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I saw your post and automatically came here, the truth is I would like to know about your TADC tickle headcanons, if it is not a problem of course
ok yes ily (platonically) lemme produce some hc.
(hopefully they don't suck, I just had a fever of 104 a couple hours ago đ)

SCREAMS and flies away at the slightest poke
or... he will just power down. Yeah, best bet is to let him escape.
But, on the off chance you actually capture him and he is still conscious, his tickle spots are his thighs, ribs, biceps, and hips.
He laughs very loudly. Prepare your eardrums.
He doesn't really get teases, and therefore doesn't use them. However, he does fall for all of them. ("Don't!" "Don't what, Caine? Use your words!" "Tickle me!")
Doesn't mind being tickled but it flusters him a bit.
Isn't tickled very often, but his most common ler is Bubble (the little rapscallion)
Although, he is a ler a very good lot of the time.
When tickling, he gives lots of compliments to his lee, which fluters them, but he doesn't particularly get why.
Caine also doesn't know when to stop.
Literally, one of the other circus members will have to confront him and tell him to back off.
He is reasonable at aftercare, giving the lee more compliments on how well they took it (even if they didn't) and pats them on the shoulder
Tickles the circus members for swearing!
Thinks tickling is fun
Has definitely made more than one of the adventures of the day rather tickly đ

You already know. He will scream and thrash and flail.
Ticklish basically everywhere
Will claim he is being murdered when tickled and honestly sounds like he is.
Very screechy laughter
I'm not completely sure if he has a body or not, but let's just say he does.
Isn't a ler very often at all, he doesn't have the confidence.
On the 1% chance he is a ler, it would be if he is asked.
Light tickles
Gets scared when tickling someone and stops immediately at the first protest.

Will swat and squirm when tickled
Will giggle and laugh, but overall has a mild reaction
Unless she is startled by the tickling, then she will shriek and thrash a bit
Ticklish spots are knees, armpits, belly, ribs, neck, sides, hips
Doesn't really know how to tease, so she will just stare at her lee with an intense glare, but this ends up flustering them so it's a win
Is usually a lee, but like Kinger, she will tickle others if asked
A very gentle ler
Will mainly just scribble in the lees tickle spots until they are a giggly heap
Unless she gets pissed.
Then she is sliiiightly more ruthless
Pomni does know when to stop though, but isn't very good at aftercare.
She will thank the lee for letting her tickle them and may sit in silence for a while before exiting the room/area.

Quite ticklish
Has sweet laughter that's bound to warm the soul (help I'm really cold)
Will fight back a bit, but not much, mainly just grabbing their hands
Her stomach, hips, legs, neck, and feet are ticklish
She thinks tickling is fun and a good way to relax or cheer someone up
Ragatha is more of a ler, and always makes sure the person she's tickling is comfortable
Teases her lee by telling them how cute they look, how sweet their laughter is, etc.
She knows exactly when her lee has had enough
She will cuddle her lee, hug them, tell them how amazing they are, get them water, whatever. (she makes sure they're comfortable with hugging/cuddling first ofc)

Veeery ticklish
Can't really fight back that well because well, she's made of ribbons
Has to trust the ler to know when to stop
She will flail and scream when tickled
Has only been a ler on two separate occasions
Even then, it was because another circus member was tickling one of the crew and asked her to join
Very nervous ler
Uses ribbons to glide over tickle spots
Secretly likes tickling
Will draw tickle art when in a lee/ler mood, but is always to shy to ask anyone to tickle her/let her tickle them

Not ticklish.
It was attempted once by someone (It was Jax, shhhhh)
Lets just say no one ever tried again.
Tickled the ever-loving hell out of the certain someone đ
Everyone was terrified
No one ever mentioned it again.
Hasn't been involved in tickling since
Doesn't like tickling

Silly boy.
After getting bored of his usual shenanigans, he remembered tickling and went feral
Has (tried to) tickle everyone in the circus
An absolute menace when it comes to tickling people
Will pin his lee down and torture them with teases and tickles
Surprisingly enough, he actually knows when to stop
Sure he may push his lee extremely close to their limit, but he'll stop when he sees the 'victim' has had enough
Kind of funny aftercare
He just kinds looks at the person he almost obliterated into abstraction to make sure they're okay
Then makes a dumb comment on how they look dumb or something and goes to do something else
After the Zooble incident, he got wrecked countless times
Sometimes it was light tickles, other times it was full on torment
Swore he was going to call ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)
Has a cackly laugh and will squirm quite a bit
"Hates tickling" ( 𧢠)
Very dramatic and will pretend to faint or die or smth
If the option is available, he will curl into a ball
come get your slop
Dead/Abstracted Performer Headcanons Volume 1/5
Decided to make a bunch of shit up about all the dead people who entered the digital circus (divided into pairs)

