Important Post - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

In the future, children will think our ways are strange. "Why do old people always grow so much milkweed in their gardens?" they'll say. "Why do old people always write down when the first bees and butterflies show up? Why do old people hate lawn grass so much? Why do old people like to sit outside and watch bees?"

We will try to explain to them that when we were young, most people's yards were almost entirely short grass with barely any flowers at all, and it was so commonplace to spray poisons to kill insects and weeds that it was feared monarch butterflies and American bumblebees would soon go extinct. We will show them pictures of sidewalks, shops, and houses surrounded by empty grass without any flowers or vegetables and they will stare at them like we stared at pictures of grimy children working in coal mines

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7 months ago

Can Kamala Harris win? Does she really stand a chance? I’m so scared for my American friends, their families and every kind, decent human being who resides there.

She has a motherfucking chance because we are going to GIVE her a motherfucking chance.

No more talking about how "of course" the country won't elect a black woman (they also thought that with Obama in 2008). No more dooming. We can destroy the fucking billionaire donors as soon as the election is over. We can do everything else as soon as we have time to do it because we are not being fucked in the ass by Trump and his despicable orange fascists.

We are going to rally the fuck behind Kamala Harris and we are going to do it now. We are going to support whichever VP she chooses. We are going to be on the fucking lookout for any Purity Police whining about how Kamala isn't good enough either. We are going to keep our eyes fucking open for the Russian interference that frankly, I suspect, contributed heavily to this in the first place. We are going to learn our fucking lesson from 2016 and not whine about Third Party Protest Votes. We are going to pull together and quit fucking whining. Now Biden is out. You don't have to cOnDeSceNd yourself to voting for him. You are going to fucking help us get Kamala in office so fucking help us God. Then we can deal with the rest of it later. It is that simple.

The end.

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6 months ago

So you may or may not have heard, Biden is proposing a constitutional amendment that would reverse the Supreme Court’s immunity decision and create term limits for the Supreme Court. A constitutional amendment requires Congress to pass it. If you have thoughts on this and want to encourage your representative to vote a certain way then MAKE YOUR VOICE BE HEARD. CLICK HERE TO FIND AND CONTACT YOUR LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE AND SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS. Until Trump takes it away from us we’re still a democracy so LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD!

AND DON’T FORGET: we’re not just voting for president this year, there’s also a ton of Congress seats (both House and Senate) that are up for re-election so if your local representatives are people that wouldn’t vote for this, then VOTE THEM OUT!

Contact them and tell them you won’t vote for them if they don’t support this amendment. Congress is supposed to work for us so MAKE THEM WORK FOR US!

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6 months ago


'It's awful, and we don't want it to happen again': Navajo Nation takes stand against uranium transports
A pause of the uranium transports from the mine south of the Grand Canyon through the Navajo Nation to Utah is currently in effect.

On Friday, a group of protestors walked on Highway 89 in Cameron, Ariz., protesting Pinyon Plain Mine owner Energy Fuels trucking uranium ore through the Navajo Nation to Utah. Uranium has a long history of impacts on the Navajo Nation and its people since the 1940s. "We've seen the effects of these things in the past on our land, the spills into our rivers, into our communities, the residual effects on our on our health, of our children, our elders," Cameron resident Adair Klopfenstein said. "It's awful, and we don't want it to happen again." The Pinyon Plain Mine, formerly known as Canyon Mine, began mining uranium ore in December and is expected to be actively mining for at least five years. The company had told 12News at the end of June it would start transporting the uranium ore to a mill in southeast Utah in July or August. That hauling appears to have started before the pause was put in place. "I call it illegal smuggling across our border and then through the Navajo Nation," Navajo Nation President Buu Nygren said.
WINDOW ROCK, Ariz. — A peaceful demonstration against the illegal hauling of uranium ore took place in Cameron, Arizona, on Friday on the Na
After Navajo Nation Condemns Uranium Hauling on Its Lands, Arizona Governor Negotiates a Pause - Inside Climate News
Inside Climate News
The temporary halt is intended to allow the tribe and Energy Fuels Resources to reach an agreement over transporting the radioactive materia
Navajo Nation plans to test limit of tribal law preventing transportation of uranium on its land
AP News
The Navajo Nation plans to test the limits of a tribal law that banned the transportation of uranium ore on its lands.

