Thanks For Sending This I Cackled - Tumblr Posts
I'm at work so thinking of this on the fly and will inevitably word vomit more things later BUT I think mary and roman have picked up each other's little tells just from having known each other so long despire them both being skilled manipulators and LiarsTM to their core. like watching the other give some speech or spiel and just hiding their smirk from the sidelines bc 'i KNOW you only [insert little motion] like that when you are LYING YOUR ASS OFF'
Send a headcanon you have about our muses’ relationship and I’ll tell you if I approve of it or not.

*smacks down stamp of approval*
Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! This is such a perfect headcanon and makes so much sense, especially for the reasons you mention in them having known each other for a long ass time and both being skilled liars and manipulators? It’s probably always been a thing right from the start (mostly because of their parents being such horrible people) and persisted long after Mary became an actress while Roman became a criminal drug lord so yeah, it’s hella entertaining to think that even they’ve both grown up, they’re still able to pick up on these tiny tells and just KNOW when the other’s full of shit. Probably something really obscure that even Batman struggles picking up on. Bruce wasn’t allowed to join the club. While we’re on this topic, I’d like to go back to something you mentioned earlier, specifically about the sibling-like hadcanon I sent to you with them having this really quick back-and-forth with no bullshit about each other? They can’t get anything past each other for the reasons you mentioned as they both know when the other’s lying their ass off so are brutally honest with one another, because you know, friends!