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What if we were sent here for a reason?
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Teresa Deserves Better
I’ve watched “The Maze Runner” series recently. I found that most of the people don’t talk about Teresa much. More sadly, people hate her for what she had done. With due respect I would like to put my opinion about her.
I think she is really brave. Like she said, she did what she thought was right. According to her, the world needs to be saved. She can’t let people die the way her mother had. In doing so she had to sacrifice some people for the betterment of the other (I’m not saying that was fair, what I’m saying is that she had her point)
It hurts thinking that there are a lot of people out there who tries to convince others about their favourite villian’s action in a sympathetic way. For example, Loki from MCU, Draco Malfoy from the Harry Potter series, the Joker from DC etc. They are not saints. They did mistakes too. But people seems to consider their side of the story. But why don’t they think the matter from Teresa’s side too?
From her point of view, whatever she was doing it was for something good. She even sacrificed herself to save Thomas thinking that he was the only way people could be saved.
This speaks for our society, how we can easily fall in love with a male villian and try to excuse their actions, but doesn’t do the same to the female.
I don’t care if people hate me too. I said what I said.

Too Scared to Sleep
Too Scared to Sleep (Thomas x Minho)
Word Count: 1178 words
Warnings: SPOILERS, GORE, BLOOD!! hallucinations, kissing, cuddling
Summary: Since they reached the safe haven without Chuck, Teresa and Newt, Minho and Thomas haven’t been able to sleep.
(Alright, clearing up some stuff, I know nobody asked for this, but I read a request from @minewtiscute wrong, my brain thinking I remembered it was Minho x Thomas when it was Minho x Newt. I spent 5 hours on this, and only just realised. so after clearing up the fact I can’t read, please enjoy a fanfic that nobody asked for. I’m sorry to @minewtiscute and I will be doing your request next!)
(Also if nobody enjoys this, I’ll replace it with the new one!)
Thomas’ eyes snap open and he jerks into sitting position. the sky outside the window is dark, and the boy is in no way surprised.
it wasn’t like it was unusual for him to wake several times in the night.
yes, they might have made it to the safe haven, but no matter how safe they were it wouldn’t stop the nightmares.
it wouldn’t stop cranks looming from the shadows, inhuman screams issuing from the air itself, or ghostly, hollow eyed versions of his dead friends, shouting accusations at him for their deaths.
Teresa, with crushed limbs, torn, bloodied clothes and the grey powder of rock tinging her black hair. Chuck, with wide gaping eyes and mouth, a patch of scarlet on his chest, spilling all over his shirt. Newt, with black veins climbing his body, large oversized pupils, and a bloody mass staining the side of his head and splattering his hair. all blaming him for their passing.
and to tell the truth, he believed them. no matter what Minho and the others said, he can’t help thinking, if he had pushed Chuck out of the way, if he had noticed the rubble so Teresa wouldn’t have had to save him, if he hadn’t pulled the trigger that ended Newt’s life.
whenever he confided this to Minho he would tell him he couldn’t possibly have known that the bullet or rubble were coming, that if he hadn’t killed his friend, then the boy would have found a way to do it himself.
Thomas looks over to Minho now. he lays curled in the bed they shared, a slight crease on his forehead, and frown on his face. no doubt he was reliving horrifying scenes as well.
his eyes are squeezed shut and he keeps tossing and turning, groaning quietly and drawing his knees closer to his chin.
Thomas shifts closer to the boy and gently touches his shoulder, shaking him from whatever foul visions he was experiencing.
his dark eyes open, at first looking confused and slightly scared.
“Thomas,” he pushes himself into a sitting position, “are you alright?”
“I don’t think either of us are alright, especially not you. you looked like you were being tortured in your sleep.”
“Speak for yourself. have you gotten any sleep at all tonight?”
it was true, Thomas had slept that night, maybe an hour or so, which was significantly good for him, yet that did not make him feel any less drained.