And from June:

Atom test downwinders and Navajo uranium workers seek justice after aid expires
Cronkite News
Congress let the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act expire June 10, leaving Navajo uranium workers and people downwind of nuclear weapons t
What's next for the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act now that it's expired?
The Radiation Exposure Compensation Act expired on Friday, June 7, leaving many people who were affected by nuclear testing and research in

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6 months ago

عاجل! يرجو القراءة لي الغزاويين: رابط


Vetted fundraiser masterpost-masterpost


This is a collection of links to various posts concerning fundraisers I've vetted and instructions on how to submit fundraisers to me. These are primarily ones for Ghazzan families although some fundraisers for Sudanese families are also listed (I'm more familiar with my own country's politics and dialect and am more capable of vetting fundraisers for Palestinians as a result).

I know that people do not like clicking on links, but please actually look through the posts / Google Sheet and choose a fundraiser to donate to. Please.

Instructions on how to submit a fundraiser. (for those not Ghazzan) Paused تعليمات لتقديم طلب توثيق و نشر حملات التبرعات الخاصة بالغزاويين و عائلاتهم (للغزاويين فقط) واقف

Google doc list compiling vetted fundraisers.

List of fundraisers for my direct contacts from Ghazzah & Sudan. - PRIORITY.

Unvetted but highly likely legitimate fundraisers.

Additional fundraisers for various purposes - (TO BE UPDATED)

About the targeted harassment campaign against Palestinians on tumblr, from August 2nd to August 3rd 2024.

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6 months ago

“Look, there is a real tendency, particularly in America, to both-sides this situation. And I am not saying that there aren’t some areas where that’s warranted, but it’s important to recognize there are also areas where it’s simply not.

Both sides are firing rockets, but one side has one of the most advanced militaries in the world. Both sides are suffering heartbreaking casualties, but one side is suffering them exponentially.

And it’s not like the U.S. is operating from the moral high ground here. It’s obviously no stranger to drone striking weddings and saying, “We were just trying to target enemy combatants.” This country has blood on its hands too. And look, if you believe Israel’s actions are warranted and proportionate this week, you’re welcome to try and make that argument.

But we have got to start having this conversation honestly, and falling back on convenient, sanitized terms like “real estate disputes” and “airstrikes on militants” feels a little disingenuous when what you’re describing is forcing people from the homes they’ve lived in for decades and killing civilians and children.

And again, none of this frees Hamas from responsibility, but Hamas doesn’t represent all Palestinians, just as what Israel is doing right now doesn’t represent all Israelis or indeed, Jewish people.

Lots is complicated here. But some things are pretty simple. One side is suffering much more.

And if America really wants to help, it might want to seriously consider changing its long-held position here, because for decades, the backbone of America’s policy in the middle east is that America is an unwavering friend to Israel. Which is a great thing to try and be, but at the end of the day, I would hope that a real friend would tell me when I’m being an asshole, and definitely when I’m committing a fucking war crime.”

—John Oliver

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6 months ago

Hello 👋🌸,

I hope you're well. Dr. Farhat's family urgently needs our help due to the ongoing violence. Please share and support the "Save Dr. Farhat's family from genocide in Gaza" campaign. Every share makes a difference.


Thank you so much for any support you can provide 💖. With gratitude, Dr. Farhat's Family 🌹

Verified campaign #248 by @el-shab-hussein @nabulsi

Money's a bit tight for me right now but I gave what I could. I hope you and your family are able to escape this horror. Be safe, friend.

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6 months ago

hey it's me black mold. thanks for running your window air conditioner all summer. whatever you do, do not regularly clean the removable filter. that's not necessary

you should also never ever unplug the air conditioner and stick a flashlight in the vent that blows air to see if we're in there. it's very bad, that place should not be checked

and whatever you do, if you've already made the mistake of unplugging it, don't remove it from the window for cleaning if possible. and whether it's possible to remove the unit or not, don't carefully disassemble the front panel, document where the screws go and plastic bits go, and open up the vent more to be able to get into it easily

as black mold, i'm an expert on this. you should heed my warnings: now, if you've somehow made the mistake of doing all of the above, you should not use warm water and dish soap to CLEAN the inside of the vent thoroughly. DON'T ever use a bottle brush to get into the hard to reach places. and certainly don't rinse and dry the cleaned area before carefully putting it back together

there's nothing wrong with us, black mold. we don't cause or exacerbate breathing conditions like asthma or other illnesses. it's cool, we're cool

furthermore, if you're capable of removing the window unit, DONT take a hose with the same soapy water and wash the portion of the window unit that sits outside the window and is therefore weatherproofed.

whatever you do, don't allow the air conditioner to dry before plugging it back in and turning it on again

and if you have a central air conditioner, you will definitely never ever consult a manual or sources online to perform a similar cleaning procedure on the cooling unit outside.

lastly, if you're physically unable to do the things we (the black mold) warned you not to do above, you should never ever ask someone to help you or hire a service to do it.

