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3 years ago

Opinions on friendships in Dimension20′s Fantasy High, with this only being the second part of so many more to come:

The dynamic between Riz Gukgak and Fabian Aramais Seacaster is one of the best in the whole Dimension20 universe (especially after FH: Sophomore Year) and nobody will be able to convince me otherwise.

Because, the thing is: Fabian is the kid that checks all the obvious boxes for the cool, popular kid, righ? Famous parent, rich, athletic, more confidence than necessary or good for someone, a very easily breakable ego, etc. And Riz is the personification of the weird nerdy loser. Poor, smart, wears a fucking vest to school, carries a giant briefcase around with himself, introduces himself with “greetings and salutations”, giving out business cards, way too invested in other peoples business, etc. 

But in the same way over time we found out that Fabian can also be a loser, how he really has like two braincells on a good day (I mean, that boy ate glass … that’s nearly worse than thinking that you are your own dad), he doesn’t know when to shut up, made so many people hate him and doesn’t realize it, not being able to jump on tables, getting his foot stuck in a stalactite, etc. And Riz can be a total badass! The mirror trick against Kalina, grabbing a bad guy to jump of a staircase with him just to misty step up again, his halfpipe trick in season one, killing Kalavaxus, etc.

And outsiders won’t understand how these two can be friends, because they are so obviously in different worlds and when Riz says that they are best friends and Fabian will say nothing everybody will just smile and pity that poor goblin, because he really thinks that a boy like Fabian would be his best friend?

But it isn’t like that at all, is it? Fabian was the first person to be concerned when Riz vanished and after he didn’t pick up Fabians call, he totally panicked. Crashing his fathers ship into a building in literal hell, because Riz vanished AGAIN and like we established, that makes Fabian panic. After realizing that there was celestial energy, Fabian was one of the first people to believe that yes, that has to mean that Riz is an angel and has been this whole time, makes sense, totally tracks. Calling him LIttle Angel (and then immediately going back to The Ball). Abandoning everything to jump after Riz and saving him from falling, doing an athletics roll with a DC of 25 (!!!) to try and safe him. Clutching the unconcious Riz in his sheet and in his arms after saving him until he could get him healed by someone. Giving Riz Bardic Inspriration as soon as he good that feature and surprising Riz with that, because “Oh, that’s why you wrapped me in your sheet, I was concerned for a second”. 

They compliment each other so well, that people who don’t know the Bad Kids enough won’t be able to understand, that sometimes even the other Bad Kids don’t really understand. But Fabian knows (even if he doesn’t say it out loud because toxic masculity may be dead, but that boy has so many more issues to work out than just that) and Riz knows (even if he probably sometimes really thinks that maybe, maybe he did friend-trap Fabian) and that is all these two really need for now.

I can only imagine Fabian calling Riz at the most weirdest hours of the night, maybe to fuck with Riz, maybe as a social experiment to see if Riz slept like at all and maybe because he wanted to talk to Riz. Fabian talking to Riz about killing his father, because Riz also has no dad and now he doesn’t have a dad anymore and it feels weird and Fabian knows that it is different, because Riz was very young when his father died, but if one person could understand even slightly how it feels to loose a dad you love than it is The Ball. 

Maybe someday the Seacaster Manor will feel a bit empty and quiet and while his mother tries and learns from Cathilda, it is not the same. So Fabian gets on the Hangman, no matter the time, and gets to Riz office. Riz will be fully in conspiracy mode and Fabian will probably make fun of him, but in his mind will be glad for the distraction. And Riz will maybe teach Fabian one or two things about investigating, because he really doesn’t want Fabian to ever bite glass again in an effort to be like Riz. 

Riz, the boy with a dad in heaven and Fabian, the boy with a dad in hell. if I wouldn’t know better I would even say Ying and Yang, two sides of the same coin, Best Friends.

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