Tala - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

1. Candy shop - 50 cent & Olivia

2. Hell bells - acdc

3. Smack that - Akon/ eminem

4. Roll on (18-wheelers) - Alabama

5. Chattahoochee - Alan Jackson

6. I want it that way - Backstreet boys

7. Break the rules-Charli XCX


9. Romeo - dolly Parton & Billy Ray Cyrus

10. Roadtrip - Dream

Don't judge me I love these songs

Tag game

Rules: list 10 songs you really like, each by a different artist, and then tag 10 people to do the same

Tagged By @violetwinters, Thank you for tagging me šŸŒøšŸŒø

1. Come To BrazilĀ  - Why Donā€™t WeĀ 

2. Blue Hour - TXTĀ 

3. Candy - Doja CatĀ 

4. Miracle -Ā  WayvĀ 

5. Heart Of Fire- Black Veil Brides

6. Besitos - Peirce The Veil

7. This Is What Makes Us Girls - Lana Del ReyĀ 

8. Agree To Disagree - Sleeping With SirensĀ 

9. All In - Stray KidsĀ 

10. Miss Americana & The Heart Break Prince - Taylor Swift

I tag @hear-the-sound: @ego-like-sandwich @hopeticket @simply-elegantly-kaiĀ  @shwazzberryswriting @dibidibidismynameisleeknow @thelonelymeow @morningsunandnightsky @sharkie-stayĀ  @ramenlixxie I also tag anyone who also wants to do it.Ā 

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7 years ago
A Handful Of Sky Deities From Philippine Mythology.
A Handful Of Sky Deities From Philippine Mythology.
A Handful Of Sky Deities From Philippine Mythology.
A Handful Of Sky Deities From Philippine Mythology.

A handful of sky deities from Philippine Mythology.

Mayari, the one-eyed moon goddess of war and beauty, Tala and Hanan, the morning and the evening stars, the protectors of the moon, and Libulan, a lunar deity, and his husband, Sidapa, slayer of Bakunawa the moon-eater.

Spanish colonialization has erased many of the Philippinesā€™ lore and folktales. Out of the hundreds of poems and epics written, only two remain. The rest are lost Ā to the flames of Spanish priests. (Yet we treasure what we have.)

The Philippines was the first country in Asia to have ever rebelled against European colonizers.

today is the last day of buwan ng wika, or the month where Filipinos celebrate our heritage. Maligayang Buwan ng Wika!!Ā 

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2 years ago

Leia looked across the transport and saw Tala offering comfort, and immediately clocked that Obi-Wan needed the same and that she could offer it, because Leia is still a child but she's a quick study and gets people, and because she saw Obi-Wan wearing his pain raw and right there on the surface. But the question is, who's going to offer ME comfort after that little moment snuck up and thoroughly wrecked me emotionally

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5 years ago
Tala, From The Kitchen (making Kai A Pop-tart), Like Hell You Are! Id Have To Be In A Coma To Allow That
Tala, From The Kitchen (making Kai A Pop-tart), Like Hell You Are! Id Have To Be In A Coma To Allow That
Tala, From The Kitchen (making Kai A Pop-tart), Like Hell You Are! Id Have To Be In A Coma To Allow That

Tala, from the kitchen (making Kai a pop-tart), ā€œLike hell you are! Iā€™d have to be in a coma to allow that kind of bullshit!!ā€

In conclusion, Novae Rog/Rogue was an awesome attack that looked reeeeal creepy and powerful. I donā€™t care what the script said, Tala shouldā€™ve won more battles with it. Please attend my PowerPoint presentation on the issue.

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5 years ago

Alright! Listen up! me and @still-beyblade-obsessedā€‹ have been having a spiritually deep conversation about one Tala Ivanov and weā€™ve got some theories!Ā 

Was Tala just biologically enhanced OR was he actually a clone and the real Tala is maybe dead?Ā 

In the US version it says: Hard-wired cranial saturation, muscle hyper-strengthening. (Hard-wired cranial saturation? That could mean literally anything!) The ā€˜Borg incubatorā€™ (the tube) ā€œamplifies his training on a nano levelā€ that literally could mean clone??Ā 

Making Tala an actual clone adds so much more depth to his characterā€¦it adds to the creepy factor that is Neo-Borg and gives the whole operation way more purpose, creating super soldiers? Why not take it to the next level?Ā 

Clone the fuckers The cloning, in the sub they say that Rasputin created Black Dranzer (hey the man apparently had a horse dick and some interesting hobbies) but they donā€™t talk about it in the English version and SBO always figured they used Dranzerā€™s DNA (Dranzerā€™s ā€˜DNAā€™ being the reason Kai was so drawn to Black Dranzer) to make a dark counterpart - they wouldā€™ve had access to Original Dranzer if Kai had been enrolled as a child, or just via Borisā€™s connection to Voltaire.Ā 

So if they could do that, they could totally do the same with Talaā€¦say after an accident maybe?Ā 

Ā So our little guy might just have been pushed too far during training and/or experimentation and sadly died and instead of cutting their losses with a clearly talented individual they take it to the next level, and just steal his DNA and continue with their plans but now with a clone who has been programmed to blindly follow orders.

Also here, have a rough WIP of Hogwarts Au that I never finished in thanks for your time.Ā 

Alright! Listen Up! Me And @still-beyblade-obsessed Have Been Having A Spiritually Deep Conversation

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5 years ago

Tala: I am really scared.

Bryan: Why?

Tala: There's a monster under my bed and it's really ugly.

Kai: *from the bottom bunk* honestly, fuck you!

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