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5 months ago has officially been released! Thank you @martyrabuh for all your hard work coding the website and bringing an idea to reality. 
Guys if you want a master list of several verified fundraisers for Sudanese people please share and push this website that will also be regularly updated! All of the fundraisers in one place so you guys have no more excuses!!

website is still a work in progress but this link directs to the list of vetted fundraisers!!

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5 months ago

Opinion Here’s how to get free Paxlovid as many times as you need it

When the public health emergency around covid-19 ended, vaccines and treatments became commercial products, meaning companies could charge for them as they do other pharmaceuticals. Paxlovid, the highly effective antiviral pill that can prevent covid from becoming severe, now has a list price of nearly $1,400 for a five-day treatment course.

Thanks to an innovative agreement between the Biden administration and the drug’s manufacturer, Pfizer, Americans can still access the medication free or at very low cost through a program called Paxcess. The problem is that too few people — including pharmacists — are aware of it.

I learned of Paxcess only after readers wrote that pharmacies were charging them hundreds of dollars — or even the full list price — to fill their Paxlovid prescription. This shouldn’t be happening. A representative from Pfizer, which runs the program, explained to me that patients on Medicare and Medicaid or who are uninsured should get free Paxlovid. They need to sign up by going to or by calling 877-219-7225. “We wanted to make enrollment as easy and as quick as possible,” the representative said.

Indeed, the process is straightforward. I clicked through the web form myself, and there are only three sets of information required. Patients first enter their name, date of birth and address. They then input their prescriber’s name and address and select their insurance type.

All this should take less than five minutes and can be done at home or at the pharmacy. A physician or pharmacist can fill it out on behalf of the patient, too. Importantly, this form does not ask for medical history, proof of a positive coronavirus test, income verification, citizenship status or other potentially sensitive and time-consuming information.

But there is one key requirement people need to be aware of: Patients must have a prescription for Paxlovid to start the enrollment process. It is not possible to pre-enroll. (Though, in a sense, people on Medicare or Medicaid are already pre-enrolled.)

Once the questionnaire is complete, the website generates a voucher within seconds. People can print it or email it themselves, and then they can exchange it for a free course of Paxlovid at most pharmacies.

Pfizer’s representative tells me that more than 57,000 pharmacies are contracted to participate in this program, including major chain drugstores such as CVS and Walgreens and large retail chains such as Walmart, Kroger and Costco. For those unable to go in person, a mail-order option is available, too.

The program works a little differently for patients with commercial insurance. Some insurance plans already cover Paxlovid without a co-pay. Anyone who is told there will be a charge should sign up for Paxcess, which would further bring down their co-pay and might even cover the entire cost.

Several readers have attested that Paxcess’s process was fast and seamless. I was also glad to learn that there is basically no limit to the number of times someone could use it. A person who contracts the coronavirus three times in a year could access Paxlovid free or at low cost each time.

Unfortunately, readers informed me of one major glitch: Though the Paxcess voucher is honored when presented, some pharmacies are not offering the program proactively. As a result, many patients are still being charged high co-pays even if they could have gotten the medication at no cost.

This is incredibly frustrating. However, after interviewing multiple people involved in the process, including representatives of major pharmacy chains and Biden administration officials, I believe everyone is sincere in trying to make things right. As we saw in the early days of the coronavirus vaccine rollout, it’s hard to get a new program off the ground. Policies that look good on paper run into multiple barriers during implementation.

Those involved are actively identifying and addressing these problems. For instance, a Walgreens representative explained to me that in addition to educating pharmacists and pharmacy techs about the program, the company learned it also had to make system changes to account for a different workflow. Normally, when pharmacists process a prescription, they inform patients of the co-pay and dispense the medication. But with Paxlovid, the system needs to stop them if there is a co-pay, so they can prompt patients to sign up for Paxcess.

Here is where patients and consumers must take a proactive role. That might not feel fair; after all, if someone is ill, people expect that the system will work to help them. But that’s not our reality. While pharmacies work to fix their system glitches, patients need to be their own best advocates. That means signing up for Paxcess as soon as they receive a Paxlovid prescription and helping spread the word so that others can get the antiviral at little or no cost, too.


