Take Your Hands Off BDSM Please If You Know Nothing About - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago
/Lunatic Sun On The Line, As You Might Guess/

/Lunatic Sun on the line, as you might guess/

Okay. Not the first time I have seen such an opinion in the fandom, but the first time it looks like a full consideration. Well.

As someone who knows a little more than a few articles on the first page of Google, perhaps I'll take the liberty of... clarifying the issue. I probably won't be kind enough because I'm so annoyed by these hot takes.

To be clear, this isn't much about the canon or Julian himself. My speech is about the whole image of BDSM on this "Opinion.jpg".

I can understand that you don't know much about BDSM and this is not your cup of tea. I understand that it is not for everyone.

But please. Please, tell me, someone, any of those people with such hot take.

Why do you think that if you are into BDSM you have no alternative? If you are a masochist, you can only be horny because of pain? Thank you for not EVERY pain, I have heard such… opinion.

Okay, can you explain to me, sadistic/dominant person, who am I? Maybe I want to torture everyone I have a relationship with? I have no alternatives? Perhaps I have more macabre intentions? Come on! "The "Sadist" sounds terrible! Maybe he/she/them will kill someone one day, they definitely can't live without torturing someone!" Welcome to the "As Vanilla Says..." TV Show!

The description of masochism as a disease (DSM-V, I mean) includes distress, "psychosocial difficulties" because of their masochistic sexual attractions.

And there's no "healthy relationships" in the clinical recommendations for rehab, iykwim. (✨Oh, love, the most beautiful miracle, heals all!✨ Sorry not sorry. Bruh.)

As I said above about sadistic affections, "sexual sadism disorder" as a disorder has this description:

"The individual has acted on these sexual urges with a nonconsenting person, or the sexual urges or fantasies cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning."

I sincerely hope you got that.

As a sadist and dominant, I don't want to kill your grandma, humiliate my partners 24/7 without their consent/for my own pleasure or whatever. Masochists can be horny without pain (If a masochist can only be aroused by pain, it's a disorder). Also, masochists can dislike some kinds of pain (even the "safe" kind, not the taboo or something extremely hard), and if I, as their sadist, ignore their ban/request, this behaviour will automatically make me an abuser and rapist. This is not my goal as a sadist.

BDSM is not a judgement.

There are many practices and the same person, whoever they are, can have many behaviours. Even in the area of "kinks and sexual attractions". And the devs surprisingly correctly described Julian Devorak as a masochist, okay? Not in the "disease way", but in the "kink way".

In conclusion, if you claim the golden standard of healthy relationships beyond "dialogue", "support" and "freedom to be yourself in a mutually respectful way", you seem to have no idea about healthy relationships (I mean, indeed, if you exclude BDSM as something harmful or sick from your "Golden Standard ™"). And yes, BDSM relationships must have the "mutual respect". Because the other way is pure violence. Or silly fantasies about such violence like the-film-that-shall-not-be-named.

Sorry, But. ApostleJay On The Line.

Sorry, but. ApostleJay on the line.

As a masochist, I would say that this thing works quite the opposite.

Yes, masochist can assotiate pleasure with pain - and it could be a coping mechanism. But it forms right into your brain and couldn't be turned back. Actually, it could be the other way - masochist may open up in healthy relationship and finally be themselves) There are different forms of masochism: some people enjoy degradation, some of them don't, some prefer the sensation of pain, others like to obey - it's not always about sex.

So I would insist that Julian is definitely a masochist and submissive as fuck :))

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