Rambling Menace - Tumblr Posts
how ironic is it that Jody basically adopts Sam and Dean and then later adopts Alex and Claire. oh, the similarities between them all
you have Alex, who was a monster when we met her and Sam, who had demon blood in him. Alex was given a group of friends - a boyfriend - by someone who was wronged by her and later tried to kill her. and Sam, who was given a group of friends - a girlfriend - by someone who wanted to keep tabs on him to turn him into something worse. and both of them found this out in front of their loved ones. oh, and they both have something from their past, always coming and biting them in the ass again. oh, they both have school on Monday, too, can't forget that :)
you have Claire, who has so many daddy issues they can rival Dean's. both of their backgrounds are so, so similar, they really are just the same person in different fonts. what, Mary dies so John goes on this huge hunt and changes who he is to find her killer, and Jimmy gets possessed by an angel, leading Amelia to go on this huge hunt to find him and changing who she is as a person? and both John and Amelia die to protect their kid?
idk it's just a little ironic that Jody has these two boys who aren't always in her life, but she has these two girls who are so very similar to them that she does have every day of her life
also, Claire is gay??? if their backstories are so similar, should Dean not also b-(indistinct screaming, cars honking)
had a dream about my sibling, and you mean to tell me I have to go about my day, as though I didn't?

the urge to just,,, skip some pages in this journal to start a new one
everytime I read "little brother," I can only ever hear Pedro Pascal as Joel saying it

isle of dogs dir. wes anderson // take me to church - hozier // i'm your man - mitski // paul revere - noah kahan // bite the hand - boygenius // all my love - noah kahan // moon song - phoebe bridgers // me & my dog - boygenius // letter to an old poet - boygenius // i bet on losing dogs - mitski // saint bernard - lincoln // anything - adrianne lenker // master & a hound - gregory alan isakov // the view between villages - noah kahan // come over - noah kahan
I made a part 2
we did actually wait to finish it!!! and it coincidentally lined up with the beginning of may, so here is the beauty of journal number 7!! I fucking love her

the urge to just,,, skip some pages in this journal to start a new one
I have started commenting on fics now and can I just say I'm kinda obsessed with it? I never know what to write, but I love leaving comments
I am making gifts for everyone in my family and the first one looks so cool already, and I want to post about it, but I cannot because my sister follows me >:(
wait a minute, have we talked about the similarities in Cas' confession in 12x12 and 15x18? cause I feel like they took 12x12's confession and threw more angst into 15x18's
and what if I made a part 2 to my dog lyrics webweave?
well, mom has hers now, and I made her cry, so I guess take that as a warning >:)
I am making gifts for everyone in my family and the first one looks so cool already, and I want to post about it, but I cannot because my sister follows me >:(
is anyone else just filled with an overwhelming grief for a time you can't ever return to?
why must job be so stressful, I want to frolick in a field
bridgerton s3 or biggestmenace birthday?
I have a massive headache and medicine is not helping, I am going to cry
why is it whenever you have a trip coming up, that is the only thing on your mind??? today is my day off, I could be catching up on shows, or doing crafts, or reading, or literally anything!! but I can't, because I have to clean!!!!!! I have to pack!!!!!!
the trip is not for another week.
hey, does anyone want to go to work for me tomorrow? I want to sleep <3
mmm I love me some organizing :)