THATS SICK!!!! - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago


Okay so first since @darken-hollow asked, I’m going to be talking about the ‘curse’/‘blessing’ au.

Link to where I first give a small description of it

“Cursed au - everyone is a being that represents a ‘curse’ or a ‘blessing’ of sorts. They’re all represented by a mark on their body, and their physical features also sorta represent their curse or blessing. No one knows who’s holding them back though.”

So, first off, a curse or blessing could be practically anything, like for example with curses, it could go ranging from something like gluttony (something like either needing to attain things like that, wine, etc, or being physically able to last longer without them/not being able to do it), one of the seven deadly sins, to something super simple like not being able to swear. Literally could range from anything, and technically there’s nothing separating ‘curses’ and ‘blessings’… since they all depend on how you look at it.

Their features will somewhat resemble that curse or blessing, and you can tell if someone is ‘cursed’ or ‘blessed’ one way by seeing a certain mark on their body that somewhat resembles a tattoo. The mark/symbol varies from curse to curse, and how the person got it.

Like things that can affect how your curse/blessing is seen aka how the mark shows:

being gifted it/having it put on you

‘Earning’ it, though there is a difference between earning it unjustly or justly. I’ll explain that more another time…

If it was ‘given’ to you by someone— who gave it and why

Now, being given a curse or earning it is very complicated. Because earning it could range from a trial to ‘being seen as fit for it’.

The curses and blessings are only really separated by the social system, as in, what their so society deems a ‘blessing’ or ‘curse’, good or bad.

There are only certain and very limited amounts of people that can give or- hell- even make curses/blessings. No one quite knows where they come from.

Some people know exactly how they got their ability, while others just wake up one day with limits or less limits, and a mark on their body they don’t remember before. Most people just have them though, sometimes even as a child, some things are even familial and passed down through generations.

That’s a bit on it, might update later but I’m doing school work :p

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8 months ago

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1 year ago

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5 months ago

(different anon) that was in toki pona

Cool! I had to look that up cause I’ve never heard of it lol, this is what my translator said when I put it in:

(different Anon) That Was In Toki Pona

So obviously it didn’t translate lol

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1 year ago

apparently people are now purchasing thick water to make slimes with because of a trend on tiktok

thick water is for disabled people who can’t swallow properly. stores usually have extremely limited supplies of it.

please don’t buy thick water for fun or to make slime with. it’s literally the only way some disabled people can drink anything. It’s not a fucking toy

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