the nightmares wouldn’t let any of you sleep. the screams, the visions. it was one of the reasons that the two boys had decided to share a bed.
they were still terrible yes, but much easier to manage when there was someone else with them. knowing they’re not alone.
the two sit in silence, both thinking. both too scared to sleep.
fingers intertwine themselves with Thomas’ and he looks down to see Minho, not looking at him, gripping his hand. the boy squeezes and Thomas’ squeezes back.
still not saying anything to each other, they shift closer together, shoulders brushing, leaning on the bedframe. Thomas leans his head on the other’s shoulder, his dark hair tickling Minho’s neck.
Minho rests his own head on the boy’s head, closing his eyes and wrapping an arm around him.
he lets out a low sigh that rustles Thomas’ hair and closes his eyes. the other boy looks into the darkness, the looming, horrifying face still burned there, yet they did not advance. they crouched, wreathed by shadow, growling and hissing darkly.
yet even those started to fade as Minho presses a gentle kiss to his head and strokes his hand softly with his thumb.
Thomas closed his eyes, feeling sleep tugging at his mind. he does not resist, but instead lets it pull him under.
his dreams are filled with his lost friends, but they are not hollow eyed, or grotesquely disfigured.
no, he was in a lush field with forests around it, a blue sky above him. flowers dotted the long grass and birds chirped from the leaves of the trees.
his three friends sit together, beckoning and smiling at him. he joins them and sits in the sun. they talk to him and he talks back, telling them about the safe haven. about how Frypan insisted feeding them all huge plates of food for every meal. how Minho and Brenda could always be found, challenging each other to arm wrestles. how everyone missed them.
by the time he reaches this topic, Thomas cannot stop himself from saying the thing he had wanted to say since they had died.
“Listen, I’m sorry you died, it’s my fault, I know.” he looks at his hands, twisted in his lap.
a hand rests on his shoulder and he looks into the dark eyes and freckled face of Newt. “Hey.” he gives him a small smile, “it’s not your fault, you did what you could.”
“I failed you guys.”
Chuck’s slightly pudgy hand pats the brunet’s cold, intertwined ones, “you didn’t fail us, you were the reason we got this far.”
“Chuck’s right.” Teresa’s blue eyes meet his, “if it weren’t for you, we would probably all still be stuck in that shucked maze.”
“At least we would have been safe.”
“Safe,” Newt laughs softly, “safe isn’t the way to live a life. danger is what makes life interesting, it’s what makes life worth living. if you were safe all the time, what kind of life would that be.”
“a pretty boring one.” Thomas gives one of the first smiles he had in a while.
“Exactly.” Teresa pats his arm, “don’t beat yourself up Tom.”
“Yeah, we’re alright, at least we’re not alone, right?”
Thomas looks at all of their smiling faces and feels his heart lift a little. then they all suddenly look at the sky, as though a sound had issued from it. they look back at him, small smiles on their faces.
“I think it’s time for you to go Tommy.” Newt tells him softly.
the four of them stand, a cool breeze rustling their hair and hitting their faces. Chuck moves forwards and he hugs first him, then Teresa and then finally Newt.
he faces the three of them and opens his mouth to ask.
“We’ve already talked to Minho.” Teresa says as though she knew what he were about to say.
Thomas nods,
“Goodbye, Chuck, Teresa, Newt.”
“Goodbye,” the three of their words mingle together,
he raises a hand in farewell and the last thing he sees before being pulled back to reality, his three friends, all smiling and waving at him, hair rustling in the breeze and faces illuminated in golden light.
Thomas opens his eyes, feeling something brushing his hair rhythmically. he looks up to see Minho, smiling softly down at him and stroking his hair.
the boy snuggles further into his arms, closing his eyes against the dawn light filtering into the room. he lets out a happy sigh, feeling calm and content for the first time since, well, forever.

home. thomas x reader
summary 📣: in which reader and thomas share a close moment wondering if they’re finally home
warning/s 🚫: naked fluff, swearing
slater’s note 🗯: thomas has blue eyes in this okay?

