Teen Wolf Season 6 - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Watching season 6 episode 9 of teen wolf and my little thiam heart is screaming I love them sm 😭

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7 years ago

Dating Theo Raeken would include . . .


~ Theo always has a hand, arm something on you 

 ~ When you can't actually be near each other he has you wear something of his 

 ~ Sweater, hoodie, bracelet, hat, etc . . .

 ~ Theo would be super protective 

 ~ He gets jealous easily

 ~ Having to calm him down 

 ~ Being his anchor

 ~ Having to remind him that you love him and aren't gonna leave him.

 ~ Him saying your "mine" 

 ~ Nicknames for each other 

 ~ Babe, baby, mine, yours, princess, baby girl 

 ~ Cute dates 

 ~ Theo surprisingly being cliche half the time 

 ~ Cuddles 

 ~ Hugs 

 ~ Kisses 

 ~ Theo loving PDA 

 ~ Lots of PDA 

 ~ You not minding 

 ~ Both of you laughing all the time 

 ~ Jokes 

 ~ Laughing at each other 

 ~ Theo feeling like the luckiest guy in the world

 ~ Theo wondering why your with him

 ~ Him wondering why you dont hate him after all the shit he did to you and your friends 

 ~ Him trying to prove that he's changing trying to be better 

 ~ Hating himself for hurting you ( when you found out that he was working with the dread doctors, and thinking he was using you )

 ~ Him trying to prove to you that he didn’t mean to hurt you, and that you weren’t part of the plan falling in love with you wasn’t part of the plan.

~ Him doing anything and everything to get you to forgive/believe him

~ Hating that you don’t hate him

~ Forgiving him

~ Letting him explain 

~ Being so relieved when he comes back from hell

~ Stiles being like a brother to you so Theo try’s really hard to get you to remember him knowing how close you guys where

~ Him saving you from the GhostRiders

~ Punching while hugging him when he escapes the GhostRiders other demention thing

~ Him apologizing for getting taken on purpose but not apologizing for keeping you safe

~ Finding out that he is living in his truck

~ Telling him he can move in with you (your parents are ok with it)

~ Him trying to talk you out of it, but you telling him he has no choice he can’t fight you on this

~ Him sleeping in your room more than half the time even though he has his own

~ Him getting even more pissed when the hunters take both of you because he hates seeing you in pain (and he has t cause you more pain to get the electricity to burn through the k-ties)

~ Being glad you both graduated because of all the hunters at the school

~ Introducing him to Derek when he shows up to help

~ Derek considering you family and threatening to rip Theo’s throat out, with his teeth if he hurts you (i had to :D) 

~ When you guys are trapped in the police station him not letting go of your hand, even when you all walk out to go “” pack to leave “” Beacon Hills (only to talk to Liam) 

~ Helping The calm Liam down at the abandoned zoo and the locker room

~ Theo being extremely worried when e finds out that you were with Scott, Lydia, and Malia when Scott’s house got shot up

~ Theo protecting you from bullet’s in the hospital


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7 years ago

Dating Stiles  Stilinski would include . . .


- Lots of goofy moments

- sarcasm coming from both of you 

- Him loving your sarcasm 

- You loving his sarcasm

- Defending each other

- Tickle fights

- Cuddles

- Lots of cuddles

- Hugs everywhere, anytime

- Making out everywhere

- The jeep holds very inmate moments between the two of you

- Him teaching you how to drive (using the jeep)

- His dad loving you, thinking your good for him (which you are)

- Being one of the only people who knew his real name for years

- Him being super into trying to figure out whats wrong with Scott and you help him (Scott being one of your best friends too)

- Being there through everything (season 1-6)

- Helping him try to help Scott during his full moons

- You being Derek’s little sister after the fire Laura trying to figure out what to do with you  so you don’t have to run like her and Derek are gonna and Melissa McCall taking you in, ( you already being best friends with Scott and Stiles) Derek being pissed at Laura for splitting you from being with them the only family you have left (Derek and you being the closest of siblings)

- You only being 9 at the time, not recognizing him when he comes back (the fire was 6 years before he came back they were sophomores in season one so I tried to do the math of age before the show started)

