Tg Fanfic - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

                “I’m sorry, wait, shit, what did you say?”

                B-something is looking at him in shock, eyes and mouth all wide circles and okay, that makes all the tiredness he’s been feeling turn to fizzing energy in his veins. Holy shit. He just found his soul mate.

                “You… you said my words.”

                “And you said mine. If that wasn’t already obvious.”

                “You really need to not wander off, I can’t keep you safe if I don’t know where you are,” B-something says, his tone softer, gentler and Jake laughs silently; privately thinks his days wandering off are now gone, not with a soul mate to get to know. However he’s going to have to admit he doesn’t remember his name. Ugh. What a way to seem even more like an asshole.

                “I’m sorry, I know we were introduced only a couple of days ago, but I don’t remember your name…”

                “Bradley Bradshaw.”

                “Bs… lots of bs, that did stick in my head. The alliteration.”

                “Some of my friends call me Bradbrad.”

                “Well, I’m Jake. Uh. Call me Jake.”

                “Not Mr Seresin?”

                “No!” Jake responds instantly, vehement.

                “So, what do you think we’re working with here?” Bradley asks, and it’s going to take Jake a while to get used to using his name. His mind is offering up potentially ridiculous lines Bradley Bradshaw the bodyguard built of beautiful bricks I want to lick. God he definitely needs some sleep. And proper food. Not necessarily in that order.


                “What kind of bond do you think we’re working with?”

                “Oh. Uh,” he swallows roughly, because he’s an out and proud not-straight man, and soulmates generally get a free pass anyway. Except… “Hopefully not platonic,” Jake provides, and the slow smile Bradley gives him makes his skin prickle and he’s suddenly feeling a lot more awake.

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7 years ago

A wishful childhood. (Kaneki)

Summary: an au where all the tg cast knew each other as children. Imagine this place a universe where nothing went wrong in this tragedy and how I imagined the characters as children with each other. Hope you enjoy~

The small eight year old pressed his face against the fence bars, his wide eyes peering into the playground filled with all different children and families. He watched in wonder at the newly build monkey bars, swings, slides and climbing frame, a growing excitement urging him to go inside and play with the rest. With kaneki completely entranced with the shrieks and laughter from the groups of children in the playground, he didn’t notice Hide calling his name loudly before he crashed onto his back, pulling him around and resting his chubby hands on kaneki’s timid shoulders.

“Why didn’t you turn around? I’ve been calling for you for ages.” Hide frowned, but it quickly eased up into a wide grin. “The new playground looks so cool.”

“I know.” Kaneki agreed with another smile, the two boys turning in awe at the colourful image before them. “Let’s go. Let’s go. I want to go on all of them.”

They shuffle in between the running children and rushed through the rainbow painted gates into the playground, the boys eagerly darting their eyes to the different areas whilst struggling to decide which one to go on first.

“The swings!” Hide exclaimed, his hand pointing at the two empty swings right besides them and the two immediately set off towards them.

Hide, as usual, was faster than kaneki and though he almost stumbled along the way, he reached one of the empty swings and clutched onto the chain with relief. Kaneki, unfortunately, couldn’t muster up enough energy before another kid reached it first. He had dark purple hair and two unusual small dots under his left, remarkably sharp eye. The boy glared at kaneki to back away and sat triumphedly onto the swing with an almost smug look.

Kaneki scratched the back of his head and looked towards Hide, who’s cheeks became puffy with some agitation within him.

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7 years ago

Sicilian Defense (Chapter 2)

Tokyo Ghoul Vampire AU

Summary: Unexpectedly changed into a vampire, Fueguchi Hinami finds herself thrown into a completely different world. Now enrolled into the prestigious Anteiku Academy as a member of the elite Night Class, Hinami slowly steps deeper into the realm of these monsters. Dealing with her ever-changing world and state, she becomes dependant on those around her, yet at the same time, poses them a danger greater than any of them could expect. As her thirst reaches closer to the point of no return, Hinami finds herself becoming increasingly drawn to the blood of her dorm leader, the sheltered Prince of an ancient pureblood vampire clan, Kirishima Ayato. As a former enemy resurfaces, will Hinami be able to protect her world from their interference?

