Self Inserts - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

unpopular opinion: self inserts are really good, WHEN THEY AREN’T CRINGE. mary sue self inserts can get in the BIN, but well thought out, original self inserts can make you feel more connected to the source material and possibility make it more diverse! as someone who writes things as a hobby, let me tell you that making sure everything is quality and well thought out is..hard. so if your first self insert plain old sucks, that’s okay! self inserts aren’t a bad thing, so long as you don’t try and make the whole thing about you! here’s some dos and don’ts!


•Make sure they have a decent place in the story! if it has too many characters or things going on, maybe leave them for a less busy part of the story.

•Give them a reason to be in the world/interact with the main cast. maybe they’re a shopkeeper? a tour guide? a local citizen trying to help? having powers as a reason for them being there CAN get tricky, so only do that if you think it would fit.


•Make them more powerful then the main character. You aren’t trying to overshadow the MC, you just exist in the same world as the MC. Same power level is okay, but if you ARE going to give them something OP (time travel, mind reading, anything game breaking) nerf them HEAVILY. not too heavy it’s useless, but just enough to keep it fair.

•Be basic. You can make them simple, you also don’t want to STUFF them with massive amounts of crazy detail. On the other hand, though…don’t be too boring. don’t make them uninteresting or a wattpad y/n. yuck.

•Ship yourself. This one…might get me some hate. Your self insert CAN have crushes, nothing wrong with that, but…don’t go crazy and make them date a pre-existing character. ESPECIALLY ONE ALREADY IN A RELATIONSHIP.

other than those basic things, do ur best!! self inserts make a community diverse, and create fun stories for everyone!!!

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3 years ago

So, self insert ocs.


As someone who’s blog revolves around this one, I have some thoughts on the post.

Edith was originally a self insert oc. However, since I wanted the fic I was writing to be a sort of love letter to the community, I decided to expand her personality and try to make it so that she could be projected on by anybody. Or at least, as many people as possible. Speaking a second language, feeling out of place, having anxiety about going places, making impressions, the things in her past and mistakes she’s made, all of these things are a mixture of what I feel and what I’ve heard others feel a lot, and so I added them.

But she is, in fact, her own character and 10th class, whom I love a lot. Whether or not she is so wholly unique that she stands out, I don’t care.

But what I did care about, ironically enough, was making an impression. And that came with the mechanics of her class. 

Just because you have a self insert or 10th class OC, you are not obligated in any way to explain what their purpose is, what their reasons are, so long as YOU are happy.

For me, I wanted to come up with a unique 10th class that had her own mechanics, but that’s because I saw untapped potential. If she were to be in the game, it would be near impossible for those mechanics to actually work due to map limitations. 

And that’s the thing, because she’s a work of fiction, it doesn’t matter.

That means I can get as creative as I want with her, because she’s not part of the game. 

As for shipping, my personal rule is not to ship her with any of the mercs! Not in the main fic, anyway. Might make some spinoffs if I ever finish the main one, but I felt that many had a bias towards certain characters they liked, (which is absolutely fair and I love those kinds of fics either way), and I wanted to keep it so that she could have varying relationships with everyone and not just romance! It’s for personal reasons, not influenced by anybody else.

 However, I immensely enjoy seeing people shipping their ocs and self inserts with the team! Why the heck do you think I post x reader headcanons sometimes?

In the end, your characters are not more or less valid, and you don’t love your characters more or less depending on how developed they are.

As long as a character makes you happy, as long as the relationships they share make you happy, as long as you are content, then nobody, and I mean NOBODY can tell you how YOU should write YOUR characters.

You can take overdone concepts and expand upon them in your own way, because your character is unique to YOU.

You can give them modern day clothes and use tropes because your character is unique to YOU.

and YOU,

can do whatever you DAMN want.

You are valid, loved, and your characters, your self inserts, your tenth classes are yours and yours only. I support you all the way!

Do not send hate/harassment towards the author of the post being mentioned here, you goofs. 

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6 years ago

one of the reasons I don’t really ‘get’ people who make fun of kids with silly, super self indulgent OCs/self inserts is because as an adult I still have those. I just don’t share em. But you can bet after seeing a great movie I spend the whole car ride home imagining the WORST possible self insert and enjoying the helllllllll out of it

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6 years ago

“self inserts are pathetic and cringey”

Self Inserts Are Pathetic And Cringey

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5 years ago

You know those posts and memes about how everyone is afraid to indulge in daydreams in public in case someone nearby can red minds? They all have like, 50k+ plus notes so it’s a safe bet everyone around you indulges in random daydreaming and anyone who can read minds has heard it all. Your daydream isn’t going to be the weirdest thing they’ve ever heard thought. You have to relax. If some guy on the train with me can read minds and is freaked out by how well laid-out my ongoing lord of the rings self insert AU is that’s on him. The character development is flawless.

