Tetsu Love Of My Life - Tumblr Posts
We talk a lot about kuroo towering over you but we don't talk nearly enough about kuroo being flustered by a girl, shorter than him, very passionately arguing with him as she backs him up against a wall
Bestie I’m begging on my hands and knees… please a crumb of kuroo and his twin baby girls 😭😭😭😭. You had me at “and were all gonna marry uncle kei” 😂🙋🏻♀️😂😂
Grocery store trips try so hard to be easy, but they tend to never be.
Between two twins in cart, your eldest 34 year old child riling up at every turn, you never seem to find the ability to have a normal trip to the market.
Today, however, there’s no big explosions of laughter, no fighting between the sisters, no crashes behind you as he pushes the cart, and it’s just. Nice, to have a normal day for once.
But then the car ride starts. And it all comes crashing down, your jaw slacking once you hear it.
“What do you want for lunch, girlies?”
“Whatever you want, Tetsu!” Comes Hanako’s response.
A massive foot slams hard on the brakes, making the car lurch forward and a gasp to come flying out of you. There’s a scream followed by a string of giggles from your conspiring twins.
Tetsuro pulls over. Then, he puts his hazards on, unbuckles, and turns in his seat to face them both. “What did you call me?”
“Tetsu!” Hanako chirps, and Hanae squeals next to her sister.
Tetsuro takes a deep breath in to calm himself down, only pausing to glare at you as he finally hears you stifling laughter. He scrubs a massive hand down his face, “Kuroo Hanako and Kuroo Hanae. That is not my name.”
“Yuh-huh!” Hanae argues. “It what momma and Uncle Kou call you.”
“When was the last time we saw Uncle Kou, and- you know what, not important.” Next to him, you finally let out an official burst of laughter, leaving Tetsuro to fight for himself. “I’m daddy, to you both. You’re aware of that, yes?”
“No!” They chirp in unison.
Tetsuro feels the vein in his head throb, you next to him being absolutely no help. “Girls, enough. I’m daddy. You don’t call me Tetsu.”
“What about tetsuro?” Hanae asks, and Hanako squeals in amusement next to her.
“Hanae, thin ice,” he says, and finally, you step in to help him.
“Girls,” you sigh in amusement. “Daddy doesn’t like it when you call him that. We know to respect daddy and his preferred name, don’t we?”
“Yes mumma!” The twins chirp in unison.
“Good; now what do you say when you accidentally use someone’s wrong name?”
“We’re sorry, daddy!” Hanae says quickly.
“Yeah,” Hanako continued. “We was just playing!”
Tetsuro takes an inhale through his nose and nods in agreement, “apology accepted, lovey girls,” he says, standing up to slip back into the drivers seat.
The ride starts back up in comfortable silence, engine roaring back to life as he continues to drive.
“But you know that I am going to get you both later, yes?” He threatens.
In the backseat, your two girls gasp and scream in anticipation, calling half hearted apologies to their dad up in the front. You snicker and move one of your hands to rest on his thigh lovingly, and he laces it with one of his own from the wheel.
A misunderstanding makes you feel insecure.
Haikyu x Reader w/c: 1.4k // 1.1k warnings: just a lil angst, but fluffy endings. a/n: back on my haikyu bullshit bc life is tough rn and i needed something pure and wholesome. post!timeskip, hurt/comfort, gender neutral reader characters: Tsukishima Kei // Kuroo Tetsuro
Tsukishima Kei

When Tsukishima first met you in university, he had taken notice of you, though you didn’t really start talking until you were paired for a research assignment. While he was just a tad nervous when you invited him to your apartment to work on it, he didn’t mind as you lived nearby.
An observant person, Tsukishima soon took note of your little quirks, many of which he silently regards as endearing. Your eyes would widen, sparkling with interest as you stumbled upon new articles and discoveries during your research. You always brewed a fresh pot of tea and grabbed something extra at the bakery when you knew he was coming over.
When he told you he plays volleyball for the Sendai Frogs, he was taken aback by how interested you seemed. He informed you about his position and that he started playing because of his older brother. Pink dusted his cheeks when you asked if you could attend his next match, which he agreed to. During the match, a few of his teammates gave him nudges and sly smirks. "You just seem really into the game today, Tsukishima-kun."
Your friendship persisted even after your project had been turned in, and while Tsukki was surprised, he also found that he was relieved. He enjoyed your company, after all. The thought of parting ways with you made his heart skip a beat like some lovesick teenager.
Toward the end of the semester, you're approaching the lecture hall you share with Tsukishima when you spot him talking to one of your classmates, a girl. The sight makes your stomach flip and you freeze, watching their interaction from afar.
"I just wanted to give you this, Tsukishima-kun," she begins nervously, handing him a box of sweets wrapped in pink paper.
