[ Tamlin Floating In DeNile River ] - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

Tamlin was not a morning person. Waking up at the crack of dawn was less than ideal for the natural night owl. Even when he’d had enough sleep, he required at least two hours of solitude before feeling ready to speak to people in the mornings, but this morning he did not have a choice. 

Sun glared through the curtains and Tamlin glared back. Birds chirped in the nearby trees and he listened to their conversations, overhearing the local gossip. The birds themselves were struggling with an early riser, Millie the Mourning Dove, who began singing at three am everyday. 

A reluctant smile crept up Tamlin’s face as he listened to the social creatures chatter. He preceded them to people. He ditched his courtly duties and wandered out into the wild of Spring to find animals to talk to whenever possible. 

Tamlin reached for his faithful riding boots and shoved his feet into them, summoning his necessary provisions from around his chambers with smooth movements of his hands, as if conducting an invisible orchestra. The things obeyed him and settled neatly into his saddle bags. 

He strapped on his baldric and summoned his knives and other weapons from the void, surprised at how easily they appeared. Not long ago, simple magic like that had been quite a challenge. 

Tamlin finished and marched briskly down the back stairway, past the kitchen, where he helped himself to breakfast and packed a loaf of bread and some fruit in a canvas bag. After filling his canteen, he was off to the stables to meet Briar. 

He wished he had his mask, despite that the curse was over. He hated how vulnerable she made him feel. It was frustrating. It broke past his boundaries. The best thing he could do was keep quiet and hope this mission went smoothly. Once Caiden was rescued, he never had to speak to her again. 

Tamlin silently led two horses out of the stables, remaining eerily calm. 

Was she bouncing on her toes? 

By the cauldron — where did she get all that energy? 

He kept his head down and secured his saddle bags. “It’s a two day ride. I hope you like the quiet.” 

Tamlin Was Not A Morning Person. Waking Up At The Crack Of Dawn Was Less Than Ideal For The Natural Night

Safe and Sound | Tamlin & Briar @thehighlordofspring

Briar stirs awake as sunshine filters through the delicate curtains of her room. The scent of blooming flowers and fresh earth lingered in the air through a half open window. She stretches, feeling the cool silk sheets slide against her skin, and smiles to herself, humming with pleasure. It was cozy and peaceful here, in a way that always made her feel both at ease and restless--in a way she didn't know if she'd ever get used to.

Slipping out of bed, she dresses quickly in a simple, pale--bordering lime-- green gown that hugs her curves nicely and flows airily around her hips, perfect for the warmth of the morning, before padding softly across the wooden floor down the hall. The grand, sweeping staircase awaited her, sunlight spilling over the banister as she made her way down to the kitchen, where the promise of fresh bread and pastries beckoned her to start the day.

She smiles brightly and thanks Griffin, one of the cooks, as she nabs a slice of blueberry bread and wanders out to the garden, taking in the lightness of the clear day.

Today. Today is the day she saves her soul nephew; takes him home where he belongs. Today is the day she becomes...becomes a mother.

Gods, a mother.

Her nerves rush though her and she chews her food slowly, trying to calm her racing heart. And Tamlin...

She shakes her head, unable to stop the giddy laughter from escaping her as she waits for him.

Her husband. What a thought. Fake husband, obviously, but still. The idea is both absurd and exhilarating. Despite herself, it spreads a warmth through her, flushing her cheeks.

A familiar hum of power seems to surround her then, making the hair on her neck and arms stand on end. Tamlin. He's arrived for the journey across the wall.

She wonders what it will be like to be human again, even for a short time. If it will feel wholly different, or like becoming her true self again.

Turning toward the pulse of magic, she smiles brightly to greet him. "Good morning!", she chirps excitedly.

She lightly tosses her sheet of onyx hair behind her, freckles seeming to dance on her nose as the sun lights up her eyes, making them a paler blue than usual.

Safe And Sound | Tamlin & Briar @thehighlordofspring

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6 months ago

“Winnowing is banned within forte miles of each border.” Tamlin said plainly. “The new treaty specified that. If we want to make contact with others, we go the long way. It reminds everyone involved that it takes effort to remain allies.” She’s never ridden a horse? She must be kidding. Tamlin looked over from where he was ready to mount. On top of everything else, I have to teach her how to ride?

The only other option was sharing his own steed and that was not happening. He’d rather walk. When she mentioned her lack of preparation, Tamlin gave her a good look up and down, assessing her size and summoned supplies from the void. It was cold, in the human lands, so he waved his hand and conjured a cloak over her shoulders.

Winnowing Is Banned Within Forte Miles Of Each Border. Tamlin Said Plainly. The New Treaty Specified

“That should work.” He shrugged, ignoring her comment on his weapons. She had her independence, he understood that. If she desired to question him, that was her prerogative, but he didn’t have to answer everything. “Daisy is a gentle ride. Good for a beginner.” Tamlin ran his hand down the mane of the white mare. “Do you need help mounting up?”

Safe and Sound | Tamlin & Briar @thehighlordofspring

Briar stirs awake as sunshine filters through the delicate curtains of her room. The scent of blooming flowers and fresh earth lingered in the air through a half open window. She stretches, feeling the cool silk sheets slide against her skin, and smiles to herself, humming with pleasure. It was cozy and peaceful here, in a way that always made her feel both at ease and restless--in a way she didn't know if she'd ever get used to.

Slipping out of bed, she dresses quickly in a simple, pale--bordering lime-- green gown that hugs her curves nicely and flows airily around her hips, perfect for the warmth of the morning, before padding softly across the wooden floor down the hall. The grand, sweeping staircase awaited her, sunlight spilling over the banister as she made her way down to the kitchen, where the promise of fresh bread and pastries beckoned her to start the day.

She smiles brightly and thanks Griffin, one of the cooks, as she nabs a slice of blueberry bread and wanders out to the garden, taking in the lightness of the clear day.

Today. Today is the day she saves her soul nephew; takes him home where he belongs. Today is the day she becomes...becomes a mother.

Gods, a mother.

Her nerves rush though her and she chews her food slowly, trying to calm her racing heart. And Tamlin...

She shakes her head, unable to stop the giddy laughter from escaping her as she waits for him.

Her husband. What a thought. Fake husband, obviously, but still. The idea is both absurd and exhilarating. Despite herself, it spreads a warmth through her, flushing her cheeks.

A familiar hum of power seems to surround her then, making the hair on her neck and arms stand on end. Tamlin. He's arrived for the journey across the wall.

She wonders what it will be like to be human again, even for a short time. If it will feel wholly different, or like becoming her true self again.

Turning toward the pulse of magic, she smiles brightly to greet him. "Good morning!", she chirps excitedly.

She lightly tosses her sheet of onyx hair behind her, freckles seeming to dance on her nose as the sun lights up her eyes, making them a paler blue than usual.

Safe And Sound | Tamlin & Briar @thehighlordofspring

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