
[adult - he/they] [proship/antis/anti antis dni] to clear up any confusion: ethnicity: mixed: black African [Xhosa], Irish, Jewish, white British religion: multi religious: Pagan, Jewish [also ffs don't start expecting ppl 2 put this in their bios just bc im super open abt it omg] okay this is now officially my political blog ig, im moving my non political takes 2 a sideblog

297 posts

Chaosclover1999 - Tumblr Blog

7 months ago
7 months ago

It's like some people think intersectionality is a math problem?

Trans + man = cancels out so no oppression

Trans + woman = double oppression

And that's just? Not how real life works? Like you can't come to a conclusion via logic math problem and then insist it's reality because it makes sense inside the theory you've crafted.

You have to check it actually aligns with what is happening out in the world - Which is trans men sharing all the ways systemic and institutional transphobia targets us and affects us.

You can't just tell us to shut up because you like your theory better and you're upset our lived experience messes it up.

You can't tell us we don't experience what we live every day?

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7 months ago

ultimately a lot of feminists will look down on or outright condemn transmasculinity and transmanhood simply because it is not narratively satisfying. because transmasculine identity and joy does not mesh with their feminism-as-defined-by-cis-women. they see trans men&mascs and, immediately or deep down, feel disappointed. by the womanhood dropouts. feel that transmasculine people will always be less feminist, or that they relinquished their place when they "quit" or "betrayed" their "sisters." they may not even hate trans men, they may not even be cisgender, it's just that they think it would be such a better look for the movement if you didn't... you know.

anyways. without acknowledging this feminist discomfort with transmasculinity and transmanhood, how it's caused by the friction between trans m&ms and cissexist feminism, we'll keep being failed over and over and over again by our own communities. we need to change the narratives we prize instead of treating trans men's identity as a problem to be solved.

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7 months ago

If the idea that trans men don’t exist for the benefit of cis women bothers you, sit down and ask yourself why. Why do you think a minority group exists for the benefit of those who are privileged over them.

Before you say the reason trans men in the workplace is good because they’ll reduce sexism against cis women, ask yourself why you’re putting the responsibility on trans men to make cis men treat women better rather than asking cis men to treat women better. Do you think trans men caused them to behave like this? If not, why do you think this is a reasonable expectation of trans men?

Before you talk about the ways trans men make better boyfriends, ask yourself how you’ll react when the real trans men you meet don’t meet that expectation you’re building up for them. Will you get offended if he rejects you for any reason (gay, aromantic, he’s just not interested, etc)? Will you get upset if he doesn’t want to have sex with you (ace, not in the mood, etc)? You expect him to not be misogynistic and ~understand women’s experiences~ but will you expect yourself to never be transphobic and understand trans men’s struggles? Will you fight for him if he goes to an OBGYN and they tell him they can’t help him cause he makes the cis women there uncomfortable by being a man seeing an OBGYN? Will you use gender neutral language around the subject of abortion and reproductive rights? Do you expect him to be your protector solely or do you plan to protect and defend him when he’s the one in danger due to transphobia? Do you see trans men as people or potential boy toys who know where the clit is and will eat your pussy upon request and listen to your problems while having none of his own?

And before you say “nobody says this, this didn’t happen,” why is it you’re so quick to assume trans men are lying about the types of cis women we’ve encountered? I wrote this because I made a post saying trans men don’t exist for cis women’s benefit and had someone respond with “but you can’t expect me people to ignore the perks!!! Trans men are trans men not men!!” As if it’s ridiculous for me to suggest I’m not an object.

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9 months ago

100% agree w u on the it being acephobic thing, that's y i felt it was important 2 point it out, im not ace myself but im aro so i get ppl being weird abt aspec identities also thanks 4 the support on my ASPD Jax hc! tbh i think i notice it bc me and him share a lot of similar traits

I’d be genuinely curious to know how people headcanon Jax’s sexual orientation, because in my mind he’s like, undoubtedly gay, but that doesn’t seem to be the majority opinion!

