That One - Tumblr Posts
Your style... Their noses- MICS EYELASHES ASUHDOAUSH- They- they're so pretty

hey you sent me an ask about my tmnt uranium pancakes au and I answered it, I’m super happy you wanted to know more about my au but I’m about to change a lot of things and re write it, so I’m deleting the post. I just want thank you for taking interest and that I’m not giving up on my aj, just re working
Oh cool.
But not "cool" like "don't worry about it", "cool" like "omg I'm so excited and intrigued and I totally support any changes you're going to make because making a story takes so many drafts and it's so exhausting, it's crazy".
Also- I'm flattered??? That you thought about telling me. I loved your au the first time, I can't wait to see what you di next
Mis mejores deseos
Idk what's worse, this or that one episode when it's revealed he's not a virgin
in hindsight Johnny Bravo actually had a humiliation kink probably
don't know at what cost though

I am worried
so is everyone stuck here now?
you are not good, Sam
so his grace doesn't regenerate?
"I thought you two were joined at the, everything" you know. you are so right
oh, it's Nick??? how is he alive? I thought he was dead
Jack, don't be so hard on yourself :(
Kelly's parents!!! he's named after her dad :(
how do we know if Dean's telling the truth?
she just threw Dean on top of Sam đź¤
oh, Claire had a crush on Kaia :(((
this isn't just a cold, is it *
* no. no, it is not
PLEASE tell me they do celebrate Halloween in the GOOFIEST way possible
wait, this Bobby had a kid?
Michael's still in Dean, isn't he? somehow
they're together now? and they're taking a break :((( Bobby deserved a break
never change, Jack, never change
and he's in the hospital now
he's wearing Cas' trench coat :((((((
1, what is going on with Dean?? and 2, technically speaking, would he not have some grace left from Michael? could they extract that?
Jack, you're scaring me, please tell me they don't kill you
yeah, Cas, you fucking tell him.
he is not bringing Lucifer back wtaf
he's gone? just like that?
he really was their kid :(((
he's in heaven :((((
tf is that???
the shit from the Empty????
wait, Cas goes to the Empty to save Jack??
and he has a daughter??
Sam, you're supposed to wait
he's so silly
knew Michael wasn't fully out.
this is just a dream, right? this isn't heaven or anything, right?
Jack!!! you have powers again!!
I remember this???? I remember Dean throwing Michael into a closet in his mind??? we never made it this far???
oh, it's a bad thing, nevermind >:( but now Jack gets the disappointed dad™️ talk
Dean, you are concerning me, what are you doing?
wait, I remember the box thing, too?? don't know how it ends, but I remember it and I hate it
omg clowns!!! Sam, you love clowns!!
oh and they fucked with time!! and everything's weird now!
Jack used his powers one time! one! and you mean to tell me he's getting bad again?
jk it's at least twice now
Michael is in Rowena????
Jack can just do that? amazing
yk I love that Cas and Dean are talking about Jack and Sam like they're their children and they're married
"if we cannot remain civil, then you can skedaddle" IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE OH MY GOD THIS IS SO FUN
doesn't Jack hurt Elliot?
no, it's Stacy :((((
the samulet has a pair?! and that one supposedly talks to God?? idk the poeticism of that,,,,,,,,
of course they're trying to bring Lucifer back
yk I was so sure nothing bad would happen in this finale because of Dean and Cas, but I completely forgot to think about Sam and Jack
that was, uh, that was a lot
Jack, what did you do?
wait, did you kill Mary??
and now he's having hallucinations? I am so confused, what is going on
he smote her??? I know it was an accident, but still
Dean. this isn't Cas' fault
I thought the gates to Heaven were closed?
oh, Jack's gonna make more angels?
is the box even gonna work??
yeah, didn't think so
Chuck's back!! and he better help smdh
they're all confused puppies
but one of them has to die?
"I've already lost too much" Sammy :(((( it doesn't even get better :(((((
come on, Chuck
what is this????
so everything they've killed,, they're all back? but tenfold because it's souls from Hell?
is this all of the souls??????
are they zombies?
so we have finished 14 now,,,,,, I am so confused. what was that??? they're acting like zombies, but are they just ghosts?? and is it all the souls?? cause with the amount, it sure seems it. so much has happened this season wtf and now onto avoiding 15 :')))
s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12, s13, s14, s15


please tell me y’all remember within the woods
this is just a little what if scenario because i fr think that whole ep had a lot of potential. like?? no one was really that bothered when Raph turned into a FLOWER??? HELLO???? like c’mon, what if you couldn’t just drain his body back into him???? (idek how that worked) what then??????????
The stupidity OF SOME PEOPLE is beyond my thinking.
Tf you mean walker isn't the perfect percy.. LOOK AT THAT GUY
And Annabeth doesn't have blonde hair...SRS ITS NOT ABOUT THE HAIR COLOR YOU HAVE PROBLEM WITH just admit your racist its not okay

@seidurs suggested i draw sharks in shirts so here they are
The long list of MY favorite platonic prompts
Decided to make my own version of my favorite post on the internet, which lists a ton of platonic prompts (many of which are my favorites, but this list has no repeats of that one)!
mentor/mentee bonding
being forced into a position where they switch roles
one melting into a hug, the other holding them up
ear rubbing
gentle character giving really soft character a back rub
strong character giving really tense character a back rub
emotional, non-romantic confessions of love
shoulder clasps
protecting while falling
reaching for each other while being pulled apart
“I’ve got you!”
calling each other’s name in distress
flustered, trying-to-be-casual interlocking pinkies
usually stoic characters breaking when their partner gets hurt
tsundere-bros not admitting that they care about each other
the anime hand-clasp
doing things in sync (dramatic dual finger-point)
kissing freckles/birthmarks
partner dancing
thumb-rubbing while holding hands
late-night/sleep-deprived conversations
one cradling other’s head
nightmares about losing each other
long, tight reunion hugs after a long seperation
stroking/grooming wings/tails/any non-human limbs
“Don’t ever scare me like that again!”
overdramatic arguments about non-important subjects
one giving the other a makeover
stronger one saving weaker one’s life
weaker one saving stronger one’s life
kid adopting an adult as their parent
sharing food/drinks
getting mistaken as family
getting mistaken as family and not correcting whoever’s mistaken
not noticing love interest(s) because they’re too focused on each other
“I thought I lost you…”
supposed enemies insisting that only they’re allowed to beat each other
fake deaths and all ensuing fluff