Chapters: 1

A/N: Hello again everyone! Me (Mod Alice) and Mod Far finally finished chapter two! First of all I’d like to say thank you for the positive response to chapter 1! We were both very glad to see it, and you got us very motivated with your comments. This chapter is will still introduce a lot of things, but I hope some parts of it will have your interest piqued! Also, enjoy Ayato’s introduction~ Please do reblog this and feel free to leave some comments!

Chapter 2

Brought into Anteiku Academy, Hinami is facing the start of her new life - gaining a new family, discovering more about vampires, as well as meeting people from the Night Class she’ll be joining, already facing new hurdles with them. (8k)

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7 years ago

The Sin of Greed (4/??)

Summary: After waking up in Kaneki’s manor, she finds him asking her out for a special day of getting to know to one another better. However, things get escalated real quick on this simple outing…  

Words: 5,778

Notes: I can’t say I’m too confident with this chapter at all, so feedback would be greatly appreciated! Besides that, thank you all for the wonderful feedback so far, it means so much and I really hope I don’t ruin this series for everyone. I hope you enjoy~

Touka awoke to someone poking her cheek, grunting in her sleep as she tried to swat away the person besides her. When her now opened eyes focused on the giggling figure besides her, she noticed it was Hinami. She leaned against the bed and rested her head on her arms, cocking her head to one side with a bright smile.

Damn, she was so innocent it hurt.

“Good morning, Touka!” Hinami said cheerfully whilst the maids came into the room and opened the curtains, Touka wincing at the bright sunlight that flooded into the room. “You seemed to have been exhausted. You slept for ages and you even missed breakfast! Though big brother strictly told us not to wake you.”

Touka sat up and rubbed her head, a dull throbbing headache pulsating from the bruise on her head. Grimacing, she leaned back into her pillows, watching Hinami take a silver tray from the bedside table and placed it carefully onto Touka’s lap.

“I did you the courtesy of bringing some food to you.” Hinami gestured towards the different plates of food set out besides her, Touka’s eyes widening at the various dishes on display. “Eat what you can, you don’t need to eat it all.”

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7 years ago


Pairing: Touken

Rating: Gratuitous amounts of fluff and sap (Someone end me before the sap kills me)

Scenario: The couple’s first and last Christmas alone. Ken goes overboard with gifts and Touka has to deal with her idiotic husband. Nostalgia, Fluff, and drabble galore.

Words: 5084 

Note: A gift for @harleyquilt . It’s kind of an apology gift for dealing with my cringe, bs, and horrible personality on a daily basis. You’ve been an incredible inspiration as a writer to so many of us and you really are a blessing of a friend, sweet, kind, hilarious and someone who I am grateful to have met. Wishing you an amazing holiday season with lots of love, laughs and some god damn rest you prick. Have a great time lulu, hope the grammar ain’t too shit this time.  

On the morning of Christmas Touka awoke, opening her eyes lazily, for a moment her vision glazy and unable to make out the phone atop her side table. It’s ringing and buzzing the most likely reason why she had woken up. Rubbing her temples, she turns towards her husband’s side of the bed to throw her arms around him only to her shock to find his side of the bed empty. 

A small pout forming on her face, she got up stretching her arms and letting out a yawn as she looks at the clock in the middle of the wall in front of her. Almost 8 she mused to herself as she picked up her phone. A bunch of messages and texts, all of which were holiday merriments and greetings from their friends and loved ones.

Her hand unconsciously began to trace circles around her swollen belly, it was almost time, she mused as she felt a light kick emerge. 

“Next Christmas you’ll be here with us Mizuko,” she hummed in a low whisper. 

Touka began scrolling through the texts with a smile on her face, after spending too much of her life, fighting and running normality such as this was a treat indeed. And then as if the mind had just been taken over she was struck with a sudden realization,

“The Presents!” she exclaimed as her hand reached to the bottom of the bed in search of said presents. She swatted it all over, then finally looked underneath. Nothing, there was absolutely nothing under their bed, spare a few ‘toys’.

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7 years ago

Beginning - Touken Minific

Summary: Just a minfic about Touka first going through her new found feelings towards Kaneki back in the early days of TG. Fic made for the first day of Toukenweek, hope you enjoy!

