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5 years ago

The Year of Magical Thinking, Ch. 3

Summary: Francis Sinclair believed Arthur Morgan had not finished living. In a second chance at life, Arthur discovers what it means to love himself.

At the edge of a precipice and nowhere to run, Arthur concedes defeat. In an extraordinary turn of events, he is sent through the ether to another time where his path crosses with a group not too unlike his own family. After discovering the fate of those he loved before, he races to find a way back. But what if he realizes that there is something worth staying for in this new world? Can two people separated by nearly a hundred and twenty years of living find their happily ever after?

AO3 Link (edit: link fixed)

Author’s Note: So sorry for saying that I would post yesterday when I did not. We had some terrible weather ‘round here, and it took me forever to get home last night. Long chapter is long, though. I know y'all are probably like “where is your OFC”? Well, she’ll be introduced in the next chapter, I promise. I should have it posted in a couple of days. Shoutout to TheTiniestTortoise ( @shallow-gravy​ ) who has valiantly offered to beta this story (this chapter was not). Fair warning: I’m seriously going to take you up on this, so be prepared lmao. In the meantime, y'all need to go read “Blackbird’s Song”. It’s a fantastic ArthurxOC take on the RDR2 plot, seriously drop everything and read it! Also, I created a “We Heart It” collection thing where I pin images that inspire me while writing. Just a warning, though: It might spoil some elements of the story. If you don’t want any idea of where I’m taking the plot, do not click here.

Thank you to @tiesthatbind1899​​ (author of Memories of the West - another must read), for the idea. You’re awesome. 

Almost forgot, in this story, Blackwater is Dallas. I read in the wiki that Blackwater was likely modeled after early 20th century Dallas, so I’m running with it. Plus, it’s where I live, and even though most authors can’t agree on whether you should “write what you know”, this is fanfiction, so hell yes I will write what I know…at least in the first few chapters lol. Hope y'all enjoy this chapter, and as always, constructive criticism welcomed and appreciated!

Keep reading

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