Thats Real - Tumblr Posts

4 months ago

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*Looks at clock* ooh! it’s time to cry about Beleg CĂșthalion again!

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1 year ago

Nines: Your existence is confusing.

Gavin: How so?

Nines: You’re very annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to you upsets me.

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4 years ago

I think we can all agree that the best part of a video game is the footstep sounds. If a game has v pleasing running and walking sounds I will play. Bonus points if the sound changes depending on what they’re walking on,..,,yeah that’s the good shit

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11 years ago


What do you suppose each doctor would say to someone who was feeling suicidal?

Wow. Let me see.

One: Hold on and keep walking, dear. Faith makes history, hmm.

Two: Life is full of things you can’t even fathom. New wonders are there for you to find! I would hope you wouldn’t miss them.

Three: Let life take its own course, my dear. Even stars burn up in their own time.

Four: Take it slow and think of the good moments. Unless, of course, you want to take it fast. Then think of the good moments while running at gunpoint.

Five: There’s always another way. There is always more love. Be it verb or noun, there is always more love for you.

Six: Oh dear, oh dear! One mustn’t cast off this mortal coil before the sonnet is even written.

Seven: Somewhere out there, there are worlds that ache for your feet to touch them. Not only worlds. Universes. At that, there are also towns, cities, countries that would mourn for their lack of your footfall.

Eight: We all feel like giving up sometimes. What a cliché, eh? But it is certainly the truth. You will pull yourself up from this crash and you will spit blood at the universe.

Nine: How long have you lived? No, don’t answer. “Not long enough,” is the answer.

Ten: So you feel small, insignificant? Ah, but you’re a giant. You have to be — to go through what you’ve gone through. To feel what you’ve felt.

Eleven: Right now, the bad may outweigh the good. But you can’t forget the good. Laugh, because you deserve it. Don’t tell me you don’t. You can handle this. Live. You deserve it. You owe it to yourself.

Twelve (so far): You’ll know how to fly this thing eventually.

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