it was peaceful.
the high pressured water knocked down all the pain away, all the soreness from running and rushing away from all the past problems that happened in the last few day. it all went down the drain.
the heat made your skin go numb in the most sensational way, the best feeling that had ever touched your skin in the longest time. you wanted to stay in there forever, but something was drawing you away into your new profound home.
you turned off the faucet, running your hands through your wet hair before stepping out of the shower, the cold air immediately nipped all over at your skin, surrounding you in coldness. it made you shiver while wrapping the white towel hung next to your stall around your body.
the room seemed to be completely empty, taking you by surprise since just like you, no one had had a proper shower in years. you shifted back and forth on your feet, the cold, wet tiles pressing hard against the bareness while you thought, soon noticing you weren’t the only one that still occupied the the shower room.
the water echoed loudly throughout the hollow, tiled filled room. it sounded lightly of a rainstorm, reminding you of afternoons in the glade when heavy water droplets fell from the previously clear blue sky, roughly crashing into the ground and tearing up the grass.
it didn’t feel real. none of it. hours ago you could've sworn there no other world out there than besides the glade, and no other people than besides the hundreds of boys that came in and out of the glade, death stealing them from their feet.
until thomas. with his crazy ambition and pretty blue eyes that drove you wild and out of your mind. the things he did within a couple of days you couldn’t ever do in a couple of years. he saved you, every one of you.
“hey, pretty boy,” you peaked your head through the thin manila material that shaded everyones eyes away from the person in the shower stall, that being pretty crystal blue eyed thomas.
how'd you guess?
he turned around, slightly shocked before realizing it was you, his facial features softening but yet slightly surprised still.
“nice ass.”
“shut up.”
you smiled up at him, admiring the way his eyes were shining back at yours, full of feverishness, high of energy. the rest of him looked worn out, your eyes dragging away his own, studying his low held shoulders, bruised, but clean.
“you gonna join me or not?”
you dropped your towel, your smile expanding at his words. you had never been with him personally, not this personally anyways. he was always a rock for you the moment he came from the box, finding a strange sense of comfort in him, as did he with you.
the moment you met thomas, you immediately saw something you never saw in other boys that came to the maze.
he had a court of hope that filled his eyes. it looked like he never slept, and for that, it also looked like his mind never stopped racing, never stopped thinking. he was special, he didn’t give up, he wasn’t okay with the fact that he was trapped unlike the other half of the boys who were rather comfortable with it.
he was a prodigy of hope.
“you talk to all girls that way, thomas?” “never met one until now.”
he held you close, his fingers pressing deeply into your hipbones as his eyes filled your own, full of admiration, consuming every feature of yours. he had an amused look on his face as he begun to pull you closer and closer, soon pulling you beneath the hot water.
his amused smiled expanded into a playful one as the two of your were now completely emerged in the warmth of thick droplets of steaming hot water.
your chest was soon pressed against his before the eagerness got the better of the both of you. his head dipped down close to you until the both of your mouths were pressed against one another’s.
a tension of pleasure begun to build up in your stomach as he worked his lips against yours, sucking before your head dropped backwards letting a low exhale of pleasure escape past your lips.
the slightest opening of your mouth made him take his chances, slipping his tongue against yours.
“you sure kiss like you have,” you pulled away, a smiled swarming your face as you watch him roll his eyes before cupping your cheek, kissing you one last time on your lips before pulling you into an embrace.
you had never felt that way before. a strange sense of comfort filled your stomach like a glass of juice. it added onto the warm ness of the shower as your cheek was pressed against thomas’ bare chest while his chin was pressed in the crook of your neck.
he pressed soft, wet kisses against your shoulder making your stomach go warm in happiness, a different happiness you had never felt before. you had never felt such a fast yet long euphoria made from such a closeness you had with nobody before.
you pressed a soft kiss against his chest before pulling away slightly, looking up to the boy with full admiration, “you think we’ll stay like this forever?”
“what, in the shower..?”
“no,” you lightly laughed breathily, “happy, safe... home.”
he pressed his lips together in a thin line, his eyes reaching the far top of the ceiling, thinking and thinking before looking down again, meeting your eager and rare innocent looking eyes.
“we’re close, baby, real close.”
you melt. your hand reaches up to touch his face lightly, thumb caressing the light cut along his cheekbone. he closes his eyes lightly underneath your soft touch, soaking up how gentle you were.
“you’re home to me, thomas,” you whispered, continuing to stroke his cheek before you paused, rubbing your lips together before jumping up on your tippy toes, kissing his pretty lips.
maybe it was too fast, too random, too out of pocket... but you felt as if you needed to say it. you wanted him to hear it no matter how short of a time you knew him.
“i’ve never felt this way about anyone, no one has ever made me feel this safe,” your hand tracked to the back of his neck, running your fingers through the back of hair, “you feel like home.”
It's usually impulsive omgg and its more coherent than fics that I actually planned :')
Lmao it just happened with the dom thing I swear >.<
Blueberry | JJK

Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Summary: Your boyfriend’s sudden change of hair colour well.. certainly surprised you in one way or another.
Genre: established relationship, idol au, fluff and I’ll let you guess the rest lol ;)
Word Count : 1k+ | drabble | Mature themes so NC-17 | warnings: swearing, tension? (duh y’all know me 🥴)
A/N : The result of me and @sugasbabiie’s sudden feral mode after he posted last night. I’ve never written something like this (& I’m supposed to be editing), but see what JK does to me? Also ‘tis a little apology for people who waited last time (and are still waiting) 🥺
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OKAY im SOLD, this fic made me less bitter 🤣. Brb gotta watch the movie after 😌. Teresa’s amazing writing wooing me again 🥺. This lowkey hits home omf i might actually start writing fics with happy endings now XD. I WANT A MAN LIKE THIS JIMIN PLS 😭✋
running through the night; pjm

➳ pairing: ballet instructor!jimin x art teacher!reader
➳ genre: fake dating AU, fwb AU, smut, fluff, angst
➳ wc: 15.3k
➳ synopsis: you were never meant to stumble into bed with your best friend, kim taehyung, nor were you supposed to fall in love with him. perhaps promises were made to be broken because he, too, swore that he’d be gentle with your heart. now, with the other half of the bed cold and empty, you enlist an old flame by the name of park jimin to keep you cozy throughout the festive season. after all, nothing burns brighter than jealousy.
➳ warnings: explicit language, pining, strained parent relationships, alcohol consumption, fingering, breast play, choking, mirror sex, praise kink, penetration, heavy petting
➳ a/n: this is my contribution to the christmas in july collab - a hoeliday well spent hosted by @kookdiaries (thank you soo much for the banner, val), @xiaokoo, and @kithtaehyung !! this fic is based on the hallmark film the mistletoe promise (2016). my apologies, i know i’m late :( thank you for your patience !! enjoyy !

All your life, you have found that there is beauty in chaos. It has its way of following you around, constantly looming over your shoulder ー dark and overcast, but bittersweet. Inevitably so, it’s the crushing weight of all the terrible decisions you love to make.
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Cute black and sexy 🩷♥️♥️🩵💦💦💦🍆🍆🍆🍆
oh i love teresa
Leave it to a character going against all of their loved ones for a cause they genuinely believe in and think is the right thing to do, not seeing any other way to accomplish their goals, only to sacrifice themselves before things got better to make me inconsolable for weeks on end.

Logo and Part 1 of Main Children Character Designs for another AU FNaF Series that I plan to make in the future: Little Souls.

Main Cast of Girls for my AU FNaF Series: Little Souls

TSOG&C and Little Soul Ships - (Valentine's Day 2023 Special) - [Characters created and owned by: Scott Cawthon, Bonfim_BR, and Me.]