Taylor Swift Is A Lyrical Genius - Tumblr Posts
I became mildly obsessed with making a haiku out of Taylor Swifts “Clara Bow” because the line:
You look like Taylor
Swift In this light We're loving
it, You've got edge (she never did)
Is almost a haiku but it doesn’t make any since with ‘she’ and it doesn’t have the right amount of syllables without, which was pissing me the fuck off. So obviously I had to make a haiku out of some part of the song…
Easy right? To make a haiku out of a few lines? It’s just 17 syllables, it can’t be that hard.
I had so much trouble and all I managed to come up with was this:
Take the glory, give
everything Promise to be
dazzling, you look like…
Which, while I do like it, you have to know it in the context of the song. Like if you heard this or saw this somewhere, it wouldn’t make since. Which is just really annoying.
Ugh I hate poetry