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5 years ago

“Your protagonist is such a self insert—”

Bold of you to assume that every single oc I’ve ever made is not, in fact, a facet of my own identity

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5 years ago

“Your protagonist is such a self insert—”

Bold of you to assume that every single oc I’ve ever made is not, in fact, a facet of my own identity

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6 years ago

You Know What?

When another E3 Trailer for Fire Emblem: Three Houses came out, I was really hyped. Until I learned that Byleth is gonna be an avatar. Annnnnnnd all of my enthusiasm withered away. Godammit. I'm sick of avatars and self-insert characters that play a role in major storylines. They hold no personality for themselves, are always the center of attention, and eventually (bc I know how fandoms work) become dating sims. Granted, I did like Robin in Awakening at first, mostly because I took his default at face value and stuck with it, since I'm not interested in self-insertions. I sure miss the good old days when it wasn't like that in FE Games. Oh well, I'll still play it, just want to get that off my chest. By the way, I'm no elitist, this is my only dislike so don't you dare!

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6 months ago

"Self insert characters are cringe"

Bro I'm trying to survive capitalism with maladaptive daydreaming. Leave me alone.

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1 year ago




started by @pendephoebe OFC!!

Its never too late to do something fun


Its Never Too Late To Do Something Fun

Simple rules — screenshot or save the template and add ur sona with a holiday sweater! Or an outfit or literally anything holiday related! Once i see a completed template ill repost the results here!

You can honestly join as many as you want theres nowhere that says u have to do it once


Can’t wait to see them all!! ❤️❤️❤️

(I apologise the image is not centred 😓😓)

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1 year ago

Tried to send this earlier but my data ran out and it got deleted.

Why is it that I add a self insert to pretend to have control of my characters... of the story I write? I'm contemplating sending my self insert to rose for therapy, but that's weird because it would be liKe trying to be my own moirail?

Then again, Hussie fantasized about his alien housewife leaving him for a cyborg.

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2 years ago
An ArtFight Piece For @tiredlilmiracle !

An ArtFight piece for @tiredlilmiracle !

Man, I loved working with Sweetie's color palette, it's so calming to look at!

I thought that since both our HamSonas like to sing, they would like to sing a duet together!

I really hope you like how this turned out!!

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2 years ago
I Finally Got To Redesigning My Food Fantasy Self Insert, Meatloaf!!
I Finally Got To Redesigning My Food Fantasy Self Insert, Meatloaf!!

I finally got to redesigning my Food Fantasy self insert, Meatloaf!!

(In both her normal and ascended forms)

All info is down below!


Rarity: R

Class: Support

Links w: Beer and Hamburger

Trait: Fun-loving and generous

Likes: Beer, Candy Apple, and Hamburger

Type: Dishes

Origin: Germany/USA

Time: 5th Century/Late 1870s

Height: 154cm/5 foot 1

Fav Food: Roast Beef

Preferred Fallen Angels: Bulimia and Hamstero


When Meatloaf was first summoned, her Master Attendant was a meat vendor that resided in a small cabin in Sakurajima, where they both lived together

But, as more time and years had passed, the more depressed and depleted the MA seemed to have become due to lack of business and many life events

Even as Meatloaf had took on the meat stall her MA owned and acted as a maid, cook, emotional rock, and a companion to them, nothing she did could ever make her MA feel any better

One day, Meatloaf had woke early in the morning, only to find that her MA was gone with no note of where they went left behind and never even saying goodbye

Meatloaf waited for a long while for them to return, but they never did

After months of this, she packed up and went off to find out what happened to her MA, though to this day she has not found them

After a few years of wandering and searching, while looking around The Catacombs in the Nevera area for her MA, she had encountered The Specter Family and was taken in by them as one of their own

Meatloaf now sees them as her family and now along with trying to find her MA, she is now also on a mission to stomp out the stigma that Tierra has against The Specter Family

She currently works in Desire Tavern as a barmaid to help make ends meet

Meatloaf is the most competent member of The Specter Family when it comes to maid work and taking care of The Young Master

She is also very close and romantically involved with both Beer and Candy Apple

Meatloaf met Candy Apple after seeking out the Sunset Detective Agency for help looking for her MA and Meatloaf met Beer when she sought out the help of the Holy See with her mission for the Specter Family

I really do hope you guys enjoy her more this time around! Enjoy!!