Can I do polls? I’m gonna do a poll.

9 months ago

that's valid! im sure there r some ppl who r hc him as ace bc of being ace, the theory i was posing is that soms ppl heard that he dresses modestly and immediately thought that must mean he's ace bc of thinking that the only reason some1 would want 2 dress modestly is bc of being ace or being very religious, idk it's a common misconception i hav heard, nothing wrong w/ aspec ppl hc Jax as ace tho! just got a theory that that might b y some folks who r not ace might b doing it, hope that cleared some stuff up :)

I’d be genuinely curious to know how people headcanon Jax’s sexual orientation, because in my mind he’s like, undoubtedly gay, but that doesn’t seem to be the majority opinion!

Can I do polls? I’m gonna do a poll.

9 months ago

personally i think he's gay, especially considering the creator of the character says he fits the song "no girl's toy" that was sung by raggedy andy, as a gay guy 2 me personally that song is abt being a gay guy who's tired of society thinking that being a gay guy means u hav 2 b an accessory 4 straight women by being the "gay bestie" that combined with him having a lot of weird feelings abt being around women is super relatable 2 me specifically bc of being a gay guy

if i had 2 guess i think a lot of the reason ppl don't think he's a gay guy is bc of a few misconceptions abt stuff (long rant incoming!)

1) 4 some reason a lot of straight women don't get that we feel uncomfortable around them and don't know that half the time when we do play into the "gay best friend" trope it's as a defence mechanism bc of our gayness being seen as inherently predatory if we don't force ourselves into the "gay best friend" trope and so we're often forced 2 pick between being seen as an accessory or a threat, Jax is in a situation where since he's not part of society in the same way anymore it's a bit safer for him to not rely on that defence mechanism as much, also combining that with my hc that he has ASPD (i hav ASPD and noticed some traits of that in him) i think he's probably just so fucking tired of having 2 put up w that shit 4 so long

2) simply put, Jax has a lot of women in the fandom simping over him so they probably don't want him 2 b gay bc that would mean he isn't into them, not saying this is a bad thing, he's a fictional character and his sexual orientation isn't confirmed rn in any way just saying its probably partly y a lot of ppl r saying they don't think he's gay

3) the creator of the character said that he dresses more modestly and a lot of ppl think that all gay men dress very revealing, nothing wrong with how any1 dresses but it's annoying that ppl don't get that some gay men just prefer 2 dress modestly especially given how sexualised our identities are in society, this is also probably partly what lead 2 a lot of ppl hc Jax as ace

4) in a similar vein 2 the 1st point a lot of ppl heard "Jax feels uncomfortable around women" and immediately assumed this was bc he was a straight fuckboy misogynist

anyway that's just my hc on y i think Jax is a gay guy like me but also my theories as 2 y a lot of ppl think he's either straight or ace

I’d be genuinely curious to know how people headcanon Jax’s sexual orientation, because in my mind he’s like, undoubtedly gay, but that doesn’t seem to be the majority opinion!

Can I do polls? I’m gonna do a poll.

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10 months ago

no nuance version of a fandom take i hav bc i honestly don't hav the energy 2 explain this in depth rn but if u think Jax is an inherently bad person just bc he's being an asshole in a video game but that gangle who has real person anime figurines of her friends who don't know that she has those is an inherently good person bc she's a shy uwu bean then u actually need 2 shut up, Jax is a guy who very clearly displays multiple ASPD symptoms and is dealing with his chronic boredom by being violent 2 npcs in a video game and also just kinda passively a bit of an asshole verbally Gangle social anxiety-ed her way into being an actual stalker they are not the same

anyway as some1 who has ASPD it rly fucks me up how the fandom has reacted 2 Jax, like when it was the pilot y'all were more than happy 2 fetishise his ASPD symptoms but then as soon as his symptoms r showing slightly more when again, i cannot stress this enough, HE IS LITERALLY IN A VR GAME IN EPISODE 2! then y'all r like "omg he's terrible, what an inherently horrible person, he literally is the worst person here" actually shut up, i hate this fandom so much