"Oh, thanks." His tone is unexpressive as ever.
"You play volleyball, right? Maybe I could come to watch you sometime!"
She's barely finished speaking before he responds, "sorry, but I don't really like having people come to my games. You know, focus and all..."
He trails off and she tries her best to recover. "O-Okay! No problem! I'll see you around."
She scurries away and you can just barely hear him grumble something about annoying admirers and wanting to be left alone. You realize you stopped breathing at some point and all you can think while you harshly exhale is 'oh, god.'
Over the past few months, you had certainly developed a crush on Tsukishima. You feel awful about having gone to quite a few of his games when, evidently, he must have found it irritating. You're staring into nothing with wide eyes when you hear your name being called.
Your head snaps in the direction it came from and your gaze meets Tsukishima's as he approaches you. He greets you as he usually does and you stutter out a reply. Walking into the classroom together, he's squinting at you out of the corner of his eye. It's clear to him that something is up.
"You okay?" he asks as you both slide into your usual seat beside one another.
"Of course!"
That's how the next few days pass--- he knows something is wrong and you pretend that everything is fine. You're quieter than usual and you haven't invited him to hang out at all. Since you're typically the one to take initiative, Tsukishima is left feeling a little lost.
When you don't come to his next game, he finally decides he's going to have to figure out how to resolve whatever is going on. It's already dark outside by the time the team finishes, but he still heads in the direction of your apartment.
With each step, he wracks his mind trying to figure out what the hell he's even going to even say. Did he do something wrong? Have you grown tired of him and his cynicism?
Standing in front of your apartment door, it occurs to him that you might not even be home. He knocks apprehensively and the door swings open a few moments later.
"Tsukki!" you squeak out.
You're in your pajamas, a sight he's never seen before, and it makes his mind go blank. He tries desperately to keep his eyes from trailing down to your thin top and flannel shorts.
"Can I come in?" he finally asks.
"S-sure!" you step aside. "I'll go get some tea started."
He can't help but smile as you hurry off, thinking you might be the cutest person he's ever met. Instead of making his way to the couch, he leans against the doorframe to the kitchen. "Do you need a hand?"
"That's alright, it'll just be a few minutes," you say, reaching up to a high shelf for a tin of tea leaves.
He's behind you in an instant, his body pressed to your back as he grabs the one he knows is your favorite. "This one, right?"
"Yeah, thanks!"
Shocked your voice doesn't betray you, your heart is now hammering in your chest with impossible force. He's still close behind you as he sets it down on the counter. Scratching the back of his neck nervously, he takes a step back.
Once you finish filling the kettle, he speaks up. "Is it okay if I ask you something?"
Setting it down on the stove and turning on the burner, you turn to give him your full attention. "Always."
The way you look up at him expectantly makes him swallow and clear his throat. "I was wondering if everything is okay?"
"What do you mean, Tsukki?"
"Um, you just haven't seemed like yourself the past few days."
He hopes his vague answer is enough, but you tilt your head to the side. "How so?"
If he didn't know any better, he'd think you were trying to torture him.
"Well, you've been less talkative," he nearly winces at how pitiful he sounds. "And then when you didn't come to my game tonight..."
He can't think of what else to say, cursing the way his cheeks heat up. You hardly notice though, too caught up in your own embarrassment and avoiding his eye.
"Oh, that!" you laugh nervously. "You see, I may have... overheard you talking to our one classmates the other day..."
The look on his face tells you he has no idea what you're referring to.
"She gave you a gift a-and asked to come to see you play, but you told her you didn't like when people came to your games." You're talking very quickly by this point. "I-I didn't want to annoy you-"
Tsukishima's eyes nearly pop out of his head in disbelief and he starts to laugh at the situation, but you think he's laughing at you. At first, he fails to notice that tears have begun to slip down your cheeks.
"I'm sorry Tsukki," you apologize, lip quivering.
That gets his attention right away, a look of horror taking over his features.
"No, no, no! I wasn't- I didn't mean to laugh!" His words are jumbled and he tries his best to slow them. "It's just that you're not people, you're... you."
"Oh," you say while wiping at your eyes, not quite yet processing the meaning behind his words.
You still seem so sad and it tugs at Tsukishima's chest, making him panic.
"I like you!" he blurts out and your watery eyes dart up toward his face. "I'm sorry, I thought I was more obvious about it than I was. I-I missed seeing you in the stands tonight and talking to you in class and coming over afterward and-"
He keeps rambling on and you think it might be the longest you'd ever heard the usually very matter-of-fact man speak for. He only stops when you start to giggle, your hand covering your mouth in an attempt to hide it.
The kettle suddenly whistles, breaking any sort of tension that might have lingered between the two of you. You swiftly remove it from the heat before turning back to him.
