Suprisingly I Thought Of Writing This Because Of Interview With The Vampire - Tumblr Posts
She's trembling.
She's trembling in his arms but there's such calm stillness in her eyes. As if Death was a fine wine she knew had been poisoned. He couldn't comprehend.
"You're afraid." He said, hoping that would shake her from her stillness.
"Yes." She said and her voice was shaken like her body.
But she didn't run. Didn't scream. He could tell she was thinking about it, every instinct on her body demanding it. But the strange, strange creature in front of him did not move.
"You're going to die."
"I'm aware."
"Won't you try to run?" He crooked his head. "To beg?"
"Would it change anything?"
He scoffed, half amused, half incredulous.
"I suppose not." She nodded at his answer, her eyes curious as they shone to him. "Are you suicidal?"
"No." She blinked. "Why would you think that?"
"People who want to live usually try to do something to ensure they do."
"Good point." The corner of her lips turned up. He could hear her beating heart wildly inside her ribcage. "I suppose I like the idea of dying in the hands of a vampire. It's an interesting death, even if no one will know."
"An interesting death?" He was captured by the insane idea as if her words had been a trap for an innocent prey.
But he was no prey.
"It's better than the alternatives, I suppose. Every death I can think of living is either boring, painful, too quick, or all of the above." She looked him in the eyes, fearful but not wavering. "Are you going to do it now?"
"Why would you want to die?"
"I don't but I don't suppose you'll let me go as well" He didn't respond. She hesitated. "Will you?"
"Would you like that?"
"Yes." There was no hesitation this time but they still danced around each other like they were aliens, other species completely. Which, to be fair, he was to her. "But will you?"
"I don't know." He was honest and she got quiet. "Why are you so complicit in your own death?"
"I don't want to die like a human, I guess." She laughed a bit at the irony of it all. "I don't want to be afraid even if I don't want to die now because if I am afraid... fear is the last thing I'll ever feel."
"What do you want to feel like as you die then?"
He blinked, that only word feeding at his heart like predators over carrion. It had been a long time since he had died but he couldn't help but try to remember what it felt like, his beating heart matching hers as memories long forgotten flooded his brain.
"If you died, would you tell me?" He asked then, his voice as soft as summer rain. "What it feels like?"
"I don't want to." Her quick comprehension made him chuckle.
"Why not, doll?"
"What future is there for you, or me, or anyone who lives forever? Where will my loved ones be in thirty years? Fifty? Where will I be when humanity finally manages to destroy itself? What will be left but despair and death and a touch of amused malice?"
"Strange. You seemed like the hopeful type."
"My hope lies in the present. Not in the future. I don't hope for things I know are just a fickle possibility, an echo of what shines bright and loud right now. And I won't trade the burning flames of the present for the certainty of the future. I can live with my anxiety over what's next. I won't live with the empty promises of tomorrow."
He felt his temper flaring.
"Don't you wanna know what it's like to be powerful? What on Earth wouldn't you trade your pitiful human life for eternity and the ease of a darker kind of life?"
"I fear I'm not that power-starved." She sounded amused by his impatience. "Nor am I so easily swayed by promises of a better existence. We're made of the same stuff, you and I, even if yours is better utilized. We're stardust and connected energy, we're freaks of the Universe and still, we're both suffering. Again, we cry and weep over and over. What is there for us, creatures of the same element, then to make the best we can with what we have, and hope the randomness of the Universe grace us with some kind of mercy? I cannot bear to be the protagonist of this story. I cannot bear the thought of suffering without my bright lights and my feet on the ground. I am not made for the intensity of eternity or the pain of idle life. To dream about grandeur is a better thing than to live it."
"So it's a coward's choice." He was disappointed.
"Could be." She said looking at him with the same confusion he looked at her. "Do you like it? Your meaningless existence? The loneliness drenched in despair you wear like a coat? The memories that haunt you every minute of every day against the cold reality of this existence for eternity? Drowning in arrogance and beliefs of Darwinian self-importance so that you can bear it? The fear of going mad slowly in a spiral because you can't remember how it feels like to be human anymore?"
He was heaving. Her lips touched his ears, a shiver running down his spine.
"What are we but desperate creatures, clawing our way through the dirt of our own cores?"