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7 years ago

A Cake for a Cake [B.I/Hanbin]

[Requested]  Hello :) is it okay if I can request a Hanbin(iKON) scenario, where y/n is the nerdy girl at school who’s in love with the popular boy so y/n bothers him too much at times. The day of his birthday y/n bakes him a cake and when she takes to him she finds Hanbin with another girl, she leaves and leaves him alone for good. When Hanbin notice the attention that’s missing from her he tries to win her love back :). Thank you! I hope is not too much :( (angst and fluff)

a/n I’m sorry if this isn’t exactly what you wanted. I’m having a bit of bad day today, so my writing isn’t in it’s top shape and I feel like I didn’t do as well of a job portraying Hanbin as I would’ve liked, but I tried my best to incorporate what you wanted in it without making it too long. Sorry if that made it feel a little rushed. 

I also didn’t edit for typos, so excuse them if there are any. I hope you enjoy it! Feel free to request again if it’s not exactly what you wanted and I promise to work harder on it next time. Or even if you just want a new scenario, I’ll do my best.



word count: 1648 genre: kind of fluffy? pairings: Hanbin x Reader (B.I iKon)

You took a deep breath as you stared down at the cake in your hand. It was nothing special, really. A small one with a little bit of chocolate icing on the top and with sloppy letters spelling out “Happy Bday” in pink letters. A little heart decorated the last letter and despite what may seem like a shabby appearance to the outside world, you had truthfully spent hours working on it.

Your eyes moved up to the house across the street, a red door painted in the front a basket of flowers on the front porch, most likely from one of the many female students at school who also adored the boy you had so much affection for.

Hanbin had been your crush for as long as you could remember, neighbors since you were both five, and even having been friends at one point, before you entered Junior High and things dwindled downhill. You hadn’t realized how serious your crush for the boy had been until he matured faster than you did, becoming extremely popular amongst your fellow classmates, and leaving you behind. At age 12, it was heartbreaking, but you knew from then on that your crush not something that would go away.

Even when he ignored you or acted like you weren’t neighbors, you followed him around like a puppy. A ‘good morning’ and wave goodbye from school happened every day, and on each of his birthdays you would make sure to give him a gift of some sort, always handmade with care. This year you had decided a cake to be the best possible gift - he probably had enough of your friendship bracelets at that point to make a scarf out of them, and you wondered if maybe changing it up and giving him something a little more practical would gain some much wanted affection, or appreciation at the very least.

You made your way across the street to his front door, your hands shaking a tad bit at the thought of seeing him again. At the ripe age of 18, Hanbin had only grown to be even more handsome, and you were completely smitten.

So much so that it was rather heartbreaking for you, when the boy you had a crush wasn’t even the one to answer his front door, but a girl you had never even met before.

You didn’t fully remember what happened after that, your ears ringing and distracting you from whatever was actually going on. You saw as she muttered something, most likely a thank you, took the cake, stating she would hand it over to Hanbin before walking back inside and shutting the door in your face.

You felt almost numb as you walked back to your house, and as you spent the entire evening switching from glancing out the window cautiously to sitting on the couch lost in your thoughts. It was hours later than you saw his door open and the girl walk out, Hanbin stepping from behind her. Your heart broke when he pulled her into a warm hug, and it was in that moment you truly realized you had no chance with the boy.


A couple of weeks passed. Not once did you greet Hanbin like you normally would’ve had, your “good mornings” replaced with a simply bow of your head before you scurried off. You didn’t think he would care, or even notice the difference for that matter.

But you were wrong.

Hanbin noticed by the second day that you had begun to ignore him. He noticed how you avoided eye contact, didn’t smile, or even speak to him.

Truthfully, he cared more than he would have liked to admit. His friendship with you in your younger days had been his most cherished, even if he never stated as much. When Junior High came about and he suddenly gained popularity and new friends, he hadn’t meant for there to be such a distance created between the two of you, it just sort of happened naturally.

But, he relished in the moments you would still try your hardest to be around him. It gave him a tiny sliver of hope that you could return back into your old friendship one day.

