Tenth Class Oc - Tumblr Posts
So, self insert ocs.

As someone who’s blog revolves around this one, I have some thoughts on the post.
Edith was originally a self insert oc. However, since I wanted the fic I was writing to be a sort of love letter to the community, I decided to expand her personality and try to make it so that she could be projected on by anybody. Or at least, as many people as possible. Speaking a second language, feeling out of place, having anxiety about going places, making impressions, the things in her past and mistakes she’s made, all of these things are a mixture of what I feel and what I’ve heard others feel a lot, and so I added them.
But she is, in fact, her own character and 10th class, whom I love a lot. Whether or not she is so wholly unique that she stands out, I don’t care.
But what I did care about, ironically enough, was making an impression. And that came with the mechanics of her class.
Just because you have a self insert or 10th class OC, you are not obligated in any way to explain what their purpose is, what their reasons are, so long as YOU are happy.
For me, I wanted to come up with a unique 10th class that had her own mechanics, but that’s because I saw untapped potential. If she were to be in the game, it would be near impossible for those mechanics to actually work due to map limitations.
And that’s the thing, because she’s a work of fiction, it doesn’t matter.
That means I can get as creative as I want with her, because she’s not part of the game.
As for shipping, my personal rule is not to ship her with any of the mercs! Not in the main fic, anyway. Might make some spinoffs if I ever finish the main one, but I felt that many had a bias towards certain characters they liked, (which is absolutely fair and I love those kinds of fics either way), and I wanted to keep it so that she could have varying relationships with everyone and not just romance! It’s for personal reasons, not influenced by anybody else.
However, I immensely enjoy seeing people shipping their ocs and self inserts with the team! Why the heck do you think I post x reader headcanons sometimes?
In the end, your characters are not more or less valid, and you don’t love your characters more or less depending on how developed they are.
As long as a character makes you happy, as long as the relationships they share make you happy, as long as you are content, then nobody, and I mean NOBODY can tell you how YOU should write YOUR characters.
You can take overdone concepts and expand upon them in your own way, because your character is unique to YOU.
You can give them modern day clothes and use tropes because your character is unique to YOU.
and YOU,
can do whatever you DAMN want.
You are valid, loved, and your characters, your self inserts, your tenth classes are yours and yours only. I support you all the way!
Do not send hate/harassment towards the author of the post being mentioned here, you goofs.

So I’ve been getting into Team Fortress Two for quite some while, and during that time I created a tenth class OC of my own called The Chaplain!! Real name Maryam Kwashiokor, The Chaplain seems to be the most innocent and lighthearted of the crazed mercenaries as she is titled ‘The Nicest Girl In Teufort’ but behind that Goody-Two-Shoes persona, she is a very stressed and lonely girl, she’s quite the panicking worrywart who always seems to crumble under the slightest bit of pressure, she’s the kind of woman to see someone walk stupidly to a puddle only for her to step in and.. fall herself flat on the puddle to let the person walk all over her, her almost girl-crazy devotion to her faith is the glue that keeps herself together without finally snapping under the pressure of having such a dangerous job as a mercenary, despite her cowardly and frail persona, she can manage to take care of herself in combat and for others in the battlefield, possessing a feisty agility and speed to make her always quick to her feet coupled with her being skilled with all sorts of weaponry and being able to use objects (like a yardstick or sharp pencil) to her use in combat, what’s really surprising is that she’s certified for a real ass goddamn chainsaw, but the only thing that Maryam wants in her batshit insane job and her comedically tragic life is to just go through with it to live another day or maybe get enough days for a vacation.. what a poor unlucky girl..
(Also here is her voice-claim!! I was gonna use Lisa Hannigan but Irada Delsink and Jenny Funnell seem like very good fits for her as well!)

(And also some art I did of her! As well as a kin onion for folks to understand her character a little more.. I’ve been on a chaplain drawing spree so expect more of it to come!)