Holoform - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

Starscream Holoform Avatar Concepts

Starscream Holoform Avatar Concepts
Starscream Holoform Avatar Concepts
Starscream Holoform Avatar Concepts
Starscream Holoform Avatar Concepts

Work in progress that i may or may not finish; in my story Starscream has two main versions of a Holo’ Av’ (Holoform Avatar) he uses, a human disguise and a mix of human/Cybertonian one because why not xD

i imagined his mech form looking way different, but alas, i still suck at drawing mech builds, so here we go.

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8 months ago
Work In Progress, Im Quietly Obsessed With This Little Portrait Snippet. I Dont Have The Heart To Crop

Work in progress, i’m quietly obsessed with this little portrait snippet. I don’t have the heart to crop it like Inplanned so I decided to have it pop over the frame instead.

long ways to go

scene from my fic, Star of the Show

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1 year ago
It Feels Like Ages Since Ive Drawn A Human Character So I Did Some Holoform Whirl To Practice

it feels like ages since I’ve drawn a human character so I did some holoform Whirl to practice

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1 year ago
It Feels Like Ages Since Ive Drawn A Human Character So I Did Some Holoform Whirl To Practice

it feels like ages since I’ve drawn a human character so I did some holoform Whirl to practice

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3 years ago

OMG 😲 @princssealexis165 he's gorgeous 😍 💖

 A Dressed Up Bee
 A Dressed Up Bee

A dressed up Bee 🐝💜

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10 months ago
Was Anyone Going To Tell Me That TFA Bumblebee's Voice Actor Is A Perfect Humanformer Bumblebee!??!?

Was anyone going to tell me that TFA Bumblebee's voice actor is a perfect humanformer Bumblebee!??!?

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10 months ago

Wow, unexpected thing: what about Swerve's Holo-form!?

omg I love this man

Wow, Unexpected Thing: What About Swerve's Holo-form!?

He's so funny guy

Wow, Unexpected Thing: What About Swerve's Holo-form!?
Wow, Unexpected Thing: What About Swerve's Holo-form!?
Wow, Unexpected Thing: What About Swerve's Holo-form!?

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6 years ago
This Is Me As A Human With Blue Antlers. Eyoo I Know I CANT Draw *Servo-Facepalm* UGH.. Humans Hands(ACTUALLY

This is Me as a Human with Blue Antlers…. Eyoo I know I CAN’T Draw *Servo-Facepalm* UGH.. “Human’s Hands”(ACTUALLY I Barely Draw Anything,BUT Hey At Least I’ll Try….) cause Drawing Hands/Servos is Fucking Ridiculously Hard so Yeah I Leave It As THAT.. DON’T FRAGGING JUDGE ME!! Cause I’m STILL Learning “ARTS”…. Me as a Half Human Half Cervicon:8'8 Feet Tall,Massively Giant-Size Blue Antlers and Medium-Size Deer Tail,Beautifully Hot;Sexy;and Muscular,Barely Smiled a Lot,ONCE had a Sparkling with Overload,Extra Thick Extra Curvy Plumped Aft and Thickest Thunder Thighs,Etc….

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9 months ago

Holoform MC headcanon drawing thing

Holoform MC Headcanon Drawing Thing

I honestly wasn’t going to draw this, but some readers there (*ahem* Skullz *ahem* Aura) really tempted me with making a holoform for MC with their discussion and since they have summoned me i was like “you know what, i honestly do want to draw a buff gentle giant lady” so here i am drawing this. No regrets tho~

The drawings are mostly just doodles from their description of their headcanon of what MC’s holoform look like, which are:

- buff masculine body

- feminine face

-mafia/detective 1920s/1930s

-classy look

-trench coat

Not sure if i got all the details right but i tried my best, tried to draw the muscles more visible but wasn’t sure how to with the clothing covering the body up so i just made another doodle to illustrate her muscles. And hey i must say my first attempt on drawing a muscle lady isn’t a bad attempt i say so i say this is a win! Also made her have pointed ears since her side fins are feathers so i just made them pointed as a nod to that. And i just want MC to wear a pretty strawberry dress cause i just want a pretty buff lady looking beautiful in it! And wholesome scenarios of MC carrying holoform Megatron bridal style and holoform Whirl braiding her hair~ and question, do transformers when they blush in their holoform have red hues when they blush or do they blush blue?

Aura, Skullz, if you two see this, i blame the both of you on tempting me to draw a buff lady! (I’m grateful but still!)

X - X - X - X - X

If any of you guys wanna read the fanfic that this MC headcanon holoform is from, here’s the link

A Silhouette's Serenade|Various Transformers x Reader
In this new life, you were placed here for reasons unknown. But you made a reason. You made a reason to be here. You are here to save lives.

It’s made by a friend of mine so give them some love to their work kay? They work hard on this fanfic of their’s! And maybe join in on rambling about the next chapter or make scenarios and headcanons with other fellow readers there, tell Skullz and Aura i said hey!

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2 years ago

Redesigned airis transformers version I think she looks so much more cooler then before

(This just her beast form btw she has an atl mode, bipedal mode, and holoform. Her alt mode always looks exactly like Bumblebee’s only in her colors, and a predabot is just an autobot predacon (I know their called maximals, but I don't understand why their not just called predaBOTS instead?!))


Redesigned Airis Transformers Version I Think She Looks So Much More Cooler Then Before


Redesigned Airis Transformers Version I Think She Looks So Much More Cooler Then Before
Redesigned Airis Transformers Version I Think She Looks So Much More Cooler Then Before
Redesigned Airis Transformers Version I Think She Looks So Much More Cooler Then Before

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