- Stiles telling Derek that if he hurts him or Scott that his sister a.k.a you will not forgive him for it

- Derek trying to talk to you but you hiding behind Stiles everytime

- Stiles convincing you to talk to him 

- Peter threating to hurt you and Lydia if Stiles didn’t do what he said (the scratch from your uncle unlocking the born wolf in you)

- Double dates with Alison and Scott (later Scott and Kira)

- Being besties with Alison and Lydia (Lydia since you both where little)

- Jackson always asking you why your even with Stiles (Jackson seeing you as the little sibling he never had)

- Alison shooting you with an arrow when she is under her grandfather's control

- That gets Stiles super angry with her

- Trying to help Stiles and Derek when they get paralyzed

- Stiles hates when Aiden hit’s on you and Lydia (thank god for his sake that he decides to go after Lydia instead)

- Deucalion going after you to get to Derek which Stiles starts to panic about 

- The Oni never fighting you which is suspicious 

- Void calling you “little dove”

- Void messing with you because Stiles loves you 

- Void making stiles watch 

- Getting Stiles back and kissing him

- Watching little Derek together and little Derek saying something about if he saw his little sister (you but he doesn’t know that) kissing like that he would beat up the boy, Stiles can’t help but laugh and feel nervous

- When Derek gets back to normal, he sees you and Stiles kissing (french kissing) and says he wasn’t kidding (referencing to what he said as mini him)

- You being on the Deadpool, so Stiles try’s very hard to protect you but you just kiss him to shut him up

- Stiles promising to protect you, Derek, when he leaves to help track Kate

- Believing Stiles when he says something is off about Theo

- Theo trying to get you on his side

- Being there when Scott yells at Stiles

- Theo dragging you into his truck and away from Stiles because Scott told him he doesn't want you near Stiles (even though you know about what happened with Donovan, Stiles already told you)

- Theo holding you captive with Deucalion

- Stiles grabbing you out of the way in the tunnels before Theo is grabbed by his sister to hell

- Remembering Stiles in pieces when he is taken by the wild hunt

- You and Lydia trying to dig up things on this Stiles person

- Theo protecting you and Theo says its to make up for kidnapping you 

- Stiles kissing you in the hospital when he appears after knocking out the Nazi

- Begging Scott and Lydia to call Stiles to tell him whats going on 

- Calling him and Derek anyway when things get too bad

- Stiles being protective

- Making out in front of Peter and Derek just to piss them off (Stiles’ idea)

- Stiles being a sweet boyfriend

- Star Wars marathons

- Him always saying he’s gonna marry you

- I love you’s all the time

- Buying you cute things 

- Dates all the time when you guys have time

- Wearing his flannels

- Passionate sex

- Getting curly fries to cheer the other up on down days


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6 years ago

I'm the sister of a hyperactive spaz - Theo Raeken

Theo Raeken x Fem!reader

Warnings: implied smut

Word count: 1,420

Authors Note: after the Ghostriders, after the hunters take over the town but before they leave town to hunt down Manroe. It's all in Theo’s point of view I didn't plan on it being that way but i just didn't find a spot in writing it where i wanted to or could switch it




Theo p.o.v

As I walked into Scott's house for the pack meeting. Which I still don't know exactly why I was invited. Don't get me wrong I'm glad, but still confused.

As I walked into the living room I saw Stiles and Scott who were both on Scotts phone talking to someone, and they both looked desperate.

“Whats going on here?“ I asked pointing at them looking to Liam and Mason

“There on the phone with y/n. We need help with figuring  out some supernatural stuff and Deaton told us to call y/n. She went to Portland, Oregon to meet up with a friend she hasn't seen in forever.“ Mason said while Liam just kept nodding.

“Whos y/n?“ I asked completely confused as to who this girl is that we apparently need

“She's Stiles sister, twin to be exact. She left with Derek a month before you came to town. Derek dropped her off in Portland before he went god knows where.“ Liam answered

“Look y/n we need you here“ Stiles said into the phone looking like he was about to give up

“We will come pick you up then“ Scott said trying to be persuasive

“Come on. We seriously need your help“ Stiles said getting annoyed and frustrated

“Why the hell would you head over there if they are having a psycho running around in a black hood!?“ ( ;) lol get it ) Stiles practically screamed into the phone and Scott put a hand on Stiles shoulder to calm him down.

