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TF HC: Reproduction
Knowing his creative powers were waning, Primus made it possible that a very small number of Cybertronian “females” born of the Well of All Sparks were given the ability to create new life from their own body. Having that ability, which is basically a miniature Well of All Sparks, makes them very valuable to those who are aware of their existence. Think being similar to a fertile Krogan female from Mass Effect 3.
There are limitations to this.
1) They can only produce one or two at a time.
2) They cannot transform while creating a “newspark.” This does include the use of their weaponry.
3) They are vulnerable at this time, but still capable of moving or running.
4) Their “womb” stays the same size.
5) The “newspark” is built compact and small of malleable metals. They’re soft, but hearty and grow fast. Eventually, the metals completely solidify and this allows them to use their T-Cog without causing themselves permanent disfiguration.
Here’s the big one.
“Newsparks” do not require a father to provide genetic material.
Though it is possible, it’s not done in the way humans would traditionally think reproduction is done. Cybertronians do not have genitalia and do not need it. However, they have their own energon specific to their bodies. Organic energon and the energon that grows out of the ground is not exactly the same thing. If this energon were to be given to the “females” to use, their body would repurpose it and create a “newspark” based on that raw genetic material aka the organic energon.
How would they give birth then?
They don’t, at least, not in the way you think. The womb opens up from the front and the “newspark” can be removed. Like a c-section without being cut open... or a fridge.
“Newsparks” function a lot like babies for roughly the same amount of time as human infants. The only difference is they don’t pass waste or really eat. They do need to consume a very specific kind of energon.
What kind of energon do they need?
It’s supercharged with nanometals/nanomachines that help to build and solidify the cybermetals the “newsparks” are made of. This is only produced by womb-bearing “female” Cybertronians.
* Note: I use “female” and “newsparks” loosely here because there are technically no female Cybertronians as we define them (then again, I don’t expect Hasbro to say there are sex defining markers in their CNA or something like that). That, and there are technically no Cybertronian babies, since newly formed Cybertronians are usually born fully grown adults, so newly forms Cybertronians that aren’t born fully grown could be considered newborn (or newsparks).