"I like you, too, Tsukki."
He breathes a sigh of relief, eyes flicking between each of your own. His honesty just moments ago has him surprised and while he'd usually be uncomfortable in a situation like this, oddly enough, he's not.
There's a ghost of a smile adorning his face and he spends a second just looking at you. 'You're... you,' he considers his words from earlier and knows that this is what he meant. You're different from most people. You make him feel at ease.
"You should call me Kei," he states simply, before moving to prepare the tea just the way he knows you like it.
Kuroo Tetsuro

One afternoon, Kuroo stopped by the coffee shop across from his office building downtown. Pulling the door open, he caught the reflection of a person around his age in the glass. As he moved so that he could hold it open for you, you thanked him with a small smile.
You caught his attention, dressed for some seemingly important job, your hair just a touch messy, but in a way that looked good. While you waited in line, he asked you about your day and his charming small talk left you a blushing mess.
You were in front of him in line, but once you finished telling the barista what you wanted, he stepped up to add his own drink to the order. "On me, of course."
Two years later, you're living together in a cozy apartment and you couldn't be happier. Kuroo is everything you could ever ask for--- charismatic, reliable, thoughtful. It was even his idea that the two of you go out for dinner after work every Thursday.
So when that day of the week finally rolls around, you finish your tasks for the day and head over to his nearby office to meet up. You get off the elevator on his floor and make your way down the hallway, noticing his door is open a few inches. You stop once you hear voices inside.
“Isn’t it hard having a partner, though? I mean, always having someone around, not being able to relax and do your own thing.”
The voice is unfamiliar and your head tilts to the side as you listen.
Your boyfriend chuckles, hand reaching to scratch the back of his neck. “I suppose they can be a lot sometimes.”
Inwardly, Kuroo reflects on your late-night bouts of energy when he’s half asleep, your ramblings about the newest show you’ve been watching (he truly does try his hardest to keep up), your habit of constantly asking him for reassurance even though you’re so far out of his league it’s unreal.
You can’t see the fond smile that bashfully plays on his lips or hear the thoughts running through his mind. Left with just his words alone, you deflate as you’re overcome by embarrassment. 'Well, he's not wrong,' you think.
“Then what’s the point?” the other person wonders.
You can’t bear to hear Kuroo's answer, so you move away from the door and attempt to swallow the lump in your throat. The fact that you’re about to burst into tears at his work, of all places, is probably why he thinks the way he does. A humorless laugh passes your lips as you berate yourself. You dip into the bathroom and force yourself to take a few deep breaths before anyone can see you.
If only you had waited a few moments longer, you would have heard Kuroo's response. "I figured out pretty quickly they could be a handful sometimes, but it's part of what made me love them, you know?"
"No, gross. Don't go all sappy on me, senpai," the young intern rolls his eyes.
It just makes Kuroo laugh, "you asked! Now get out of my office and go tell them you'd love to get dinner with them tonight."
The intern grumbles as he leaves, but Kuroo doesn't miss the grin tugging at his lips. "After you finish your work for the day, of course," the older man hollers from his seat.
Finally having composed yourself, you exit the bathroom, passing the intern and greeting him politely.
You knock once you reach the door to Kuroo's office and his eyes light up, "hey, sweetheart!"
His tie has already been loosened for the evening and his hair is a bit disheveled.
"Hey, Tetsu," you say sheepishly. Even now, he still makes your stomach flutter.
"I just need a few minutes to finish this up," he informs.
"Sure, take your time!"
You try your best to make your voice sound bright and move to take a seat on the couch that's tucked against the wall. Kuroo returns his attention to the computer, but he quickly realizes you're quiet. Weirdly quiet. He peeks over at you and you're just sitting there on your phone with a blank expression.
The soft clicking of his keyboard stops. He says your name and you hum in acknowledgment. "What's on your mind?"
You glance over to find that he's looking at you, his body leaning over his desk in your direction. The expression he wears is a gentle one. His obvious concern and the fact he's already picked up on your vexation are enough to arouse the emotions you'd hopelessly tried to bury earlier. In an attempt to hide your tears, you avert your eyes. The action immediately has Kuroo rising from his seat.
"Hey, hey, hey," he frets, sitting beside you and putting a hand on your knee. "Look at me, what happened?"
The sight of you like this makes his heart squeeze tightly in his chest and when you finally turn to him, his eyes are burning with worry.
"It's nothing, it's dumb," you dismiss, waving your hand.
"Sweetheart, don't say that. Something's got you all worked up." He brushes your hair behind your ear. "Talk to me."
"I-I'm sorry" you choke out.
"There's no reason to be-"
"I know I can be a lot sometimes," you add, wiping at your nose with your sleeve.