Suddenly they both looked relieved and kept repeating thank you.

“Well I guess she said yes then.“ Lydia stated more as a question

“Yeah she said yes to coming back and helping us shes on her way.“ Scott said to everyone

After the pack meeting I went to a cafe in town and took out my laptop and tried to see if any of the pack had y/n on social media. What can I say she sounds intriguing.

I found her tagged in a couple of photos on Stiles, Scott, and Lydia's instagram and facebook pages.

She's beautiful. I can't wait to meet her. Hopefully they didn't tell her everything I've done. Then again she has Stiles for a brother so probably everything I've done plusall hi theories.

^   ^   ^

The next day I woke up in my truck to my phone ringing.

“Hello?“ I answered without looking at the caller ID.

“Hey Theo can I ask a favour of you?“ Scott asked

“Uh - Yeah? Whats up?“ I asked waking up instantly at whoś on the other line

“Can you pick up y/n? She's on the outskirts of town, she couldn't get any further.“ he asked, he sounded like he was desperate, maybe this could he get me into the pack.

“Uh - yeah what road?“ I asked he told me and that ended the call. Well I guess this is one way to get to know the girl.

^     ^     ^

I saw a girl walking with a backpack and a duffle bag down the road and I figured that's her.

She lifted her head that's her alright. I said in my head recognizing her beautiful features.

I put the brake on and got out of the car.

“You must be y/n“ I said picking up her bags and putting them in the truck

“And you must be Theo. sorry THE-THEO.“ she said with a giggle

“So you've heard of me?“ I said

“My brother is the hyperactive spas. I've heard all about the stories, theories, and what you did.“ she told me as I opened the passenger side door for her as she hopped in.

I laughed at that as I walked around to get in the driver side.

“Im shocked Stiles is allowing this?“

“Well I can take care of myself“ she said looking at me smirking flashing her eyes.

“So your a werewolf?“ I said trying to smile less

“Yeah“ she said stretching the word out

“Who bit you? Scott?“I asked generally curious

“Ha - ha, no. Um Derek Hale did actually. We were really close and when he became an alpha I got into a really bad accident and they thought I only had maybe a couple hours to live when I was in the hospital. My dad did want to lose me and Stiles didn't he had a anxiety attack about that. Derek offered the bit and my dad was ok with it considering I had a better chance to live with getting the bit than not. Stiles didn't want me to have it but the fear of losing me was to strong for him. Derek asked me if it was ok and here we are.“

“Why tell me all this? I mean you know everything I did“ I asked her

“Lydia told me how much you have helped atley. Your a changed man Theo Raeken.“ she said smiling at me

“Your the only one who believes that.“ I told her. I felt generally happy inside that she thinks that.

“Ok I was honest with you know you be honest with me“ she said

“What do you want to know?“ I asked her looking over for a second.

“Why did you do all you did? And I want every detail“ she said turning in her seat giving me all her attention. To be honest I could get use to it, her attention is something I really giving enjoy having it.

^   ^    ^

So 4 hours later we were finally out of the woods part of town. We decided to stop and get food which took another 2 an a half hours. By the time we got to her place it was around 9pm. She had texted her brother and the other members of the pack plus her dad that she was ok, in Beacon Hills and where she was staying.

“So you live here?“ I asked her as I parked the car and looked at her.

“Well it's a friends; Dereks. He owns the whole building there's a loft at the top he told me I could stay in my old room. I already have my own set up here. I stayed here more than home, before we both left.“ she told me with a smile, my geuss remmenancing

“Nice. Do you need help taking your stuff up?“ I asked her hoping I could spend more time with her.

“I got my stuff, you get yours“ she said before getting out of the truck not waiting for an answer

I got out of the truck and walked over to her “what do you mean?“

“Stay here, with me. I can tell your living in your truck. Stay here with me, no more living in your truck the police I’m sure are close to arresting you“ she said giggling a little. She opened the back door and threw some clothes and blanket into my duffle then she handed it to me and closed the door.

