Tbh Yeah - Tumblr Posts
Is it weird that I want to dress like the mean girl in a 2000's movie but like in a jock way. Like I want to be a buffed up man with the calves of a Greek god but also wear short miniskirts at the same time. I'm sure there's a word for this but I'm going to pretend it doesn't exist.
To the people who follow me who know me IRL (you know who you are) pretend this doesn't exist.
no phone time all morning. dancing to loud music while getting ready for the day. hours of studying. to-do lists. hour-by-hour schedule. staying out the loop. being extremely selective w who i give my time and attention to. weekly hair masks. vitamins. cute fits even if i’m all by myself. smelling divine. fruit smoothies. layering lip glosses. eating healthy, nourishing foods. consistently hitting the gym. living at the library. glistening skin. reading or watching a film before bed. indulging hobbies. keeping to myself. long walks in the cold. early wakeup time. moisturizers and glowy body oils and creamy butters. bubble baths. drinking lots of water. religiously applying sunscreen. consuming heart-wrenching poetry. journaling. black manicure. random acts of kindness.