Realization and guilt descend upon him in tandem. "You heard-"
"Only some of it!" you clarify before he finishes, "I-I didn't mean to listen in on you, I just-"
He boops your nose, making your words stop in your throat. "You just didn't stay and listen to the part where I told him you it's what makes me love you so much."
He's got a little grin on his face, refraining (with some difficulty) from calling you a dork.
"You said that?"
He hums, "of course I did."
A moment passes and he can sense you're still feeling unsure of yourself, so he continues. "I can be passive and a bit... emotionally closed off at times. It makes me admire how expressive you are and how strongly you react to things, both good and bad."
Touched by his words, you feel all your anxiety ebb away, replaced by a warm feeling in the center of your chest. "Then you'll be happy to know that is perhaps the sweetest thing anyone has ever said and it makes my heart want to explode."
"Ah, see! There it is!" he beams and stands up, offering you his hand.
Once you rise to your feet, he places a kiss firmly on your temple.
"Alright, the rest of this can wait," he decides as he grabs his bag, turns off his computer, and slips his fingers through your own. "I'm all yours."
picture dad!kuroo who wakes up early in the morning bc he needs to be in the office very early; his toddler is so attached to him that they'll wake up the same time as him, and even though you try to gently tell your toddler that daddy is busy getting ready for work, they're adamant that they must follow kuroo everywhere around the house and do everything he does. kuroo adjusts accordingly and learns how to do everything one-handed because more often than not, your toddler demands to be picked up by him, so you'll walk into the kitchen, greeted by the sight of kuroo in his suit and tie, balancing his work phone against his ear, pouring his coffee into a mug with one hand, his other arm carrying&supporting your baby, and all the managers on the other line can hear the distinct babbling of a happy toddler and kuroo mumbling a "good morning, honey" to you.
Can i request oikawa, kuroo, semi and suna when their s/o thinks that they have a crush on another girl?
Hi there! Of course you can rq that my dear, I only made 3 of them due to length I hope that's OK with you (o´▽`o)
Pairings: Separate Oikawa, Kuroo & Semi x Fem! Reader
Genre: Angsty to fluff, hurt/comfort
Warnings & content: Grammar - high school and time skip scenario - pet names - slightly slightly suggestive on Kuroo's is barely there - implied short & with a diff aesthetic reader in Semi's - use of Japanese honorifics - Misunderstandings (2) hints of emotional cheating (1)

Oikawa Toruu x Reader (High-school setting)
When you agreed to date Oikawa you knew the little surprises you would encounter, that of course being his fans
There was literally no place where you wouldn't find them, they came from different schools, another cities, heck even older girls who waited for his discharge of high school like eagles
Were you worried? Not really, Oikawa was actually a really good boyfriend, he started to stop his usual idol persona when he was out with you and someone approached you both. He had tell you once "I don't want to repeat what had happened with my other partners..... I like you too much for my own good"
So what was this feeling? The growing ache and disgust (dare you say) that emanated from your heart?
Recently there was this girl that belonged to the photography club of Seijoh. Her semester task was about movement and she thought that capturing the volleyball team in the middle of training was a good subject, you had to agree with her since it was honestly a cool approach.
Now that automatically meant that she had to spend a lot of time with them, and consequently with Oikawa.
Your walking home conversations started to include a lot of this girl and what she did while they were at practice, how Kindaishi was so nervous he served directly to her and Oikawa was the one who protected her. You know, light stuff like that
Then it evolve into "Oh I'm full dear, Himiko-chan brought some snacks for us and coach approved it, they were soo good!"
Himiko-chan this, Himiko-chan that. Hell, even Iwaizumi seemed a little bit too engaged with this Himiko girl
And today was the day of a supposed date between Oikawa and you since the season had ended and he had more free time
But when you went to the gym to pick him up, green clouded your eyes
This girl was showing Oikawa some photos from her professional camera but she was way too close. Not really touching but, I mean, if he didn't knew what type of perfume she had on then he got sensory problems.
Either way he would have problems with you because how doesn't he notice his dear Himiko-chan is acting way to lovey dovey to be showing just pictures
And he was eating that up, you noticed the slight pride of his gaze and his stupid little smirk
The way you announced your presence with a clear intonation of his name made everyone jolt on their place
Except of course, the threat
"Tooru-kun you have to go now? For real?"
You clenched your fist and tried to put your best customer smile. The audacity of this girl
"Yes he has to go cuz he promised to come when his practice ended. Now if you excuse us"
Oikawa's cheek had turned red, thanks to which feeling? You didn't want to know
"Hey sweetie I didn't forget or anything I swear I just-"
"Oh you just were way too invested in whatever it was that you didn't notice your practice had ended like 20 minutes ago and you didn't inform me if you were alive"
"Aww come on you knew I was alive-"
"Don't you try to play this down Oikawa"
He flinched a little, wow, using last names and everything
"What else did I do wrong?"