And the worst part of it, he didn’t even know why you had suddenly given up on him.

It was after by the start of the third week that he had finally had enough, and he approached you after school, cornering you into one of the empty classrooms before you managed to run away.

“Y/N, what exactly did I do?”

You were confused when he spoke to you properly for the first time in years. The most you had gotten out of him was a brief sentence about his day. It was even more confusing considering he had never once paid you any attention before, and you were positive he had a girlfriend.

You said, not quite ready for whatever game was about to go on, your heart unable to take the pain. “Nothing. I have to get home.”

He brought his arm up to prevent you from walking away, shaking his head at you. “I’m serious.”

“I am too.” You huffed, pushing his arm away.

You were done with whatever heartache that boy managed to bring you. You promised yourself you wouldn’t put yourself through it any longer. You walked past him without looking back, ignoring him when he called out to you.


The next day, a little note appeared in your locker. The only thing scribbled on it was an “i’m sorry”.

The was the start of it all.

Every day after, a new note appeared, each one saying something new. After the fifth note, a little gift also showed up with it, one being a little chocolate kiss, to a small stuffed animal.

It was quite easy for you to figure out who everything came from, though it was near impossible to understand why.

On the seventh note Hanbin wrote “meet me at my house after school. please.”

You contemplated not going, but every gift made you weak, and horribly confused and you just wanted to know why he was doing all of this. He had acted like he didn’t care for years, and now he suddenly did and it left your head reeling.

You didn’t even second guess yourself when you showed up on his steps like he asked - even further surprised by the giant teddy bear that sat on the porch, staring at you with another one of his notes tucked into the bow wrapped around it’s neck.

“come inside.”

With a deep breath, you placed your hand on the doorknob, twisting it and pushing the door open. Hanbin stood on the other side of it, a tentative smile on his face as he held a chocolate cake in his hands.

You were quite shocked to see him there, but when you opened your mouth to ask what all of this was about, he shook his head, signalling for you to simply listen.

“Y/N, I know I never really said it, or acted like it, but I’ve missed you from the day we stopped hanging out. It became a guilty pleasure of mine to see you follow me around so keenly, and when you suddenly stopped, I grew anxious about it.”

He placed the cake on the counter and walked closer to you, running a hand through his dark hair.

“I thought repeatedly about what could’ve caused you to start ignoring me. At first I thought maybe you had just finally gotten fed up with how I was acting, and then I thought that maybe you found someone else that you liked so you didn’t care for me anymore. But, then I remembered the cake that was delivered to my door on my birthday.”

You blushed when he looked at his own cake with a warm smile.

“I was really happy when my cousin brought it in for me, telling me it was from you. I didn’t even think to realize that maybe you had gotten the wrong impression until I replayed the situation in my head.” Hanbin reached down and grabbed your hand in his. “I’m sorry if I made you think I had a girlfriend. That was just my cousin who came to see me for my birthday. I promise. I haven’t thought about about dating anyone since we stopped being friends, because I’ve honestly liked you this entire time, y/n.”

You frowned at him when the words left his mouth, each on settling in your head bit by bit. It didn’t fully hit you what he was saying until, he bit his lip in worry at your silence.

He had missed you, all this time.

“Why have you ignored me, then? If this was how you felt.” You questioned, shaking your head at him.

“Because I’m an idiot. You were the first girl I ever liked, and still like I didn’t know how to act around you. I’m sorry it took you ignoring me to figure out that I needed to stop acting so childish. I promise I won’t act like that any longer.”

It sunk in that Hanbin had just confessed to you, almost immediately after that. You were perhaps far too naive for your own good, but all of those hurt feelings of the years of being ignored and the jealousy of the girl, who actually turned out to be just a relative, vanished.

Hanbin liked you. He really liked you back and you couldn’t contain how happy and giddy that made you. He saw the smile creeping onto your face, the pink tint filling your cheeks and gave you a playful smirk, grabbing your other hand in his and pulling you closer.

“Y/N,” He started, the twinkle in his eye matching yours. “Will you please be my girlfriend?”

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