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10 months ago

Please return us to a world where Notp and squick are used for a ship you don’t like instead of just making up a load of bullshit about how immoral it is or w/e lol 

10 months ago
This Is The Money Marge. Reblog For Good Fortune

This is the money Marge. Reblog for good fortune

10 months ago

personal theory, all of them are NPCS from different projects that caine never finished, he uses them 2 basically play test his ideas

I just read this idea that one of MCs of digital circus is actually an NPC

I Just Read This Idea That One Of MCs Of Digital Circus Is Actually An NPC

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10 months ago

this also applies 2:

- addicts who r doing harm reduction instead of quitting cold turkey (some things u literally can't quit cold turkey btw)

- addicts who part of their harm reduction is getting themselves addicted 2 smth less harmful than the thing they r trying 2 quit/prevent themselves from starting

- transmascs who want 2 wear "feminine" clothes

- transfems who want 2 wear "masculine" clothes

- disabled adults who r sexually active or want 2 b sexually active (yes this includes disabled adults w/ cognitive disabilities including things like brain injuries ect)

- any1 that doesn't want 2 b sexually active (some1 can b an adult and still not wanna do that, yes this includes ppl in relationships)

- kinksters (yes this includes disabled adults doing kink, side note some disabled adults use kink as a disability aid)

some of yall need to understand that "my body, my choice" also applies to:

addicts in active addiction with no intention of quitting

phys disabled people who deny medical treatment

neurodivergent people who deny psychiatric treatment (yes, including schizophrenic people and people with personality disorders)

trans people who want or don't want to medically transition (yes, including trans masc lesbians with top surgery and trans women without bottom surgery, yall are so weird to them wtf)

and if you can't understand that, then you don't get to use the phrase

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11 months ago

as some1 w/ morality ocd i rly need ppl 2 stop acting like it's morally terrible 2 b born in britain, like ik u americans (bc it's only americans ive seen doing this) think its just a joke but it's honestly a p harmful 1

1st of all americans hav more influence over things than britain does so u guys r basically punching down w/ ur joke

(just 2 b clear im not saying that britain doesn't hav major political power or anything, it does but ur kidding urself if u honestly can't c that america has more political power than britain)

2ndly i can't trust that this is gonna stay a joke given how many times ppl hav made "jokes" abt "doing x harmless thing or being from x specific country makes u a terrible person and u should b eradicated" only 4 them 2 just not actually b jokes or 4 it 2 l8r very quickly become not a joke

3rdly it contributes 2 this idea that a lot of americans want 2 hav of britain where they want 2 act like every1 born in britain is a rich white person when that just isn't true, like,,, u guys know that poor british ppl exist right? u guys know that british POC exist right? u guys know that disabled british ppl exist right? u guys know that queer british ppl exist right?

the joke isn't funny and it's actively making it easier 4 ppl 2 think that every british person is a privilege twat when that just isn't reality and it's just making it easier 4 other ppl 2 ignore the ways in which marginalised groups of british ppl r oppressed within britain, it's making it easier 4 the british government 2 keep the ways it's oppressing marginalised groups within britain under wraps bc like it or not marginalised ppl who were born in britain r included in ur "jokes" when u use blanket statements 2 say "british ppl r all bad and privileged rich ppl" and it hurts like hell hearing that as some1 born in britain who isn't privileged and is marginalised by the UK government bc ik that these ppl r not taking into consideration that not every british person is boris fucking johnson

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1 year ago

hey, i hav chronic muscle tension and 4 me CBD gummies rly help, personally 4 me they work better 4 my chronic pain than paracetamol 2 the point where i don't use paracetamol anymore since the paracetamol was 4 me less effective, less instant and also gave me headaches

some things 2 b aware of just in case u didn't know since idk how much u know personally abt CBD:

- 4 some ppl CBD can cause an increase in paranoia, w/ this being said this is not the case 4 every1 and 4 some ppl it can help reduce paranoia but its worth being aware of so if u do plan on trying it u can do so w/ safety measures in place

- over the counter CBD costs quite a bit of cash at least where i live so just smth 2 b aware of

- sometimes ppl can become addicted 2 things purely bc of the association w/ pain relief, doesn't happen all the time but ik that as a former AA i got addicted 2 alcohol bc of the association i had w/ it at the time of being a temporary relief from the physical pain i was experiencing, 100% not saying 2 not try CBD 4 me it's been rly effective, just smth 2 b aware of, w/ that being said CBD actually helped me quit alcohol bc it meant i had (4 me) a healthier alternative of pain relief that also had some of those relaxing qualities that alcohol had 4 me, so yeah just best 2 gauge where ur at b4 trying it out i think

- make sure ur in a place where eating isn't a problem 4 u b4 u try it or where u think u would b ok w/ eating while under the effects of the CBD, while yeah it's more of a myth that it makes u more hungry than a human would normally b, the truth behind that myth is that it makes u more aware of ur body's needs and makes u more aware of ur hunger if ur not eating enough, not sure where u or any1 else seeing this is at w/ that so thought i would mention

- it can sometimes trigger other symptoms, 4 me i get a bit of brain fuzziness just from doing CBD but i don't mind because 4 me it's just relaxing and more of a positive but thought i would mention since that may not b a positive 4 every1, should b noted that i personally hav cognitive disability stuff (brain injury) and dissociative disorder stuff going on so my personal experiences r gonna b influenced by that

but yeah hope this helps, if u still think that CBD would b helpful 4 u then thats great! i just thought i would mention some stuff i noticed from my own personal experiences since most of the time when i c ppl talking abt weed or CBD it's always either "it has no negative effects on any1 whatsoever" or its copaganda saying weed is some evil drug that ruins ur life, neither of which r true due 2 how differently different ppl can react 2 CBD (and im assuming the same can b said 4 weed) so i thought i should try 2 give a more in depth and nuanced idea of CBD based on my own personal experiences so u and any others reading this post who live somewhere where its legal can make an informed decision

if it works for you, please add on in the tags/replies/rbs - like what kind of pain it helps you with.

my main problem is nerve pain, and muscle pain from chronic spasming, due to nerve damage. and i really need some relief (please don't recommend me medications).

also feel free to rb to boost (no pressure!)

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1 year ago

some of u goy need 2 grow tf up and acknowledge that Wario and Waluigi r antisemitic caricatures and stop calling us jewish ppl antisemitic when we acknowledge that and hc them as jewish as a form of reclaiming them, it doesn't stop being antisemitic bc u just refuse 2 say jewish and say that they look and act like that bc they r "evil" or "cartoon villains" if anything it makes it worse bc its just u refusing 2 acknowledge what is obviously there and then getting mad when we point it out and then u try 2 say that we're the problem somehow



- curly black hair

- big hooked nose

- pointy ears

- talks ""weird""

- main character trait is him being greedy


- curly black hair

- big hooked nose

- pointy ears

- talks ""weird""

- main character trait is him being a creep

stop being dicks and calling us antisemitic 4 acknowledging the obvious and let us jews hc them as being jewish as an act of reclamation if we want 2, personally im jewish and hc that Wario is jewish and a drag king that pretends 2 b greedy as a way of rage baiting the antisemites, would love 2 hear u guys jewish Wario and Waluigi hcs from any fellow jewish ppl seeing this post

goy can interact but don't clown this post

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1 year ago

speaking as a wheelchair user myself who has tried both electric and manual wheelchairs i thought i would add my thoughts on this since OP is asking

so first of all, i really like how comfy and cozy the design looks, it looks like it would be very comfortable to sit on (more comfortable than my wheelchair tbh 😅) the design overall i think is just very nice and has a cozy feel 2 it but im going 2 give some notes, not exactly criticism but just stuff 2 keep in mind 4 if u were drawing different poses ect

okay so the 1 small piece of criticism i hav is that i don't c where the battery 4 the wheelchair is meant 2 go, this is a fairly easy fix tho and wouldn't require changing much of the design since in most wheelchairs the battery is stored in a small compartment under the chair itself

so as 4 just notes:

1) not necessarily an issue but the edge of a couch style backing like it looks like this chair has i find can b quite hard but that's from the perspective of some1 w/ chronic pain, it might b worth considering what specific needs ur character has and if they would mayb need a higher backrest that stopped above their head or a backrest w/ a seperate headrest or some extra cushioning there or so on, as some1 w/ chronic fatigue and chronic pain which is especially bad in my back i really benefit from having a bigger back rest with head rest

2) this wheelchair looks 2 b a little on the wider side, not an issue some wheelchairs IRL r just like that, however it does mean that going thru narrow spaces and doorways might not b an option

3) the wheelchair looks similar 2 a couch chair so it's probably going 2 take a lot of maintenance 2 keep it clean if this person is going outside if its made out of standard fabric instead of something they can just wipe down

4) the wheelchair looks like it's 1 where the main wheels r in the back instead of the middle or the front, this is pretty common but it also leads 2 a bigger swing when turning the chair and less of an ability 2 make tight turns so this likely wouldn't b ideal 4 a character that needs 2 make tight turns regularly

5) not a criticism since some IRL wheelchairs also have this problem so it's just realistic but since we can't see the back of the chair im assuming there isn't a wheel at the back 2 prevent tipping, meaning that the character could tip over in their chair, since im not sure what genre of story or art ect this is 4 i thought i would bring this up, that combined with the chair being probably slightly top heavy means that the character wouldn't be able to safely make many risky maneuvers in their chair that could result in them tipping over on their side or backwards, so no sudden tight turns or trying to go up kurbs probably unless the character in question is the type to decide to do this anyway and is then shown having some wobble on their chair maybe?

so yeah hope this helped!/g

Hey! Bit Of An Odd Post But I Wanted To Ask For People's Opinions On This Electric Wheelchair Design/concept!
Hey! Bit Of An Odd Post But I Wanted To Ask For People's Opinions On This Electric Wheelchair Design/concept!

Hey! Bit of an odd post but i wanted to ask for people's opinions on this electric wheelchair design/concept!

I know its not very realistic (like a real world design?) but i tried to go for something more stylized/cartoony and comfortable looking- but im unsure if i strayed too far into unrealism. The character is also still in very early developement- so i cant tell much about them yet. (apologies)

Any/all critique would be extremely welcome and very appreciated!! 😀🌷💖💕💖💕

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1 year ago

nvm they r ghosting me again!

it's been a whole year since they were supposed 2 contact me

so i out of desperation phoned up my gender identity clinic again this morning when they hadn't been responding 2 me 4 ages, turns out it was the right thing 2 do tho bc it turns out that it WASN'T that my gender therapist was ghosting me when i heard nothing back from her and it's not that the gender identity clinic was ghosting me when i was getting no response from them when i tried to email, it turns out that MY DOCTOR QUIT AND I WASN'T NOTIFIED and then THE CLINIC SHUT DOWN FOR 5 MONTHS AND I WASN'T NOTIFIED, this whole time i thought that i was being deliberately ignored after having recently discovered i might b intersex and that i was gonna have 2 go private and basically visit a different country 2 get affordable private health care trans surgeries like trans ppl had 2 do historically, i dunno i hav a lot of mixed feelings,,, like im relieved that i don't hav 2 go thru all that and that my gender identity clinic wasn't just ghosting me and that i might actually b able 2 get my top surgery thru the NHS like i was trying 2 but on the other hand it feels rly fucked up that i wasn't notified at all abt my gender therapist quitting or abt the clinic being shut down,,, and i was just left that whole time thinking it was my fault 4 telling them i thought i might b intersex,,,