It was a quiet day at Anteiku, the day passing slowly and lazily. There were only a few customers in today, including Hide, Kaneki’s best friend. Though Touka was sure that he was also Kaneki’s only friend…Regardless, she watched Kaneki chat with his loud friend, Touka tempted to scold him for slacking off, but she decided against it - she may not exactly respect Kaneki after him being such a bastard towards her when they first met, but she could at least give him a break after everything he’s been through. Especially after that day…

“If you died, Touka, I’d probably be…sad.”

It was such a simple, silly thing that anyone could’ve said, but even so, when he said those words so…sincerely, it sparked something within her. During the past week, she’s tried nothing but to bury this unneeded feeling away, but every time he was close, every time she heard his voice, every time he called her name, her heart would flutter a little. She felt like an utter idiot for feeling this way, this silly crush of hers nothing more than a nuisance for her. And yet…Why does she feel so happy when he’s near?

Whilst she contemplated these continuous thoughts of hers, she started to brew some coffee for herself, mimicking the exact movements and order Yoshimura follows -  she hoped that one day she could be as good as him, brewing delicious beverages  for everyone to enjoy. However, when she looked up again, her eyes caught Kaneki’s, who was staring right back at her. She was about to look away again until he flashed her a big, goofy smile, awkwardly scratching the back of his head and that single smile made Touka’s knees weak, her cheeks heated up slightly.

Flustered, she then accidentally poured the coffee too quickly, the top flying off and hot, boiling coffee spilt onto her hand and apron. Everyone in the cafe turned to see her uniform stained and her hand throbbing with a red burn across the back of her palm. Kaneki’s eyes widened and he quickly got to his feet.

“Fucking son of a-” Touch clenched her jaw tightly and let out a loud grunt of pain, kicking the counter and slamming the coffee pot down against it. In the corner of her eye, she saw Kaneki nearing her, his eyes filled with worry and concern and she immediately left to the break room to avoid any more embarrassment.

“T-Touka-chan, wait!” He called for her, following behind to the break room, where he saw Touka already trying to open the med kit, only for her to hiss, her burnt hand flinching, and dropped the supplies. “Let me do that.”

Kaneki kneeled down to gather the dropped items, looking up to see Touka stubbornly pouted and her eyes averted away from him. He then gently took her hand, Touka first tempted to slap him away, until he pressed some cool ice against the wound, rubbing it over the back of her palm in slow, circular motions. Her hard stare softened, a small blush arisen from the feeling of her hand gently held in his.

“Does that feel better?” Kaneki asked, looking up and she turned her face away again, trying to hide her blush behind her hair and nodded. “You should be more careful-”

“Shut up, idiot.” She snatched her hand away once Kaneki wrapped a bandage around it, but he didn’t move away. The way his soft eyes looked at her… “W-What?”

“Your clothes - they’re soaked.” Touka looked down to the stain that covered her shirt, waistcoat and what was a white apron. “You’re gonna catch a col-”

“And why do you care?” Touka snapped, crossing her arms. “You don’t need to mother me, you know.”

“Touka-chan, don’t be like that.” Kaneki sat down besides her, the close proximity creating butterflies in her stomach and she shuffled in her seat awkwardly. “I care about you.”

Oh jeez, Touka thought and for a moment she had no idea how to react. Should she punch him for being so corny? Act it cool? Wait, no, at this point, that option wasn’t available. Ignore him completely? How was it he had such an effect on her with just a few words? It was both confusing and irritating at the same time.

“You look so cute when you’re blushing.” Kaneki laughed and out of both embarrassment and panic, she kicked his foot, hiding her flushed cheeks behind her hand. “D-Don’t say stupid shit like that.” Touka mumbled.

“But it’s true.” Kaneki got up and held a hand out to help Touka back onto her feet, and though she was tempted to take it, she slapped it away instead.


Touka mumbled curses beneath her breath as she stormed past him and back into the shop, but when Kaneki was busy with a new customer, Touka returned to the break room leaning against the wall. She placed a hand over her racing heart, her mind a melted mess. She still wasn’t certain of her feelings for him, not completely, but all she knew was that this was only the beginning.

“Shit.” Touka rested her head back against the wall, her eyes shut. “Stupid shithead Kaneki.”

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