Name: Glumis (pronounced like gloom and the name Loomis)
Avatar: Relatively short and stocky inchworm (with suspenders) but his torso and arms telescope out when sufficiently excited or angry.
Personality: Self important "artiste" who initially enjoyed the circus and always gave Caine suggestions for what would make the most engaging and "well written" adventures. He carried himself as empathetic but lashed (and stretches) out when someone would criticize his ideas.
Fun fact: Kinger, Ragatha and Kaufmo were the only canonically named performers to meet Glumis before his abstraction.
Abstraction: One day he realized Caine never took his suggestions and confronted him about it, Caine tried to let him down gently but Bubble showed up and accidentally made it seem like Caine had a personal grudge against Glumis, which broke him. He was sent to the cellar before he could do any damage.

Name: Rovey (since Rover is the most common dog name)
Avatar: Avarege sized dog with a tie that covers their torso and two pairs of cufflinks on each limb (with and extra one on their left leg).
Personality: Cartoonishly boring and tranquil southerner who tried to befriend everyone to keep a healthy balance in the circus dynamic. Occasionally played into stereotypical dog behavior to amuse the other performers.
Fun fact: Rovey was among the first four people to enter the program (even before the chess pieces) and due to a one-off bug forgot what gender they identified as in the real word (he/him, in case you were wondering). Bonus: They could emit stock dog noises.
Abstraction: When new humans entered the digital circus for the first time since their arrival Rovey was so disturbed by the sheer idea of unknowing people being trapped there that it depressed them to the point of Abstraction. They glitched the newbie and two other "original" humans in there rampage by the lake. (The last original had already abstracted)
Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 4
Volume 5
Dead/Abstracted Performer Headcanons Volume 3/5

Name: Chromeo III (two other performers briefly considered using the name Chromeo at Caine's suggestion, hence the III)
Avatar: A REALLY big legally distinct yoshi/barney. His tail ended with a transparent orb with a few colorful marbles in it. (He would automatically shrink to fit into his room's door)
Personality: Despite the name suggesting otherwise, this guy was the ultimate himbo. Real outdoorsy type too, so he got really grouchy whenever there was an in house adventure. He also frequently broke the carnival rides.
Fun fact: Chromeo was completely unaware as to how much Glumis hated his guts and was hit hard by his abstraction.
Abstraction: He eventually realized most of the other performers dismissed him as an overbearing doofus, as that feeling piled up he eventually just couldn't take it anymore. His abstracted form was actual quite small and really fast, it managed to glitch four people ( Gangle being among them)

Name: Edgallen (a combination of Edgar and Allen, I'm sure you'll figure it out after I describe the avatar)
Avatar: Greenish-off-white glow in the dark skeleton with glitter balls for eyes, moved around by several frog-eyed blobs. He could really glow in the dark.
Personality: Tired guy ( matching his scratchy voice) with a cynical sense of humor and interest in classically spooky stuff. He would due his best to help Ragatha in adjusting new humans (He was the second person to appear after her, the first one will come next time).
Fun fact: He convinced Caine to create a "creepy" fun house, Caine took it down after Edgallen abstracted to not repeat the mistake he made with Barridge's situation. Bonus: The fun house idea was based on the grey building north of the lake in this concept art:

Abstraction: A combination of Caine neglecting his interests, even after creating the fun house there were very few adventures in it, and good-old fashioned existential dread. He did a lot of damage since he was on his way to the fun house to avoid a repeat adventure, glitched Kaufmo and Zooble. His was the last abstraction before Kaufmo's.
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 4
Volume 5
rb since it didn't show up on the tags for some reason
Dead/Abstracted Performer Headcanons Volume 3/5

Name: Chromeo III (two other performers briefly considered using the name Chromeo at Caine's suggestion, hence the III)
Avatar: A REALLY big legally distinct yoshi/barney. His tail ended with a transparent orb with a few colorful marbles in it. (He would automatically shrink to fit into his room's door)
Personality: Despite the name suggesting otherwise, this guy was the ultimate himbo. Real outdoorsy type two, so he got really grouchy whenever there was an in house adventure. He also frequently broke the carnival rides.
Fun fact: Chromeo was completely unaware as to how much Glumis hated his guts and was hit hard by his abstraction.
Abstraction: He eventually realized most of the other performers dismissed him as an overbearing doofus, as that feeling piled up he eventually just couldn't take it anymore. His abstracted form was actual quite small and really fast, it managed to glitch four people ( Gangle being among them)