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1 year ago

i hate how i c ppl agreeing with this post when it's literally just some1 saying "ur oppression isn't as valid as mine" 2 every transmasc, also way 2 say transfems can't in any way contribute 2 the oppression of transmascs while contributing 2 the oppression of transmascs, also ur complaining abt us as transmascs "not seeing transmisogyny as its own separate axis of oppression" while at the same time refusing 2 do the same 4 our experiences, i fully understand that there r experiences that transfems hav that i don't hav, i just don't understand y u (OP) can't understand that there r also experiences unique 2 transmascs that u don't hav i don't think it's fair 4 any1 2 try 2 say that 1 or the other experience is "worse" or whatever and it doesn't help any1, ur kinda just being shitty 2 transmascs 4 no reason other than saying "we also hav experiences typically unique 2 being transmascs and sometimes transfems contribute 2 that" like ur saying that it's not that but then u go on 2 say that it's wrong 4 transmascs 2 not just immediately shut up abt our experiences especially when we're talking abt in-group transmascphobia 2 do w/ transfems being transmascphobic, which yes, does happen sometimes, bc u seem 2 think that we should b putting our own experiences down in order 2 please u and ur specific idea that u hav abt how sexism and transphobia works, since im guessing the reason u think that transfems can't contribute 2 transmascphobia is bc u think women can't b sexist? even though the reality is that yes sometimes women are sexist and sometimes women are sexist against men and since much like how transmisogyny is a term for the specific intersection between transphobia and sexism against women transmascphobia is the specific intersection between transphobia and sexism against men

if you honestly think sexism against men doesn't exist just look at how many times a man getting sexually assaulted (especially by a woman) is something that is played for laughs in adult comedy shows, look at the fact that in the UK (where i live) the legal definition of rape does not include the possibility of a man being raped making it impossible for men rape victims to seek justice, the fact that being a man is seen as inherently predatory and violent, the fact that being a man is seen as "gross" and "undesirable" in comparison to being a woman, being transmasc means i am literally losing legal protections i once had as a woman and it fucking sucks seeing ppl not even willing 2 acknowledge that we as transmascs go thru anything bc "it's not as bad as what transfems go thru" you don't know that, you don't know what our experiences are and you clearly don't listen when we try to tell you and when did we go from "transphobia sucks in all its forms and some groups of the trans community experience branches of transphobia that are more specific to that part of the trans community" to "transfems always have it the worst so no1 else's experiences r valid and u shouldn't listen 2 any1 else u should only listen 2 transfems"

sorry abt this being so angry i just keep seeing this sentiment over and over again and this was the straw that broke the camal's back and i just rly needed 2 say smth this time instead of trying 2 avoid conflict

I’ve said before that I don’t care if transmascs create terminology for their experiences with transphobia, that my real problem with “transandrophobia” is who has been using it and how it’s been used to vilify transfems, and even put forward “transmascphobia” as an alternative, but... If you’re still putting “transmascphobia” (or whatever term you choose to use) on the same level as transmisogyny, then it becomes pretty obvious that you haven’t really been paying attention. It indicates to me that you still think transmascs and transfems experience equal-opposite oppression, that transmisogyny is just “transphobia for girls,” or that transfems can in any way contribute to the oppression of transmascs. If you say “transmascphobes and transmisogynists DNI” or whatever, it indicates to me that you still haven’t put any thought or effort into actually understanding what transmisogyny is. You’re still trying to conceptualize it through the lens of how transmascs/TME trans people experience transphobia instead of seeing it as its own separate axis of oppression.

