The Anarchist - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I can't donate atm, but it seems like a great place! I wish there was something more similar to this where I live but I'm in the epitome of Red State. So yeah.

Perhaps the funniest thing that could have happened lately was that this anticapitalist cafe and community space near my place was shutting down near the end of May - but because so many Texas and Florida conservatives celebrated it online, the place got a huge donation to keep operating

Perhaps The Funniest Thing That Could Have Happened Lately Was That This Anticapitalist Cafe And Community
Perhaps The Funniest Thing That Could Have Happened Lately Was That This Anticapitalist Cafe And Community

It's a great place. It functions mostly like a regular cafe but it has this free/pay what you want drip coffee for anyone who wants it, free bathroom use, and it stocks indie merch and books on antifascist, queer, leftist, socialist, indigenous topics. I've met a lot of awesome people there.

Perhaps The Funniest Thing That Could Have Happened Lately Was That This Anticapitalist Cafe And Community
Perhaps The Funniest Thing That Could Have Happened Lately Was That This Anticapitalist Cafe And Community

Its very existence enrages conservatives, and anarchocapitalists who tried to claim it only to be shown the middle finger by its anticapitalist owner, who is an all around nice dude (and a fellow Elden Ring fan)

If you can toss a coin to its continued operation, please do! Upon request from their followers on insta they opened a Gofundme. Even just a few dollars will be a huge help.

Help The Anarchist Coffee Shop!, organized by Gabriel Sims-Fewer
Our tiny business is constantly struggling to keep the lights on, let alone grow i… Gabriel Sims-Fewer needs your support for Help The Anar

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