“You want me to stay here with you?“ I didn’t believe this was happening

“I know we haven’t known each other for very long. But we have been getting to know each other pretty much all day. Even you said earlier that you have never opened up this much to anyone before. Plus you living in your car is something I can’t stand to know and not help with. So come on.” She finished, grabbing my hands and dragging me up the stairs.

She opened the large metal door.

“Nice loft” I said looking around at all the open space

“Well I helped him refurbish it. See Derek was scary in our lives at first. He dislikes slash finds my brother annoying and Scott was a way to find the alpha that killed his sister for power. But I got close to him trying to be someone he could confide in,he was closed off I was persistent and he did open up eventually. Been practically besties ever since.” she said as she set down our stuff on the couch.

She grabbed my hand pulling me towards the spiral staircase.

“Where are we going?” I asked her, smiling at her wondering what she had in mind

“Well Mr.Raeken there’s not a guest room and the couch is not comfortable, trust me. So you have to stay in the only option. My room” she then leaned up to my ear. Then she ran up the stairs.

I couldn’t help but smile and laugh as I chased her up the stairs the rest is  . . .

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1 year ago

Teen wolf zoo scene reference?

Teen Wolf Zoo Scene Reference?

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4 years ago

End of the Line [ 1 ] || Stiles Stilinski

A/N: this takes place during season 6A, when Stiles is taken by the Ghost Riders. a STYDIA SCENE TURNED INTO AN STILES x READER SCENE. also, italicized text symbolizes memory.

word count: 2,426

WARNINGS: i’d say none, but some might consider angst? I don’t know how this works yet.

Inspired by this song. Highly recommended you listen on repeat while reading!


⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀* * *

Your heart ached as you walked through the doors. It wasn't an aching that you'd get from seeing a sad scene in a movie or seeing someone cry in public — it’s the feeling you get when you lose someone. You felt like you lost someone.

You felt lost. And you didn't know why.

Frantic. You were so frantic, tears welling in your eyes as you scanned the parking lot of Beacon Hills High School in search of your hazel-eyed best friend.


You heard him call out for you, and in that moment you didn't care if you tripped over your own two feet to get to him. You did what it took to get to him as fast you could.

The wind was picking up. The golden brown autumn leaves that tumbled from the trees were being blown by the harsh wind, your hair being whipped around your face. You didn't care. You only cared about him, only cared about being in his arms.

"You know me. Oh, thank God." He panted, hurrying you into his strong embrace. You were speechless, heart racing at the thought of being too late before he was taken. Clinging to his body, your  fists clenching into his flannel shirt.

"I know you." You managed to squeak out, mind feeling hazy.

You knew him. But it began to feel like you didn't.

Your eyes screwed shut, and you hissed in pain at the sudden pounding to your temples. Instinctively, you held your head, ignoring the stares you were given by fellow peers as your slowed your walking in the hallway.

And just as quick as it came, the headache was gone. Your eyes sprung open, and you let your gaze travel through the sea of students. Fingers tingling as well as the tip of your tongue, and you couldn't explain why. Someone was supposed to be here. But where were they?

With your brows furrowed, a look of determination settled nicely on your features. You pushed your way through the bodies, but not without looking at each one of their faces in hopes of easing the longing feeling that was only growing in the pit of your stomach.

"I think everyone else is forgetting."

Your words were weary, tears leaking from your eyes and trailing down your cheeks. Bottom lip wobbling as your grip on his flannel shirt only tightened.

The sight of you this way broke his heart, and you could see it in his whiskey colored eyes.

'Those eyes, how could I forget them?' You thought. But little did you know it was already slipping your mind.

He opened his mouth to give you as many comforting words he could before his time was up, but it was too late.

The wind picked up gradually, cold air nipping at both of your skin causing your cheeks to flush. Your clothes flapping against your body as your hair attempted to block your vision of him. So you tied it up.

Although it was blind to your eyes, it wasn't to his. He froze in your arms, a panicked look taking over his beautiful features as his eyes darted around in front of him. You could feel his breathing picking up as you held him, which caused yours to do the same.

"What is it?" You asked, no matter how badly you didn't want to ask the question — you did.

"Do you see them?" Was all he asked, his arms slipping from their hold on you as he slowly stepped back.

You took this time to look around you, only to see the dimly lit parking lot with a few cars in it. "See what?"