Name: Edgallen (a combination of Edgar and Allen, I'm sure you'll figure it out after I describe the avatar)
Avatar: Greenish-off-white glow in the dark skeleton with glitter balls for eyes, moved around by several frog-eyed blobs. He could really glow in the dark.
Personality: Tired guy ( matching his scratchy voice) with a cynical sense of humor and interest in classically spooky stuff. He would due his best to help Ragatha in adjusting new humans (He was the second person to appear after her, the first one will come next time).
Fun fact: He convinced Caine to create a "creepy" fun house, Caine took it down after Edgallen abstracted to not repeat the mistake he made with Barridge's situation. Bonus: The fun house idea was based on the grey building north of the lake in this concept art:

Abstraction: A combination of Caine neglecting his interests, even after creating the fun house there were very few adventures in it, and good-old fashioned existential dread. He did a lot of damage since he was on his way to the fun house to avoid a repeat adventure, glitched Kaufmo and Zooble. His was the last abstraction before Kaufmo's.
Dead/Abstracted Performer Headcanons Volume 4/5

Name: Syghti (read sight-e)
Avatar: Pink cycloptic sasquatch, not much else to him.
Personality: Neat and methodical, and therefore not very fond of the digital circus. Syghti did his best to be a "team leader" to the three other members of the first group of perfomers and was surprisingly good a reasoning with NPCs.
Fun fact: Syghti held onto more of his memory than the average human and asked Caine to make replicas of some of his prized possessions for his room. This made Caine a bit sentimental as is part of the reason he doesn't reuse rooms.
Abstraction: Being seen as an authority figure for so long made Syghti develop quite the ego, which kept getting challenged by new arrivals. Chromeo III eventually managed to throw Syghti into a digital identity crisis and later an abstraction. He beat Chromeo so fiercely that he almost abstracted too.

Name: Pette (from puppet and the female suffix -ette, also sounds like pet)
Avatar: Four legged and somewhat realistic proportions except for her long and super bendy neck. She would sometime store things deep in her throat.
Personality: Being the youngest person to ever enter the circus (more on that later) she was pretty optimistic at first but became rebellious to the point she would frequently try to derail adventures as much as possible or see how far into the void she could fling herself before Caine brought her back to the grounds.
Fun fact: She entered the digital circus when she was only 14, most of the other performers saw her as a daughter or younger sister, even Caine felt this way to an extent. Bonus: The only thing in the circus Pette, herself, viewed as family was Bubble, who she saw as a brother she never had.
Abstraction: Pette never truly gave up hope of an exit, but this is exactly what eventually doomed her. One day someone remarked on much more mature she'd gotten over time, as time went on comments like this piled up until she realized that with how much time had passed and, more importantly, how much of her mental development, the circus had consumed, Pette became convinced she could never have a normal life if she left. All this lead to her abstraction, where she glitched Zooble, Queener and tore down several structures within the tent before Caine managed to get a hold on her.
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 5
Dead/Abstracted Performer Headcanons Volume 5/5

Name: Stroinga (saw someone name this character something derpy with and S and it kind of sounds like string)
Avatar: Worm on a string headed weasel like character with a small acrobat type outfit and nubby limbs.
Personality: Energetic and very polite, she usually tried to make the best of a situation, even if her generally clumsy nature (and new body) got in the way.
Fun fact: She was the last of the first four performers to join the group and they all entered the circus at once.
Abstraction: Her's was the first ever, brought on by a typical existential crisis, at least, typical by the digital world's standards. Sine Stroinga was Caine's first experience with abstraction it took a little while to catch her, especially since he also had to make the cellar. Luckily, she didn't manage to do any real damage. Syghti was hit the hardest by her abstraction.

Name: Denz (from density, since it's the principal by which things float on water)
Avatar: Ring floatie torso, flipper sandal feet, snorkel pipe neck, entire cartoon dolphin body as a head. His entire body is very rubbery and hollow.
Personality: Slightly overbearing guy how props himself up as a sort of life coach for other performers. He can be really annoying but always means well. Denz has a deep love of music, so much so that he often asked Caine to turn up the in-game audio, much to everyone else's frustration.
Fun fact: He had tended to use his room for storage of mementos from various adventures and preferred to sleep on the digital lake.
Abstraction: He tried his best to help everyone with whatever personal stuff they could remember, no matter how little. Naturally, he took every abstraction he saw really personally, the perceived guilt and being seen as nuisance by most remaining performers proved to much for Denz. Ironically, he abstracted during a lake adventure, glitching Edgallen and Jax.
And that's it! I've know racked my brain over 10 dead cartoon characters how may or may not prove completely irrelevant by the end of the series and I regret nothing. I really do hope you enjoyed these!
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 4
Got me thinking about a new worker going in that has no idea people get stuck in there or lose their memories so they're just like "oh cool these NPCs are really interactive" and the whole cast is just screaming at them to fucking HELP THEM
Tadc headcannon, only the headsets transport you into the game, I know this seems obvious but I canât help but think about a worker going into the digital circus and the others being so confused on how they remember so much stuff and they got to choose their look and (user)name

