Tadc Gay Jax - Tumblr Posts
personally i think he's gay, especially considering the creator of the character says he fits the song "no girl's toy" that was sung by raggedy andy, as a gay guy 2 me personally that song is abt being a gay guy who's tired of society thinking that being a gay guy means u hav 2 b an accessory 4 straight women by being the "gay bestie" that combined with him having a lot of weird feelings abt being around women is super relatable 2 me specifically bc of being a gay guy
if i had 2 guess i think a lot of the reason ppl don't think he's a gay guy is bc of a few misconceptions abt stuff (long rant incoming!)
1) 4 some reason a lot of straight women don't get that we feel uncomfortable around them and don't know that half the time when we do play into the "gay best friend" trope it's as a defence mechanism bc of our gayness being seen as inherently predatory if we don't force ourselves into the "gay best friend" trope and so we're often forced 2 pick between being seen as an accessory or a threat, Jax is in a situation where since he's not part of society in the same way anymore it's a bit safer for him to not rely on that defence mechanism as much, also combining that with my hc that he has ASPD (i hav ASPD and noticed some traits of that in him) i think he's probably just so fucking tired of having 2 put up w that shit 4 so long
2) simply put, Jax has a lot of women in the fandom simping over him so they probably don't want him 2 b gay bc that would mean he isn't into them, not saying this is a bad thing, he's a fictional character and his sexual orientation isn't confirmed rn in any way just saying its probably partly y a lot of ppl r saying they don't think he's gay
3) the creator of the character said that he dresses more modestly and a lot of ppl think that all gay men dress very revealing, nothing wrong with how any1 dresses but it's annoying that ppl don't get that some gay men just prefer 2 dress modestly especially given how sexualised our identities are in society, this is also probably partly what lead 2 a lot of ppl hc Jax as ace
4) in a similar vein 2 the 1st point a lot of ppl heard "Jax feels uncomfortable around women" and immediately assumed this was bc he was a straight fuckboy misogynist
anyway that's just my hc on y i think Jax is a gay guy like me but also my theories as 2 y a lot of ppl think he's either straight or ace
I’d be genuinely curious to know how people headcanon Jax’s sexual orientation, because in my mind he’s like, undoubtedly gay, but that doesn’t seem to be the majority opinion!
Can I do polls? I’m gonna do a poll.