He whimpered at your response, and you watched as tears filled his eyes. Taking a step toward you, his large hand clasped around your wrist, gently tugging you in his direction and away from the men on the horses that only he saw. His eyes weren't on you, they were on something ahead of you — they were on them.

"Stiles," You swallowed thickly, slowly pulling your eyes away from the empty lot to his fear stricken face. "If you can see them, they're gonna.."

You couldn't finish. You didn't want to, because you knew if you did, the truth would become even more real than it already has.

Stiles finally tore his eyes away from the Ghost Riders that slowly gathered in front of the two of you, grabbing onto both of your arms firmly.

"No, I know. I know. They're coming for me."

Headache again, but what was the trigger?

You stopped in the middle of the hallway, wincing at the harsh pounding in your head. It felt as though the back of your head was being whacked with a metal bat and you couldn't get it to settle or stop.

Looking around again, nobody seemed to give you the wave of familiarity you were yearning for.

You began to grow frustrated with yourself. Why couldn't you remember who you were looking for? They must've been way too important to forget if your body is aching to find them.

But you can't fulfill your own needs.

Why? Because you don't even know who you were looking for anymore.

"You have to get away from me. Right now, okay?"

You felt your pulse begin to quicken as the hairs on your arms and back of your neck began to rise. They were here, they were close. You could feel them, but you couldn't see them.

Shaking your head at him, Stiles scoffed. Now wasn't the time to be stubborn, so he let it go. "Alright, come on. Come on!"

He began to drag you off in the direction away from the school's doors, and you didn't even care about the fact that he was pulling you so carelessly, you were tripping over your own two feet. You needed to get away.

You crashed into Stiles' body as he stopped abruptly, him seeing a single Ghost Rider at the end of the path. "This way, this way, come on." Just like that, he was pulling you back in the direction you came.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!" He shouted, skidding into another stop.

The tears rolling down your face were relentless, looking in multiple directions, but seeing absolutely nothing. Unlike Stiles, who had every reason to be afraid, but all he was worried about was you.

"Stiles!" You finally broke, a sob escaping your lips as you let him drag you around through the parking lot in attempt to escape. "Stiles, where are they?" You whimpered, huddling your body as close to his as possible.

He slowed his movements, panting breaths with eyes full of fear and panic as he looked around you both.

"They're everywhere."

The headaches you were beginning to feel made you feel numb. It hurt that much.

Heading to your locker, you raised your shaky hands to the combination lock that rested there, swirling in the combination.

You've never had headaches or migraines this severe, or repeatedly in one day. You never thought to keep spare Advil in your bag or locker. Glancing at the clock posted on one of the walls in the hallway, you let out a sigh of relief at the sight of having a little more than 10 minutes until class started.

'Maybe the headaches would die down by then,' you thought to yourself, rummaging through your locker to put away larger textbooks only to replace them with the needed ones.

Your locker slammed shut, and you clamped the combination lock back together. Almost immediately, you turned your head to look across the emptier hallway. You looked at the set of lockers across the hall expectantly, but soon made a face of confusion. The action was almost an instinct, but nobody you knew was over there, you were met with an empty set of lockers.

"Don't look at them, Y/N, okay?"

Stiles was booking it to his powder blue jeep, hand latched with yours as he struggled to get the keys out of his back pocket. Neither of you skipped a beat when throwing yourselves into the front seats, hands reattaching almost immediately.

"Don't try to scream, they'll take you too. Do not look at them." He ordered, both of you jumping at the loud crack of lightening in the sky. However to Stiles, it was the whip of a Ghost Rider.

You shook your head rapidly. "I won't, I won't!" you assured him, heart lurching in your chest as you watched the car keys slip from his shaking grasp.

Tears rolled down your cheeks as Stiles' hurried movements stopped, and instead of starting the ignition and driving out of here, he let his hand fall into his lap. "What are you doing? We need to get out of here!" You yelped, feeling your heart stop all together.

"There's no time." Was all he said.

He turned his body to face yours, using both hands to grab onto yours with need. "Y/N, I'm going to be erased, okay? Just like Alex. You're gonna forget me."

Alex. A name you didn't recognize. You knew it was the effects of the Ghost Riders, and didn't suppress the sob that left your mouth.