Ragatha caregiver headcanons! â

Ragatha would be the most motherly and loving caregiver!
I personally headcanon that Ragatha really wants to have a child of her own, but since sheâs a trans woman sheâs unable to get pregnant, so she finds comfort in being a caregiver and also being the âmom friendâ
She ends up treating the others like babies even if they hate it (Jax hates it the most)
Ragatha x age regressor y/n
She will give you anything you need! Whether itâs a blanket or a cuddle she has everything!!
Scared of monsters? Sheâll scare those monsters away for you (as long as theyâre not centipedes, then sheâll run away screaming with you)
She will 100% protect you from Jax and his pranks
âMommy loves you too sweetie!â
Cuddles and forehead kisses 24/7
âBaby I canât just feed you sweets, you need healthy food to grow big and strongâ
She will still spoil you with sweets though
She absolutely adores you and will do anything to keep you safe and happy!!
âAww youâre such a precious baby!â
Sheâll probably buy you tons of adorable outfits, maybe even a few matching ones
âDonât argue with me, you are wearing this bow.â
Sheâs always happy to join every activity
âWant me to show you how to draw a rainbow?â
Constantly showers you with love and praise
Sheâs just the sweetest girl ever

Ragatha caregiver headcanons! â

Ragatha would be the most motherly and loving caregiver!
I personally headcanon that Ragatha really wants to have a child of her own, but since sheâs a trans woman sheâs unable to get pregnant, so she finds comfort in being a caregiver and also being the âmom friendâ
She ends up treating the others like babies even if they hate it (Jax hates it the most)
Ragatha x age regressor y/n
She will give you anything you need! Whether itâs a blanket or a cuddle she has everything!!
Scared of monsters? Sheâll scare those monsters away for you (as long as theyâre not centipedes, then sheâll run away screaming with you)
She will 100% protect you from Jax and his pranks
âMommy loves you too sweetie!â
Cuddles and forehead kisses 24/7
âBaby I canât just feed you sweets, you need healthy food to grow big and strongâ
She will still spoil you with sweets though
She absolutely adores you and will do anything to keep you safe and happy!!
âAww youâre such a precious baby!â
Sheâll probably buy you tons of adorable outfits, maybe even a few matching ones
âDonât argue with me, you are wearing this bow.â
Sheâs always happy to join every activity
âWant me to show you how to draw a rainbow?â
Constantly showers you with love and praise
Sheâs just the sweetest girl ever

Ragatha caregiver headcanons! â

Ragatha would be the most motherly and loving caregiver!
I personally headcanon that Ragatha really wants to have a child of her own, but since sheâs a trans woman sheâs unable to get pregnant, so she finds comfort in being a caregiver and also being the âmom friendâ
She ends up treating the others like babies even if they hate it (Jax hates it the most)
Ragatha x age regressor y/n
She will give you anything you need! Whether itâs a blanket or a cuddle she has everything!!
Scared of monsters? Sheâll scare those monsters away for you (as long as theyâre not centipedes, then sheâll run away screaming with you)
She will 100% protect you from Jax and his pranks
âMommy loves you too sweetie!â
Cuddles and forehead kisses 24/7
âBaby I canât just feed you sweets, you need healthy food to grow big and strongâ
She will still spoil you with sweets though
She absolutely adores you and will do anything to keep you safe and happy!!
âAww youâre such a precious baby!â
Sheâll probably buy you tons of adorable outfits, maybe even a few matching ones
âDonât argue with me, you are wearing this bow.â
Sheâs always happy to join every activity
âWant me to show you how to draw a rainbow?â
Constantly showers you with love and praise
Sheâs just the sweetest girl ever

Ragatha caregiver headcanons! â

Ragatha would be the most motherly and loving caregiver!
I personally headcanon that Ragatha really wants to have a child of her own, but since sheâs a trans woman sheâs unable to get pregnant, so she finds comfort in being a caregiver and also being the âmom friendâ
She ends up treating the others like babies even if they hate it (Jax hates it the most)
Ragatha x age regressor y/n
She will give you anything you need! Whether itâs a blanket or a cuddle she has everything!!
Scared of monsters? Sheâll scare those monsters away for you (as long as theyâre not centipedes, then sheâll run away screaming with you)
She will 100% protect you from Jax and his pranks
âMommy loves you too sweetie!â
Cuddles and forehead kisses 24/7
âBaby I canât just feed you sweets, you need healthy food to grow big and strongâ
She will still spoil you with sweets though
She absolutely adores you and will do anything to keep you safe and happy!!
âAww youâre such a precious baby!â
Sheâll probably buy you tons of adorable outfits, maybe even a few matching ones
âDonât argue with me, you are wearing this bow.â
Sheâs always happy to join every activity
âWant me to show you how to draw a rainbow?â
Constantly showers you with love and praise
Sheâs just the sweetest girl ever