you will not continue through to the next stage. Please step off to the side, someone will be along soon to talk to you about what will happen next.” He told her, before moving to Eun-Bi, who turned briefly to you, smirking at you as if to say haha I win. After this look, Namjoon also made brief eye contact with you, sending an almost hidden smile your way. “Eun-Bi, thank you. However, you also won’t be entering the next level, please join your friend to the side, someone will also be along to speak to you”. The look on her face nearly made you laugh out loud, but you held it in. Eun-Bi begrudgingly moved to the side, joining the crowd and standing next to her friend. Namjoon then moves to stand in front of you. He cautiously takes your hands in his larger ones, looks you in the eyes before looking around at the crowd. He straightens his back, and smiles before speaking “This is Lady Seo Y/N. Over the past two weeks, myself, my closest friends and even my familys have gotten to know this beautiful young woman before us. I have fallen a little more in love each day, and I would be honoured if Lady Seo would accept my request to become both the Queen and the Royal Bride”.
“Yes, My King, I accept”
@skyss-universse @yongiigolden @zae007live @thedarkwinterrose @namjinieesope @uniquelyabnormallyoriginal @poesreddeath @insert-a-creative-url-here @hey-syia @scientisterror @emu007 @hajimaoppaa @feedthefandoms995 @maetyun @explorewithd @treetops68 @bibebts @angel-121 @sbromp @zmbo97 @sngssy @silverrr-spooon @el-insomnio-no-es-divertido @plutoneu @oppa-agust-d-d [proof reader] @jolinaprincessrincess @iamhereforbts
@ewok7attack @marc-ella
Peppermint Mocha (m)

Summary: A week in the college life with seven boyfriends.
Pairing: Namjoon/Reader, Jin/Reader, Yoongi/Reader, Hoseok/Reader, Jimin/Reader, Taehyung/Reader, Jungkook/Reader
Warnings: fluff fest, you are advised to visit the dentist following consumption, sub!jungkook, sub!jimin, sub!taehyung, switch!hobi, sub!namjoon (ish), sub!jin, sub!yoongi, handjobs, cock rings, vibrators (anal), oral (male), dry humping, multiple orgasms
Length: 4.9k
Notes: WHEW i finally finished shdsskd i’m never using google docs ever again, formatting never saves and i had to manually fix the spacing and italicizing i’m scarred for life. i hope this lives up to expectations and i’m sorry it took so long but now i’m gonna disappear for a bit to do midterms lmao lmk what you think!!
College!AU - Film major!Jin (Master’s), photography major!Tae, graphic design & photography double major!JK, philosophy & history double major!Joon, performing dance major!Hobi, contemporary dance major!Jimin, music composition major!Yoongi, unspecified major!reader
Monday, 8:01 AM
“Baby.” A small moan escaped your throat as you snuggled in closer, chasing the warmth that tugged at you.
“Baby, you need to wake up.” Gentle fingers brushed at your cheeks and you nuzzled into the touch as palms cupped your face. “Baby.” Amusement laced his tone, and you knew he was smiling down at you.
Peeking through one eye, lips pouting as you lifted one finger to poke into those infuriatingly gorgeous dimples, Namjoon grinned. “Time for class, baby girl.”
Groaning, you let yourself drop back onto the mattress, watching as he stood. He was already fully dressed for the day, with dark washed jeans, a fitted black turtleneck, silver wristwatch and thin framed lenses that perched on his nose. You melted a bit when he leaned in to press a kiss against your temple. The man looked like he’d stepped out of a fall edition magazine. “Coffee’s on the table, see you at 2.” Namjoon grabbed his keys from the nightstand, slinging his messenger bag over his shoulder as he made his forever timely morning exit.
“Namjoonie-hyung gone?” You hummed in response as you slipped from the bed, dropping a quick kiss to Jimin’s cheek as you made your way to the bathroom. “Where’s Kook?”
“Still sleeping,” he replied, trailing after you. You relaxed into his hold as you brushed your teeth, him resting his chin on the grove of your shoulder, arms wrapped snugly around your stomach. Moving through the remainder of your skin care routine, Mondays were always a little more bearable with Jimin playfully swiping cream onto your nose, running a brush gently through your hair as you washed your face.
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Killing Me Softly: I

