The Bad Sanses - Tumblr Posts
The bad guys having a small moment in bed together because of a bad day for Killer.
Like one where Killer is going through one of his episodes where his soul fluctuates all weird and fucked, and it leaves him to just lie in bed and decay.
It was never something he could control on his own- a crushing feeling he's always lived with that only had gotten worse after his transformafion into... Well, whatever the hell he is now.
Certainly not monster.
Not human either.
Something else entirely.
And wasn't that just something?
Cross is the first to check up on him because he wasn't there to kick down his door first thing in the morning, and he gets worried easily.
He sees Killer curled up on his side and stalls at the door, unsure of what to make of what he's seeing. His teammate, the ball of chaos that he is, is so eerily still and small. His shoulders are hunched in on himself and his eyes look emptier than they usually do. Gross puddles of black are dripping down from his mattress, and he can't help but hold back a face of disgust.
But, Cross knew a thing or two about awful no-good, very bad days. So, he would simply close the door behind him and quietly walk over to Killer's bed. He'd crawl on in with Killer (after quietly asking for permission, of course) and settle down with him. Maybe press his back to Killer's.
Remind him that he's there.
He's not alone.
No words would be exchanged- they both aren't the best when it comes to this sort of thing anyways. But that's okay. They have each other.
Horror would be second. Probably would check on them after they skipped lunch. He'd have both of their plates in hand when he nudges the door open, maybe would take a moment to look the situation over.
He'd quietly set the food down on Killer's night stand and then settle down beside the bed. He'd fold his arms on the side of the mattress and pat Killer's leg, asking quietly if he's alright.
Horror would wait patiently for Killer to find his words- find his bearings. Cross would listen to.
Dust would stumble upon them third, unnerved by the silence of the castle. He'd see everyone huddled together and slip in unnoticed.
When he settles down at the foot of the bed, though, he'd probably be pulled into the small cuddle pile on the bed.
Killer would probably be a little more responsive by then, and would have dragged Horror onto the bed too.
Nightmare would be last.
Although I'd suspect he was probably there the entire time: sitting in the shadows and watching from afar. Unsure if the best course of action would be to reach out and take care of it, or to let Killer sort through his feelings himself.
He wouldn't emerge until nightfall, when the whole crew would be fast asleep in their cuddle pile.
Then, and only then, would be reach out to quietly pet each of their heads.
Ballerina Bad Sanses Doodles.

Idk why I did that, but it was funny so whatever
(Nootmare belong to Jokublog,
Dust belong to Ask-dustale,
Killer belong to Rahafwabas,
Horror belong to Horrortalecomic,
Cross belong to Jakei95.)

Killer belong to rahafwabas
Horror belong to horrortalecomic
Dust belong to ask-dustale

It's late, I spend 4 hours on this, my arm hurts cuz I was in the worst position imaginable, doesn't worth it Nightmare belong to the luxurious @jokublog .

I like cookies- and testing things Killer!Sans belong to the amazing @rahafwabas .

I named this "Dustyyyhhh", kill me- oh and never ending testing art style, but I really like drawing on color palets Dust!Sans belong to the wonderful @ask-dusttale .

Emotional roller coaster
Horror!Sans belong to horrortalecomic
Killer!Sans belong to rahafwabas
Dust!Sans belong to ask-dustale
Nightmare belong to jokublog

Idiotic absolute mess
Killer!Sans belong to Rahafwabas
Nightmare and Dream belong to jokublog
Cross belong ro jakei95
Dust!Sans belong to ask-dustale
Error belong to loverofpiggies
Horror!Sans belong to horroralecomic
Ink belong to comyet
Swap!Sans belong UTAUs community

Shht, let him amuse himself while he can ;) Redraw of this
Killer!Sans belong to the amazing @/rahafwabas . The red eye belong to Horror

ms paint doodle Horror!Sans belong to horrortalecomics Nightmare belong to jokublog

Dust!Sans belong to ask-dustale
Killer!Sans belong to rahafwabas
Nightmare belong to jokublog
The trash belong to me

Nightmare belong to jokublog
Error belong to loverofpiggies
Killer!Sans belong to rahafwabas
Dust!Sans belong to ask-dustale
Horror!Sans belong to horrortalecomic

I love my history teacher, but...
...oh fuck.
Nightmare and Dream belong to jokublog
Error, Fresh and Geno!Sans (badly represented) belong to loverofpiggies
FatalError!Sans belong to xedamon
Ink belong to comyet
Cross belong to jakei95
Killer!Sans belong to rahafwabas
Horror!Sans belong to horrortalecomic
Dust!Sans belong to ask-dustale
Outer!Sans belong to 2mi127
Wingless belong to hheisa
Slash belong to itsxroxannex
SoulEater!Sans belong to se-sans (The placement was random I swear)
Swap!Sans and Fell!Sans belong to UTAUs community
Sans belong to King Toby Fox

Me too
Killer!Sans belong to rahafwabas
Dust!Sans belong to ask-dustale

Killer!Sans belong to rahafwabas
Horror!Sans belong to horrortalecomic

More sausages
Shiny bitch belong to me

Besties be like
Dust!Sans belong to ask-dustale
Killer!Sans belong to rahafwabas

I'm pretty sure it's Killer who made that mess
Horror!Sans belong to horrortalecomic
Killer!Sans belong to rahafwabas
Dust!Sans belong to ask-dustale
Error belong to loverofpiggies
Nightmare and Dream belong to jokublog
Ink belong to comyet
Cross belong to Jakei95
Swap!Sans belong to the UTAUs community

Kitty kitty doodles
Nightmare belong to jokublog
Killer!Sans belong to rahafwabas
Dust!Sans belong to ask-dustale
Horror!Sans belong to horrortalecomic

Favourite friendship dynamic (me and my bestie) (I am Killer) (mayday)
Killer!Sans belong to rahafwabas
Dust!Sans belong to ask-dustale

He is so funny to draw-
Nightmare belong to the luxurious @jokublog

Happy family
Nightmare belong to jokublog
Error belong to loverofpiggies
Killer!Sans belong to rahafwabas
Dust!Sans belong to ask-dustale
Horror!Sans belong to horrortalecomic