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1 year ago

also not all feminine men are skinny and not all feminine men shave but it feels like most people still treat chubby feminine men and hairy feminine men as a joke even in progressive online spaces, like if a man is wearing a dress and is chubby and has body hair then half the majority of the comments r gonna b smth 2 the effect of "actually this joke is transphobic and making fun of trans women" and the other half is people laughing at what they think is a joke making fun of trans women

binary trans women are not feminine men, they are just women, the only time that a trans women would be a feminine man is if she had some really specific nonbinary gender stuff going on that meant that she also identified as a feminine man

the existence of feminine men should not be seen as a joke and not just because "it's offensive to trans women" im sick and tired of seeing art of feminine men and half the comments are saying "this is offensive to trans women" i am a feminine bear of a trans man and i am honestly so sick of people telling me that my existence as a feminine chubby guy is transphobic

if your advocacy for trans women relies on bashing feminine men then your advocacy sucks

The way people depict feminine men online in only like one specific anime catboy kinda way makes me wonder if some of you actually like real feminine men or if you just have a fetish

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1 year ago

does any1 else find the concept of being "high support needs" or "low support needs" as an autistic person confusing?

like i feel like i struggle 2 rly know what that means and instead of getting the chance 2 learn what that means i think most ppl assume im "low support needs" bc i can apparently speak fluent english but tbh im not sure if even that is super accurate, most of the words i know i learned thru mimicry, instead of learning what those words actually mean i just learned how 2 use them in the structure of a sentence and where would b considered an appropriate sentence placement 4 that word 2 appear from trial and error, i feel like i never truly learned words or how they work i feel like i just learned how 2 fake an understanding of them bc my biological parents put a lot of emphasise on the importance of me being "intelligent"

i was praised 4 using big words and being "intelligent" so i learned 2 fake intelligence, i saw what i was praised 4 and did more of it, i noticed i was praised 4 mimicking words in similar sentences that i had heard them used in b4 so i just kept doing that, i learned that i was praised 4 repeating phrases my biological parents had said, especially if they were political statments and for doing so i was called intelligent, i learned that other people considered me less intelligent because the statements i was saying were ones they did not agree with politically, so i learned from a young age that intelligence was just about how much adults agreed with what i was saying even if i didn't understand what i was saying

it also seems clear that people's idea of a "low support needs" autistic and a "high support needs" autistic is still rooted in the ableist concept of intelligence and assuming that if someone can say a big english word at you then they must be intelligent and if they can't then they therefore must be "less intelligent" which is honestly also just xenophobic

how does me being disabled in multiple ways factor into this? does it make me a "higher support needs autistic" even if its in no way linked 2 my autism? what about if i don't know which one of my disabilities is causing which symptoms?

or r ppl going 2 assume that bc i was able 2 put this thought 2gether that that means i couldn't possibly b "high support needs" even tho i can't make my own meals partly bc i literally 4get how making food works

it's difficult 2 wrap my head around what the words "high support needs" and "low support needs" means because like,,, high or low support in comparison 2 what? what's considered the "norm" 4 support needs? should there even b a concept of what is "normal" 4 support needs?

personally with what little i know abt it i would probably say that im high support needs but in a multi disability way but i also don't want 2 speak over ppl with high support needs if i don't "count" ig and i know most ppl will just see me using kinda big words and assume im low support needs and get mad at me and i honestly don't have the energy 2 deal with that and tbh im not sure if putting my support needs on a scale in comparison 2 other ppl's support needs is even helpful 4 me especially since i can't really understand the concept but i see it pushed into autistic spaces a lot? idk, it's just confusing 2 me

