Tfe Thrash - Tumblr Posts
Okay, here is my small and spontaneous rant about one of the things that I didn't like about Transformers Earthspark (so far, at least).
It's just my opinion based on the first 10 episodes of Earthspark. I'm currently rewatching it with the goal of picking apart things I didn't like, since the first time I've watched it was for pure entertainment. So my opinion can change for better or worse. Anyway...
A strange choice in Thrash's character.
Kinda spoilers for Earthspark, if you squint at my schizo break, so be advised.

I dont mean his whole character. In fact, he is my favorite so far, I love my Terran baby very much.
I know that this show is targeted towards younger audience and sort of screams "we want to appeal to children", in humor also. The humor in this show is okay, it's not bad, or super funny, or overly childish, but one part of it is what I saw only in Thrash yet, and it made me worried about him. That part being the good ol' "character gets bonked by something and that is funny".
It's not the same as comic relief characters, whose whole existence is meant to be just it, but it's not good either. Seriously, Thrash was hit by something (his doing mostly)/fell from somewhere way too much for my liking so far and it was intended to be funny/joke, which creates an uneasiness in me, because I saw this happen to good characters way too much lately.
And Thrash is a good character. He is B A B Y in every sense of the word, fun loving, energetic and goofy. But that "goofy" gets to this dangerous line of him turning into a comedic relief when you know his character by his "something fell on his head", "he fell from somewhere" first and other aspect of him later.
I would love to call Thrash clumsy, but he is not. Have you seen him transform? Mf mixes his transformation with breakdancing! He is also pretty agile and was shown to be able to learn how to play and instrument, not to break it because he is clumsy. Also, he is a motorcycle for God's sake.
So, what is going on? Why? To be silly/goofy to entertain children? Well, yes, but why to this extreme? There are a lot of ways to make funny moments without using only hitting/falling trope to reach this goal of making funny character and not downgrade them in the process.
Not to mention that Thrash is kind of falling behind Twitch already, and that contrast paints him more... less, if that makes sense.
But that's the story for another day.