"Take a funny guess since you've been spending oh so much time with me"
You knew you were being what people called petty. But how could you not? Sure you would communicate and give him hints but on GOD if he actually didn't know why you were acting like this
You both stayed in silence for a couple of blocks until Oikawa snapped his fingers
"This is about Himiko-chan isn't it?"
"This is about Himiko-chan isn't it?" you mimicked with mockery
"You jealous?"
The tease in his tone would have made your heart jump and your mind to think about a quick come back. But not today
"You tell me Tooru. She's been taking hours from our quality time and I swear you're dumber than Iwa gives you credit if you don't notice she's flirting with you"
"Well I don't answer to her advances,i don't know what you're so defensive about"
Now instead of green, you saw red
"But have you stopped her? Have you given me my place? Or how is it that after months you don't look uncomfortable in the slightest"
You let all your thoughts out, you were exhausted
"Were you enamoured by the renewed feeling of admiration? How she talks sweetly to you to get your attention?"
Silence, once again
"Hmm, just what I thought"
"No babe wait"
"Go home Tooru, I'm not responsible for what I'll say next if we keep this conversation going"
A week passed by and you avoided Oikawa everywhere, and I mean everywhere. He barely saw a glimpse of your hair or your hand turning around a corner. And the emotional loneliness he started to feel was eating him up, but even he knew it was a selfish thought
He knew he had to redeem himself if the apology was ought to be sincere. And oh how he didn't want to mess this up with you
Everyone else but you
"It's Oikawa for you"
You didn't expect to be listening to a convo like this on a friday afternoon. Add to your shock the utter serious tone Oikawa was using, the one he talked Kageyama to, the one he used when talking to rivals
"B-but you've let me call you like that for a while"
"I didn't give you an explicit green flag to go about it, I ungracefully just let you, I shouldn't had to"
The audible wince of Himiko made you feel a little bad for her. But at the same time you were impressed on how collected Oikawa was behaving
He was not caring about how this girl was going to react
"Don't get me wrong Himiko, you're a great photographer, truly" A set of silence
"But I hurt the person I love the most when I tried to brush your intentions"
You were fully resting your body against the wall, now being all ears to what was developing almost in front of you
"It was bad for you sure, now I see how misleading that was, but I could had stopped it if I gave my girl the bare minimum respect"
He sighed and accommodated his backpack, it was heavy enough for you listen to it. That was accompanied with little sobs, thankfully not yours
"So I'm now telling you: I love my darling, more than anything in this shallow world" Another sigh
"And that means we'll need boundaries if you want to keep your project up with us. Understood?"
A broken answer was given and Himiko-chan was finally out of your radar, the pit pat of her shoes merging with the environment
"Well well, now to find my baby and apologise in a decent oh"
You stepped out just in time to be at his level
"Did Iwa coached you to this?"
"No I...." He sighed heavily and gave you a sad look "I Reflected on what you told me and I realize how is not enough to 'stop doing' is also about 'start doing' and that is... Actually give myself as off limits even when you're not around"
He looked right at your eyes, a little puffy, a little hurt
A little hopeful
"I'm sorry. I assure you that I didn't even entertained the thought of having something with her, not even in a joking idolistic way....
"It still hurt Tooru"
"I know, so please, let me make it up to you"
Because Oikawa Tooru was better boyfriend than anyone could give himself credit. Because the thing that was being with you filled him more than anything in the universe, to the point he was willing to die to himself. Die to his ego
His fans would come and go as the wind
But you, you were his eternity
Kuroo Tetsuro x Reader (timeskip)
You had to blink multiple times as to register how Kuroo's folder is now weirdly color coded with bright papers
"Tetsu what is this? Never knew you were into crafting?"
"What? Oh! That's Nana's doing"
Ah yes, Kuroo's "work wife". You had been his plus one in a recent JVA dinner party and this "Nana" was a hot topic. Apparently she was everyone's work wife, but seemed to have a soft spot for what was yours
"Yup, she saw my folder and gave me an earful of how I was supposed to function as a member of a sport promotion division if I couldn't keep my stuff as organised as volleyball is"
"Oh ok?"