"No. No, I won't! I won't. I won't." You promised, your sobs escaping at every chance they could.

The only reason why you were sobbing as bad as you were, was because you were making a promise you couldn't keep. As you stared into the beautiful whiskey eyes of your best friend, as welcoming and calming as they were, they were beginning to look unfamiliar to you.

Stiles shushed your mumbles of promises by placing his larger hands on your face, cupping your cheeks. "You will." He whispered calmly, tears rolling down his own freckled cheeks as he gave you a small smile. "Just try to find some way to remember me, okay?"


Your bottom lip trembled as you desperately grabbed onto his hands, your eyes never moving to look at anything but his own.

"Remember how you were the first person to know my real name?" He chuckled, eyes lighting up slightly at the sight of you giving him a breathless laugh at the hazy memory, soon followed by a sniffle.


"Remember how you always liked to hold my hand in the hallways so you wouldn't get trampled, just like I'll always remember how you smile at me across the hallway from your locker." He spoke, words trembling while using the pads of his thumbs to wipe away to new set of tears.

You wept as you leaned into his slightly familiar hands, fighting with yourself to remember, but cried when you were only given a slight hazy vision.

You were forgetting.

Stiles tore his gaze away from yours quickly, before reconnecting them and sniffling. "Remember how you were the only person I talked to about my mom, Y/N. I trust you with my life." He breathed out, leaning his forehead against yours as his eyes shut.

"And I trust you with mine." You let out weakly, eyes closing as you savored the touch that, for some reason, brought you so much comfort.


He pulled away slowly, peeling his eyes opened and you gasped. You didn't know those eyes, not one bit.

Stiles' heart shattered at the fact, he could see the scared look on your face clearly. Readjusting his grip on your face, he licked his lips nervously before speaking again."Remember... Remember that I've been in love with you since the beginning of our friendship, and that I didn't even realize until middle school." He chuckled humorlessly, swiping at the few stray tears that sprung from your eyes.


You shook your head in his hold, the faint memories of your blossoming friendship since diapers flashing before your eyes. "Stiles." You wailed, sucking your bottom lip into your mouth to silence your cries.

The boy's eyes flickered past you, his heart stopping at the sight of a Ghost Rider just outside your window. He released a steady breath, leaning into your face.

"And remember this."

He whispered, and before you could ask, his lips were planted on yours.

Tears rolled down each of your cheeks, merging together in the places your faces were touching. It was a whole new set of waterworks, because as he kissed you, you could feel the distant wanting of this moment. However, it was crowded by the overwhelming feeling of unfamiliarity.

You pulled away, a ghost of a smile on your lips as you stared into a pair of beautiful whiskey eyes.


The moment didn't last long at all.

Time seemed like it slowed instantly in this moment, but it hadn't at all — in fact, it happened way too quick for you to comprehend.

The door to Stiles' side opened by a large gust of wind, a Ghost Rider, and he was dragged out. You screamed, at an octave that would put a banshee to shame. Reaching out for the boy that was pulled out of the car by the wind, you choked on a sob when he disappeared with a crack of lighting.

Your arms wrapped around yourself as you pushed your body into the jeep at was slowly beginning to fade from your memory, the only word leaving your lips being 'Remember.'

You jumped at the feeling of a hand being placed on your arm, snapping out your daze to meet the concerned looks of Scott, Malia, and Lydia.

"You alright?" Scott asked softly, taking a step closer to get a good look at your face after getting a whiff of your anxious aroma.

As Scott stepped forward, Malia did too, inspecting your face with her naturally gruff expression. "People were looking at you stupid for staring at the lockers across the hall. Who are you looking for?" She asked bluntly, letting out a yelp from the whack on the arm she received from Lydia.

Despite how blunt her words were, you looked at her as tears filled your eyes. Her hard gaze softened almost immediately, feeling guilty as she thought what she said hurt your feelings.

But that wasn't it, not at all. It was the multiple painful headaches you got just from being at school for 10 minutes. It was the longing feeling you had in the pit of your stomach, the anxiousness you felt walking through the hallways because you were supposed to be with someone. You were looking for someone, but —

"I, um.. I can't remember."

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