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5 months ago

Friday Sept 27:

Friday Sept 27:

Millions are without power this morning and underwater.

Do not go into floodwaters. It is not safe. There is debris, animals, pathogens, and god knows what else in the water.

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4 months ago

Friendly reminder to listen VERY VERY CRITICALLY if someone tries to convince you not to register for federal disaster assistance following a declared disaster. Helene is still moving north and I see the usual rants picking up steam already.

That person trying to win social commentary points online is not your friend. That person can’t give you funds for house repair or to restock on food and meds. And if they say they can - that is a scammer and not someone you can trust.

Scammers and developers trying to take advantage after a disaster intentionally spread rumors/misinformation to convince survivors not to apply for federal disaster assistance. Many well meaning people pick this misinformation up and spread it further without understanding how the assistance process works. It’s happened more and more over the years and it will happen with Helene.

If you do not apply for assistance, you lose the chance to receive federal funds. APPLY APPLY APPLY. This doesn’t guarantee you will meet eligibility requirements, but you definitely can’t meet them if you don’t apply. The application process isn’t perfect but it continues to be updated - and was updated in 2024!! - to try and make it easier for survivors. If you have damages or lost power for an extended time, APPLY.

You can check on or with local news to see when disaster recovery centers will open, how long the application period will last, and what information you’ll need when applying.

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4 months ago

The idea that rest and recreation are "useless" ways to spend your day did not come from folks who value your health or happiness.

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4 months ago

feeling very frustrated about the ways people are talking about hurricane Milton. lots of needless, borderline fear mongering language with very little actual helpful information.

information about Milton that might ACTUALLY be helpful:

Hurricane Milton is shaping up to be the third strongest hurricane ever recorded.

Make sure you have an evacuation plan if the order is given or if you've already been told to leave.

County-by-county evacuations for Hurricane Milton
Hurricane Milton is triggering evacuations in counties along Florida's west coast. Here is a list of orders and shelter information.

there is also a code for free Ubers to evacuate effected counties, as well as shuttles from evacuating counties to nearby storm shelters

Use this code for free Uber rides to shelters in evacuating Florida counties
Sarasota Herald-Tribune
If you are in one of the Florida counties under a state of emergency due to Hurricane Milton, use this code to get a free Uber ride to a she
Hurricane evacuation shuttle will be available Tuesday for residents in evacuation zones
ABC Action News Tampa Bay (WFTS)
Residents needing transportation to a shelter can use a shuttle service, according to the Florida Division of Emergency Management

Prepare/secure your home

Where to find sandbags in Central Florida ahead of Milton
Find sandbag locations to prepare for the heavy rain.
Ahead of Milton, Sarasota and Manatee Counties Open More Sandbag Locations
Sarasota Magazine
Hurricane Milton is expected to make landfall on Wednesday. Here's where to get sandbags if you need them.

Find your nearest shelter and be prepared to leave

If you want to stay in the loop about the hurricane, WESH 2 News has ongoing coverage ad-free on YouTube.

Tracking Milton: Live coverage as hurricane heads for Florida
As Hurricane Milton churns in the Gulf of Mexico and threatens Florida's coast, the National Hurricane Center says it is closely monitoring

General resources/information:


Please for the love of God stop preying on people's fears and causing panic. Know what resources are available to you and how to access them. If you approach this hurricane carefully YOU WILL BE OKAY!!!!! YOUR LIFE DOES NOT HAVE TO BE RUINED!!!

Please link other resources you find or think other people might find useful!

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1 year ago

[Spoilers!] Light's Falle Timeline

Updated 18 July 2024

Note: Links only go to the first chapter referenced per day - e.g., a link on Ch.12-15 will go to Chapter 12.