"She's a big help for all of us, don't you think?" Like that he kissed the crown of your head and headed to the room, as if was nothing
One day, two days, a whole week goes by and she keeps coming into your house in the form of an embroided lavender flower on a handkerchief, the one you gave to him on his promotion day
Then is a bag of baked goods (you hated to admit that those little b*tches tasted like heaven)
An useful-for-the-house trinket, a handmade magnet with the office's checklist. More and more favors and gifts keep coming
And yet you have a blank space on who this woman is, who has that much time in an office to be so lovey dovey with everyone. And how subtle does she appear to be so your husband didn't even flinch at these forms of affection
It didn't sit right to your heart how comfortable Kuroo seemed to be with this whole show
Then Kuroo started to arrive late, later than he used to. Nor that he acted in a sketchy way apart from that but still... It was like a punch to your throat. Your mom had always told you "If your man stays at work more than they need him too, is cuz he found a reason to stay there"
So you did what every sane person would have done in a situation like that. Go to his office and see the truth for yourself
The ding of the elevator was brown noise to you. Stepping out of it immediately brought the attention of your husband coworkers, they obviously knew who you were
Then a little hunched lady, someone old enough to be your granny, stepped in to greet you
"Heya miss, Who are you looking for darling?"
"Oh uh good evening I'm looking for Kuroo Tetsuro"
"Ah yeah he's drinking something in the break room, let me get you there"
Both of you walked to the said place. The woman smelled like fresh baked cookies and you couldn't help to smile, it wasn't common to have older people in places like this. You were happy for her on whatever dutie she was performing for a volleyball agency
"Excuse me auntie, do you know if perhaps he was with someone, a girl maybe?"
"I've seen no other woman more than you crossing those doors miss. So, unless we have a surprise colleague here, no dear"
Soon you reached your destiny and you found Kuroo.... Alone, drinking his plain tea
"Tetsu-chan this gorgeous woman was looking for you"
You grimaced internally, if the new eye candy wasn't in this division did that mean that he was chatting with her on the phone? Did they crossed each other on bars? The fear was consuming you
Ironically, Kuroo seemed a little too thrilled to have you there in front of him. He shifted his feet slowly but there was not an ounce of guilt or fear in his eyes. You really didn't know if that was good or bad
"Oh my Nana you're an angel getting her to me. Thank you, I'll be back in a minute"
Wait, hold up
"Oh yeah that's my name darling, a little too young toned isn't it?"
You blinked once, twice
"You're his work wife?"
The lady furrowed her brows and looked at Kuroo as if she wanted to bury him underground
"Do you boys keep with that nonsense? Do you know how disrespectful it sounds to your partners? These young people I swear" she said shaking her head and sighing deeply
Kuroo only had an amused smile and held you tightly as you both now faced the troubled Nana
"I don't use the term itself blame Kento-san from marketing"
He was cut off by your giggling and your figure crouching almost touching the floor
"Oi what's so funny?"
"I'm not making fun of you, I'm relieved" you said between watery giggles
"I thought... I thought you were having a work wife in more ways than one"
Both of them looked at you. Your husband in horror and sadness, Nana with compassion and understanding
"Hon, if this man was cheating believe me that by now he would have his eyes far up his -"
"Oi Nana-san the CEO needs ya, oh shit sorry I interrupted something"
Needless to say the man (Kento-san) was taken away by his ear thanks to your new friend
You kept on the ground for a while until Kuroo sat down right beside you
"Did I neglect you that much the last week?"
You shook your head "It was a mix of you arriving late and the little gifts she gave to you... I would had appreciated if I knew the infamous Nana was the office's assigned grandma"
"She's actually our CEO's granny, but takes care of us like we are her kids"
"Huh then why did they called her 'work wife'? That's a Freudian shit right there"
He laughed and held your hand giving it a soft squeeze
"Well this is my sign to better communicate my anecdotes.... I'm sorry"
"Mmm... OK actually why were you so late tho?"
His laughed echoed into the small room and he took a handkerchief filled to the brim with beautiful embroided flowers
"Learned to did this in a week. Sorry, I should had tell you"
You sighed in relief once again "God we suck at surprising each other"
"I was gladly surprised to see you here today wifey, except for the cheating suspicion part. I never want you to feel like that ever again even if it's a misunderstanding"
In a sudden movement and manhandling moment, he put you up to your feet and he kneeled in front of you smiling, just like when he asked you out in college
"So.... Will you give me the honor of being my home AND work wife? Forever?"
You were the next week's hot topic on why Kuroo seemed extra relaxed and laid back, almost dreamily meeting his deadlines as the tiniest marks of purple peaked through his perfect ironed shirt.
"Lucky bastard. You'll be a dad in no tim-! ouch! Nana-san!"
Semi Eita x Reader (timeskip)
"Eita I assure you that if moshpits weren't as aggressive I would be in the public but I... It scares me ok?"
"Baby it's like a grown up version of push and pull. Besides you can always step aside when you want"
You whined under your breath and buried your head in the nearest pillow "I don't wanna Semi please?"
"Doll I can't have you packed up in the scenario each time, this place is reduced and you may get hurt upstage"
"Are you serious?"
