1 year ago

Anywho she got legs and a name

Anywho She Got Legs And A Name

So in lieu of going with "abandoned mining/military tech deciding to govern themselves," this guy picked the rather exaggerated name "Hypershock," not realizing hyper, or more accurately, trigger-happy, was a good way to describe them.

A prototype of a military offense weapon, there's only three other like her, and she certainly lives up to the expectations of her class. Prone to anger, and blowing things up when she gets angry, the last place you'd expect to see her was in an archive, where everything is prone to getting damaged by high powered lasers. But apparently running around alone sorting things in a massive database is one way to kill the systems that build up energy to be discharged. Unlike their class siblings, Hypershock never picked up energy inhibitors, which is fueling their constant need to move.

Built as a fighting weapon for mass destruction, she has a thing or two to learn about "communication." However, she's mastered the art of telling others, "I'M GOING TO FRY EVERYTHING IN MY VISION IN THIRTY SECONDS GET OUT OF MY WAY," and there's thankfully been no casualties since the new government's been established. Dislikes the local enforcers (police) for they're "always asking too many questions I can't answer," and are "lazy wusses who couldn't beat a camera."

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