Tangle The Lemur Is My Cool Aunt - Tumblr Posts
Finally...! A Lemur!
So as it turns out, the fave didn't have to wait that much longer. But man is Tangle deceptively tricky to draw right. (Hence ball hands)
I blame the Kicks.
Morning Tangle
Wake up. Tangle in mind. Draw fave 'till tire.
Unsure if finish. Can see evil Tangle spirit taking over. Fun. I eat bread now.
Skidding or Air Pose?
I had actually posted the WIP 'cause I was just gonna leave this one to rot in my "I'll do it later" pile (mainly because of those darn Kicks).
But then I got motivation. Bless you, She-Hulk and your low-tier charm.
Tangle, auntie, don't look so smug. That's the Sonic-universe equivalent of stomping on a Koopa.
Bit messy for my standards, wasn't really feeling this one, but messy art is better than unfinished art.
Tangle Low Kick
Ain't Christmas yet but we already got our nutcracker.
Just a little something to get motivation back.
... Uh... Kicks were hard, I suppose...
Standard 2M that's plagued by the same hitbox issues that keep Tangle a low-tier.
It's fast, has decent range, Tangle moves back while doing it and is a reliable hit-confirm.
The problem lies with her tail having a hitbox, giving Tangle no low-profiles, which is a crucial feature for most 2Ms in the game. A problem shared with Eggman and Omega.
It's far from the most aggregious case of tailbox, but one that makes the Metal Sonic matchup a living hell when he doesn't have a good low-profile poke countering his unblockable beam.