Svt Hansol Vernon Chwe - Tumblr Posts

Cheek - Hansol
Cheek - Hansol
Cheek - Hansol

Cheek - Hansol

Let's just say Hansol couldn't sleep the whole night (for some unknown reason) because currently, he's sleeping in the library for god knows how long. Did all that history stuff you taught him enter his brain?

As much as he looks too good and you want to look at his face until he wakes up, you don't because obviously, you're mad. He slept while you were teaching him history. He deserves to be thrown into a dungeon.

So, you take a marker out of your pencil case, opening the cap. The caption you have in mind makes you let out a snicker and you write it in bold letters on his cheek, without thinking twice. When you're done with your artwork, you take a picture of Hansol, reminding yourself to make it your wallpaper as soon as you go home.

He wakes up after half an hour, feeling very much rested but he doesn't really like the look on your face.

"Y/n," he starts, "I'm sorry for sleeping. I'll do extra homework if that's what takes you to forgive me." You raise an eyebrow, and Hansol gulps in fear. Where would you hide his body? Will his parents be able to find him?

"Write me a 3-paged essay of all the reasons why you slept, what you dreamt of and all about your lovely tutor. Now, you can leave or I'm snuffing the life out of you," and Hansol knows better than to stay at that place.

When Hansol goes home looking very much like a poster on the streets, his sister breaks into fits of laughter, "Bro, did you get a face tattoo without me?"

Hansol looks at her in confusion, "What are you talking about? I just escaped from Y/n. She was ready to murder me for sleeping during her tutor session."

He doesn't get what's going on so he just walks to a mirror and there it is, your 'Hansol Hates History.' He admits that it does look funny, and maybe he did deserve it for dozing off while you were teaching.

requested by : @weird-bookworm

One Word Prompt Event (For No Reason)


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