6 years ago

Both of my parents have worked for several aquariums and while my mum no longer does, my dad is pretty high up in the management structure for a zoo. Lemme tell you, our zoo is not only a wonderful institution that deeply cares for all of its inhabitants, we have:

an incredible elephant conservation program, including an entire converted ranch a ways into the center of the state specifically to allow the elephants some vacation free-range time;

two lovely northern elephant seals who were rescued and rehabilitated by the staff, one of whom (Coolio, i love that boy!) cannot be released due to severe eye injury;

a vitally important sea turtle rehab program which just last year released two kemp’s ridleys, a critically endangered species;

three white-bellied pangolins as part of an absolutely essential conservation program to protect this critically endangered species from going extinct

and probably some other stuff i can’t remember right now.

(also, our gorilla exhibit is AMAAAZIIIING!!! so much SPACE and lots of stuff for them to play around with!)

i don't really understand why you would be pro-zoo. like i understand nature reserves and sanctuaries where people can observe from afar, but it doesn't seem right to me when they're locked up in generally small confined areas for people to watch them do nothing all day. idk maybe i'm getting this wrong, and i still really respect you, i just don't understand this. like i interned at a zoo and felt uncomfortable with how small their living areas were and how they had no stimulation

Zoos don’t look like this anymore.


They look like this:


Good zoos do not keep their animals in “tiny spaces” with no enrichment.  I’m not pro-roadside zoo.  I’m pro-accredited zoo.  Zoos are incredibly important for conservation and education.

Are Zoos Necessary?

The Importance of Zoos: Resource Post

Why Zoos and Aquariums Matter: Assessing the Impact of a Visit to a Zoo or Aquarium

Why I Want to be a Keeper

Why I Believe in Zoos

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