Taw - Tumblr Posts
Uuuh, looking forward to premiere :>

Guess who routinely forgets to remove invisible lightbounce meshes on the masking passes?
Anyway, premiere tomorrow!!! Still doing lots of things, but I am confident that we’ll get sleep tonight.
This was a 30 sec short that I did together with my group over the course of a semester. It was an excersice in working together as CG artists and Animators, with a 3D pipeline. All groups got appointed an already existing movie, to which the should add a twist and do a trailer for.
So we got Alien and decided to do a mix in between Paranorman and Atlantis. I hope you all enjoy.
Also, check out some of the preproduction work on my blog. EDIT: And checking out the production blog could be cool too - it's at: http://alienfishfood.tumblr.com/
The making-of Trailer Project: Alien.
So here is the somewhat final version of the QuadroPed project done together with louisegregersen - I might revisit it later for further tweaking in the comp, but for now im done :)

So in our class we had a colour week with the almighty Joaquim Royo - it was a series of revelations throughout a week. Here is some things from when it went down.

So this the poster for the commercial project I have been working on for the last couple of weeks. It will screen next friday at theanimationworkshop along the side of all the other commercial projects. Thanks to Anne and Benjamin for help with the poster
Oh hey look! The commercial I helped make for Viborg Animation Festival is online. Go check the other commercials as well.
See, we did some thumbs for our bachelor.

Some environment thumbnails from our previous week with Victoria Ying!

A style test done for shepherdfilm - it is funny how much you can learn from adapting a new style.

An anatomy study and another style test for shepherdfilm - now outdated though.
Would you look at that; TAW released a bachelor film that a lot of my friends have worked on and which I helped out on.
Just launched: Graduation short “Vagabond”, the beautiful and touching story of a man and his best friend lost in a futuristic metropolis. A must for fans of sci fi, dogs, and hand drawn animation!
Woo! Check out the backgrounds my group and I are working on for our bachelor film.

We’ve started roughing out some backgrounds! Check ‘em out!

Coming soon to a screen near you!
This is the teaser for the graduation film I worked on last year. It is being shown in different cinemas around Denmark right now, but it will first be released online in February. I am looking forward to showing it to all you lovely people!
It is happening! This is the second poster for my bachelor film.

To celebrate the launch of the film online, we give you the second poster for the film! You can watch the film here
Santiago Montiel helped our art director, Benjamin, and the rest of the team in the early stages of the production of our bachelor film. He is a great guy! Also, our film has been nominated as a possible candidate for the Ekko film list. So please go vote, if you like what you saw. It does not require sign-up or anything annoying (even though it IS in Danish).
I felt so happy to give some advice to Benjamin Bach on his work for this beautiful animated graduation short film. He and his colleagues worked hard for the pleasure of our eyes. Check it out and don’t hesitate to vote for their film here http://www.ekkofilm.dk/shortlist/film/the-shepherd/
And here from the production blog. Please help us out - thanks :D
Hello dear people! If you liked our film, please help us reach the top 10 on the Ekko film magazine by giving it a rating (preferably a good one) Click the link above to get to the website! That would mean a lot to us!
Thanks! And may the sheep be with you.