Tails Miles Prower - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

2 years ago



he is a little bad boy šŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆ

I have this strange belief that while Sonic and Knuckles are forthright with their feelings and actions, which lead to louder fights and squabbles between them.

But not Tails.

Tails is quieter. And therefore more dangerous.

If Sonic or Knuckles even tried to make fun of him, Tails wouldn't react at all.

No, this is a kid that would wait 3-5 business days and then unveil a tri-board titled "Why My Brothers are Butt Faced Losers" and pull out every single receipt he's got, whipping out flashcards like, "Reason 1: Because Knuckles broke Mom's favorite vase and blamed it on Ozzie and cried for an hour afterwards about being dishonorable. Reason 2: Because Sonic steals Dad's snacks when he's not home" just absolutely ticking off items watching his brothers shrink farther and farther down into their skin under the gaze of their now very knowledgable parents, Tails just standing there like; šŸ˜ˆ

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2 years ago
Messy Sketches
Messy Sketches
Messy Sketches
Messy Sketches

Messy sketches šŸ¦ŠšŸ’›

Tails' tennis design is from this publication. Credits to @tsaikonautz

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2 years ago

Hi,hi I love ur art especially happy that there's 3 EGGMAN'S in ur blog now which means everything is 3x gay...Is Sonic still questioning why Eggman didn't tell him and keeps following and asking him why? while Stone is like "Hedgehog it's really non of ur business that's why we didn't tell"

Hi,hi I Love Ur Art Especially Happy That There's 3 EGGMAN'S In Ur Blog Now Which Means Everything Is
Hi,hi I Love Ur Art Especially Happy That There's 3 EGGMAN'S In Ur Blog Now Which Means Everything Is
Hi,hi I Love Ur Art Especially Happy That There's 3 EGGMAN'S In Ur Blog Now Which Means Everything Is

Stone never directly confronts sonic but he did talk to robotnik about it a few times which is what lead to him talking to sonic.Ā 

in the end, sonic learns that stone and robotnik are interested in each other but are taking it slow, they don't really wanna put any labels on their relationship right now. he also learns that no one owes him an explanation. originally i was going to do dialogue exploring this scene in the last drawing of this doodle dump but the words never came out right so i scraped all of it and just kept the doodle.

thereā€™s also a sub story idea i had for this where knuckles and sonic fake date each other in order to make a more lgbtq+ friendly environment in the village in a attempt to lure stone and eggman out of the closet, but this leads to sonicā€™s bi awakening. i made a post with those doodles here.

i hope this is somewhat satisfactory hah- this au is a mess of like 2 different aus smashed together ;w;; also thank you for the kind words anon <3

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2 years ago
I Have An Idea For My Stone In Boom Au Where Eggman Get Turned Into A Kid For A Few Episodes. Just Think
I Have An Idea For My Stone In Boom Au Where Eggman Get Turned Into A Kid For A Few Episodes. Just Think
I Have An Idea For My Stone In Boom Au Where Eggman Get Turned Into A Kid For A Few Episodes. Just Think

i have an idea for my stone in boom au where eggman get turned into a kid for a few episodes. just think it would be really funny

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2 years ago
More Younger Robotnik Au Doodles :D
More Younger Robotnik Au Doodles :D
More Younger Robotnik Au Doodles :D
More Younger Robotnik Au Doodles :D
More Younger Robotnik Au Doodles :D
More Younger Robotnik Au Doodles :D
More Younger Robotnik Au Doodles :D
More Younger Robotnik Au Doodles :D
More Younger Robotnik Au Doodles :D

More younger robotnik au doodles :DĀ 

tbh i cant decide if i want him to be like a kid or toddler lmao- thereā€™s a lot you could do with either but i think im leaning more towards kid. anyways hereā€™s some info about the au:

- only amy and stone are allowed to call himĀ ā€œivoā€. everyone else MUST call him dr. robotnik

- no one listens to him tho, they all call himĀ ā€œdr. eggieā€ or justĀ ā€œeggieā€ for short.

- ivo doesn't have his memories from being an adult but he remembers how he feels about people. heā€™s aware that he likes stone and hates sonic, he just has no idea why.Ā 

- knuckles took him to meh burger once and they are now both banned

- he calls tailsĀ ā€œprowerā€ and despite trying to one up him all the time, he genuinely likes being around tails (although he would never admit it)

- stone and amy are like his guardians, stone is with him most times but amy will cook meals and play fuzzy puppies with him <3

- stone is also VERY protective of this little guy

- ivo is a little shit and is able to more successfully torment sonic than he ever could as an adultĀ 

- sonic tries very hard to befriend him but fails every single time

- dave (the intern) would kill this kid if he could

- cubot and orbot try their best to keep him well behaved (they never succeed)Ā 

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2 years ago

Controversial Opinion but

I kind of like the human scenes in the sonic 2 movie. Yeah they were a little unnecessary but I had fun. Plus Tom is the dad that would go to hell and back for his speedy blue son and i love to see it

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8 months ago

Toddler Tails practicing flying around while Sonic runs with an electric fan to play keepy uppy with the fox kit.

It helps Tails get used to flying longer, and keeps Tails from over-heating. And it becomes a game.

So artists of Sonic fandom. I suggest Tails keepy uppy

Toddler Tails Practicing Flying Around While Sonic Runs With An Electric Fan To Play Keepy Uppy With

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5 months ago

one day, after kicking (eggman's) butt, sonic and tails are like "piece of cake!" and go for a high five and sonic realises he has to reach up and tails just walks away while sonic is stood in realisation, and maybe he gets emotional, just a bit, because the little fox cub that used to fit in his backpack is now a good -at least- 5cm/2 inches taller than him

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2 years ago

Story for this:

Once Metal got turn into a organic.

Sonic and his friends try to help him out sense he was in a very weak state at the moment.

But metal just kept trying to fight them.

Story For This:

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1 year ago

What was creator Tails's first visit into the multiverse like? :o

It was horrifying- He was still oblivious, and still young. Within his universe, he wouldn't age, but as soon as he broke the bounds and began traveling, he began to grow up.

Up until that point, he only knew that there was something more out there, but actually seeing and experiencing it was different.

He could only cry out for Sonic, but Sonic was long gone.

What Was Creator Tails's First Visit Into The Multiverse Like? :o

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