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2 years ago
Made Myself A Winnie The Pooh Self Insert To Ship With Tigger For The Hell Of It Lololol!!

Made myself a Winnie the Pooh self insert to ship with Tigger for the hell of it lololol!!

Her name is Petunia and she hosts the best picnics in all the Hundred Acre Wood and makes really good honey tea sandwiches!

Also, whenever Tigger is bouncing and Petunia is spinning at the same place and time it turns into a big song-and-dance number much like the one from the Tigger Movie

I hope you guys enjoy her!!


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11 months ago

Any oc? Even ones with their own fandom?

Any Oc? Even Ones With Their Own Fandom?
Idk How To Like Word This, But I Rlly Want To Draw Fanart For Other Ppls Ocs, So I Was Thinking Maybe

Idk how to like word this, but I rlly want to draw fanart for other ppls ocs, so I was thinking maybe yall could send me ur oc's? (Not forcing!! Also, u can just repost w/ur ocs or just tag me or send through the ask box) they could be for a piece of media or ur self inserts!

Idk How To Like Word This, But I Rlly Want To Draw Fanart For Other Ppls Ocs, So I Was Thinking Maybe
Idk How To Like Word This, But I Rlly Want To Draw Fanart For Other Ppls Ocs, So I Was Thinking Maybe

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2 years ago

Okay you know how there are a lot of fanfics that deal with characters who read/watched a series getting put in it and having to figure out how not to irreparably mess up the plot? And they’re great, but consider these scenarios too:

A: The character hasn’t ever heard of it before;

It allows for nice interaction between characters that is still from a different perspective (often able to shed light on something being unethical/unjust without the “i know your full backstory” or bias towards characters)

B: The character only has messed up details cause it was ten-fifteen years ago that they read it, and it wasn’t even that great anyway

It allows for a lot of shenanigans (i know this is important but how/oh yeah that happens/so thats why this character was important/why did i like this character again) as well as confused but got the spirit. Furthermore, they know just enough to be kinda sus but can get away with it. (Like idk, remembering that that person’s favorite color is magenta because they personally hate it, or that they are allergic to kiwi, but not that the character’s brother is the one who betrays them and the wife has the clues)

And C: They have spent so much time reading fanfiction that they have forgotten how canon actually goes and so don’t know any plot points, just how the characters will act/respond really well.

(And then characters can in turn be suspicious, impressed or confused, because they can read all of their favorite cast really well, but are terrible at everyone else).

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5 months ago

Welcome to my blog :)

Get to know me Name: Valentina Nicknames: Val or Tina Age:17 Interests: Encanto, Spiderman and Criminal minds and ofc sims 4. Joined this app just to read one shots, and now i'm addicted. I DO NOT IN ANY SHAPE OR FORM SUPPORT INCEST. anyone who does can get away from my page. i like art, i don't really do it often due to my Arthritis. I love to write, when my hermanita hasn't stolen my laptop to play the sims. i am a triplet, living with a house of multi birthed siblings. The youngest set of triplets. born to Spanish Colombian and Mexican parents. All females. Poor papi is the only male. Asks: I do asks, only for Encanto and spider man. Old blog accidentally got deleted in a rage. My AO3 is: ValentinaPerez ValentinaPerez | Archive of Our Own

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6 years ago

Liam Dunbar x Vampire

Could you dating Liam Dunbar and being a vampire would include??xx

I just found this on my laptop from idk when?? Here it is I guess?


Him nervously admitting that he’s a werewolf to you

“I know”

Making a joke when you're introduced to the pack

Whispering terrible puns from across the room to distract him

Calling each other by your surnames

Star Wars references with Stiles

Helping him practise lacrosse

Running races

Keeping a tally of the winner each time

“Suck it, Dunbar” when you win

Seeing who can sneak up on each other best

Texting until 2am

Being his anchor

Him asking for help in history class

Group gaming with you two and Mason

Watching Twilight for the sole purpose of arguing about which species is represented worse

Ruffling his hair before walking to class

Him escorting you to class from your locker

Stealing his food

“Do you really drink blood or..?” “Does silver really kill you?” “So is that a no?”

Forehead kisses

First kiss after helping him through a full moon for the first time

Hugs from behind

Always having some form of physical contact

Being goals tbh

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