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1 year ago


so i started having some problems with the disney baby baby bottles, mainly that they started getting really noisy when i tried to drink from them in a way that was really upsetting to me and made it difficult 4 me 2 drink from them (sensory sensitivity) so i decided 2 try out some baby bottles made by NUK and 1 of the 1s i tried out was this new 1 called "perfect match" so i tried those out and they r working out really well 4 me so far! im using the "universal" spout 4 them and so far they r a lot quieter than the disney baby brand baby bottles, they also seem 2 b able 2 do both warm and cold drinks and i haven't had any major issues with them so far

any1 hav any tips on brands that make good sippy cups? asking as a disabled adult who started using sippy cups recently bc i can't drink anything from a regular mug or cup w/out spilling and also hurting my wrists, i previously used water bottles 2 combat this problem but i was still having the problem of them being 2 big 4 my hands and also i then had 2 individually clean all the straws which is a lot 4 some1 w/ my lvl of chronic fatigue and brain fog, w/ sippy cups so far im having an easier time since they r smaller which means they fit better in my hands and also they usually hav a spout but not a straw and i find the spout way easier 2 clean since i don't gotta get in there w/ a special brush like i do w/ straws

tl;dr: help a disabled himbo who probably? also has dwarfism? by giving me some recs 4 sippy cups

-no sippy cups w/ straws since that makes it difficult 2 clean

-no sippy cups specifically designed 4 adults since they would probably b 2 big 4 my hands given that the 1s that r made 4 kids r a better size 4 me

-1s with handles r preferable since they help me keep my grip better but recs 4 1s that don't hav handles r also okay :)

-must b no spill or at least very difficult 4 it 2 spill

this is a post abt disability and i do not want my disability or disability aids fetishised

kink blogs DNI, fetish blogs DNI, nsfw blogs DNI

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1 year ago

uhh... so i think i saw a post that i think had the map pride flag on it but i couldn't remember if it was that or not and so then i tried 2 use the search feature 4 "map pride flag warning" 2 c if i could find posts abt ppl warning ppl abt it so i could remember what the map pride flag looks like so i could recognise it when i c it but then tumblr said that that search was "against community guidelines"? so now i can't search tumblr 2 try 2 recognise dangerous stuff when i c it.... bc "safety" ig.... wow....

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1 year ago

the Ken tumblr tag is not a safe space 4 oppressed men and that's a real problem (talking abt Ken from the Barbie movie)

i shouldn't b having 2 deal w/ most of the tag being either ppl acting like men can't b oppressed and r always oppressors or sexualising Ken in a rly fucked up and dehumanising way or making fun of Ken having emotions and his own struggles in the movie, none of u learned anything from Ken's story in the movie i hate it here, i hate how even now i feel like i need 2 make this post devoid of my own personal emotions 2 b taken seriously

Ken is a perfect analogy for being an oppressed man, the fact that he's a himbo makes him a good analogy 4 existing at the intersection of being a man and having some sort of cognitive/intellectual disabilities (speaking as some1 who has brain damage from a traumatic brain injury i suffered b4 i was a year old) and its present in the way the ppl around him treat him, he wants 2 leave Barbie's side for a little bit and she says "don't go 2 far" he wants 2 go 2 the library and she says "don't get in trouble" he's consistently seen as her accessory, the movie mentions how it's not fair that some women are expected 2 "mother" their male partner and that's true its not fair but it also SHOWS us that sometimes women push that onto oppressed men, Ken is very clearly upset when Barbie mothers him, getting upset when she tells him not 2 go 2 far or not 2 get into trouble like he's a child and it's also not fair that some women push that onto men (usually disabled men) and expect those men to just allow them to "mother" them and infantilise them and dehumanise them and then on top of that because of Ken being a man he is taught that the only way he can gain respect is by taking over and starting fights and wars

so yeah, genuinely fuck you guys for seeing a movie about how both men and women deserve better and then choosing to ignore half the message because you would rather get wasted on gender essentialist politics that tells you that women are always safe and men are always oppressors so you can make jokes about killing all men and traumatising all men because each man is the same to you, i am a disabled, gay, trans man of colour and i am so fucking sick of this shit and i genuinely thought i would be able to escape that in the Ken tumblr tag and just be able to see posts from ppl who get it since that's partly what the Barbie movie was about but no, because oppressed men can't have anything, in fact i'm probably gonna get a bunch of comments making fun of me for being emotional because u guys probably also think men shouldn't b allowed 2 hav feeling right?

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