Tan Ceylan Jones - Tumblr Posts

A tan Ceylan w/ brown hair and different colored articles of clothing . All done with PS 8.
bottom one is the original.

After seeing @greyheart67‘s skin color edit of Ceylan Jones, I was compelled to do one myself. Though I kept Ceylan’s golden eyes that I had previously edited. Top one is my edit. Bottom one is actual show(minus the golden eyes)
AHHHH! XD I was! and thanks for the agreeing to see my edit! and just for a side note; I will be sending the edit to your friend’s blog since I love character’s reaction blogs! and I am curious as to what your friend has up their sleeve!
Hey, Blizz! long time no hear! XD finally got to talking around on tumblr again! Yay! And I have been rummaging through your post and noticed that you did Questions+drawing character's answerback (mostly Ceylan) and that reminded me; I have an old edit of Ceylan with tan skin and chocolate hair -that I can pull up for you, if you want! So Ceylan, what do you think? Like it? and what about the other's reactions if I may ask? :)
Heyy! Yes, it’s been a while, I was so happy when I saw you faving things XD
Sure thing, I’d love to see your edit! And honestly I don’t remember what you mean sorry XD I never did answerbacks, I think you might confuse my blog with my friends Ask-Ceylan blog.