AM - Astral Moon

UM - Umbral Moon

SQ - FFXIV Canon Timeline Dates

LF - General Light's Falle Dates

GP - Book 1: Gridanian Prelude

WT - Book 2: White Towers, Deep Waters

OT - Book 3: An Oasis at Twilight


6th Astral Era

1 4th AM 1527: Vivail Aikiria is born. [LF]

ca. 1535: Papalymo Totolymo and Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn are born. [SQ]

4 5th AM 1536: Aebba Falle is born. [LF]

ca. 1545: Y'shtola Rhul and Thancred Waters are born. [SQ]

ca. 1546: Yda Hext is born. [LF]

ca. 1549: Kan-E-Senna and Adalberta Sterne are born. [SQ]

ca. 1550: Jacke Swallow is born. [SQ]

ca. 1552: The Ala Mhigan Civil War begins. [SQ]

22 1st UM 1556: Yenifer Falle is born to Aebba. [LF]

ca. 1557: Ala Mhigo is conquered by the Garlean Empire. [SQ] Yenifer and her mother escape Ala Mhigo. [LF]

ca. 1558: Yenifer and Aebba settle into life in the Gridanian hamlet of Quarrymill along with other Ala Mhigan refugees. [LF]

ca. 1562: The XIVth Legion is defeated in the Battle of Silvertear Skies. [SQ]

ca. 1572: The events of Final Fantasy XIV 1.0; Dalamud falls, unleashing Bahamut and the 7th Umbral Calamity. [SQ] Kan-E-Senna leads the Gridanian element at the Battle of Carteneau. [GP Ch.32] Aebba is killed during the Calamity. [LF]

7th Umbral Era

Year 5

18 2nd UM: The start of Light's Falle and Gridanian Prelude; Yenifer digs a ditch outside of Quarrymill and makes a fateful decision. [GP Ch.1]

24 2nd UM: Yenifer leaves Quarrymill for Gridania, joining the Lancers' Guild and encountering her rival, Foulques, for the first time. [GP Ch.2-9]

32 2nd UM: Yenifer is recruited by the Twin Adders to assist in a manhunt. [GP Ch.10]

3 3rd AM: Yenifer meets Scions Yda and Papalymo for the first time, and finds her Crystal of Light. [GP Ch.10-12]

11 3rd AM: Yenifer encounters Foulques for the second time, and stumbles into what would be called the Battle of Spirithold; she experiences her first Echo vision in the aftermath. [GP Ch.13-16]

29 3rd AM: Yenifer has her spear taken for repairs, and has a brief altercation with gawking Gridanians. [GP Ch.17-18]

30 3rd AM: Yenifer has her third encounter with Foulques after he kidnaps a Guild member. She finds herself stumbling into aiding the Gridanians in a battle against the Ixal. Yenifer has her first encounter with a Paragon, only narrowly surviving, and for her heroism is made Emissary. [GP Ch.19-29]

31 3rd AM: Yenifer fulfils the role of Emissary for the Greenbliss, but an Echo vision interrupts the ceremony. [GP Ch.30-31]

32 3rd AM: Yenifer is made Envoy of Gridania, and is dispatched by its leader, Kan-E-Senna, to deliver vital missives across Eorzea; end of Gridanian Prelude. [GP Ch.33-34]

ca. 3rd AM: Legatus Gaius van Baelsar of the Garlean XIVth Legion makes an inspection of Castrum Occidens. [GP Epilogue]

1 3rd UM: Yenifer arrives in Limsa Lominsa and delivers Kan-E-Senna's missive to its leader, Merlwyb; she also makes the acquaintance of several locals, most notably the rogue, Jacke, the Scion, Y'shtola, and the marauder, Vivail. Yenifer and Vivail are recruited by Y'shtola for an adventure to the Sastasha Seagrove to begin the following morning. [WT Ch.1-9]

2 3rd UM: Yenifer, Y'shtola, and Vivail travel to the Sastasha Seagrove; while investigating, Yenifer and Vivail become separated, and together fight through a pirate stronghold to liberate kidnapped civilians. Reunited afterwards, the three return to Limsa Lominsa, where Yenifer says her goodbyes to them, and to Jacke. Vivail is recruited by Y'shtola to join the Scions. End of White Towers, Deep Waters. [WT Ch.10-Epilogue]

2-3 3rd UM: While en-route to Ul'dah, Yenifer is incapacitated by the Echo, and is treated frantically by the airship's crew. Lost in the vision, Yenifer accidentally enters the memory - and then the present - of an Ala Mhigan, Arenvald. Surprising them both, Arenvald is able to see her in the vision, and strikes her, jolting her awake. [OT Prologue-Ch.1]

3 3rd UM: Yenifer arrives in Ul'dah and encounters yet another Scion, Thancred, while trying to get her bearings. Yenifer is abused by Brass Blade mercenaries after she attempts to save the life of a fellow refugee, and is in turn saved by the Miners' Guild's master, Adalberta. When Adalberta asks Thancred to investigate the Copperbell Mines going silent, Yenifer forces the Scion to take her along. Thancred allows her presence, but goes to recruit an ally of his for the mission as insurance: Arenvald. [OT Ch.2-13]

