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Voting Gauntlet
I’m on team Grima, but I wanna say, props to Team Robin! You guys have kept up with our monster lead, and have manage to tie it, no matter which way this goes, let’s all agree to support our Tacticitian boy to a win! Whether he is good or evil!
Please add me in fire emblem heroes I need friends
Local man gets revenge and kick his own buff evil self back harder
Dew it for da tiddies
Voting Gauntlet Status: Grima’s tiddies!
Go, support him!
Local man realized that he unleashed his buff self inner chest and gets ass kicked really really hard
Support your buff dragon god! Use all da flags!!
Only a few more minutes till voting is over and look at this shit
Oh god I wonder who won
Local buff man is getting his ass kicked by McDonald’s
Local buff dragon beats up evil waifu
Evil waifu sends legion of fanboys to over power the buff dragon
Evil waifu realize that her legions of fanboys were unable to contain the might of the buff dragon amazing chest
Edgy celery legions of fanboys swarm in thousands of numbers to protect their thot and over power the buff dragon
And still not enough to stop his abs
Evil thot legions of fanboys swarm in thousands of numbers to protect their thot and over power the buff dragon
Edgy celery and buff dragon are unsure what to do now
Evil celery is kicking buff dragons ass
With that the voting gauntlet comes to an end. It been fun playing. good job on team celery for being that close. U guys almost had it