Sugardaddy!BTS x reader
They were beloved. The very ground they walked on worshiped. It had been that way since before you were born and it would remain that way even after your choice. Decisions decisions, it would decide your future. But why choose one when you could choose them all? If you chose none, well… that wasn’t a decision you could make.
AN: This is for the person who requested an ot7 sugar daddy story where bts are yandere. Sorry, it took so long, but this ended up being a three-part story. Hope everyone enjoys it!
Word Count: 7,115
Dear Ms. [Y/l/n]
We regret to inform you that your application has been denied. Unfortunately, you do not have the qualities or qualifications necessary to work as a crew member under McDonalds’ incorporated Inc. We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors. Have a nice day.
Now, you weren’t conceited enough to think that it was impossible for your job application to be denied. You understood when you graduated university that finding employment would be difficult, but you also weren’t dense enough not to notice a pattern. This had been your tenth application and the same thing would always happen: you’d apply, they interview you, be ecstatic to hire you, and in under forty-eight hours you would receive a polite email where they would tell inform you that you didn’t have the ‘qualifications’ or ‘didn’t fit their image.’ You had done an internship at a top-notch telecommunications company, graduated in three years, and were in the top one percentile. How were you not qualified to flip burgers at McDonald’s?! A deep sigh left your body as you pressed your forehead against the kitchen table, trying to calm yourself down. “Bad news again?” Sihyeon said exiting the bathroom, her hair perfectly styled into soft waves and a tight purple cocktail dress adorning her figure. “It just doesn’t make any sense. Why would I keep getting rejected? Is there something I’m not seeing?” You were exasperated and couldn’t help the tears that came to your eyes.
You wanted independence and to maintain yourself. Here you go…Sure you knew being an adult wasn’t easy and despite how naïve they called you, the struggle was always part of the journey. Despite this, it felt like there was something you were missing as if someone was playing a cruel joke on you. “You could always call them,” Sihyeon remarked as she put on her heels. “No. Absolutely not. I haven’t stooped that low.” Your roommate sighed and walked over to where you were sitting, leaning over the chair and giving you a back hug. “You don’t have to start again, but maybe just ask them for advice. Or at least talk to Hoseok. He always knows what to do.” Sihyeon was just trying to help, had she known everything she would have never suggested you go back. She might have even prohibited it. Her not knowing was for her own safety though and for it not to affect her relationship with her ‘clients’ as she called them. “Maybe, I don’t know. Hurry up you don’t want to be late.” There was fear in your eyes and Sihyeon noticed but being the friend, she is she merely kissed your cheek and promised to text you when she arrived and left. It didn’t matter, Sihyeon wouldn’t come home tonight but it was a matter of precaution. Being a sugar baby was a dangerous profession at times and you, unfortunately, found that out far too late.
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until the last star falls

— summary: it was a love you knew would never make it out alive without sacrificing a part of your happiness to receive a greater happiness. but for them, you’d go to any extreme to have them again, and for you, they will always remind you each day that you are theirs and that nothing can tear you apart, not even until the last star falls.
— pairing: underworld lords!bts x shield!reader
— genre: fluff, angst / reincarnation!au / poly!au / gods!au
— word count: 44.4k
— warnings: minor character death, car accidents, mentions of harassment, reincarnation, unrequited love, implied love making
— prompt: “in lifetimes before or after, you are my first and last love/s”

The flames ignite the land of the Underworld, crackling and illuminating the battle scene where a lone warrior stands at an arena filled with the creatures of the dead.
Yet the warrior does not falter, sword in hand, not even a battle cry leaving its lips.
The animals do not go to the warrior one by one, it runs in a frenzy in a crowd at all sides, never taking a moment of hesitation. That was never a word in their dictionary, they were animals after all.
Yet at the same time, hesitation was also not a word the warrior knew.
The armor he wears causes a bit of discomfort, they can tell, as if it is a little too heavy, yet he shows no mercy as the sword cuts through each creature that comes his way. He isn’t just a fighter, he’s a dancer. His body swerves and dodges effortlessly, blade lashing through the air with the same dance. It is the first warrior they’ve seen who made no noise.
A silent killer.
The last creature dies with a harsh piercing of his sword puncturing right into its heart. He stands up, forcing his sword out of its body with blood dripping to its tip but the warrior pays no mind.
They watch him steadily, waiting until the moment the brave warrior final takes off the mask around his head and their eyes widen.
It isn’t a man. It’s a woman.
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Cry Me A River | Masterpost
— pairing: bts x reader
— genre: angst, slight fluff, poly!au, mafia!au, arranged marriage!au
— status: ongoing
— warnings: (triggering topics! please read at your own discretion) childhood trauma, mental abuse, allusions to physical abuse, child neglect, manipulation, gaslighting, violence, mentions of assault, hurt and comfort, divorce, emotional neglect, minor character deaths, kidnapping, some emotionally unstable scenes

one. the breaking | you tried so hard to be enough
two. the lie | a house made of cards, they lived in your beautiful fairytale
three. the promise | if you told them about the darkness inside of you, would they still look at you like you're the sun?
four. the gentle heart | keep your heart warm, no matter how cold they have been to you
five. the void | no matter how many times you read a story over and over again, it always ends the same
six. coming soon...