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5 months ago

The first thing I want to announce first is the release of my two Wander Over Yonder comics as episodes...The first episode is called"The Worst Nightmare Ever!",and the second episode is called "The Detective"...The second:In honor of Halloween I want to make an animation based on the episode"The Heebie Jeebies"and draw a couple of drawings with my characters...That's all for me...Hugged everyone!💋

@firecurls-27 @nightmaretherabbit @zibiscusloon @hey-imma-fangirl @yuki-arts-2nd @justphoenix3 @alexandrart873 @2194teddy @skystarsstuff

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5 months ago

My dear subscribers,I apologize for such a long absence!Now I will explain why:

1)I’m in 9th grade now and it’s not easy for me,I don’t have enough time to publish posts.

2)I often forget about Tumblr because of my studies and all other things.

So don't be upset if I don't post!I'm not leaving,I'm still active!Kisses and hugs to everyone💋

@firecurls-27 @nightmaretherabbit @zibiscusloon @maxholyspirit @hey-imma-fangirl @justphoenix3 @yuki-arts-2nd @alexandrart873 @skystarsstuff @2194teddy

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5 months ago

Hello everyone,my dear subscribers!

Yes,I returned to Tumblr,since I have already recovered and can publish again!There is still news for the coming days,but I would like to add something new.

I'm creating a new royal AU based on Wander Over Yonder,where the main character Wander becomes a king in the magical world!At first,his work is difficult for him,but then he got used to it :)

Are you looking forward to the release of my comic?If so,then support me with likes!Hugs to everyone!Your beloved Venus💋

@firecurls-27 @nightmaretherabbit @zibiscusloon @maxholyspirit @hey-imma-fangirl @unidemik @skystarsstuff @yuki-arts-2nd @justphoenix3 @alexandrart873 @2194teddy

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6 months ago

Hi, I hope you're doing well. I'm writing to you with a heavy heart and an urgent request for help. My family is in a very danger situation due to the ongoing war, and I've launched a GoFundMe campaign to save them. Could you please share my campaign post from my profile? Each share could be a lifeline for my family. 🙏 Feel free to share it in any other social media platform if you would like. Our campaign has been verified ⭐️ by operation olive branch, and is entry number 26 on their spreadsheet. Also with ⭐️ Project watermelon,line 249/(212) on their spreadsheet. From the bottom of my heart I want to thank you in advance for all of your support and kindness.

Hello!!! I hope you’re well too

I encourage those who can, please donate to Haya’s campaign. She has raised €73,437 out of the €100,000 goal!!!

I know posts with art gain more traction, so here’s a quick sketch of Haya and her younger sister

Hi,I Hope You're Doing Well. I'm Writing To You With A Heavy Heart And An Urgent Request For Help. My

Once again, please donate if you can!!

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1 year ago

Pomni thinks conservative christian moms don't have the right to take valuable resources away from queer people just because they're too lazy to raise up their own children.

Pomni Thinks Conservative Christian Moms Don't Have The Right To Take Valuable Resources Away From Queer

Seriously, this affects everyone on the internet, including every fandom, niche and website. From YouTube to Tumblr and even AO3! Please share and interact as much as you can!






Reblog this post in every LEGAL way you can under the Tumblr guidelines with the appropriate tags. TELL AND TAG EVERYONE YOU KNOW, then add the tags to see below... and more if you can think of any complying.

Visit if you want to find a way to defeat KOSA. It WILL NOT take much of your time. Reblog with any other information or sources, too-- but make sure to reblog if you can.

Reblog if you support lgbtq+ content.

Reblog if you support questioning queer youth and/or abused youth getting the information they need.

Reblog if you support Ao3 and/or other sites that wholeheartedly preserve talentedly made media.

Reblog if you're going to repost this on other sites than Tumblr and spread the word across Twitter, Tik Tok, Pinterest, or elsewhere, alongside the link to

Reblog if you think KOSA is unfair and shouldn't be anyone's problem -- including the adults ALL OVER THE DAMN EARTH forced to face the mass censorship it causes because "think of the American Children!".

Reblog if you support internet activism and Palestine.

Reblog if you hate fascism or censorship, and don't want actually serious and helpful conversations censored on the internet.

Reblog if you value the internet in any way at all whatsoever.

We won't let this stand any longer. Let's start a riot and get this trending.

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