What started like a little banter about you being at the same level as his attendees migrated to an argument about his apparent worry
"If I'm such a hassle and a nuisance backstage you could just had said so"
"That's definitely not what I meant"
"Oh really? Then how is it that I'm safer surrounded by men and women at least 6 cm taller than me that will be jumping around looking for the next non alt looking girl to yeet into the distance?"
"Oh please" Semi said as he rolled his eyes and stood up, picking his stuff from the couch
"If the things I love actually frighten you so much you're free to stay here"
Without the chance to answer he closed the door with a soft 'click'
Your only companion was the sting under your eyes and your misty vision
Later, when you were already curled up in bed trying to catch some sleep, you felt the soft steps of Semi's boots against the floor. What brought your attention to a more conscious state was the muffled sound of his voice chatting with another on the doorstep, then the same 'click' and now he was walking throug the apartment.
You closed your eyes and pretended to be asleep, scared of the confrontation on what happened earlier
To your blessing or rather dismay, Semi only connected his phone to the charger and layed down on his side of the bed with a soft 'huff'
The next day brought a new heartache to your soul as Semi wasn't there when you woke up. You cried, again
Then a text caught your eye, it was Semi's
"A new drummer joined the band yesterday"
Three dots.... Three dots...
"We'll be celebrating and introducing them in the pub near our apartment if you wanna come"
You wiped the remainder of your tears as you looked at your closet. You knew how that pub looked like, you knew what type of regulars it had.... And it was nothing like you
Afraid of what his words would be this time you rejected the invitation
"Not feeling so well Eita, I'll pass. Enjoy yourself"
And boy he did enjoy himself
Semi made him present at the fashionable 4 am mark of your kitchen clock, high on excitement with loud laughs and sentences. You heard his confession into the dark of the dawn even before he arrived to the porch
"I haven't had this fun on ages guys, you, you are a monster"
A quick glance through the window gave you context of his fond words
A woman with the most luscious black hair ever, tall, built like a model with full on rock attire was the one receiving the praise.
You stepped back from the window and ran to the bedroom, to the safety of your bed
If she was the new drummer you couldn't help but to feel a little self conscious, hell you felt a lot self conscious
And it didn't turn better, because the next days, even if Semi never picked up the initial argument again, he seemed to be relevied of not having you in his gigs. And there were always, always, words of amazement for Mrs drummer girl
Rei knew where to find the last instrument gadgets, knew a lot of classic bands, knew this and that. She was not only pretty but was a whole library on Semi's interest
"Rei's pretty skilled with the drums doll, you should come and see us play soon"
And watch him flirt with her on the stage? No thank you
But then, after a pep talk with your friends. You saw how you shouldn't leave it like this, at least you should fight for the relationship, right?
So, you paired some of Semi's clothes that actually fitted you and arrived to the place were he would play. You walked up to the stage and saw Rei, fidgeting with the drumsticks, playing around
Fuck, she was gorgeous.
And she surely noticed your gaze however her reaction shocked you. She rested her cheek on her hand and gave you a soft look,then she was called backstage and gave you a playful wink before disappearing through the courtain
If she was being a redemption of a reverse pick me girl she was playing it rather convincingly
Soon after you felt your sleeve being tugged by an astonished Semi
"Hey there, you haven't come for a while. Why didn't you tell me? I could have walked you here"
His demeanor made you uncomfortable. It would be a lie to say that you weren't hurt by his (apparently) forgotten words and his newfound "obsession"
"I knew how to arrive just right, I'm not a scary kitten"
He then opened his mouth but was cut short by his bassist
"Yo Semi time to come up here, we're 'bout to start"
He sighed and gave you an apologetic look "Come here, we can talk when we finish"
"I'll stay down here"
You stood your ground, crossing your arms over your chest and giving him the look
"I said I'm staying here, I don't need to be up there since it is so inconvenient"
"Babe you're still at it? Come on-"
"Eita man hurry up!"
He furrowed his brows and groaned. But as he looked at you he knew you were to stubbornly stay there
"We'll talk about this later. Be safe"
And with a jump he got on the stage as the place started to get crowded
The gig was good, you always enjoyed it. And being honest, the only mosh pit that developed during it didn't even end with a broken nose, so you actually spent a good time with this new perspective
Surprisingly, you noticed how Rei and Semi's interactions on stage were futile. Maybe a look or two but nothing that made your heart clutch of pain on your chest. It felt rather natural
Finally, after the last encore, all the band +you were in the dressing room. Semi seemed ansty to talk to you, masked down with his usual frown
Rei had only chuckled and smiled at some of the parts of the conversation. So you came up to her, if she was shitty you could have fundaments for hating her, if not, you knew you should focus your temper on Semi
Until she opened her mouth and you were on for a surprise
"Damn Semi if I knew your girl was gonna be here I would have put on some cologne"
That was a whole ass man
"You're...... You're a guy"
She, he? Chuckled loudly and gave you a crooked smile
"What can I say? I'm taking 'Dude looks like a lady' to a whole new level love"
A string of uneven chords crossed the air and Semi placed down his guitar with the deepest scold on his face. Not even with the teasing Tendou had you seen him like this
"Stop flirting with my girl"
"D'aww I'm your protège. Don't I even deserve a peck?"
