TFRID2015 Thunderhoof - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago
This Is Me As A Human With Blue Antlers. Eyoo I Know I CANT Draw *Servo-Facepalm* UGH.. Humans Hands(ACTUALLY

This is Me as a Human with Blue Antlers…. Eyoo I know I CAN’T Draw *Servo-Facepalm* UGH.. “Human’s Hands”(ACTUALLY I Barely Draw Anything,BUT Hey At Least I’ll Try….) cause Drawing Hands/Servos is Fucking Ridiculously Hard so Yeah I Leave It As THAT.. DON’T FRAGGING JUDGE ME!! Cause I’m STILL Learning “ARTS”…. Me as a Half Human Half Cervicon:8'8 Feet Tall,Massively Giant-Size Blue Antlers and Medium-Size Deer Tail,Beautifully Hot;Sexy;and Muscular,Barely Smiled a Lot,ONCE had a Sparkling with Overload,Extra Thick Extra Curvy Plumped Aft and Thickest Thunder Thighs,Etc….

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6 years ago

Smirk as Boostwing,Pilfer,and Jacknab while Crossing His Arms. "Yous looking for SHINIES don't cha,Crovines?" Taps His Digits against His Arms while Waiting and Softly Thumping His Left Hoof.

Hello,Crovicon Triplets.... How are YOUS today?..

Boostwing stares deadpan at Thunderhoof and rolls his optics. The only reason they came down was to look for shiny things. “Fine…”

Pilfer rolled his optics as well. “What do you want Cervine?”

Jacknab didn’t even bother to speak he was still in bird form and looking for shiny things, paying no attention at all to the others.

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6 years ago

Still Thumping His Left Hoof while Looking at Boostwing,Pilfer,and Jacknab. "What do YOUS mean,Smart Bird?" Tilt His Hips to the Right a Bit and Place His Right Servo against It "I wanna Help Yous find Shinies cause Yous Three Crovicons OBVIOUSLY like Them sooooo Much...." Moving His Left Lower Arm and Servo/Digits a Bit "I,Thunderhoof,Same as Well.." Smirk as He Proudly said It so Confidently Happy "Let's Make An OFFER For Us Animaltronians.."

Hello,Crovicon Triplets.... How are YOUS today?..

Boostwing stares deadpan at Thunderhoof and rolls his optics. The only reason they came down was to look for shiny things. “Fine…”

Pilfer rolled his optics as well. “What do you want Cervine?”

Jacknab didn’t even bother to speak he was still in bird form and looking for shiny things, paying no attention at all to the others.

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6 years ago

*Blush Dark Blue as You said It*😍😳 Oh Motormaster.. You Beautiful King Of The Roads....

“Motormaster is the name. Here’s the deal: I’ll be around for a while and you better get used to the idea.”


“Now, how about gettin’ my name out there?” Indie RP blog for Motormaster from Robots in Disguise 2015 // Aligned Continuity. Other Stunticon may be aroud for time to time. Non-Selective / FC & OC Friendly.

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6 years ago

Thunderhoof look up at Motormaster with a Smirk/Smile. "I Am,Motormaster.... You're so Beautifully Big and Handsomely Cute!" He HAPPILY Glee with Excitement in Mind while Continuingly looking at Him.


*Blush Dark Blue as You said It*😍😳 Oh Motormaster.. You Beautiful King Of The Roads…. 


“Yeah. Sure. You got most of it right.” Motormaster frowned “Didn’t know you were waiting for me." 

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5 years ago

Dear Mr.Hoof, Would you please be so kind as to stomp on ALL things that's not yours truly! Maybe then I'll have better luck with ruling the world wide web? But, if not then I'll have 10,000 energon cookies! From your loveable princess of cybertron, Jetstream. Ps, ponies and single horns are also exceptable gifts!

Thunderhoof looks at Her with Confusion after She said It while rubbing His own Chin with His Left Thumb and Digit "W-Why,Lil Princess?..."

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