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Stylish-fish - Fish' Hellpit (rouxls Kaard Enthusiast) - Tumblr Blog
not from the top of my head no... i'm way too passive of a hater, i enjoy some media, see a ship i don't like, dwell in my hatred for a moment and move on. can't think about anything i genuinely and passionately hate
"do i ship it" chart but its pure hatred instead. do i hate seeing those bitches together
fake ass pathetic man liker i bet you dont even fantasize about pushing him down stairs and making him cry
trick or treat !!

remember the one ep in the horse show where fluttershy is forced into a tornado. to suck the water up. horse tornado.
"do i ship it" chart but its pure hatred instead. do i hate seeing those bitches together
the kingqueenkaard polycule is absolutely hilarious in canon context cause like. you’re a powerful king and your bitch wife left you with a kid. so you get into a situationship with the kingdom’s hottest loser malewife twink and it works out for a while. until the dreaded Heroes of Legend show up, turn your kingdom against you and throw you in jail, and your idiot partner divorces you as well and gets custody of your kid. next thing you know he’s attempting to get together with your ex-wife to try and make you jealous, although she’s not into it at the moment. unfortunately for you it seems like his pathetic wetbaggedness is starting to charm her a little, or at the very least you saw him in her room with a lampshade on his head. so, that’s something.

brain rotting about how fucked it is to be a darkner again lately. how do you care about being abandoned by your gods if they never seemed to care that much about you in the first place
furry haters piss me off like for sure fuck these fun creative and inspired chill people because i think theyre weird. i just saw art of an anthro wolf that is also a fridge and it had fridge magnets on it and its tail was a bag of ice it was fucking awesome
hey! there's zero esims left for the connecting gaza campaign as of today. i remember you promoting them earlier. could you give them a much needed boost?
oh dang! unfamiliar with that particular campaign, as I always donate via crips for e-sims because it's super easy to do, but regardless let's go people!

doodles from class. berdly has strangely been on my mind lately
bonus neuron under cut

Just today I got to see a chess book that I remember reading as a little kid. While it didn't give me a lifelong passion for chess, it did give me a lifelong passion for fantasy for its artwork.
The book is "Chess for Young Beginners" from 1975, and here's some of the artwork:

Like, this artwork goes hard. I especially appreciate the colour scheme for the black pieces, with its browns, bronzes, reds and oranges.

This artwork is amazing, evocative, exciting and dramatic. I recommend giving it a look if you have a chance - you can probably scrounge up a PDF of this thing with a bit of searching.
Today is october 7th officially marking 365 days, 1 year, of the most well recorded genocide in history; of an occupation of a people which has been ongoing for 76 years. An entire year of constant israeli bombardment. Hundreds of thousands killed and missing. All the while, the people with the most power to stop the genocide continue to support and defend the politicians carrying out the slaughter.
Yet, it is also a year since the Palestinian resistance definitively proved to the world that israel is not only not the all-knowing state entity many believed nor that they were invincible or undefeatable. Over the course of the year, the resistance and its allies in Lebanon and Yemen have handed out defeats to not just israel but the west lead by the united states as well proving that those institutions and militaries are not invincible.
In israel itself, tens of thousands of bsuinesses are closing or have closed; its ports are under blockade; the settlers are fighting amongst themselves or leaving; it is a settler colony beginning to buckle under the simultaneousforces of its internal contradictions and of the Palestinian resistance. No doubt the struggle for liberation and against settler colonialism will continue until all the contradictions are resolved just as it were it rhodesia and south africa.
May we see a free Palestine in our lifetimes.
So who is ready to crash a streaming site through sheer numbers this october 18 watching The Edge of Sleep? WE ARE.
might illustrate that weird fucked up dream i had about noelle deltarune last night but i dunno if i have enough time/energy. probably gonna do it someday soon stay tuned
When you see a really good post but there’s some form of guilt tripping to reblog it added on at the end

(ID: A screenshot of Marge from the Simpsons looking dismally at the camera with one arm raised. A caption underneath her reads “It’s true, but I’m not reblogging it.” End ID)
I think we're too harsh on medieval painters because this is legitimately what some poodle mixes look like

would it be funny if every "rouxls kaard x any utdr adult" ship was simultaneously true. he quit being the king's evil henchman slash boytoy after he was overthrown and put in jail to pursue the exact same career path with the queen instead. and can't forget to attempt to get together with your soon-to-be overlord slash lover's head butler as well, even though, or perhaps because, said butler absolutely hates your guts. oh yeah, and there was that fling with the court jester too where they both ended up hating each other, even though the jester wasn't even nearly that insane back then. and during his cyber world trip, he might also have formed a deep meaningful connection with that one weird desperate salesman in the dumpster and maybe kissed him as well. and wouldn't it be cool if he somehow ended up in a mirror universe and met a fabulous sexy robot tv star, who was apparently a human-extermination machine and in charge of like 80% of the entertainment there, so, close enough to being an evil ruler — at least compared to the land's ACTUAL ruler. rouxls kaard somehow manages to be the biggest slut in the dark world despite his negative twelve charisma and swagless bitchless demeanor. that's something.

as if anything could go wrong on christmas eve