"Don't you even dare"
After some more teasing, a wrap up of the gig and a smack at the back of Rei's head you both were now walking back home
"Didn't know you thought Rei was a lady" was Semi's cut into the silence
You scowled in embarrassment
"I had never spooked to him and he looks even better than me, it's not fair how pretty his hair is"
Then you felt the same tug on your clothes, well his clothes
"They suit you, you know? But I love your usual outfits too"
"What I'm trying to say is.... I'm sorry, for dismissing your worries, for accusing you" he chuckled dryly "And for making you worry about a non existent woman"
"I know the look you get when you're worried, and you stopped wearing that glittery eyeshadow you love. You only do that when you're fully stressed"
He held both of your hands giving them soft kisses over the knuckles
"I'm sorry, don't ever change or expose yourself for the sake of demonstrate me something"
You sighed, feeling light hearted and with renowned affection for the man in front of you
"I have to apologise too. I talked a little bit from prejudice about the public, I actually had a nice night, most of them were incredibly polite"
"Still" A shared laugh between you and you were back home
"Let me make it up to you?"
"Find out Rei's hair products and all be good"
"And you won't get close to him?"
"Hmm maybe?

Woh another rq from months ago that I managed to finish ( ´ ▿ ` ) ah I'm embarrassed on how long it took me anon I hope you're around to see it
As usual with long stuff it may have different vibes, I hope its decent to read for y'all
random boyfriend texts from kuroo tetsurou
cw: fem!reader

kuroo x reader, pure fluff

one morning you see someone on social media do that challenge where you call your boyfriend “husband” to see their reactions, and that’s all you could think about the whole day. and it didn’t help when one of your close friends did the same challenge and sent it on a group chat.
see, kuroo was not the type to get embarrassed and definitely not the one to deny it immediately but you couldn't really imagine what he would do. so you set the plan perfectly to find out your boyfriend's reaction. just today a package was delivered, so you would record a little video like you were showing the product to your friends, something that you would do sometimes, but you would do it in your bed with your boyfriend beside you.
so when the night came, you and tetsuro were lying in bed almost getting ready to sleep when you say “i’m recording a little video for the girls showing what got here today, but you don’t need to move, it’s only going on our group chat.” he mumbles something not minding, as he keeps looking at his phone. so you set your phone up and hit record.
“heyy, look what got here today! i’m opening it now, don’t mind my husband here. the packaging it’s actually nicer than i thought, i was so worried it would break.” you keep talking trying not to get distracted as tetsuro stares at you with the biggest glowing eyes after you called him husband.
“what?” you look at him holding back a smile. “uhh, nothing, keep going” and he tries to look away but as soon as you open your mouth to talk again he’s looking at you again, like a child opening their gift on christmas. and then you gave up on the act, jumping on him laughing and pampering his face with kisses, making him respond with a confused laugh.
“what is this? do you want me to stop the video?” he asks, completely lost in the situation.
“noo, it’s good, babe. i’ll do it.” you say getting the phone. “you are just so sweet, looking at me like that, i couldn’t keep going” you say, chuckling a little.
“wait.” he says with a surprised face. “so you did it on purpose?”
“yes, love. is this silly challenge i saw and wanted to try with you.”
“i can’t believe this” he says pretending to be offended. “i thought you actually loved me and wanted me to be your husband” he says, avoiding you as you try to kiss his face. “nuh-uh! you don’t get to kiss this pretty face -he points to his face- if you don’t apologize”
“aww, come on tetsu, it was just a bit” you say still trying to kiss him.
“oh, so it was bit! i can’t believe you!” he chuckles, getting out of your way once again.
when he gets tired of getting away you are on your knees with his legs between yours, both hands on his cheeks. “of course i want you to be my husband, tetsuro.” you kiss him once. “and i only felt okay doing this, because i want to call you husband one day” you kiss him again. “so, now, can i please have my rights to kissing you pretty face back, i don’t know if i can live without them.” you ask dramatically and he blushes, responding with a very quiet ‘yeah’ leaning into another kiss.
after some more kisses you sit beside him again.
“but i’m saving the video. your face was just too cute for me to delete it” you say, putting your phone away.
“well, i’ll let it slide for now”